Help me to understand why this 48 page document shouldn't be sent by certified mail to EVERY attorney general in the U.S.? Wouldn't that technically allow ALL physicians to prescribe? It seems to me, a non attorney, that this research provides clear evidence that ALL physicians are legally free to prescribe ivermectin and other FDA approved off label medicines.

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I read through that pdf document a few months back, it is outstanding about repurposed generic medications, ivermectin, HCQ, and others, and how the physician-patient relationship is important and the state HHS or health dept. cannot sanction a physician or prevent them from caring for patients.

The person who asked the Atty General, the head of their state HHS, was attempting to prevent any physician from prescribing any early treatment meds, or face penalties, license suspension, etc.

I encourage you to download the file to save, read, and share. Some time ago I started files on the computer and online drive to keep all those odds and ends so I can share folders and files with others and find various items.

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Bill would make it easier to obtain ivermectin in New Hampshire

Some lawmakers hope to allow pharmacists to dispense ivermectin by means of standing orders


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"...retribution can come from not just their state medical boards, but can also come from:

Their employer, local hospitals where they have privileges, the local community..."

Pretty much, "Mean Girls" have taken over our health care and legal systems. If you disagree with them, life as you know it, IS OVER. Years of medical training and experience suddenly dissolve, and without any type of trial, you are labeled a criminal.

No one should have that much power over a free people.

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Someone who worked at j&J posted the ingredients for the shot:

I" helped make one of the vaccines. I can tell you the ingredients: Recombinant, replication-incompetent adenovirus vector with coding for the SARS-CoV-2 s-protein, citric acid, sodium citrate, ethanol, hydroxypropyl cyclodextrin, polysorbate-80, and sodium chloride."


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That is an incomplete list. The vaccine is contaminated with human proteins and bovine proteins. The adenovirus is grown on human retinal (PER.C6) cells that are in turn grown using fetal calf serum based media. It is a process similar to the adenovirus based AstraZeneca vaccine. These contaminants cause the clotting autoimmune disorders.

Process-related impurities in the ChAdOx1 nCov-19 vaccine



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Those may be the ingredients that that worker knows about, but which batch was it from?

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You helped make one of the vaccines? How well do you sleep at night?

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If that's legit, then Twitter is so going to drop a dime on that person.

Twitter is a cop. A Security Guard. Twitter is a mall cop for power.

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As it should be! The weaponized medical boards are unacceptable.

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Is this correct???


The economic cost of the lockdowns has been huge. The number of lives lost to the lockdowns has been enormous. Here we estimate the number of United States lives lost to the lockdowns during the year 2020. Below are the weekly non-covid deaths for 2019 and 2020 (from late March) as recorded by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).


2019 NON-COVID 2020



3/23 57094 59209 3/21

3/30 56675 63007 3/28

4/6 56598 72274 4/4

4/13 55491 79070 4/11

4/20 54468 76786 4/18

4/27 53656 73900 4/25

5/4 53987 69285 5/2

5/11 53478 66800 5/9

5/18 53578 64468 5/16

5/25 53695 61612 5/23

6/1 52727 59653 5/30

6/8 53141 58892 6/6

6/15 52646 58005 6/13

6/22 52290 57983 6/20

6/29 52209 58498 6/27

7/6 52344 59804 7/4

7/13 51931 61927 7/11

7/20 51649 63154 7/18

7/27 51662 64232 7/25

8/3 51410 64220 8/1

8/10 51747 63696 8/8

8/17 51023 63670 8/15

8/24 51022 62543 8/22

8/31 51162 61087 8/29

9/7 51836 60230 9/5

9/14 51633 59641 9/12

9/21 51757 59718 9/19

9/28 52757 60590 9/26

10/5 52564 59775 10/3

10/12 53090 61752 10/10

10/19 54338 60611 10/17

10/26 54049 62159 10/24

11/2 54087 63392 10/31

11/9 55699 67537 11/7

11/16 55886 68791 11/14

11/23 56199 71629 11/21

11/30 55465 73261 11/28

12/7 57303 77376 12/5

12/14 57658 81952 12/12

12/21 57424 82864 12/19

12/28 58458 84314 12/26


2,205,886 2,699,367


Each date is a Saturday.

The second column is the number of non-covid deaths for the week (in 2019) ending on the date in the first column.

The third column is the number of non-covid deaths for the week (in 2020) ending on the date in the fourth column.

The non-covid death numbers for 2019 are just the usual morbidity numbers (covid played no part here).

The 2020 non-covid death numbers are as provided by the CDC here.

The last row is the totals of the columns 2 and 3.

Some deaths in Dec 2020 will be vaccine related.

From this one can conclude that the 2020 lockdowns caused around 2,699,367 - 2,205,886 = 493,481 extra deaths in the U.S.

From preearth.net/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=1184

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Just When You Thought Things Could Not Get Any Worse… ‘Bare Shelves Biden’ Bans Unvaccinated Truckers from Mexico and Canada into the US


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The US truckers need to do a convoy similar to the one going on in Canada right now. Shut down these rabid governments.

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I feel like *they are actually trying to start the ultra-violence.

*they=Biden's Weekend at Bernies Corpse Minders

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To follow up on the Houston doctor, Mary Bowden, she is suing the hospital that revoked he privileges because she was prescribing ivermectin. She is seeking information on adverse events following vaccines and on financial information from the hospital, information she has not been able to obtain even though by law the hospital was supposed to provide it. Is this something that could be expanded across the country, like a class action, or some kind of mass litigation? It would really break things open.

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I love that woman. She is steely.

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Yet a softy at heart.

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This is not about Nebraska, but about a brave Houston doctor who is stnading up for medical freedom. Very inspiring: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hm0QA5myK-Q

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Looking forward to see the day Steve takes on batching.


I have lots of popcorn to eat.

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The truth will out

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Children's Health Defense, thehighwire.com will stream the protest

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Does anyone know of a website that will air video coverage of anti-mandate rally from d.c. tomorrow?

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You are right to ask as I bet the alphabet soup networks will avoid it at all costs (unless infiltrators provoke a riot). Both the Epoch Times and ChildrensHealthDefense.org (RFK Jr.'s site) advertise that they will air it. I'm almost positive thehighwire.com will air it too, although I can't find anything advertising it currently. But Del Bigtree will be speaking, so they're sure to air it as well. Some great options for viewing!

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Could RT televise?

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Again, I'm not sure this is the best place to link this, but it is somewhat related. I have been thinking a lot about the losses of freedom Americans (and many others globally) have endured under the "COVID" narrative. Recovering damages has been a priority in my thinking as many people have been so damaged as to make recovery nearly impossible without some recompense. I have been considering the possibility of lawsuits for deprivation of rights under color of law, but I just recalled this EO (Executive Order) from Trump in December, 2017: https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-blocking-property-persons-involved-serious-human-rights-abuse-corruption/

What various people are doing such as the Nebraska AG are very welcome. I am glad doctors will be able to treat patients using their clinical judgment. However, many, many people have been physically and economically damaged by the 'pandemic' public policy actions. I think we need to help people recover AND provide lasting deterrent to similar schemes. People who, while in office, used their position to deny others their civil rights should find their personal assets at risk, in my opinion. (If there was a RICO type conspiracy that introduces a whole new level, doesn't it?)

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This is all on that traitor trump and pence. They both inked OWS.


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RICO statutes provide for treble damages!

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It's all part of a worldwide treasonous conspiracy to overthrow multiple national governments. A Nuremberg-level trial is warranted, with the guilty punished by death or long imprisonment, and stripping of assets.

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Want to know why Boris Johnson and the UK have initiated complete shut down of the vaccine mandates ?


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Besides the well-publicized case number, I'm not convinced it's actually a case "in progress" yet.

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Well, Tom, can you answer me this ? Why do you think Boris Johnson and the UK have taken the recent action to eliminate all the MANDATES related to the Vaccines and SARS-COV-2. Have you seen the protests around the globe today ?


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Sadly, the Common Law Courts have no Jurisdiction or punitive power. The International Criminal Court has an application to hear this, as the English police and judiciary have refused to do so.

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Possibly this (from "Conspirators Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300" by Dr. John Coleman)

"One of the main techniques for breaking morale through a strategy of terror consists in exactly this tactic--keep the person hazy as to where he stands and just what he may expect. In addition, if frequent vacillations between severe disciplinary measures and promises of good treatment together with the spreading of contradictory news, make the cognitive structure of this situation utterly unclear, then the individual may cease even to know a particular plan would lead toward or away from his goal. Under these conditions even those individuals who have definite goals and are ready to take risks are paralyzed by severe inner conflict in regard to what to do."

You're not out of the woods till Boris and his cohorts are all arrested and in jail.

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Have you heard the testimony before US Senator Ron Johnson's Committee that was presented this week ? DOD DATA ON VACCINE SIDE EFFECTS ?

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This is good news .... hope the other states follow this example... keep up the Amazing work Steve 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

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