Genius.... Your work is not going unnoticed sir. My hope and prayer is that every young couple reviews this information before they decide to allow the CARTEL to decide for them.

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Has Steve Kirsch posted anything on the meningitis vaccine? I have a child who is being pushed to receive one and I would like to get some information on that specific vaccine.

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I found this using


"Vaccine adverse events can happen many years later. Vaccines can kill people many years later. One father lost his 20 year old daughter to a seizure caused by a meningitis vaccine given to her when she was a small child. "


There's also this book which may help: https://www.amazon.com/Millers-Review-Critical-Vaccine-Studies/dp/188121740X

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I was scrolling to look but didn’t see it must have missed it. Thanks

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In response to a person who wrote in abt exemptions, Cali only has medical now. Did away with philosophical and religious about 8 years ago. Doctors of osteopathy may be willing to write a letter on your behalf. But it is harder and harder with out true reason. There are vaccination lawyers state by state. Many work on this issue pro bono. Maybe head to a farmers market where a Kennedy table is set up and talk to folks in person there. Some may be knowledgeable and have referrals for u. There is one in Los Altos today 4-8!

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There is no compulsion to vaccinate children in UK - never has been. No school asks for proof of vaccination and no child has ever been excluded from school over vaccination in UK - so far at least.

When I moved to USA 2004-2008 I was extremely shocked to learn that schools compelled this - as I had always believed that medical compulsion was completely illegal.

Nevertheless vast majority of UK babies are anyway jabbed with ever increasing numbers of substances - most parents don't think about it and just consent to whatever drs tell them. Also I think many parents are given the impression it is compulsory even though it isn't- when they receive message from GP/NHS asking to bring the child for jabs, they perceive it as an authority figure. But hopefully that is changing now that a lot of people were woken up by the harms of past 4 years.

As regards USA - forget about "informed" consent - what about simply "consent"? It is obviously impossible to give consent under conditions of coercion - I assumed all medical students get taught that in undergrad medical ethics 101... hence this seems completely against all basic laws snd fundamental medical ethics established norms. Additionally - if the vaccines actually work - then why would the vaccinated children be at risk due to the unvaccinated children?

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Do medical schools have such a course? If so, it seems to be honored in the breach. The textbook was published in 1803. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2488117/pdf/provmedsurgj00357-0011.pdf

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Thank you very much indeed for the link to this fascinating 1800s article! Super interesting. [I don't know exactly what type of instruction in ethics is given to modern medical students - but surely (?) they must have at least a brief lecture somewhere about this..... ?? Maybe they don't... After past 4 years I've reached a state where nothing much can surprise me - my naieve beliefs about accepted societal norms and laws were shattered so many times that there is nothing much left to break...]

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63 years ago I attended my uncle's medical graduation ceremony. I don't recall the wording, but pretty sure it included the Hippocratic Oath. Since then I'd heard it had been watered down or replaced. Do no harm seems to have gone by the boards along with surgery and abortion. In fact, I did not pursue medical school because I was too squeamish to do surgery.

Ethics seems to get about as much attention as statistics. (Nod to Steve Kirsch who is always calling these medicrats out on statistical abuses.) Just guessing, but if they have medical ethics at all, it's all about following institutional review boards; their training (if any) to be provided under separate auspices. Probably a bunch of bureaucratese.

Most medical doctors seem to have about the same ethics as L. Ron Hubbard's bankers and lawyers, possibly even his psychlos. I've taught chem lab to premeds!

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I think it is a farce that leftists claim Quebec, or any other jurisdiction, did not mandate the COVID-19 vaccine yet required such vaccination to obtain nonessential services which are our most common societal activities, and then pressure society at large to ostracize the unvaccinated.

You have a sentence fragment in the article: “For example, about 5% of people don’t seroconvert even if they are vaccinated, so we can e”. Can you elaborate on that thought?

My 19 yr old son is autistic and has significant, but not disabling, learning deficits mostly in language decoding common to high functioning ASD (Aspergers). School is not easy for him and he can frequently be considered gullible. For comparison his older siblings are very capable engineers. Given the facts presented here and your earlier articles, and seeing the risk of death so very low as being inconsequential, we would have likely passed on at least MMR vaccination given proper informed consent and mitigating alternatives.

Indeed, we live in an unethical society governed by the corrupt and unethical authorities, and we are cared for by an unethical and corrupt healthcare system.

I will never take another vaccine ever again for the remainder of my life.

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from NY Post today:

"A top adviser at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) deleted records critical to uncovering the origins of COVID-19 — and used a “secret back channel” to help Dr. Anthony Fauci and a federal grantee that funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China, evade transparency.

"NIH senior adviser Dr. David Morens improperly conducted official government business from his private email account and solicited help from the NIH’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) office to dodge records requests, according to emails revealed in a memo by the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, which The Post obtained Wednesday.

"“[I] learned from our foia [sic] lady here how to make emails disappear after I am foia’d [sic] but before the search starts,” Morens wrote in a Feb. 24, 2021, email. “Plus I deleted most of those earlier emails after sending them to gmail [sic].”"

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hi folks be aware theres a petition at citizengo.org your last chance to stop the uns pandemic treaty-the 3 million petition..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world..it currently has over 2,215000 signatures

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There is a lawmaker named Sen. Ron Johnson who is talking about all of them.

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The covid scam opened my eyes! Not only are ALL jabs suspect but the entire human race is suspect...

My observation.

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"it's only Measles" - a line from a Doctor on a 1990 episode of the long running Australian medical soap opera "A Country Practice"

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The scientists can't explain why the rates were going down before the vaccines came out. Could it be that we pass down the immunity to our children? Our bodies are truly miraculous and so programed for life that it would make sense that it would pass the immunity to our offspring. Our vast amount of "junk genes" is probably the years of ancestor acquired immunity. The only explanation for why some people died and some didn't, from very bad illnesses, years ago when they lived in very close quarters (walled cities) is genetics.

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Steve, think you meant your title to read "Near 0 deaths per year from measles... (not MMR)

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The choice, measles deaths or autism, is false. Any child who dies of measles these days most likely has a doctor who no longer knows how to look after a child with measles.

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Even when they say it's gone through its EXPERIMENTAL TRIALS and PASSED, you can never believe they didn't cheat the findings - in unison with FDA & CDC. Unjabbed Mick.

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I would suspect that there may well be more extreme examples of vaccine reactions than Autism. It would not surprise me that a deeper dive into the circumstances involved in SIDS deaths would reveal a vaccine or multiple vaccines given shortly before those deaths, MMR being one of the components in some or most cases.

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Nearly all SIDS deaths are post-vaxx; almost none (possibly zero) pre-vaxx.

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