To prevent infection of SARS-CoV-2, increasing IgA RBD mucosal antibodies is necessary. The COVID shots DECIMATED these key protective antibodies. Nobody noticed! WTF is going on?
Dr Marain LAderoute is a researcher who has looked intently at multiple arms of immune response and how they are regulated up and down by SARS CoV2 and "vaccine products". I recall her discussing mucosal IgA response suppression, and can't recall exactly where, but his is a good overview by her.
Not that I know of. It is indeed a spectacular result.
This whole covidian thing, from the beginning, was such a crap magic show, all about confusing and distracting people. It's no wonder such a paper went unnoticed until now.
Thank you for noticing, and for analyzing it, and for reporting on it.
There is a very strong correlation between the 5th booster shot in Australia and people dying with Covid immediately after the roll-out based on official data. It is so obvious and there is no other explanation for the sudden rise in Covid deaths than the vaccine. This correlation between the boosters and immediate waves of Covid deaths can be seen in all booster roll-outs in Australia. I wrote this as a submission for the Excess Death Enquiry in Australia but missed the dead line. Not that it mattered - they ignored and didn't upload most of the submissions blaming the vaccine. For what it worth:
I advised my friends in Australia NOT to take the shots. I received responses like: "I don't want to hear that data--stop sending me that information"; or the popular "I am trusting the science" we know that there was NO SCIENCE TO TRUST...EVERYONE WAS LIED TO. I tried to warn people but they refused to listen. I pray for healing for everyone.
Never have understood why friends and family wouldn’t listen to one’s that care about their wellbeing, but will listen to people that don’t give a flip about them.
Maybe brainwashed, indoctrination, group think etc. ???
Its the media, there's a reason why their information campaign is primarily fear driven. No individual can compete with such relentless assault.
As early as 2020, I was already warning my family and those who are dear that the government will force everybody to take the poison shots and to refuse them vehemently.
Unfortunately, my project requires me to work.on site and when I returned home in 2021 (bcuz I resigned) I learned they all took the shot. I wanted to kill someone at that moment.
I don't even have the heart to tell them about all these people who died. Seems utterly pointless now to make them worry about these BS. What for? The jab is irreversible. Just pray nothing happens and enjoy the time we still have together.
I understand completely where you are coming from.
My personal stories are very similar to yours. Very few listened to my warnings and now some of my friends and family members are dead or are suffering from side effects. Some connected the dots but unfortunately most did not.
I agree with your last paragraph and have done and feel the same way.
I appreciate you sharing your story as it reminds me again that there are so many people out there with stories similar to our own.
I honestly do not know how they're going to take all these revelations post poison shot rollout. I can't imagine living the rest of your life knowing everything could end at any given moment. I don't want that in their heads. And since nobody knows for sure, I decided to not risk it. I'm just gonna be extra vigilant from here on in.
He is great, I like him a lot although I'm not sure he's always right. He posts a lot on LinkedIn, which just censored one of his posts, taking a lot of heat from medical-establishment people who sometimes get pretty nasty with him but he never reacts in kind, he's always a gentleman.
Unfortunately, 4 years into this s$&@ show and all the doctors I work with are either utterly clueless about the actual danger of the covid shots or they are willfully silent so as not to be outcast from their profession. The situation is dire if the powers that be try this again.
I don't know if they're being ironic when they say "spectacular results" from the article. Let me know if your paragraph in the Nature link exactly above the material and methods corresponds to what I copied below. I say this because I have evidence that Google translators change the sentence in such a way as to invert the meaning of the result. This may also be happening in the results of the article that arrive in Brazil, even before translating.
"In summary, we provide evidence that anti-Spike SIgA are induced and maintained in the saliva of approximately 30% of mRNA vaccinated participants and that high anti-Spike/RBD serum IgA levels are associated with protection against subsequent breakthrough infection. Intranasal (i.n.) adenoviral-based vaccines that robustly induce anti-Spike/RBD IgA have been shown to prevent transmission in golden hamsters23. Moreover, a SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine i.m. prime followed by an adenoviral i.n. boost provides superior protection against infection compared to i.m. only regimes, even against divergent variants such as B.1.1.351 (beta)24. Our data suggest that an i.m. prime followed by i.n. boost strategy is worth considering for preventing person-to-person transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and for broad protection against emerging variants."
Saw a reporter saying RFK is spreading conspiracy theories about vaccines being harmful. How do we get data and robust scientific studies shared to everyone? since the mainstream media will not. And most people are too busy surviving or distracted to take the time to check things out for themselves. So they just listen, trust and accept what the pharmaceutical advertising mainstream media tell them.
"Of course, the authors didn’t notice. Nothing in the abstract about this finding.
Nobody in the medical community noticed.
Nobody in the mainstream media or the medical media noticed it either.
And, AFAIK, nobody in the anti-vaccine community noticed as well."
And now that it's been pointed out, I'll bet the journal will magically start having dubious problems with something about the paper and will retract it ASAP thereafter.
It’s gotten to the point where I’ll trust a “conspiracy theory” before “science”. Glad I dug in my heals and convinced my husband and his family that this was a bad shot. Only wish my parents, aunts, uncles and cousins had listened. My brother and I were the only ones that said no. The number of people dying “suddenly” or “unexpectedly” is the pandemic now.
I got this memo from the Almighty - it destroys your natural immunity! So yes, you will get Covid easily. Now lets be honest here - drop that stupid BS word and state it as it truly is...the flu and a severe one at that! Its seems like 90% of the population fell for the so called Covid fake. Covid - 19 - split up Co = Corona the normal bug that gives you a cold or virus. Vid = short for Virus 19 = the year it turned up! No not really, the common cold has been around for centuries, and when severe enough to become the flu - then its the start of pandemic. So what happened? C-19 had 5 cases ONLY in one country and it was slated as a Global Pandemic. Oh for Pete's sake the men who exaggerated the truth, get it out of your ass, it's use is for urinating. I have been following this since 2018 and have videos and texts on this BS spread over 5 x 4 - 6 Gb Externals. The rat was off in 2018, then it was seen dead in early 2019, then it rose from the dead mid 2019.
Subterfuge is the word that comes to mind. Preceeded by a smorgasbord of propaganda. A little something for every impressionable fool. I warned everyone I know. Stayed up all night many times, downloading and researching so that i may alert those that I loved dearly, and those within reach, friend or foe. All to no avail, they all took the vaccines. Rational, logical, sound minded adults went against their better judgment and did it. They did it because they were afraid. Those who stirred up the fear should be held accountable as well. If you disagree, just wait. There's more death's to this poison still to come. This is just getting started. God help us all.
Millions dead and billions more to come. You made Millions and didn't take any shots. That's why you don't give a fuck. Sheep will only follow , they will never find the right way out the maze.
Very early on I was listening to Dr. Ryan Cole, a pathologist who noticed increases in positive cancer biopsies. I don’t know what study he was referencing, but he said the vaccine turns off your innate immune system (the guardian of our biome that goes around killing cancer cells all the time), so you could not produce the neccessary antibodies to fight covid, relying only on the toxic spike protein to target Covid. It reminded me of those new Boeing planes that went down because the MCAST system would ignore the pilot and keep going “nose down”, causing the plane to crash. After the Covid shot, our bodies turned off our immune system’s “pilot" and made everyone go “nose down”, our immune system was essentially turned off. I didn’t take the vaccine but I was around enough vaxxed to get shed on which really pisses me off.
Has anyone else pointed out this paper before? It's a spectacular result.
Dr Marain LAderoute is a researcher who has looked intently at multiple arms of immune response and how they are regulated up and down by SARS CoV2 and "vaccine products". I recall her discussing mucosal IgA response suppression, and can't recall exactly where, but his is a good overview by her.
Dr. Laderoute responds, I might add.
Not that I know of. It is indeed a spectacular result.
This whole covidian thing, from the beginning, was such a crap magic show, all about confusing and distracting people. It's no wonder such a paper went unnoticed until now.
Thank you for noticing, and for analyzing it, and for reporting on it.
Steve - a great follow up article to this would be highlighting the IgG charts in this paper. Very telling also.
There is a very strong correlation between the 5th booster shot in Australia and people dying with Covid immediately after the roll-out based on official data. It is so obvious and there is no other explanation for the sudden rise in Covid deaths than the vaccine. This correlation between the boosters and immediate waves of Covid deaths can be seen in all booster roll-outs in Australia. I wrote this as a submission for the Excess Death Enquiry in Australia but missed the dead line. Not that it mattered - they ignored and didn't upload most of the submissions blaming the vaccine. For what it worth:
I advised my friends in Australia NOT to take the shots. I received responses like: "I don't want to hear that data--stop sending me that information"; or the popular "I am trusting the science" we know that there was NO SCIENCE TO TRUST...EVERYONE WAS LIED TO. I tried to warn people but they refused to listen. I pray for healing for everyone.
Same with my friends and family in the USA.
Never have understood why friends and family wouldn’t listen to one’s that care about their wellbeing, but will listen to people that don’t give a flip about them.
Maybe brainwashed, indoctrination, group think etc. ???
Its the media, there's a reason why their information campaign is primarily fear driven. No individual can compete with such relentless assault.
As early as 2020, I was already warning my family and those who are dear that the government will force everybody to take the poison shots and to refuse them vehemently.
Unfortunately, my project requires me to work.on site and when I returned home in 2021 (bcuz I resigned) I learned they all took the shot. I wanted to kill someone at that moment.
I don't even have the heart to tell them about all these people who died. Seems utterly pointless now to make them worry about these BS. What for? The jab is irreversible. Just pray nothing happens and enjoy the time we still have together.
I understand completely where you are coming from.
My personal stories are very similar to yours. Very few listened to my warnings and now some of my friends and family members are dead or are suffering from side effects. Some connected the dots but unfortunately most did not.
I agree with your last paragraph and have done and feel the same way.
I appreciate you sharing your story as it reminds me again that there are so many people out there with stories similar to our own.
I honestly do not know how they're going to take all these revelations post poison shot rollout. I can't imagine living the rest of your life knowing everything could end at any given moment. I don't want that in their heads. And since nobody knows for sure, I decided to not risk it. I'm just gonna be extra vigilant from here on in.
My brother is finally off all boosters or at least that's what he tells me.
" I am trusting the science" would be a good epitaph on their tombstones.
Well, there ya have it! Good find.
It looks like a chart that has been cited by Dr. Philip McMillan in a few of his videos but I’m not sure it’s the same one.
He's great, I'm surprised YT hasn't kicked him off.
He is great, I like him a lot although I'm not sure he's always right. He posts a lot on LinkedIn, which just censored one of his posts, taking a lot of heat from medical-establishment people who sometimes get pretty nasty with him but he never reacts in kind, he's always a gentleman.
And how about these?
Unfortunately, 4 years into this s$&@ show and all the doctors I work with are either utterly clueless about the actual danger of the covid shots or they are willfully silent so as not to be outcast from their profession. The situation is dire if the powers that be try this again.
Dear Steve.
I don't know if they're being ironic when they say "spectacular results" from the article. Let me know if your paragraph in the Nature link exactly above the material and methods corresponds to what I copied below. I say this because I have evidence that Google translators change the sentence in such a way as to invert the meaning of the result. This may also be happening in the results of the article that arrive in Brazil, even before translating.
"In summary, we provide evidence that anti-Spike SIgA are induced and maintained in the saliva of approximately 30% of mRNA vaccinated participants and that high anti-Spike/RBD serum IgA levels are associated with protection against subsequent breakthrough infection. Intranasal (i.n.) adenoviral-based vaccines that robustly induce anti-Spike/RBD IgA have been shown to prevent transmission in golden hamsters23. Moreover, a SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine i.m. prime followed by an adenoviral i.n. boost provides superior protection against infection compared to i.m. only regimes, even against divergent variants such as B.1.1.351 (beta)24. Our data suggest that an i.m. prime followed by i.n. boost strategy is worth considering for preventing person-to-person transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and for broad protection against emerging variants."
Just wondering something about this. Sorry if it has been asked or answered previously. if anyone knows can they help educate me please?
Why is a jab (blood stream) impacting (temporarily increasing) mucosal antibodies?
We all knew it!!
Saw a reporter saying RFK is spreading conspiracy theories about vaccines being harmful. How do we get data and robust scientific studies shared to everyone? since the mainstream media will not. And most people are too busy surviving or distracted to take the time to check things out for themselves. So they just listen, trust and accept what the pharmaceutical advertising mainstream media tell them.
"Of course, the authors didn’t notice. Nothing in the abstract about this finding.
Nobody in the medical community noticed.
Nobody in the mainstream media or the medical media noticed it either.
And, AFAIK, nobody in the anti-vaccine community noticed as well."
And now that it's been pointed out, I'll bet the journal will magically start having dubious problems with something about the paper and will retract it ASAP thereafter.
It’s gotten to the point where I’ll trust a “conspiracy theory” before “science”. Glad I dug in my heals and convinced my husband and his family that this was a bad shot. Only wish my parents, aunts, uncles and cousins had listened. My brother and I were the only ones that said no. The number of people dying “suddenly” or “unexpectedly” is the pandemic now.
What happens to these level 6 months out, 1 year out? It would be nice to know!
Excellent catch Steve!
FDA Advances Bill Gates’ ‘Replicon’ mRNA Bird Flu ‘Vaccine’
I got this memo from the Almighty - it destroys your natural immunity! So yes, you will get Covid easily. Now lets be honest here - drop that stupid BS word and state it as it truly is...the flu and a severe one at that! Its seems like 90% of the population fell for the so called Covid fake. Covid - 19 - split up Co = Corona the normal bug that gives you a cold or virus. Vid = short for Virus 19 = the year it turned up! No not really, the common cold has been around for centuries, and when severe enough to become the flu - then its the start of pandemic. So what happened? C-19 had 5 cases ONLY in one country and it was slated as a Global Pandemic. Oh for Pete's sake the men who exaggerated the truth, get it out of your ass, it's use is for urinating. I have been following this since 2018 and have videos and texts on this BS spread over 5 x 4 - 6 Gb Externals. The rat was off in 2018, then it was seen dead in early 2019, then it rose from the dead mid 2019.
Subterfuge is the word that comes to mind. Preceeded by a smorgasbord of propaganda. A little something for every impressionable fool. I warned everyone I know. Stayed up all night many times, downloading and researching so that i may alert those that I loved dearly, and those within reach, friend or foe. All to no avail, they all took the vaccines. Rational, logical, sound minded adults went against their better judgment and did it. They did it because they were afraid. Those who stirred up the fear should be held accountable as well. If you disagree, just wait. There's more death's to this poison still to come. This is just getting started. God help us all.
Millions dead and billions more to come. You made Millions and didn't take any shots. That's why you don't give a fuck. Sheep will only follow , they will never find the right way out the maze.
Very early on I was listening to Dr. Ryan Cole, a pathologist who noticed increases in positive cancer biopsies. I don’t know what study he was referencing, but he said the vaccine turns off your innate immune system (the guardian of our biome that goes around killing cancer cells all the time), so you could not produce the neccessary antibodies to fight covid, relying only on the toxic spike protein to target Covid. It reminded me of those new Boeing planes that went down because the MCAST system would ignore the pilot and keep going “nose down”, causing the plane to crash. After the Covid shot, our bodies turned off our immune system’s “pilot" and made everyone go “nose down”, our immune system was essentially turned off. I didn’t take the vaccine but I was around enough vaxxed to get shed on which really pisses me off.