I hope you have body guards or at least body armor. Why aren’t there ten thousand of you speaking this truth? My twin sister and I changed from normal happy kids to Asperger’s symptom self exiled outcasts at the same time. We are both extremely intelligent but the vax put us in a box. It hurts to see everyone around us and not be able to feel like we belong. I know the vax destroyed our core social abilities. Steve I love that you are being such an amazing spokesman and warrior. This genocide has to stop.

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I think we should try to inform our loved ones, neighbors and friends. I have not had any success with Rand Paul, Thomas Massie, Joe Ladapo and others.

The FDA reported that injecting children with the Pfizer injection injures them. Page 38 of the FDA Briefing Document states it increased the risk of severe COVID six-fold in children. https://www.fda.gov/media/159195/download

The FDA approved Pfizer injections for adults even though page 23 of the adult Pfizer study showed that the injections increased deaths by 23%. https://www.fda.gov/media/151733/download

The FDA knows exactly what they are doing to adults and children. This is deliberate democide by the criminal US government.

The life expectancy of Americans has fallen from 79 to 76 years. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-62740249'

These premature deaths are the result of the twin bioweapons, (COVID and the lethal injections), developed by the US military. https://rumble.com/v2qcune-dr.-david-martin-tells-eu-parliament-covid-19-was-an-act-of-biological-warf.html

They are targeting the working age population.


This poor man died before he could make it to his honeymoon.


The morticians know what is going on, even if the doctors are clueless.


SARS-1 vaccines were tested on animals that died when exposed to SARS-1.





If SARS-2 is 80% similar to SARS-1, and you were injected with a SARS-2 “vaccine”, do you think you will do better than a lab animal? I hope so.

Dr. Burkhart showed how these lethal injections kill.


Watch these healthy young athletes die on video and know that there will be videos of children falling dead playing sports.


The FDA, CDC, CIA, DOD, IRS, US Supreme Court, Trump, Biden, Rand Paul, Thomas Massie, DeSantis, Ron Johnson etc are not going to stop this.

Do you understand? No one is coming to save you. You are on your own.

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Steve, you threw everything, including the kitchen sink at this guy. It's almost an impossible task to respond to your challenge. Offering four to six papers to refute may have gotten a better response because it would have been an easier, and more realistic challenge.

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I' m suspicious that perhaps Mr Kirsch was not actually expecting a response, but was rather, hoping against incredible odds, that maybe, just maybe, he would get a response. But in the chance that no response is received, there sits the information for all to see. Thank you Steve, well done.

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I agree. A doctor attempting to inform busy people, especially other physicians, should know that brevity is best.

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I'm fairly quick witted. Argue well and quickly spot logical flaws when debating. The gift of gab. I could 'win' a debate and be wrong on the technical merits, if my 'opponent' was not glib and quick on repartee.

So I can sympathize scientists not wishing an in person too and fro, and prefer a stately procession of written responses, carefully considered. Nothing wrong with that. We aren't all trial lawyers or salesmen.

Our host accepts both; I respect that and agree. But many here associate lack of willingness to engage in direct debate as showing weakness in position. It is not clear to me that the two are intrinsically related.

I see from the other thread the whole thing has petered out. I recommend B Bridles post below as some valuable background nonetheless.

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Thanks Steve. Only way to make these vax damage deniers would be a Cricket/Baseball Bat, vigorously applied to the back of their fool skulls.

Long watch but an horrendous indictment of Baby & Infant vaccine damage.


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Dearest Lord, America once a great & learned country, has descended into lunacy. Good job Steve in continuing to unveil these cowards & fakes.

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Hi Steve,

I share your frustrations about these 'experts' that fail to engage in discussions about tough questions in ways that meet the rigorous standards of science. What you have done is shone a spotlight on the heavy personal bias that Dr. Jonathan Howard has. He will make definitive claims on topics at the periphery of his expertise but then retreat into the areas of his deep expertise when challenged to properly defend his statements. Clearly, Dr. Jonathan Howard is not a person with deep expertise in the area of vaccine safety.

The strategy being used by Dr. Jonathan Howard and many others is that they try to argue that publicly discussing 'misinformation' can ultimately increase its dissemination and appear to legitimize it. This is known as the "backfire effect". I have been doing a lot of research into the so-called 'science' of 'misinformation' and have found that people like Jonathan are NOT following their own science by avoiding public discourse on challenging subjects. Here is a very important high-quality peer-reviewed published paper that addresses the misconception of the backfire effect...

Schmid P, Betsch C. Effective strategies for rebutting science denialism in public discussions. Nat Hum Behav. 2019 Sep;3(9):931-939. doi: 10.1038/s41562-019-0632-4. Epub 2019 Jun 24. PMID: 31235861.

Here is a link to it...


...this was heavily promoted by the 'misinformation gurus' at the beginning of the declared pandemic, but now they don't want anyone to know about it. This paper makes a strong argument that the proper way to rebut ‘misinformation’ is in public discussions. It also proves that concerns about the so-called ‘backfire effect’ are invalid. In fact, when it comes to fighting misinformation, the authors of this paper conclude, “not turning up to the discussion at all seems to result in the worst effect.”

This is my proposed golden rule for the new ‘science’ of ‘misinformation’:

No person shall accuse another to have disseminated misinformation until a public, respectful, moderated debate has definitively proven that the accused is wrong.

And its corollary:

No person can legitimately be accused of disseminating misinformation if the accuser is unwilling to debate them in public.

These facts need to be shared with Dr. Peter Hotez in the context of his recent cowardice with respect to accusing RFK Jr. but then being completely unwilling to back it up by clearly demonstrating that he has the overall weight of the acceptable-quality primary scientific data on his side. Maybe someone here has the contact information for Joe Rogan, so he can place the paper cited above in front of Dr. Hotez???

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Well spoken.

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I was calling it the "Theory Of Legitimization" in my mind and it makes no logical sense in the case of Vaccine Safety Research Foundation. This is not due to a paper but just common sense as I see it. Steve Kirsch testifies in legislature and has national conferences and discussions with many doctors, scientists, lawyers, injury victims and politicians as do other members on the VSRF board and allies. Their combined knowledge represents massive legitimacy.

At this point; the "legitimate" doctors are living in the past (in their minds.) Before 2020 they had some dignity and respect. That's mostly gone now. They can't "legitimize" dissenting views.

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It’s called CYA and keep the paycheck coming in at all cost to the injured and dead.

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That’s a fantastic post, Dr B. 😎

We both know it’s pretty upsetting & offensive to be accused of “spreading misinformation” (ie lying).

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great comment dr. Bridle, TQ. however, while I understand the corollary, I don't quite understand your formulation of the 'golden rule' above it....?

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That's genius. Seriously. Thanks. Super cool it was written in 2019.

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It's very quiet in your office Steve - No messages coming back - so nothing to report as responses from those that still pretend to believe in the Covid farce, deadly injections they call 'vaccines', the WEF and New World Order, the now corrupted WHO and the honesty of our mutual governments. These people that accept DEADLY VAX MAKERS cannot share responsibility for injuries caused by their 'Profitable cures'.

Malnutrition vaccines! (You couldn't make it up!) Apparently predicted by slimeball Hotez for the impending famine that the NWO have planned next for us unworthy humans!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer.

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Steve, to be really fair, he probably does not feel like he can call himself expert on anything except the things he has specifically researched. Some people just can't think quickly or outside of their chosen domains (like autists). I don't think that's an issue, but he really wants to debate you on what he has written rather than what others have written.

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He will not respond other than with snarky comebacks based on manifest lies. He thinks he IS "science".

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Hand waving retorts are classic black magic.

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Keep posting truth on this topic finally I am getting through to my liberal 40 something co workers in public education!

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"The alt group uses military terminology: a bioweapon, we are at war. "

Do you think this is not so?

“Excess” deaths are also abundant, as if only non-excess deaths were acceptable.

No, non-excess deaths are UNAVOIDABLE -- *Life is a sexually transmitted terminal disease*: WE ALL DIE! "Excess" deaths makes it clear (to those with brains -- and not paid off/suborned!) that this is a large number of deaths ABOVE what would be normal! Normal folks can GET that!

"trying to calculate financial fraud coexisting with other morbidities"

Do you feel that providing the financial fraud, the INSANE costs and losses, will NOT reach some of the normal folks? Do you not know anyone who owns a biz? Who is sweating everyday because not ONLY are supplies, when available, more expensive -- or NOT available -- and the shipping costs have gone way up -- and sometimes the shipping chain has huge gaps! The FINANCIAL news is hugely important to those of use who need parts, components, ways to send product to customers and distributors. (Ask me how I know. {grim frown})

"All substacks combined are worthless, unnecessary and not needed in this respect."

1. Disagree ENTIRELY!! (Some) people DO read, especially the people just beginning to wake up and look around. The ones who are doing the work of TRYING to get through to the normal folks are benefitting mightily from the data and info and explanations IN our substacks! Where ELSE would we keep getting updated? How much more work would we need to do to find out the latest horrors?

2. We on the frontlines need to be shown, see, and KNOW, over and over, that we are NOT alone. Everyone else on our side has not died or retreated. Singing 'war songs' together helps keep up morale; it helps form camaraderie, it helps those faltering or falling into hopelessness by providing a supportive hand. The long lines of comments -- even when snarky -- help lone wolves know there IS a pack out there!

"The only group you may want to reach is “they”. Which is impossible by definition, obviously. Or a game lost, as you can see from ALL interactions with “them”."

ALSO wrong! Where do you think the newly awakened COME from? Outer space? Under some rock somewhere? (Well, THAT might be likely...) Maybe you have not tried -- or not had any success -- reaching the shotshotboosted (God knows, I cannot reach my own family!); but I HAVE reached others! (My LAWN guy, of all folks! And his wife. Neighbor-couple up the street with shot kids. I will NOT stop -- because NEW people need some help finding where the rabbit trail begins, and which one will most likely suit their own interests.

"“Training device”? Tell it to the families of those who died or who are injured for life."

Did you not follow my point? If Steve gets one of our enemies to debate him -- the "enemy" is the training device. The AUDIENCE are the students! The debate is the CLASSROOM!

Why do you think this has anything to do with harmed families?! Except that, often the injury or death makes them look up and around and ask "why why why?! And HOW?!" Having a place to go, people to watch or ask, INFORMATION to help the injured or to give direction to the bereft, will NOT solve the grief and pain; it MAY help the recovery. Or do you just want to cast/leave them adrift and pay no more attention, because "never be restored"? As a (12-yr-ago) widow, with a sister who became a poison-vaxx widow several months ago, do you believe *I* cannot provide help or sympathy or merely a warm hug to those in pain? Should I just forget they exist?

(Or are you so worn down from the fight that you no longer have the resources and strength to wade back into the pain? If so, GO TAKE A REST! Go take care of yourself, get some sun and good food and what pleasures suit you. When you come back, if you can come back, then find the 'helping path' that doesn't wear you down, or stop before then. )

And: Yes really! Pushing debates, and videos, and substacks, and talks in a bar, and sympathy with resources, and 'loud' arguments on forae and and and and.... There IS no "in the meantime"! We are being attacked on EVERY front, which means we must fight back on EVERY front! If you can't or don't want to deal with the grief and pain of the injured or bereft, maybe pick the battle to awaken folks -- or try to get pols to act -- about stopping WEF or WHO or food farm destruction or or or... many many paths (please no: NOT proving viruses don't exist, not yet!)

Small example: I used to be Medical Affairs Director and crew chief for an ambulance corps. I LOVED the adrenaline rush of walking into an accident scene where folks were lost, upset, hurt, and didn't know what to do.... Because *I* walked in knowing what to do (sounds weird, but it was FUN! Like puzzle solving...).

Friends were amazed though, when they said I should go become a nurse or a doctor and I would (metaphorically) run screaming! I was comfortable, and pretty good if I do say so myself, at reassuring the injured and their friends or family, and stabilizing whatever injuries, and 'packing' the injured to get them to the ER. Where I could DUMP THEM and never have to pay attention to "how were they going to go on?" or "How could they live without an arm?" Or "were they going to survive?" You couldn't PAY me to be a nurse or an ER (esp.) doc because my responsibilities began at the scene and ENDED in the ER! That was as much as I could handle without dismay and depression.

Triage is a skill. I have it. In this current "accident" (that isn't one) we need the 'crew' to work first on the bleeding and dying. (Hence my continued objection to trying to force the "viruses don't exist" work till later! That's like trying to treat prostate cancer (slow growing) while the patient is bleeding out from his artery tear (fast!)!) But, if a 'crew' member is worn out, then letting them sit around the group and keep trying to tell us we can't fix anything, people will STILL have accidents, and it's hopeless there's no point... nope -- OUT you go! (Go pick flowers or sing songs or eat ice cream, you know?)

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The truth is always harder to deny in print.

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