You gotta love the brutal irony of the CDC's statement that side effects following vaccination have nothing to do WITH vaccination, when, were they at all honest, the most they could honestly have said, is that "a small proportion of these adverse events may be presumed to have a coincidental origin manifesting after vaccination, and NOT THIS sorry sweeping, wilful misdirection. Shameful. That they WILL CONTINUE to push this crock and kill, damage and maim MORE people, even KNOWING that this IS what they're doing, is just shameful, & they should ALL be making an acquaintance with the gallow's pole for what they have done, & ARE STILL doing.

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Best was TURTLES tweet!!! That will create incentive to read it. ❤️

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Thanks Steve. I removed twitter from my system as it was just swamping me with totally useless bs tweets.

I understand that folk like your good self who have some following & traction on there do have an outlet that's positive.

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Clearly, facts do not matter to the government.

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It has become increasingly clear, through this disaster, that just as they have almost no idea what evidence is, or what good evidence VS poor evidence is, they have very little understanding of facts. The main things on their minds appear to be how to advance their own wealth, power and status whilst avoiding any blame. I would not allow them to change the oil in my car - lest they destroy it for ever - let alone run a world wide "vaccination" program for a virus that killed almost nobody. We need a total purge. New constitutional protections. The end of political parties. Truly free speech. The end to the lobby system. Full financial transparency and accountability at all levels. A literacy test for elected representatives. Rules about scuttling out of debating chambers when members say things you do not like. I could go on and on and on ....you know

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A Rampage on Twitter?

How about a Rampage that tears down the instituions, organizations, banks, governments that allow such crimes to transpire.

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Assertions are not necessarily facts. People need to learn that evidence is the only safe guard of reality. Saying something doesnt make it a fact. The CDC expects people to accept their assertions as facts without any proof what so ever. Them being the government they rely on their authority to make them 'right'. PU.

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Steve, the only reason I said no is the fact that I don't do Twitter and have no plans to start now. But I would be interested in seeing it on your substack.

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Steve, you have been trying to get big whigs to debate you, tried to get ahold of the CDC, and no luck. Maybe you are going about this the wrong way-maybe you need to contact some of these parents who lost a child. If you were going to offer money for debates, maybe offer to pay for autopsies. If a parent found out the shot killed their precious child, maybe that would do more good than anything else. Just a thought. Thank you for all you do.

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Love your style Steve! Keep on pushing and fighting.

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To be fair, most parents are working full time and juggling child rearing. It’s a struggle. They don’t have the luxury of time to investigate major issues as others do. Hence, they are vulnerable to govt propaganda. So let’s not be too tough on them.

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Raising children should be the #1 priority for all parents. They made that commitment bringing them into this world. I am tired of hearing ‘too busy’ or ‘struggles’ which every person has to a large degree and yes, it takes time to research the healthiest options for families - a major issue. Steve has provided his audience with overwhelming data. Its time to stop accepting complacency as an excuse.

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Everyone needs to read Turtles all the Way Down so we as a society we can get more leverage to force Pharma to do more correct studies. It is one of my favorite books.

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Steve, I was told by one of the doctors I saw when I was diagnosed with breast cancer in April of 2022 that based on the size of my tumor, it had likely been growing for 10 mos to 1 year. That coincides exactly to when I got the Pfizer Covid vax in April and May of 2021. A vaccine I never wanted to get but did so because my company (Takeda Pharmaceuticals) mandated it ! There is no history of cancer in my family! I believe that the vax negatively affected my immune system which then allowed cancer cells to grow. I recently reported my breast cancer on the VAERS website. I’m sure I’ll never hear back from them or know for sure. I’ve asked all of my doctors at Fox Chase Cancer Center if they are looking at the rate of breast cancer diagnosis and any correlation or causation from being Covid vaxed. They have all told me they are unaware of any such research being done.

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If I were you I would go on an anti-parasitic med. I am not in the medical field, but I believe some of the shots had parasites in it and that can cause cancer to grow. I think Dr. Lee Merritt has a protocol of how to do anti-parasitic med.

Dr. Lee Merritt to get rid of parasites, Try maybe to get your hands on ivermetin, or Panacur. https://rumble.com/v1pd6x9-dr-lee-merritt-parasite-protocol-the-new-parasite-paradigm-october-20th-202.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=2

Also try Dr. Robert Morse at drmorsetv.com You have to sign in his site. He is more of a holistic doctor. https://drmorse.tv/video/are-you-vaccinated/comment-page-1/#comment-2584

Also look for the DVD Forbidden Cures, (again though I am not in the medical field, so I don't know much, just my own research), : Canadian nurse Rene Caisse with her herbal Essiac mixture, Stnislaw Burzynski regarding peptides/antineoplastons, and Harry M. Hoxsey. The government authorities shut down 17 Hoxsey clinics in one day. It is said Fishbein (govt authority? ) admitted in court that Hoxsey did cure cancer, and Max Gerson. The FDA didn't really like Max Gerson, but I guess it was harder to shut down Max Gerson as I think he advocated a change of diet. Then there was vitamin B-17, Laetrile cure (Apricot nut, apple seeds, cherry seeds, peach nut, or bitter almonds), look for Chris Beats Cancer book that talks about Vitamin B-17, William Lane with shark cartilege, mistle toe (viscum album), and Dr. Simoncini said he cured his own cancer with sodium bicarbonate. Also the Budwig Diet. None of this has been welcomed with open arms by the FDA.. None of this deserved in depth studies by our government to see if it would help save the lives of cancer patients as Big Pharma would lose money if these cures became standard treatment.

I believe Dr. Akbar Khan is currently fighting for the right to market his cancer cure of. Dichloroacetate or DCA . He also believes there is a much safer way to administer chemo so it isn't so toxic called SEF Chemo but of course that isn't allowed. https://rumble.com/v28nqx2-doctors-license-revoked-for-providing-alternative-cancer-treatment.html

Vitamin B-17 (Laetrile) https://rumble.com/v2kheee-was-a-potential-new-cancer-treatment-covered-up-endevr-documentary.html

THC has been known to help fight cancer too.

Look into Ralph W. Moss and a book called The Cancer Industry, and book A World without Cancer.

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Turtles all the way down is irrefutable just like “a farewell to virology is irrefutable”

Eventually you’ll see the underlying reason vaccines are totally unnecessary is that there are not “viruses”.


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This subject always comes up. Steve is not going to entertain the no virus theory. I keep an open mind and would love a fair debate on the subject- and some of Dr. Sam Baileys arguments are very compelling. In the end -viruses or no viruses, nobody is injecting me with any so-called vaccine-ever again.

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I'm curious if the new flu shot is mrna? I have not had a flu shot in 20 years. I suspect I had influenza the last year I had a flu shot. Was a nurse at a regional hospital in Colorado. Even though masks don't prevent virus spread the hospital forced unvaccinated nurses and other staff to wear masks. Doctors were exempt. I refused the flu shot and also refused the mask as I had asthma. I was threatened with termination. I cited the Americans with Disabilities Act and they backed off.

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This should answer your question, but more important, you said “…masks don’t stop virus spread…”

Ok this just doesn’t get old, so I’ll ask you the same thing everyone must be asked: what makes you think “viruses” exist at all? Please think before responding, and if you care to defend “virus” then do it by providing the scientific experiment that has ever demonstrated the existence of “virus.” When you cannot find one, it will be alright to realize “viruses” have never been proven, therefore no need to worry about masks failing to prevent transmission of an illusion. But here’s your answer about mRNA flu shots.


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I was referring to a discussion with my old employer years ago when I was certain viruses were real. If you read my above post, it may provide clarification.

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My apology if I misunderstood…I thought you were saying masks don’t prevent transmission. I understand you refused the flu shots though. We need more people like you who stand their ground for bodily sovereignty! I did not see another post, but I think I get your position now. Thank you.

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Off topic but on my mind:

I can only hope that you spend some time enjoying your life.

We mortals are provided with such a relatively short time to indulge ourselves in our Beautiful, Rich & Awesome Planet complemented by the special beings that make up the fabric and texture of our daily life.

Please be sure to

"Seize the Day" 🌹

That's all we have at any given moment

Alas, take comfort in knowing:

The 'evil beings' will eventually have to "pay the piper"......and it sure ain't gonna be pretty ‼️

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I use a screen reader to access your Substack‘s. Unfortunately, my screen reader did not read the Tweets. This is probably because they were photographs. I do follow you on Twitter, so I can catch many of them. If there is a way to publish things in a more accessible form, I would very much appreciate it. I enjoy your work.

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