Glad to not have heard of any false flags or trumped up arrests at the stop the mandates January 2022. I think it was Einstein who described insanity as doing the same things over and expecting different results. I consider it madness to do the same things over and over when the same results are apparent. Just saying.
Glad to not have heard of any false flags or trumped up arrests at the stop the mandates January 2022. I think it was Einstein who described insanity as doing the same things over and expecting different results. I consider it madness to do the same things over and over when the same results are apparent. Just saying.
Glad to not have heard of any false flags or trumped up arrests at the stop the mandates January 2022. I think it was Einstein who described insanity as doing the same things over and expecting different results. I consider it madness to do the same things over and over when the same results are apparent. Just saying.