My secret plan to expose the harms created by vaccines
The evidence is very clear: the CDC lied, people died. We need let people know the truth.
Executive summary
Many highly respected doctors and other experts are now willing to speak out about the dangers of the COVID vaccine and other vaccines.
It’s time to give these voices broader distribution.
What if we raised $100M from the medical community to fund a massive coordinated national PR campaign to expose the truth about what the medical authorities have been telling people?
The idea
Create a series of ads and deploy on radio, TV. billboards, print, and online.
Each ad would address a single topic.
The narrator of each ad would be a recognized expert on the topic. The expert can speak to the medical literature, personal experience, expert opinion, emotion, etc.
We start off with just a few short crisp clear ads, e.g., exposing the fact that the COVID vaccines provide no benefit citing a paper in JAMA, and see how that goes and simply add more over time.
Topics, which will be audience tested to see which are the most effective, might include:
Is the COVID vaccine safe?
Is the COVID vaccine effective?
Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo has called for an end to the use of COVID-19 mRNA shots. Other authorities recommend them. What are the key arguments on both sides? And why isn’t there a public debate on this?
Should you vaccinate your child with any vaccines? Which one(s)?
How can you evaluate statements by health authorities in the future?
How many people have been injured or killed by the COVID vaccine?
Is sudden death caused by the COVID vaccine?
Should the COVID vaccine be stopped?
Is liability protection in the public’s interest?
What is the science behind the 6 foot rule?
Can N95 or surgical masks stop a virus? (e.g., do a bear spray video to show visually how ludicrous this advice is)
Did lockdowns help or hurt?
Do vaccines cause autism?
Could vaccines be causing the rise in gender orientation issues or other personality changes? How strong is the evidence?
Is censorship the right way to deal with dissent?
Is it time to no longer trust the medical community?
Does the CDC deserve our trust?
Did the CDC order their own scientists to destroy all evidence linking autism and vaccines?
Why hasn’t the NIH ever funded a study comparing health outcomes of the vaccinated vs. unvaccinated?
What was the rationale given by members of Congress to kill a bill that would have required the NIH to do a vaxxed-unvaxxed study?
Why did the CDC abruptly cut off access to public health databases by researcher Brian Hooker?
Was Andrew Wakefield telling the truth about the MMR vaccine and autism? (Having Wakefield himself do this ad would be awesome)
Why are the world’s top experts on autism admitting that vaccines cause autism?
Why did Congressman Bill Posey change his mind about having CDC scientist William Thompson testify in Congress?
Is there a link between vaccines and gender issues? Depression? ADHD? Chronic disease?
Why are so many people going to 10X as many funerals as they were before the COVID shots rolled out?
Are more people dying suddenly or is it because people are more aware?
What does the Health New Zealand record-level reveal about the safety of the COVID vaccine and why won’t they talk about it?
Statistics from the Santa Clara Dept of public health show that vaccinated get more COVID. Why is this agency ghosting all inquiries about this?
In addressing any of these issues, there are at least two basic approaches and we should try all of them and see which are the most effective. Different people are persuaded in different ways so this is never a one size fits all approach if you want maximum reach. Some people trust authority figures, others want to validate the data themselves, and others can be reached with an emotional appeal. Two of the most obvious approaches are:
Examine a question objectively and provide the evidence on both sides (we seek out experts with opposing views) so that the public can hear the best evidence from both sides so they can make up their minds on the issue. So the ad is just a teaser to get engagement into a very short educational video that presents both arguments
Provide an expert point of view explaining how people were misled directly in the ad, e.g., a 30-second X or TV ad featuring a qualified expert explaining why the vaccines don’t protect against hospitalization and citing evidence from the peer-reviewed literature. For example, we could have 20 of the world’s top autism researchers admit that vaccines cause autism but they would allow us to tell you that; we are sorry we didn’t tell you earlier.
There will be a website which would contain:
High quality background/additional information on each ad topic including more in depth videos like the one in this excellent article:
The list of people in the medical community funding the campaign
A directory of doctors who treat the COVID vaccine injured
A directory of lawyers and their COVID specialties
Today, we are largely talking to our own echo chambers.
If we really want to move the needle, we need to message people in a way that works for them.
This proposal is one way to do this.
Is there a better way?
Steve, how about a campaign to reinstate liability for manufacturers? That’s all it would take to end all of this. Simple.
Steve, as the administrator of two "Worldwide Embalmer Blood Clot Surveys" and one "Cath Lab Worker Blood Clot Survey," one of the things that disgusts me the most, and which should be brought to the attention of every American, is the COWARDICE of 99.9% of FUNERAL DIRECTORS and EMBALMERS, and CATH LAB WORKERS (VASCULAR SURGEONS, CARDIOLOGISTS, RADIOLOGISTS, ETC.) who KNEW that the Covid-19 jabs were causing horrific blood clotting in both the living and the dead, YET THEY DID NOTHING ABOUT IT AND JUST STAYED SILENT DURING 3 YEARS OF CARNAGE.
I would LOVE to see a billboard SHAMING these professions along with their national, regional, and state professional "associations" who purposely declined to participate in my surveys in order to hide the deadly truth of these horrendous "clot shots!" Shame on every last one of them who stayed silent and took a paycheck while they watched both the young and the old die with these blood clots for more than 3 years! They could have stopped this carnage in 2021 if they had any guts or conscience at all.