The article said: "The vaccinated population accounted for 95% of all COVID-19 deaths between January and May 2023. Despite 30% of the UK population remaining unvaccinated, vaccinated individuals disproportionately suffered."
However unvaccinated people are underrepresented in the ONS dataset for mortality by vaccination status, so in Jan…
The article said: "The vaccinated population accounted for 95% of all COVID-19 deaths between January and May 2023. Despite 30% of the UK population remaining unvaccinated, vaccinated individuals disproportionately suffered."
However unvaccinated people are underrepresented in the ONS dataset for mortality by vaccination status, so in January to May of 2023 unvaccinated people accounted for only about 15.5% of total person-years: `t=fread("");t[ed==9&month%like%2023&cause=="All causes"&age=="Total"&status%like%"accin",sum(pop),status]`. In the elderly age groups which account for most deaths the percentage was even lower, so for example in ages 80-89 it was only about 2.2%.
Unvaccinated people were also much younger than vaccinated people, so during the first 5 months of 2023, the average monhtly COVID ASMR per 100,000 person-years was about 86 in unvaccinated people but about 43 in vaccinated people: `t[ed==9&month%like%2023&cause=="Deaths involving COVID-19"&age=="Total"&status%like%"accin",mean(asmr),status]`.
I calculated an age-standardized hospitalization rate by vaccination status in the Czech Republic here: In March 2021 the rate was about 8.4 times higher in unvaccinated people than vaccinated people, but it fell to about 5.0 in November 2021, 3.5 in February 2022, 1.8 in October 2022, and 1.5 in December 2023. The reason for the gradual decrease might be that unvaccinated people gained natural immunity over time, or that the protective effect of vaccination gradually wore out over time. So it's not surprising that in the ONS data by 2023 unvaccinated people would only have about twice as high COVID ASMR as vaccinated people.
In 2021 the ratio between unvaccinated COVID ASMR and vaccinated COVID ASMR was also much higher in the ONS data:
The article said: "The vaccinated population accounted for 95% of all COVID-19 deaths between January and May 2023. Despite 30% of the UK population remaining unvaccinated, vaccinated individuals disproportionately suffered."
However unvaccinated people are underrepresented in the ONS dataset for mortality by vaccination status, so in January to May of 2023 unvaccinated people accounted for only about 15.5% of total person-years: `t=fread("");t[ed==9&month%like%2023&cause=="All causes"&age=="Total"&status%like%"accin",sum(pop),status]`. In the elderly age groups which account for most deaths the percentage was even lower, so for example in ages 80-89 it was only about 2.2%.
Unvaccinated people were also much younger than vaccinated people, so during the first 5 months of 2023, the average monhtly COVID ASMR per 100,000 person-years was about 86 in unvaccinated people but about 43 in vaccinated people: `t[ed==9&month%like%2023&cause=="Deaths involving COVID-19"&age=="Total"&status%like%"accin",mean(asmr),status]`.
I calculated an age-standardized hospitalization rate by vaccination status in the Czech Republic here: In March 2021 the rate was about 8.4 times higher in unvaccinated people than vaccinated people, but it fell to about 5.0 in November 2021, 3.5 in February 2022, 1.8 in October 2022, and 1.5 in December 2023. The reason for the gradual decrease might be that unvaccinated people gained natural immunity over time, or that the protective effect of vaccination gradually wore out over time. So it's not surprising that in the ONS data by 2023 unvaccinated people would only have about twice as high COVID ASMR as vaccinated people.
In 2021 the ratio between unvaccinated COVID ASMR and vaccinated COVID ASMR was also much higher in the ONS data:
> t[ed==9&cause=="Deaths involving COVID-19"&age=="Total",.(asmrratio=asmr[status=="Unvaccinated"]/asmr[status=="Ever vaccinated"]),month]|>print(r=F)
month asmrratio
2021-04 9.347518
2021-05 8.963636
2021-06 8.593750
2021-07 9.880658
2021-08 9.291845
2021-09 6.131498
2021-10 5.661631
2021-11 6.772464
2021-12 10.702847
2022-01 5.910747
2022-02 3.571618
2022-03 2.828418
2022-04 2.223361
2022-05 2.248731
2022-06 2.436293
2022-07 2.527903
2022-08 2.216895
2022-09 1.731061
2022-10 2.059900
2022-11 1.861671
2022-12 2.166983
2023-01 2.184588
2023-02 1.923434
2023-03 1.711744
2023-04 2.106870
2023-05 2.030837
month asmrratio