Until the Flexnor [Rockefeller] Report is updated or regulated, profits will overtake people. This landmark policy combined monopolies of Petroleum (products ⚕) / Higher Ed., and Healthcare Hospitals)

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They need to give it to the 1st/2nd year medical students. I would bet they could figure it out faster than anybody…. Maybe set up a contest between them and the Chief residents at the Stanford hospital?

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Hello, was reading the article from 15 Oct (https://healthimpactnews.com/) that states there are over 1000 new injury cases and was wondering if you were aware that the official death count of 31,470 is wrong (not only does VAERS under report to begin with, but they are intentionally leaving off hundreds every week). If you go to: https://openvaers.com/covid-data and you click onto the total deaths block this will bring you to another page. This one contains graphs; they have broken down the deaths by year. The year 2021 has a total of 21880 deaths and 2022 currently shows 10490 deaths so far. When you add these together it equals 32,370 deaths for both years. That is exactly 900 more deaths than the front-page shows. Why is this? do the Powers that ought not be believe we can accept 31,470 deaths of previously healthy people, but 900 more would be a bridge too far? This seems intentional as every week it's the same thing when I check the VAERS database on Fridays....it always shows about 800+ less on the front page and no one ever addresses this discrepancy. They really do think we're stupid...

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Medical schools rely on donations from pharmaceutical companies and Bill Gates. They aren't interested in the consequences of using pharmaceutical products, they are interested in the money, lots of money.

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I’d love to see it! Real number for what we already know to be true.

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Steve, pose the questions to Florida schools, researchers, Florida Surgeon General Joseph A. Ladapo, and future researchers and journalists at Florida schools.

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could that be cuss they get money from the BIG FAT PHARMA.!

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You nailed it!

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Steve, I want to give you the contact info of the dean of TTUHSC, the new medical school here. I have his cell too! Please call him. It’s killing me, the crap they are teaching my daughter.

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Steve: Thanks for continuing to try and get things going in the right direction. Politically, I am registered as an Independent. However, I think we can make more governmental headway with Republicans in office like Senators Johnson from WI and Paul from KY. How we vote this November is very important.

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It is not fungible for them to do anything about the reports they are hearing. It is much easier to turn the blind eye to all the problems. Until someone very close to them is the victim then they will have to choose to live with their own conscience...or not.

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Everything is politicized. Professors don’t want their favorite party blamed. You may have better luck after the midterms.

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We no longer have to wonder what it was like when the German people turned their heads and pretended like nothing was happening during the holocaust. We are seeing it in real-time. And those who speak up? Ignorant, troublemaker, divergent devils…. (Shame on all lemmings).

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Video (2 min) - Director of the CDC lie about their own vaccination status.


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They will only need to answer in a people's court in a revolution or in a Nuremberg trial after the bank mafia looses a war totally.

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Good man keep up your incredible work!!

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Wow. You don’t slow down! It’s a good question. Our whole Medical “industry” has shown zero integrity.

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