Steve, it's been long established that silence is concent. Methinks you have you answer.

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Steve knows quite well these kinds of people are caught up in the abyss of total corruption but God bless him, he keeps trying even though they ghost him, write him off, reinforce his distinguished status as the world's leading disinformation spreader, and haven't a centilla of interest in seeing any data that comes anywhere near to threatening their happy clappy safe and effective intellectual and professional safe place. They are the Flip Wilson"s, "I've got my mind made up, don't confuse me with the facts" devotees of the modern era which have infected every level of science, medicine, health, media, academia, politics, and every other level of society. Like the cartoon I saw where one man is facing thousands of people and the caption reads something like, "Yes, you're all wrong." Thank you Steve, you literally saved my life.

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Hi Steve. Reading your resume in your letter to Dr. Gounder, I was thinking how lucky and grateful I am, that someone with your capabilities is fighting for the truth.

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Steve may be wasting his time and efforts again on a dead end.

It's a small world. It seems a couple doctors on this forum have met Dr. Gounder and were less than impressed with her attitude and clinical decision making. She is a perfect mouthpiece for big phrama.

I had a couple of interactions with her when I was a nurse manger. I think she is compromised financially and intellectually corrupt and I do not trust a word she says. She is severely self-certain, arrogant and biased.

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Dear Astagale, It is genocide on a massive scale like never before in the history of humanity, murdering innocent, men, women, and little children, before everyone's eyes and most don't even notice that it's happening, GOD bless you.

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Why would she argue an aortic aneurysm at 49 can’t be a result of the injection? She must know the spike can damage blood vessels.

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When your covid shot raises your blood pressure to 210/100, bad things happen. I minor previously stable aneurism can rapidly dissect, and you are dead.

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Dr. Céline Gounder like all doctors who promoted lethal COVID injections can never acknowledge their role in the mass killing and injury of Americans because to do so would open them up to massive lawsuits. Just think of all the doctors who must be shaking in their boots knowing what they have done and who fully realize that one day they will probably be sued into bankruptcy. Class action suits are already being prepared such as this one in Canada related to lockdowns, mandates and COVID shots (https://gwsllp.ca/covid-19-class-actions/). The Sword of Damocles hangs over their heads suspended by a single thread.

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May 4, 2023
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My thoughts exactly

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Find her postal ground coordinates and send her a copy certified mail.

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These persons (like you typical "vaccine experts" who do not know jackshit) came of age in the nineties, probably. They saw a perverse, hyper-capitalist society of lies. They decided their best move was to join the false society around them. Their mistake was that they thought what they saw was permanent. But the myths of today are not the same as the ones of yesterday.

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It's because she's got more important things to do, like supporting the Vaccine "look-the-other-way-hope-the truth-isn't-discovered-policy."

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Yep. All these apologists & people profiteering hope they can bury the truth indefinitely. Corporate media is certainly still working overtime to hide the reality of the covid scam. Despite that, more people seem to be catching on to this massive crime.

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Why do these ppl use separate names even after they are man and wife? Grounder /Whal . Why not Andy and Celine Whal? Why create this bifurcation? Is it because they are invested in the same vehicle, say, like Fauci's wife was a director in one of government virus programs? This behavior is suspect, too.

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Her response (unwritten) will likely be: "Mmmmh, you took two Modern injection and are clearly still not dead. from either CoVid-19 or the vaccine. I would say then, the vaccines are clearly "safe and effective". And in the deepest recesses of her mind, she is saying if the vaccine is unsafe, its clearly not unsafe enough for for the vaccine to rid me of your harassment. So I voted, she will ignore you.

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While he may be more moderate than Biden, do not be fooled—he is not presidential material.

Jailing one’s opponents is one of the oldest political strategies in the book. Many may cheer that Robert F Kennedy Jr. wants to jail those responsible for COVID, but looking back on his prior remarks, he wants to jail everyone who disagrees with him. In the video above, Kennedy calls for “three hots and a cot” for anyone who dares to question climate change. This directly violates the First Amendment and is a dangerous road to go down. These climate change idiots are all seething with anger.


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There is a big difference though between jailing a political opponent because he threatens your power & jailing a bunch of racketeers who have knowingly harmed and killed people by selling a toxic product.

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She will ignore you because, as I have been learning more & more lately, we are living in the Age of the Soviets, that I feared growing up in the late 40s & 50s. It was reported that people in the Soviet Union were afraid to say anything to anyone that might be considered negative because the Police might come & put them in jail. That is what we have now. Righteous people spying on others on social media & determining that they are to be outed! Recently, the prez of Thomas Jefferson University was outed because he had "liked" some tweets spys determined were not appropriate for the University. This is like the "Red Scare" of the 50s with Vile the Devil Joe McCarthy!

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(Was wandering around the site and found this...)

Some ground work (battle field?!) prep for the NEXT pandemic!

Bird Flu, Pandemic Flu, and Poultry Markets: Playing Ostrich or Talking Turkey?

by Peter M. Sandman and Jody Lanard


From which:


We hope this column will help address the “chicken communication” issue – as distinct from the pandemic communication issue – and the important relationship between the two. The Western Hemisphere still has time to do it right. And even in Europe, Africa, and Asia, it’s not too late to improve.


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I love this letter to her! Well done and logical!

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