Excellent and comprehensive.

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There has been an effort to discredit the NZ whistleblower's data sets. Any thoughts?

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Steve, I have been practicing emergency medicine for 20 years. I agree with you, Dr. Malone, Dr. Kory, et al. Looking at the data from your MIT presentation, I was surprised to see that on one of your slides, the data appears to show that there is a benefit to one COVID shot, but not more than one. Are you, or anyone else, tracking data on myocarditis, DVT/PE, and cardiac arrhythmias for one shot vs the series? Is there aa way to contact you via email?

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Finally, looks like the sound is switched on at 13min:49sec.i did manage to hear a brief intro to the purpose of allowing fringe groups to be given the chance to speak.

I was so hoping you would be presenting to the MIT board of trustees!!!

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Hi Steve, I am having problems starting your presentation, the Rumble keeps exiting. I will try again.


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I love how he says vaccinated people will die at 10% higher than normal, and then pretend to use that to show that "the right number of people are dying" and therefore the mRNA injection is not particularly dangerous. We are not buying the bullshit, and someday, we may hold you accountable, and "just doing what I was paid to do" is not going to pass muster.

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I love how he says vaccinated people will die at 10% higher than normal, and then pretend to use that to show that "the right number of people are dying" and therefore the mRNA injection is not particularly dangerous. We are not buying the bullshit, and someday, we may hold you accountable, and "just doing what I was paid to do" is not going to pass muster.

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Check out our monograph: Solving Covid - The Covid 19 Vaccine Drug Scam Timeline at https://artofliberty.substack.com/p/solving-covid-the-covid-19-eugenics and its companion article: The Covid 19 Suspects and Their Ties to Eugenics and Population Control/Reduction at https://artofliberty.substack.com/p/the-covid-19-suspects-and-their-ties to understand who is behind "The Covid"

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https://open.substack.com/pub/igorchudov/p/i-analyzed-the-leaked-nz-whistleblower?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=71l80 There has been some skepticism about NZ data. Here's a focused one that requires a response. See above.

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God bless you and the courageous souls (and especially those in higher ed and the brave students of MSOI) resisting against the rapacious greedy and cowardly individuals & agendas that invented these evil interventions and those who persist in deploying them. May eyes be opened, and truth come to light and justice prevail.

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We unvaxxed hope you had an impressive and meaningful presentation and convinced more muppets about what has really been going on since 2019.

Some of us with a brain didn't believe any of the lies about Fauci's man-modified Covid, its lethality, the sudden and mysterious disappearance of pre-existing SAFE anti-viral medicines like ivermectin, the useless injections they call VACCINES, the Lock-down nonsense, the 'excess deaths' and the increasing human illnesses caused by the depopulating injection CULL. All of the aforementioned stupidity collectively crippled every nation financially, and has permanently impacted us all = perhaps forever.

Those who believed and participated in the biggest medical travesty in history, may regret their naivety and consequential submissions forever?

We will never forget!

Never again with they be able to instigate the biggest and deadliest Medical Crime in history.

We now know the World Health Organisation has been CORRUPTED beyond credibility by finances donated by 'crackpot' benefactor, Bill Gates with his enormous 'contributions' which entitles him to 'call all the shots' and, create reasons to enforce more controls and mandates that will make his dominance over the population.

Gates has said recently;

"The most lucrative investments I ever made were in VACCINES" and

"The next one will really get their attention".

Join the dots and you'll realise he's 'invested' in total control of those left alive following his involvement in the creation of Covid and the (useless and DEADLY) depopulating injections (they pretend are 'VACCINES').

ZERO LIABILITY is the biggest clue that skulduggery is behind the events - post-Covid.

We the people hereby declare the (Gates-corrupted) World Health Organisation is no longer relevant and ceases to have any authority to dictate any 'rules, laws, mandates or instructions to mankind!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I joined the dots to live longer!

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What about in the United States?

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Just Damn!!! Impervious!!! Brilliant!!! I have to watch this a second time! I would Love to see You, Drs. Malone, Dr. Cole, Dr. McCullough, Dr. Risch and all Heroes hammer the daylghts out of these “crimes against humanity” individuals. A few of My Best Friends and acquaintances have adverse events. I might be “slightly” pissed off. Ed

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So here it is a day after Steve’s speech, and MRNA stock has increased in price. They recently had a phase 1 trial fail. I’m convinced that nothing will effect these companies or the people that run them.

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The Covid MRNA vaccines killed up to 17 million people and nobody cares. Moderna stock keeps going up. The company announced an MRNA production facility in China to produce all sorts of MRNA vaccines and medicines. There are no Federal investigations. Texas filed a lawsuit against Pfizer. EU is making some noise. That's about it.

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