"Do we have sufficient evidence to convince anyone with a working brain?"
The PROBLEM is that virtually everyone I know who is committed either doesn't HAVE a working brain, or are so brainwashed that they refuse to us what brain they have.
Plus, how can you ask people who have TAKEN the vaccine to accept they may have murdered (at at lea…
"Do we have sufficient evidence to convince anyone with a working brain?"
The PROBLEM is that virtually everyone I know who is committed either doesn't HAVE a working brain, or are so brainwashed that they refuse to us what brain they have.
Plus, how can you ask people who have TAKEN the vaccine to accept they may have murdered (at at least seriously harmed themselves?
Denial at ALL COST is the only defense mechanism that helps most people now deal with what they have done, so they tend to become more stalwart in their denial. Refusal to look at, read, or listen to anything negative about the vaccines, and to get "boosted" by doses of Rachael Maddow and her associates are a favorite pastime and reinforcement against whatever doubts hey may harbor.
If I mention the truly World-Class researchers, scientists, and doctors who are Anti-Covid Vax, they immediately break out the terms, "Vaccine deniers," "Quacks," "Charlaltons," "Profitiers, " and of COURSE "Conspiracy Theorists."
My own wife, a MSNBC and CNN addict, refused to listen at all to me (I started immediately doing extensive reading and research on Covid from the day it emerged), and did the vax and the booster firmly believing that Biden and Fauci were 100% correct. As a military officer and fighter pilot, I thought I WAS a patriot, but my wife informed me that she was ashamed of me because I was NOT a patriot, because President Biden said it was a sign of patriotism to take he vaccine, and I failed the president's test of loyalty and patriotism.
HOW does possibly fight non-logic like that caused by propaganda that would have made Goebels proud?
I am already there my friend! If a company is willing to kill you with a jab, I’m certainly not even taking an aspirin from these people! My granddaughter has stopped all vaccines at 12 months. I’ve read several books by Kennedy and Forrest Marready and they have certainly opened our eyes to this ‘game’ big Pharma has been playing for decades, at our childrens’ expense.
Bingo! I have 3 siblings who are physicians in various specialties. When my husband & I fell ill with CV19 in March 2022, we started IVM the second day of illness. Literally, after the very FIRST dose, we felt completely well in HOURS...not the next day..HOURS. Of course, we kept taking it for five days.
Anyway, when I casually told one of my physician siblings that IVM likely saved us from days upon days of illness, especially since we started almost immediately after falling ill, he said it was a coincidence. I asked him why, then, did we feel so very ill and then -- BOOM -- all better directly after starting IVM. He said it was a placebo effect. That makes NO sense. Anyway, we now take IVM regularly on a prophylactic schedule and hope it will prevent us from getting sick this winter.
I treated many people with IVM. It was very common for people to report improvement within hours. In my own family’s experience with IVM prophylaxis, however, my wife and two adult daughters, all on IVM prophylaxis, all became ill with C19. I made no effort to distance, on the other hand, and did not become ill. I was also taking IVM prophylaxis. I think it more likely that I probably just have natural immunity. More likely than not you are wasting your time with IVM prophylaxis since you now have natural immunity.
If I had a spouse who was addicted to those far-left media, that wold be cause for separation/divorce. Seriously, that has to be one shallow, sad human! How can you trust any judgement of that individual?
Why in the world would you say something so callous to someone that is struggling already? You obviously don’t realize this but you don’t know their history and many people start out on the same page politically and then one wakes up before the other.
We do not know their circumstances so have no right to judge. There is enough of that going on don’t you think?
I have a liberal friend but says he is moderate. His way of looking at it is: he doesn’t even ask his girlfriend of two years who she voted for? In other words, he looks at politics as so personal as not to hold it as a reason to be or not be with a mate. To me that is totally off bc I want to share similar views with someone I might end up being with constantly as a mate. That is probably another way MSM manipulates ppl into wrong thinking!!!
A schoolteacher who is a friend of mine just released from hospital where she had been with covid. She was “up to date” on her jabs. So I assume 5 of them. She had to go to hospital due to breathing and heart issues. Approximately 60-65 yo. Another lady I know, 68 yo, has had 4 jabs and considering getting the 5th. Now, just last month she had covid. Called me begging me not to tell anyone (in our social circle). I thought what’s the big deal with keeping it a secret? She would only say “I tried so hard not to get it”🤦🏼♀️. It sounded like shame she still got it even after 4 shots. I really think ppl are so traumatized by the constant barage of propaganda (and she is an avid cnn MSM only watcher). How could she still not recognize the jabs dont do much to keep you from getting covid? Further, I have sent her info hoping to get her to recognize the health dangers of the jabs. Since she has had 4 and only one health issue, which now seems resolved (a gastro issue), she apparently has trouble seeing a danger with jabs. Her close male friend spasmed out on the floor with a heart issue, but she said he would have had that anyhow! Another friend’s girlfriend works at a pediatric clinic said they are sending lots of kids to the hospital with Flu, RSV and covid are rampant. I dare not say to them that the massive jabbing is the reason for all this bc they will get really pissed at me and attribute it to right wing conspiracy nutcase stuff! Although, I am getting from a few just a little feedback that something isn’t right, but really not much questioning from them of this unusual situation of extreme sickness.
Now that in June it was decided that ALL FUTURE vaccines will be mRNA, I can only conclude they plan on further changing everyone’s dna, maiming and killing!!! This seems to be replicating Bibical predictions with the evilness of it all!!! Elon, appears to be on the side of free speech, but doesn’t that mean he is going against the CABAL and that seems unlikely since he is part of them to some extent!!! Is he the anti christ who appears to come along and save the day but later on shown to be a fake/controlled opposition??? I don’t want to believe it, but it all just doesn’t make sense.
I’m not saying he is the anti-christ but wondering if he truly is going to take the complete stand for the world against the evil who out number him hugely.
Ma’am, if you really look at what the Bible says about the Antichrist, you will see that he cannot be a normal human. The Antichrist will have supernatural powers. When wondering about that subject, all one needs to do is ask themselves if it is possible that the WHOLE WORLD would love them. People claim it is Obama or Trump but when you look at them, it is very clear that the whole world would not support or love them. Half of the world is abhorrently opposed to them. The same with Musk. When someone leans one way or the other politically, they cannot be him/it.
Many are leaning towards it being the reincarnation of Gilgamesh. If you recall, HRC was desperate to find the tomb of Gilgamesh and our leaders went to great lengths to gain access to the tomb and then took it to Egypt. Now THAT is a possibility for the Antichrist. And as the technology they use is FAR beyond anything we can wrap our minds around. But when you consider that the cloning technology allowed them to create a sheep MANY years ago, it stands to reason that with how much they hide from us that the Antichrist is already here and perhaps that is why the universe seems to have suddenly flipped and what has always been good is now bad and what was bad is now celebrated. Sexual perversion is pushed on us at every turn and all of the things the Bible says will happen, are in fact happening now.
Aside from that response, my neighbor had the jab and three months later she had bladder cancer. She got it even after I brought her over and showed her videos of women having severe reactions to it. Her church’s leaders, watching MSM were convinced that they knew it was “safe and effective” and she has preexisting health conditions (one of which required she get a pacemaker) and her own doctor told her she needed it. Nothing I said or showed her made any difference whatsoever because her Cognitive Dissonance was/is SO intense, in the end she told me that my trying to talk to her about it would “end our friendship” even though she certainly is NOT my friend. I simply care for her health and wellbeing and feared for her safety if she got it. Now, I stay as far from her as possible because of the shedding issue. I myself supposedly have 13 different autoimmune disorders (I do not believe it) and am severely at risk.
It really is horribly sad that no matter what we say or show these people, they are SO extremely brainwashed that they can NOT allow themselves to hear/see anything but the MSM narrative/propaganda. And they will lose their lives because of it. I pray that God brings justice for the people who fell for it.
Even though the data clearly shows how ineffective and dangerous it is, the sheep on Twitter, still believe the lies that it will keep them from being hospitalized. Now THAT was a desperate move to keep ppl rolling up sleeves.
Well if one believes these are truly the end-times, it all really doesn’t matter bc there is nothing we can really do to change it. A very sad and terrifying thought which means this isn’t over with. That is what my religious friends think, and I am certainly leaning that way bc the evil happening today goes unpunished and so pervasive and entrenched there seems no other explanation!! How long can this continue without intervention bc ALL FUTURE VACCINES WILL BE mRNA TECHNOLOGY (this was passed in June) by the powers that be!!! Seems like a wide-scale plan to kill most or make us controllable zombies with their technology. What a horror show!!!
According to the Georgia Guidestones, the population should be kept to 500,000,000. After digging into these topics beginning decades ago and finding a letter in the 80s written by Albert Pike,(written in the late 1700s if my memory serves correctly and I cannot even locate it today), about the plan to “Dumb Down” America as a part of the long game and watching it literally come to pass (look at Gen Z, the most literally stupid generation yet, being dumbed down via the public school system, conveniently the timing of that is the same time frame that the children’s vaccines started growing in numbers and childhood diseases began emerging and becoming something else for the pharmaceutical industry to make “treatments” for) all around us, I am convinced more than ever that there is much more to this than any of us can grasp right now.
But this Great Awakening(!!) that is happening around the world will save millions if not billions that were intended to die as well.
You are correct Madam, we cannot change what is happening...we are powerless there. BUT!!! The GREAT news is that we were made for just such a time as this and I believe fully that we are being called to stand in the gap for those not able to stand themselves. That little by little, the seeds we plant and the introductions we are making are going to, (if they aren’t already), save lives and more importantly, SOULS.
The biggest and most important thing we can do is work towards being examples of the Grace of Jesus Christ. Introducing others to Him and being living declarations of His immense love for us is what matters. We’re all going somewhere when we die. It is up to us to choose where, and if nobody had ever tried introducing us to Jesus, we would have become a sacrifice to the beast system. Somebody introduced us and right now I see a desperate need for real followers of Jesus to make more introductions. For example, I see videos on YT and in 99% of them somebody says the “D” word with God’s name before it. There is no guaranteed way to get others to accept Jesus of course, but we can be living examples of what faith in him can bring (peace and grace from within) and purveyors of the truth in the midst of the world being assailed by the evils of the Beast system. The lies are huge and everywhere, but especially the television.
I am just beginning to grasp just how much of this world we are ignorant to because of the evil powers that have, by design, covered up our reality from the beginning. But there is one thing I know without a doubt, and that is if I choose to believe in the love of Jesus and do everything in my power to be more like Him on a daily basis, (I utterly fail at that often) the promises He has made will be fulfilled, and I will be with Him in heaven for eternity. For that reward, I will gladly suffer any sorrow on earth.
So today, I choose to not be afraid. There is no reward in fear and if I’ve the faith I think I do in Him, then I can be secure in the fact that He knows what He is doing and all I need to do is keep my eye on the prize. The rest will work itself out whether I am worrying and afraid or not. So I figure, why waste the time?
Wow....feeling sorry that you chose a partner who is not only not supportive but one that actually believes MSNBC and CNN. Whoa!!! Here’s hoping you can redpill her in the coming days. That must be tough!!!
Thank you for your military service! It is an honor to write to you. I would like to ask you a question: Is there any feeling of uprising (that you are aware of) among our military personnel for having been duped into taking the jab? I ask this because unless the armed forces are (angrily) "on our side" we (the people) cannot hope to mount any type of revolution, which in my thinking, must be developed in order to drain the swamp completely.
I do not believe it would be safe or wise for this gentleman to answer that question. As we are becoming more and more aware of how much the FBI have been spying on Americans, I hope you understand if he does not respond. And if he does, he is going to be putting himself at risk.
I have several friends who refuse to seriously consider any possibility that the mRNA vaccines are harmful and believe for example one of their clients, a UCSF infectious disease researchers who swears these vaccines are safe and effective.
I see that these vaccines are causing harm speeding up aging process, ruining their digestion yet they put on weight, rapid acceleration of memory loss, balance problems yet they're in denial and keep pointing to the fact checkers and NY times.
They can't fathom they are being lied to and that's the big problem.
I would print out the occasional article about how booster killed injured someone famous, like Justin Bieber.
Understand they will eventually come around and have empathy.
Your wife is just too freaked our and handling this well do easier to blame you.
They will only be convinced once you convince them that the "experts" or majority is on your side. To do that, a certain % of thinking people have to be convinced.
Alternatively, someone in their personal life might die of a vax-related injury, and then they might change positions.
Fortunately, the anti-vax position is growing more popular every day. I mean, it's not like skeptics are becoming pro-vax...
"Do we have sufficient evidence to convince anyone with a working brain?"
The PROBLEM is that virtually everyone I know who is committed either doesn't HAVE a working brain, or are so brainwashed that they refuse to us what brain they have.
Plus, how can you ask people who have TAKEN the vaccine to accept they may have murdered (at at least seriously harmed themselves?
Denial at ALL COST is the only defense mechanism that helps most people now deal with what they have done, so they tend to become more stalwart in their denial. Refusal to look at, read, or listen to anything negative about the vaccines, and to get "boosted" by doses of Rachael Maddow and her associates are a favorite pastime and reinforcement against whatever doubts hey may harbor.
If I mention the truly World-Class researchers, scientists, and doctors who are Anti-Covid Vax, they immediately break out the terms, "Vaccine deniers," "Quacks," "Charlaltons," "Profitiers, " and of COURSE "Conspiracy Theorists."
My own wife, a MSNBC and CNN addict, refused to listen at all to me (I started immediately doing extensive reading and research on Covid from the day it emerged), and did the vax and the booster firmly believing that Biden and Fauci were 100% correct. As a military officer and fighter pilot, I thought I WAS a patriot, but my wife informed me that she was ashamed of me because I was NOT a patriot, because President Biden said it was a sign of patriotism to take he vaccine, and I failed the president's test of loyalty and patriotism.
HOW does possibly fight non-logic like that caused by propaganda that would have made Goebels proud?
I am already there my friend! If a company is willing to kill you with a jab, I’m certainly not even taking an aspirin from these people! My granddaughter has stopped all vaccines at 12 months. I’ve read several books by Kennedy and Forrest Marready and they have certainly opened our eyes to this ‘game’ big Pharma has been playing for decades, at our childrens’ expense.
Bingo! I have 3 siblings who are physicians in various specialties. When my husband & I fell ill with CV19 in March 2022, we started IVM the second day of illness. Literally, after the very FIRST dose, we felt completely well in HOURS...not the next day..HOURS. Of course, we kept taking it for five days.
Anyway, when I casually told one of my physician siblings that IVM likely saved us from days upon days of illness, especially since we started almost immediately after falling ill, he said it was a coincidence. I asked him why, then, did we feel so very ill and then -- BOOM -- all better directly after starting IVM. He said it was a placebo effect. That makes NO sense. Anyway, we now take IVM regularly on a prophylactic schedule and hope it will prevent us from getting sick this winter.
I treated many people with IVM. It was very common for people to report improvement within hours. In my own family’s experience with IVM prophylaxis, however, my wife and two adult daughters, all on IVM prophylaxis, all became ill with C19. I made no effort to distance, on the other hand, and did not become ill. I was also taking IVM prophylaxis. I think it more likely that I probably just have natural immunity. More likely than not you are wasting your time with IVM prophylaxis since you now have natural immunity.
That’s great to know. Thank you!
If I had a spouse who was addicted to those far-left media, that wold be cause for separation/divorce. Seriously, that has to be one shallow, sad human! How can you trust any judgement of that individual?
Why in the world would you say something so callous to someone that is struggling already? You obviously don’t realize this but you don’t know their history and many people start out on the same page politically and then one wakes up before the other.
We do not know their circumstances so have no right to judge. There is enough of that going on don’t you think?
I have a liberal friend but says he is moderate. His way of looking at it is: he doesn’t even ask his girlfriend of two years who she voted for? In other words, he looks at politics as so personal as not to hold it as a reason to be or not be with a mate. To me that is totally off bc I want to share similar views with someone I might end up being with constantly as a mate. That is probably another way MSM manipulates ppl into wrong thinking!!!
A schoolteacher who is a friend of mine just released from hospital where she had been with covid. She was “up to date” on her jabs. So I assume 5 of them. She had to go to hospital due to breathing and heart issues. Approximately 60-65 yo. Another lady I know, 68 yo, has had 4 jabs and considering getting the 5th. Now, just last month she had covid. Called me begging me not to tell anyone (in our social circle). I thought what’s the big deal with keeping it a secret? She would only say “I tried so hard not to get it”🤦🏼♀️. It sounded like shame she still got it even after 4 shots. I really think ppl are so traumatized by the constant barage of propaganda (and she is an avid cnn MSM only watcher). How could she still not recognize the jabs dont do much to keep you from getting covid? Further, I have sent her info hoping to get her to recognize the health dangers of the jabs. Since she has had 4 and only one health issue, which now seems resolved (a gastro issue), she apparently has trouble seeing a danger with jabs. Her close male friend spasmed out on the floor with a heart issue, but she said he would have had that anyhow! Another friend’s girlfriend works at a pediatric clinic said they are sending lots of kids to the hospital with Flu, RSV and covid are rampant. I dare not say to them that the massive jabbing is the reason for all this bc they will get really pissed at me and attribute it to right wing conspiracy nutcase stuff! Although, I am getting from a few just a little feedback that something isn’t right, but really not much questioning from them of this unusual situation of extreme sickness.
Now that in June it was decided that ALL FUTURE vaccines will be mRNA, I can only conclude they plan on further changing everyone’s dna, maiming and killing!!! This seems to be replicating Bibical predictions with the evilness of it all!!! Elon, appears to be on the side of free speech, but doesn’t that mean he is going against the CABAL and that seems unlikely since he is part of them to some extent!!! Is he the anti christ who appears to come along and save the day but later on shown to be a fake/controlled opposition??? I don’t want to believe it, but it all just doesn’t make sense.
I wonder about that too. There is something odd in his expression.
I’m not saying he is the anti-christ but wondering if he truly is going to take the complete stand for the world against the evil who out number him hugely.
Ma’am, if you really look at what the Bible says about the Antichrist, you will see that he cannot be a normal human. The Antichrist will have supernatural powers. When wondering about that subject, all one needs to do is ask themselves if it is possible that the WHOLE WORLD would love them. People claim it is Obama or Trump but when you look at them, it is very clear that the whole world would not support or love them. Half of the world is abhorrently opposed to them. The same with Musk. When someone leans one way or the other politically, they cannot be him/it.
Many are leaning towards it being the reincarnation of Gilgamesh. If you recall, HRC was desperate to find the tomb of Gilgamesh and our leaders went to great lengths to gain access to the tomb and then took it to Egypt. Now THAT is a possibility for the Antichrist. And as the technology they use is FAR beyond anything we can wrap our minds around. But when you consider that the cloning technology allowed them to create a sheep MANY years ago, it stands to reason that with how much they hide from us that the Antichrist is already here and perhaps that is why the universe seems to have suddenly flipped and what has always been good is now bad and what was bad is now celebrated. Sexual perversion is pushed on us at every turn and all of the things the Bible says will happen, are in fact happening now.
Aside from that response, my neighbor had the jab and three months later she had bladder cancer. She got it even after I brought her over and showed her videos of women having severe reactions to it. Her church’s leaders, watching MSM were convinced that they knew it was “safe and effective” and she has preexisting health conditions (one of which required she get a pacemaker) and her own doctor told her she needed it. Nothing I said or showed her made any difference whatsoever because her Cognitive Dissonance was/is SO intense, in the end she told me that my trying to talk to her about it would “end our friendship” even though she certainly is NOT my friend. I simply care for her health and wellbeing and feared for her safety if she got it. Now, I stay as far from her as possible because of the shedding issue. I myself supposedly have 13 different autoimmune disorders (I do not believe it) and am severely at risk.
It really is horribly sad that no matter what we say or show these people, they are SO extremely brainwashed that they can NOT allow themselves to hear/see anything but the MSM narrative/propaganda. And they will lose their lives because of it. I pray that God brings justice for the people who fell for it.
Even though the data clearly shows how ineffective and dangerous it is, the sheep on Twitter, still believe the lies that it will keep them from being hospitalized. Now THAT was a desperate move to keep ppl rolling up sleeves.
God bless you. 🙏🏼
Well if one believes these are truly the end-times, it all really doesn’t matter bc there is nothing we can really do to change it. A very sad and terrifying thought which means this isn’t over with. That is what my religious friends think, and I am certainly leaning that way bc the evil happening today goes unpunished and so pervasive and entrenched there seems no other explanation!! How long can this continue without intervention bc ALL FUTURE VACCINES WILL BE mRNA TECHNOLOGY (this was passed in June) by the powers that be!!! Seems like a wide-scale plan to kill most or make us controllable zombies with their technology. What a horror show!!!
According to the Georgia Guidestones, the population should be kept to 500,000,000. After digging into these topics beginning decades ago and finding a letter in the 80s written by Albert Pike,(written in the late 1700s if my memory serves correctly and I cannot even locate it today), about the plan to “Dumb Down” America as a part of the long game and watching it literally come to pass (look at Gen Z, the most literally stupid generation yet, being dumbed down via the public school system, conveniently the timing of that is the same time frame that the children’s vaccines started growing in numbers and childhood diseases began emerging and becoming something else for the pharmaceutical industry to make “treatments” for) all around us, I am convinced more than ever that there is much more to this than any of us can grasp right now.
But this Great Awakening(!!) that is happening around the world will save millions if not billions that were intended to die as well.
You are correct Madam, we cannot change what is happening...we are powerless there. BUT!!! The GREAT news is that we were made for just such a time as this and I believe fully that we are being called to stand in the gap for those not able to stand themselves. That little by little, the seeds we plant and the introductions we are making are going to, (if they aren’t already), save lives and more importantly, SOULS.
The biggest and most important thing we can do is work towards being examples of the Grace of Jesus Christ. Introducing others to Him and being living declarations of His immense love for us is what matters. We’re all going somewhere when we die. It is up to us to choose where, and if nobody had ever tried introducing us to Jesus, we would have become a sacrifice to the beast system. Somebody introduced us and right now I see a desperate need for real followers of Jesus to make more introductions. For example, I see videos on YT and in 99% of them somebody says the “D” word with God’s name before it. There is no guaranteed way to get others to accept Jesus of course, but we can be living examples of what faith in him can bring (peace and grace from within) and purveyors of the truth in the midst of the world being assailed by the evils of the Beast system. The lies are huge and everywhere, but especially the television.
I am just beginning to grasp just how much of this world we are ignorant to because of the evil powers that have, by design, covered up our reality from the beginning. But there is one thing I know without a doubt, and that is if I choose to believe in the love of Jesus and do everything in my power to be more like Him on a daily basis, (I utterly fail at that often) the promises He has made will be fulfilled, and I will be with Him in heaven for eternity. For that reward, I will gladly suffer any sorrow on earth.
So today, I choose to not be afraid. There is no reward in fear and if I’ve the faith I think I do in Him, then I can be secure in the fact that He knows what He is doing and all I need to do is keep my eye on the prize. The rest will work itself out whether I am worrying and afraid or not. So I figure, why waste the time?
Keep your eyes on the prize! 💕🙏🏼🙂✝️
Wow....feeling sorry that you chose a partner who is not only not supportive but one that actually believes MSNBC and CNN. Whoa!!! Here’s hoping you can redpill her in the coming days. That must be tough!!!
Thank you for your military service! It is an honor to write to you. I would like to ask you a question: Is there any feeling of uprising (that you are aware of) among our military personnel for having been duped into taking the jab? I ask this because unless the armed forces are (angrily) "on our side" we (the people) cannot hope to mount any type of revolution, which in my thinking, must be developed in order to drain the swamp completely.
Thanx in advance,
I do not believe it would be safe or wise for this gentleman to answer that question. As we are becoming more and more aware of how much the FBI have been spying on Americans, I hope you understand if he does not respond. And if he does, he is going to be putting himself at risk.
God bless. 🙏🏼
Hi Bob,
I have several friends who refuse to seriously consider any possibility that the mRNA vaccines are harmful and believe for example one of their clients, a UCSF infectious disease researchers who swears these vaccines are safe and effective.
I see that these vaccines are causing harm speeding up aging process, ruining their digestion yet they put on weight, rapid acceleration of memory loss, balance problems yet they're in denial and keep pointing to the fact checkers and NY times.
They can't fathom they are being lied to and that's the big problem.
I would print out the occasional article about how booster killed injured someone famous, like Justin Bieber.
Understand they will eventually come around and have empathy.
Your wife is just too freaked our and handling this well do easier to blame you.
Hope this helps.
Make sure your wife realizes that turbo cancers are happening everywhere and get herself checked for possible cancers.
Show your wife this video:
They will only be convinced once you convince them that the "experts" or majority is on your side. To do that, a certain % of thinking people have to be convinced.
Alternatively, someone in their personal life might die of a vax-related injury, and then they might change positions.
Fortunately, the anti-vax position is growing more popular every day. I mean, it's not like skeptics are becoming pro-vax...