My interview with Dr. Byram Bridle
It's a LONG interview (2 hours and 20 minutes), but it's a very important interview. If Canada falls, they will set the model for how to crush dissent.
I first met Dr. Byram Bridle on the CCCA call on May 26, 2021. He was on the call talking about a biodistribution report he got under FOIA from the Japanese government that showed that the vaccines weren’t staying in people’s arms, but creating spike protein all over people’s bodies. At the time I remember interrupting him to say, “what you are saying is critically important.”
We’ve been friends ever since.
This was a critical call for me personally. Prior to the call I had heard of a disproportionate number of my friends being vaccine injured. But I didn’t have a mechanism of action. The CCCA call was the missing piece for me.
After the CCCA call, I filled in Robert Malone (who I already knew) about what Byram said. Malone immediately recognized the significance of the study, and this led to Malone and I being on the famous Darkhorse Podcast interview with Dr. Bret Weinstein which was filmed on June 10, 2021 where we talked about Byram’s data. You can see a condensed version here and read about Dr. Bridle’s role in all this. The full version has been censored from YouTube multiple times (others tried reposting), but is available on Rumble here. It’s super long.
Byram is a fantastic person and a stellar scientist. Right after he got the data, he wrote up a long report as to what it meant (with tons of scientific references) and started getting the word out. He was quickly attacked by other faculty members at University of Guelph who signed a joint letter condemning his beliefs. None of the signatories read his report. They even admitted it. He was wrong because his views didn’t comport with what people were told to do.
Byram has talked many times with Dr. Robert Malone who told Byram that if he were to ever start a company to work on safe mRNA vaccines, his first call would be to Byram. It doesn’t get any better than that!
Key points covered in the interview
In this wide ranging interview, which lasted over 2 hours, we cover the following topics:
How did the debate challenging the Canadian health officials go? (A: “They didn’t show up.”)
Does anyone want to debate you? (A: “No.”)
What does the science say about the vaccines? (A: “At best they don’t work.”)
Are these reports about blood impacts after vaccination true? (A: “Likely, but what is more troubling is there are no studies showing they aren’t true.”) What did you own studies find? (A: “I wasn’t allowed to do the studies. My proposal was ignored.”)
What's really going on in Canada? How many people support the truckers? Is the mainstream media telling people what is really happening? (A: “The truckers are staging a peaceful protest that the media is distorting. They have the support of around 50% of Canadians. It’s tearing the country apart. There are fewer people in the middle now. People are picking sides.”)
Can you get arrested and put in jail? Could I? (A: “Yes. Trudeau has dictatorial powers now due to the emergency. He can do anything he wants. Not sure if you will ever see a judge or jury. Probably you’ll be just put in jail. Better pack your toothbrush. Truckers and their supporters are being threatened with $100K fines, one year in jail, permanent revocation of your license to be a truck driver, and confiscation of your personal assets (like everything in your bank account).”).
How is this going to end? (A: “One side is going to win soon. I don’t know which side.”)
Main conclusion: Act now, do not just sit on the sidelines
His key point is that NOW is the time for Canadians to take action get involved. Travel to Ottawa. Sitting at home watching the action from the sidelines will not help. If Canadians don’t protest now, we could see a completely different Canada emerge, one run by a dictator where human rights are trampled upon using the excuse that “it’s for the greater good.”
For more information
You can follow Byram on his substack, and there is even an article on this interview!
Good News : Ontario’s Premier Doug Ford reverses his position on the entire scamdemic Premier of Ontario Doug Ford breaks rank 1:26 min
Danial Andrews the tyrannical State Premier in Victoria Australia also passed permanent emergency legislation. Basically he can declare a 'pandemic' even if none exists anywhere else in the world. Victorian police can now enter any premises, confiscate any property, give out huge fines, put people in prison without legal representation... Church leaders are continuously harassed. Andrews is totally in the pocket of the CCP.
We have huge protest marches in the city every Saturday, hundreds of thousands come from all around the State. In Canberra last weekend there were over 2 million protestors. It was so moving.
The media, politicians, bureaucrats just totally ignore the protests, or belittled them. The internet is blocked at protest events. Half the population thinks the protestors are 'evil troublemakers'. Meanwhile politicians are building dozens of 1,000 bed quarantine/prison facilities, in remote areas. These facilities are fully decked out with high level security and staffed by people with prison guard experience. With our taxes!
Businesses and young people are fleeing Victoria. Australia is now has more emigration and immigration for the first time in it's history. Private charter flights leave all the time, with Mexico, South America and even Russia a favourite destination.
Our entire country is being collapsed. It looks like they are targeting the Commonwealth countries. I guess they think we have plenty of raw resources and a passive population.
Honestly I don't know where this will end. Many Australian's are waking up, with the endless boosters and rising deaths. But the population is very passive after decades of a huge welfare state and a dumbed down education system.
It's like when Hong Kong was destroyed by the CCP. They just wore people down, kept shifting their own puppets into positions of power and gradually made any protests illegal. Finally the business community and professionals fled, leaving the less educated people to just accept life under the jack boot of communism.
My heart goes out to the Canadians. I think we are all in the same boat. And if America goes down the West is finished.
I grew up close to a Polish family and heard all the stories of life under communism. It's no coincidence that many of the Australian protestors originally came from Eastern Europe. All I can say is find a hill to fight on, gather friends and resources around you, dig in, and fight to the death. Life under communism just means losing all your possessions, semi starvation, police spying on you all the time, constant lies, party corruption, prison camps and an early death. The 'sheep' who think they can pander to tyranny are in for a big shock! This is a brutal history lesson.
The Russians eventually threw off communism, so did East Europe. Hundreds of millions died. But they eventually beat off this evil tyranny. Never give up. God loves us all. 🙏🏻