Dorit was responsible for ginning up the city attorney of SF to hold a press conference calling me a public nuisance because I was keeping sick and high risk kids from getting getting jabbed.

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Dorit is an attorney not a doctor or scientist. She also takes $$$$ from drug and vaccine companies. Jesus Steve, you don't seem stupid. What is the point in engaging her?

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Sue dorit for character deformation. She has no medical license. You did nothing wrong. You saved lives. There has to be an attorney that could help you.

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I have no hard objective evidence... deformation lawsuits are very difficult to win.

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I can't tell you how many times I have heard an attorney make a general statement about what is difficult. For example they say fraud is very hard to prove. But they will say that without having looked at the facts of your case. If you have money to pay them they will sue anybody for anything. But you need a second attorney to monitor the first attorney making sure that any mistakes are immediately corrected or that you can sue the first attorney for legal malpractice before the statute of limitations expires.

The more pressure we put on these enablers of genocide, the better off we will all be.

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In the end you will win. All good doctors and nurses that just cared for their patents will be ok. It just takes time.

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Years ago, doctors and lawyers were looked up to and respected. There have always been good ones and bad ones but from my memory as a 60-year-old most doctors and lawyers I knew were decent and moral. Today I have a hard time trusting any of them.

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It is my hope all confidence in the pharma/medical cartel and their running dogs, the 3rd party payers, will be lost forever. Medical practice in the future will need to be rebuilt from the ground up and rightly so.

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I was at a coffee shop today and 2 Arizona Mayo med students were studying next to me. I kept my mouth shut for a long time but then talked with them. They were very polite to me. I told them I used to be a surgeon. Both of them wanted to be internists and we briefly discussed the differences between the specialties. The strange thing to me was how different medicine is today. The over reliance on imaging, subspeciality referrals, lack of basic physical examination skills. I was lucky to have practiced when medicine was great.

In the end I just taught them some clinical pearls about hand and facial trauma, and they were completely mesmerized. Maybe there is hope.

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When I was 16 yo, I was downloading data from the BioSat III mission at NASA. The project physician did his best to talk me out of going into medicine. He told me all that would await me. The year was 1970.... things became far worse than even his worse nightmarish predictions. But one has to understand we are under the influence of the medical cartel and the biosecurity state and they have used medicine as part of their plans to take over the world and depopulate most of us, so what would one expect to be taking place.

Their plans will fail and it is my hope that they will completely destroy the old paradigm in the process.

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I have no idea where this will end. Just know that I cared for a lot of patients and did my best. In reality I wanted to be a pilot not a doctor but had a congenital eye problem.

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Non-medical people won't get this, but I do as a 72-year-old retired nurse.

Thing is technology has transformed our society. In some cases, for better and other not so much. I was taught that medicine was the art of healing and compassion. When I was a young nurse CT and MRI did not exist. Sure, technology has its part but if you do not care for and touch and talk with your patients it is just inhumane.

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Thats a scary looking creature. Look at the eyes they are black.

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It seems a lot of attorneys somehow think they are physicians or medical experts. I have heard Dorit give medical advice on multiple occasions. If were practicing in California I would be inclined to report, her to the medical board for practicing medicine without a license.

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Dorit Reiss is a paid big pharma attorney that would not prosecute rapists or armed robbers but would seek to imprison parents seeking vaccine exemptions. Doctors have a love hate relationship with attorneys as sometimes we need them to protect us from frivolous lawsuits.

I was sued once in my medical career. It was young guy with a full head of hair with a scalp laceration. I gave him the option of suture closure vs staple gun. I informed him the staple closure would be faster but leave a more noticeable scar. He chose staples. 6 months later he decides to shave his head and angry about the staple scars. Even though my documentation was clear an attorney was needed to defend me. The judge laughed and threw the case out.

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I had a similar case of stupidity. A female with a bacterial infection that needed an antibiotic called flagyl. I said if you drink alcohol on this medication, you will get very sick. Well she went out with her girlfriends and slammed a couple of cocktails and ended up in the ER with chest pain, palpitations and vomiting. Apparently, my fault.

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In medical school and residency I did not receive any training about vaccines. Apparently, pediatricians have limited training but are just told "vaccines" are all safe and effective. In theory anyone with a science background that knows how to interpret data and statistics is just or more qualified to debate a physician on "vaccine" efficacy and safety. Steve Kirsh would fall into this category. But in the end its almost an impossible challenge to debate someone that has an open mind and not compromised. I think 100% of pro "Vaccine" people are financially compromised or so deeply brainwashed and certain of the shots "safety" that debate is futile.

I used to judge debates. A perfect example is the astrophysicist Niel Degrass Tyson. He knows nothing about medicine but blindly trusts authority which not a good characteristic of a true scientist.

He debated a tv host called Del Bigree that destroyed Dr. Tyson with simple logic.

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Right Consensus Science is an Oxymoron. It was 1989, I mistakenly thought I needed to obtain informed consent for the new Hep B Vaccine that was just coming out. I didn't know the 1986 Vaccine Act relieved me of documenting informed consent. Nevertheless, I spent 3 months trying to find anything in the medical literature that could possibly justify giving a 24 hour old infant the Hep B vaccine if their mother did not have chronic active Hep B (about 200 births a year in the USA). I could find nothing and finally it dawned on me that there was no science behind the recommendation, and I realized the Hep B vaccine was a scam... that is when I swallowed the red pill and starting investigating if the other vaccines were also scams. Spoiler. Alert... they are.

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If you reflect and are open to think about your beliefs and think about your life prior to covid.

Sure, it was saner and more predictable but most of us reflexively trusted those in "authority. "

The painful truth is doctors, politicians, law enforcement, the media will all openly lie to you. Allways have, always will. Once people realize this, we may have a chance. If not?

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There are multiple Dr. Stollers in the US. I assume you are the psychiatrist and addiction specialist. I left Kaiser years ago. Was on the medical staff as a family doctor. We had conferences where they told the family docs and pediatricians there was a pandemic of ADD. We were pushed hard to give kids Ritalin. There were many cases where cognitive therapy was more appropriate. I golf with a psychiatrist. You may disagree, but he said in today's world people like Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Mozart would be put on drugs and stifle their creativity and greatness.

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Ironically, given I have a failsafe protocol for addictions, I am not Kenneth B Stoller but Kenneth P Stoller. My protocol will be a new chapter in the my book Incurable Me which comes out in paperback this summer (I hope they change the title to Incurable Us bu that is not up to me).

On the subject of ADD, I can tell you that 50% of the world's population has it to a greater of lesser degree. It had survival benefits when we were hunter-gatherers - specifically, hyperfocused ADD. The best drug for ADD, if one has to go that route, is your Provigil/Nuvigil class which are non-amphetamine neurostimulants that actually encourage the brain to hold onto increased metabolic activity. The FDA made sure you can't Rx it for the under 17 yo set because no one would want to use the amphetamine based drugs of Big Pharma if one could Rx Provigil/Nuvigil to children.

The two medical specialities most responsible for the autism epidemic (now there is a real epidemic) are pediatricians and psychiatrists. For Autism is not only treatable but is a vaccinosis - a vaccine induced encephalitis (for the most part).

I am the Ken Stoller who wrote this: in March 2021


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Very interesting. Like Dr. Ronald, I also assumed you were Dr. Kenneth B Stoller. In any case I looked you up. To be honest I don't know much about ADD but had no idea the prevalence was so high. I noticed your expertise in hyperbaric 02 treatment. When I was an occ med doctor in Colorado there was a huge carbon monoxide leak at a major tech firm that effected a lot of people. The employer tried to cover it up - they never even called 911 and wanted me to send the patients home to rest and take them off work for a day. They did not want OSHA notified. Yet some I saw had insanely high Carboxyhemoglobin levels. I sent them all off for hyperbaric 02. The victims were paid off to settle out of court for damage.

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When I first opened my clinic in Santa Fe, I tried to approach the City and County Fire Departments making HBOT available should any of their people need it. I wanted to get a baseline neurocognitive eval at no cost to the Fire Departments but was told...."they" don't want anyone documenting any of the fire fighters took a neurological hit from fighting a fire due to smoke inhalation.

So, with this kind of insanity... it is a little surprising we haven't destroyed ourselves by now.

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Total insanity. Given that Santa Fe is 1500 feet higher than Denver it would seem that the risk of carbon monoxide poising is a greater risk.

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I think there is a lot of subclinical Carbon monoxide poisonings out there especially in poor states and locals.

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That sounds exactly right re: da Vinci, etc. When I worked as mental health therapist for the county, I had alot of moms who had kids that were diagnosed ADD. One day one of them told me someone told her to give her son a cup of coffee every a.m. and he'd be fine. She did and he was, end of problem. Lots of moms had kids diagnosed with ADD. It was crazy. When my husband worked as a teacher in a school for the gifted, suddenly one day all these ADD kids showed up in his class. He later learned that they had a class for special ed kids (mentally slow - and this was in a high school for the gifted?) ENded up they were GIFTED kids (who knew??) and bored in school, so they put them in my husband's class and did just fine. My husband is extremely bright and would have been called a gifted kid but these days he would have been called ADD...

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Yes, I have had several kids brought to be by their parents who were told their kids had ADD and needed to be on meds. I tested them and their scores indicated they not only didnt have ADD but were geniuses. I can tell you I enjoyed telling these parents their kids weren't performing in school because they were bored out of their minds. THen I gave my lecture about in the real world we sometimes have to do things we find boring or are not interested in. If you don't learn this lesson you will have an IQ of 200 flipping burgers at McDonalds.

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I LOVE your comment! especially the last line, so true.

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The most bogus disorder evented by the American psychiatric foundation is " bad conduct disorder." When I was, I kid I got angry during my parents' divorce which was pretty nasty. I was getting in fights and skipping school. A psychologist helped me. Today I would be put on 3 or more psychiatric medicines.

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btw, I found out 2 yrs ago that methylene blue can be used for depression. In fact, someone close to me went thru some depression this past 2 yrs (re: the current state of affairs in the world) and used it, it works great, far better than welbutrin or prozac they told me. It's also not very expensive. No bad side effects either. So if you come across anyone with serious depression, it's a good one. It also does alot of other good things for your health.

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Retired but worth looking into.

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Don't get me started on the psych meds!!! grrr, I do know what you mean, they are given out at drop of a hat and some are brand new with no idea what they will do to a young person. To say nothing of the fact that things like some anti-depressants will cause suicidal/homocidal ideation if you're under 25 or so y. o. Glad you got thru your folks' divorce without the meds!

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I believe most mass shootings and suicides of the young involved ssri antidepressants. But I believe depression is real- it goes back to biblical times. Most is situational, some genetic. My worst depression happened when my dog died of cancer. When I did use medications for myself or patients I used st johns wort, 5htp and SAMe. They are all safe and natural.

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Agree with everything you say. It can be very difficult when a beloved pet dies. I lost my horse and it took me a full 10 yrs to get over it. It's been 11 yrs and I do still miss him alot. I went thru bad depression then. However, some depression is so bad it can't be helped by those you listed - I think that's when methylene blue can be very helpful and make a big difference. It can be the difference between suicide and surviving.

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Ronald, you might find this movie of interest, I sure did. It blew my mind wide open about autism and especially non verbal autistic children/adults. https://spellersthemovie.com

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In fairness, I do not fully understand autism. I mainly treated adults.

Some of my fellow doctors think they do but I doubt it. I just have been skeptical that prescription medications are the cure for everything. There are 2 pediatric conditions that were very rare when I was in medical school. Obesity and Autism. Unlike covid these are true epidemics. I think I know what is causing the obesity problem. As far as autism despite what the media says the link between multiple vaccines and autism needs to be looked at, but it will not happen- at least in America.

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Must be so frustrating being an honest doctor. Keep up the great caring work!

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You sir, are a hero!

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WE MIGHT HAVE A CHANCE WITH THE EU PARLIAMENT - https://drtrozzi.org/2023/05/05/dr-patrick-phillips-reports-from-brussels/

The European Parliament in Brussels has just wrapped up Hearings on the past 3 years of Covid Mandates and shots. The above Link is an in depth interview with Canadians Dr. Trozzi and Dr. Patrick Phillips. Dr. Phillips, along with other important witnesses, including Dr. David Martin, have given detailed Testimony to the EU Parliament. Over the course of the next few weeks, I am sure all of the Testimonies will be carefully reviewed by EU staff in many, many offices. I think a proposal to have EU Investigations could come next. Canada is currently hearing testimony at The National Citizens' Inquiry and Congress has been hearing Testimonies at the Congressional Subcommitees. The EU has the correct level of sophistication, staff, experience and credibility to put forward in depth Investigations. EU MP Christine Anderson has recently come to Canada. I heard her speak. She is heading up a Panel of about 12 EU Reps, including the President of Roumania. The EU has headed up Investigations into many issues in the past. I think this could happen and I'm sure it is being discussed.

Please see interview on Epoch Times on "American Thought Leaders" for April 25, 2023 with German MP Christine Anderson - https://www.theepochtimes.com/christine-anderson-from-15-minute-cities-to-climate-lockdowns-the-onslaught-of-digital-tyranny_5214622.html

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This is encouraging, nice news to hear thanks for posting it Deb.

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Right on Dr. Ken!

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Wasn't San Francisco one of the few municipalities that deemed young children capable of granting consent for the jabs without parental knowledge or consent? If I remember that correctly I can hardly think of anything more subversive and evil, even if the injection was actually safe and effective.

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All of California has declared 12 and up to be free of parental influence for medical in CA. When your kid turns 12 they try to keep their medical from you and will give your kid whatever they come in for without oversight or parental consent. At the same time they expect the parents to pick up the bill.

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I moved away from California Bay area in 95. So glad I did. But the problem is that I moved to Portland Oregon!

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Oh dear! I feel for you, sir. I left CA altogether 2 yrs ago and went to a red state; am now a very happy camper because I live in a state where most folks are sane. Hope things get better for you in Portland.

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Out of the frying pan and into the fire. That is the problem. There isn't anywhere in the world to run. Look at what they are doing Texas, Florida and Arizona just through corrupt federal officials who are breaking the law and not protecting our border and immigration process. I guarantee you none of these countries or their people who have received so much aid from the US will help Americans.

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Just read an article on the Canadian government flooding Niagara Falls with migrants. Apparently they have taken up 25% of the available hotel rooms, all at taxpayers' expense. The worst was that they quoted a couple of Colombians who were escaping crime and poverty. Neither of which is grounds for refugee status, so kick them out.

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Why does anyone with children still reside there?

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We don't even have children and we left Calif 2 yrs ago. Don't regret it one bit.

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paycheck? inertia? 5G?

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Some legislators (Scott Weiner, for one) tried to push a law in CA that would have allowed kids 12 and over to get a vax w/o parental permission. There's even a group of rabid little kids who pushed this bill: "teens for vaccines." Look them up for some laughs. Fortunately this and some other pro-vax bills failed (at least for now).

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Isn't Scott Weiner the guy who is always trying to reduce the age of consent?

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Is he related to Anthony Weiner the one married to Hilarys loyal assistant Human Abadeen? I have to wonder.

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If a child can consent to a vaccine and sex reassignment surgery, they can consent to sex with an adult. That's where this is going. They are sick puppies.

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Then this is probably a must-read article for you:


Warning: it's a bit shocking in some places. I've known about the pedo philia for a long time but this was just shocking and a must read for every single adult. We need to protect the children.

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I agree. They are psychos. Leading to Transhumanism….if you want the job you have to get the brain hip upgrade so you can keep up.

Looking more and more like the people running the show are the

Luciferans. Or they are just common or garden pedos with CIA putting out outrageous (conspiracy) theories

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What I have learned through various news stories and books is that every occult group is really packed with pedophiles. Doesn't matter what it is, they engage in it. It's all an excuse for licentiousness and child abuse.

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I have argued with my Dad about this. He just cannot accept that widespread sex trafficking and pedophilia exist. Yet he is catholic. So, I said what about the priests and young boys?

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I've done alot of research on deep state, pedos, etc. and I'm convinced they are all Satanists, pedos and psycho paths. This is a horrifying combination.

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brain hip = brain chip

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That group is headed up by the daughter of an MD who is completely on the pharma payroll. I dug into that organization a couple of years back.

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You are a hero

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Good for you. Bravo.

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I went to that blog site where she had posted her comments... wow, the blog moderator and his minions were something else. I have to give you high marks for patience and forbearance with a real bunch of asshats. Rude, obnoxious, insulting, demeaning... it was very educational to see how they dealt with anyone who questioned their "facts." Not my brand of $cience, frankly.

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I'm so unclear on what ACTUALLY motivates her. If anyone has any insight, would love to hear it. I've been watching her peripherally for years now.

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Steve, perhaps if you had crafted a sentence for each of the "papers" Dorit linked summarizing each paper's fatal flaw and how it doesn't answer your question, she wouldn't have had a follow-on argument. Absent that, she was able to come back with a rhetorical argument versus a factual one.

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It's a religious belief.Try to convince me that I will go to a place called heaven when I die. So that is how much luck you will have when discussing with a covidian about their beliefs.

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'Little' Dorit is a nasty little lawyer/liar and no mistake. I see she is presumably Jewish. There are good and bad Jews. She happens to be very bad. She is an arrogant creature.

It's a bit late for me, but i found this anagram of her full name, Dorit Rubinstein Reiss

I be sinister iron turds

Very suitable I think

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Pattern recognition is a sign of either bigotry or intelligence. Over the years, I've noticed Jews are more prone to hypochondria than the general population.

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It’s easy to fool a fool, difficult to convince them that they are wrong

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This woman is sooo arrogant and full of herself, like many academic types. But I do believe that Steve's brilliant attempt to red-pill her has put a tiny seed of doubt in her scientific mind.

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It gave me the chance to take a look at how insanity works.

Little Dorit studied law

Then Little Dorit went to war

With the sane, the anti-vax

And this despite she had no facts

But Little Dorit has no brain

And Little Dorit is so insane

For you see she is quite mad

Poor Little Dorit is very bad.

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This is every conversation Ive had with these sick people. To make matters worse, when they get physically sick (blatant correlation), the drs reinforce by not acknowledging the cause. Again, innocent faith in authority is exploited. Governments are corrupt, big business is greed, the real criminals are the drs. Please stop calling the drs victims. Its gross

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Your opinion noted, yet I disagree completely. Usage stands.

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Professor Dorit Reiss is a vaccine true believer, dating from 2010 when her son was born. See Wikipedia on this. She must have been outraged, that anti-vax parents were sabotaging her son's protection from vaccinated herd immunity. As a major, public vax advocate, she has undoubtedly gotten all Cov19 vax and boosters. This has disarranged her mind and brain. This why she is illogical in her mini-debate with you.

Ed Down at Twitter is a must. He is the expert on how many millions of Americans are now debilitated, in mind and body from these Big Pharma money ($$$Billions!) makers. Debilitated is why we have work force and supply chain shortages. This is why the work from home movement. They are too debilitated to commute to the office. Too stressing. For government "workers" this is the ultimate scam and taxpayer rip off. At home, they work 2-3 hours daily at the most.

Washington DC is a ghost town and cannot handle a crisis. These Federal lazies are all shirking from home, thus are not able to collaborate remotely when the heat is on.

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Hi Steven and list,

To everyone in SF who shops at rainbow coop, submit a request to writing or email them to include a nutritional library brochure on c19 experimental vaccine injury and how to recover by drinking pine needle tea, foods with plenty vit D, anti-inflammatory diet, NAC, quercetin, etc to help recover. They have a dozen or so informational nutritional brochures near the public restrooms.

None of them are about vaxxine injuries. When I asked customer service about adding a vaxxine injury to their nutritional library leaflets, that person looked at me like i was speaking a foreign language.

So after I mentioned that big pharm provides 75% of ad revenues for media per one of the comments I read on this thread, he said to fill out a customer form or email general@rainbow.coop

It's a start to raise awareness that this is happening here in SF. Right now media bombardment is so strong that San Franciscans have no idea about any vaxxine harms . Thanks

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The CDC discourages people from doing studies that compare overall health outcomes between vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals. They use the phony excuse that it’s “unethical” to have a placebo group because childhood vaccines are SO important. Too important to check for long term safety apparently.

There are already parents who choose not to vaccinate their children so their excuse doesn’t hold up to scrutiny. They can simply look at medical records but they won’t.

Paul Thomas did a study like this recently in his own practice. His license was immediately challenged. If I remember correctly, Germany had a study like this, New Zealand, and there was one several years ago done in the US. All had similar results. The unvaccinated children contracted the vaccine-preventable diseases at a higher rate than the vaccinated children but had far fewer other diseases and chronic conditions.

Big pharma and the captured agencies aren’t going to let these go easily. They will prevent important research from being done and sabotage research that they don’t like. They don’t like anything that might hint at vaccines being worse than snake oil, which is most likely the reality.

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Here's something you may be interested in Steve, don't know if you've seen this:


article by Karen Kingston:

Fosun Pharma Conducted Human Safety Trials for Pfizer's mRNA Vaccines in China. Guess How China Responded to the Data?

After completing Pfizer's initial mRNA human safety trials, China banned Pfizer's mRNA technology for use in Chinese citizens. The FDA authorized Pfizer's mRNA as safe for U.S. citizens.

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