See the update at the top

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Well, considering the case wouldn't be that strong anyway, this is a positive outcome. Took the ante pot with a jack-high hand, not bad poker playing.

They also seem to be declaring that calling people liars is unacceptable to their (brand new!) guidelines, so that's a win. We'll see how that holds up.

The point was made, and the headline looks...nearly neutral. Thanks for pushing back!

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Steve- trying to reach you- I own the domain WeThePeopleHaveRights.Org and would love to share with yo my vision on how we can build an army of over 80 million plus Americans - who would be trained in the law, when it comes to fake mandates for mask wearing etc.- I have created my own Legal Document - and have used it 9 times where I have served corporations including medical doctors who have violated my rights and have filed police report as well. It works. Please call me my background is in the Advertising/Media Buying Media Barter business for years - and everything I have been doing is tied in with videos and QR Codes- What I am doing will blow your mind- Just imagine Thomas Paine on steroids- with Print that is fully interactive with video- Please reach out to me - 786-344-4413 or randyperini@gmail.com

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Hahahaha. Haha.

Check. Mate.

Good game. :)

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“Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.”

Thomas Paine, The American Crisis

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Irony is funny.

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You are a Watchman. Stand strong.

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Angelo will be seeking guidance from the government/Blackrock owners to see if they will rescue him for simply doing their bidding.

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Steve, you totally owned this despicable propaganda mouthpiece for the government.

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Dear Steve Kirsch,

Thank you again

Positive side effect if they take the bait and find and name a vaccine more dangerous than the covid shots, they will have made that vaccine a target or a lot of scrutiny and some of the scrutiny will spill over to the covid shots.

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Steve, you truly know and utilize the ART OF WAR !!!! I wish more conservatives had your courage and passion for truth! Too many of us are wimps, and allow the libs to trash us and run all over us without a fight. Thank you for being an example to all of us!!!

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This is definitely a fight I want to follow and see what the outcome is!

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WELL DONE STEVE … what a fool to take You on … please can’t you run for PRESIDENT … bugger Trump

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You've got them Steve, they cannot be allowed to get away with this. They called you a liar and even if they retracted that, it's still not good enough. Take them to the cleaners.

If he refuses to answer my email, I will sue them using the fact that they wouldn’t respond to simple questions against them.

Why can they not respond to 5 simple questios? Answer: because they haven't a clue and have NO answers,

If he does answer, I believe they will admit that they have no proof that I made false claims and had reasonable doubt that I could be right.

Not good enough. Calling you a liar when they don't have any proof of if the bio weapon is good, while you have plenty to back you up that it isn't.

Either way, they are in deep shit and they know it.

They will only be in deep shit, if you get them to court. They wont have a leg to stand on. No surprises there as the bio weapon removed it.

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How do you think Angelo will respond to my offer to drop the case in return for a few answers?

I think he won’t respond.

I'm not sure if I'm current with this story and if Steve had another reply from Media Matter?

But if he doesn't respond, you can quite easily say....I'll see you in court.

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Steve, if you go after them in court I’ll try to do my part by becoming a paid subscriber for you. I lost my dream job as a healthcare professional here in Canada because of a ridiculous vax mandate (despite a completely virtual position!!!) Money is so tight, the bloody lockdowns contributed to my partner’s substance abuse problems…. It’s been hard on the kids. We sold our friggin house… it’s been shitty. I’m not complaining but I just wanted to say it hurts that I’m not in a position right now to afford subscribing to your Substack, but I’ll do it anyway if it helps in your pursuit for truth.

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Sue them into oblivion.

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CHD just got deplatformed from FB and Instagram with no warning, Big Tech doesn't want anything getting out that might hurt the Dems in midterms.

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