it appears history has repeated itself (treatment tends to make things worse for the patient as well as inaccurate tests). And of course Fauci was involved as well.
I have found the slide deck, I only wish you had a voice over to go along with it. Thank you for your persevering work in the data collection and presentation of the truth about this present darkness. You have been raised up for such a time as this. So grateful for your efforts on behalf of humanity. Keep up the good work. Praying for you.
Steve: God bless you .. you're doing more than any single American to expose the corruption .. sadly, for me, Covid has revealed the pervasive corruption throughout our government & these agencies .. it is a watershed event in our nation's history .. if we are to survive as America, it will be through the efforts of people like you
Steve, your crime is: you are a tireless researcher, superb communicator, a mathematician extraordinaire and have the audacity to broadcast your findings for all to read and hear. Thank you for being a leader and voice for accurate reporting--refreshing!
Dear Steve, could you please tell us how reliable the PCR test is? I have searched through your articles on Substack with the keyword “PCR” and the only time you wrote about it was the 4th item under the “15 things everyone needs to know”: “If you aren’t sure you have COVID, you can get a PCR test, but these can be inaccurate.” I’ve also searched through your 4 slide decks without success. Someone told me: “the results of the PCR CANNOT equal actual viral infection nor is that directly linked to the amount of virus (particles).” If this is true then the PCR shouldn’t be used as the diagnostic standard for this disease, then the data we’ve been collecting is wrong. Thank you for helping all of us. We wish you all the best, from Taiwan.
Han, I was looking for the same thing. I read that the PCR test cannot distinguish between covid virus or another virus, like flu but now I can't find where I read it. Also, I believe that Dr. Robert Malone said in his Joe Rogan interview, that if the tests are run at CTs above 38 (or 45), that you will get 100% false positives because it picks up fragments of dead viruses as well and that will result in a positive test result.
Hi Bett, thanks very much for sharing! I feel that this PCR issue is quite complicated, I haven’t found one article with comprehensive analyses, what I have are bits and pieces from lots of different sources. Without a medical background I am studying this topic very slowly and cautiously. A doctor from Taiwan explained in his blog that low CTs means the PCR test has successfully replicated the virus RNA from the sample (i.e., there is live virus in the sample matching what that particular PCR machine is designed to look for), however this does not mean the person is sick, because there are numerous mechanisms that for example could turn the live virus into something that is not infectious, so it’s possible that a person has low CT but is neither ill himself nor can he harm/infect others around him. Someone else pointed me to Dr. Meryl Nass’ blog, I think she is really good so I’m trying to go through everything she wrote since Dec 2019. If you haven’t heard of Dr. Nass, please find link to her old blog below (last post was 7 Nov 2021, I find this site easier to navigate): And this one below is her new blog with everything and is the one that she is updating: Thanks once again for your note.
🔥🔥🔥 Steve Kirsch - 'We Are Compromising The Immune Systems of our kids for life" - Geert Vanden Bossche & "You Want to stop misinformation, then stop talking!"
🔥🔥🔥 Steve Kirsch - Tragedy! - CDC VAERS Expert John Su is Killing 💀 100,000's of People by not going public with Risk-Benefit Analysis - 1 in 325 boys will get Myocarditis
Hi!!! Your work has been amazing! Thank you!!! Would you be able to prove or disprove the reports that Japan is using IVM rather than vaccines to beat Cobid? I’ve seen reports, but of course fact checkers discredit the idea. I don’t know anyone in Japan or even how to prove such a thing…
Just a quick FYI hair split on a slide in your Matthew Crawford video at the 57 minute mark where Nurse Sarah tweets that she recently saw her first pediatric myocarditis case.
I relayed that to a close acquaintance today and they said 'Oh, I've seen that all the time!'.
Q: 'What?' 'So Sarah is just inexperienced?' A: 'Myocarditis is really common after strep throat. The bacteria literally sticks to the heart valve'.
Me feeling a bit stupider :'Oh yea, you are in the pediatric cardiac ICU, where the kids with pre-existing heart conditions have been operated on'.
So just a bit of an obvious qualifier that does nothing to de-legitimize Nurse Sarah's tweet claim. it appears history has repeated itself (treatment tends to make things worse for the patient as well as inaccurate tests). And of course Fauci was involved as well.
The world needs this list of "Steve's Essentials," or one might call it "Steve's Picks," or "Steve's Hits," maybe "The Best of Steve."
Steve's Bio is recommended; it's more than impressive. I made some corrections to it in the comment section.
I have found the slide deck, I only wish you had a voice over to go along with it. Thank you for your persevering work in the data collection and presentation of the truth about this present darkness. You have been raised up for such a time as this. So grateful for your efforts on behalf of humanity. Keep up the good work. Praying for you.
Steve: God bless you .. you're doing more than any single American to expose the corruption .. sadly, for me, Covid has revealed the pervasive corruption throughout our government & these agencies .. it is a watershed event in our nation's history .. if we are to survive as America, it will be through the efforts of people like you
Steve, your crime is: you are a tireless researcher, superb communicator, a mathematician extraordinaire and have the audacity to broadcast your findings for all to read and hear. Thank you for being a leader and voice for accurate reporting--refreshing!
FYI, Steve, there is no hotlink above to your Truth Social account :-)
it's an app only for now.
Just love you Steve!
Is the $2M offer to debate McCullough still available? If so what are the criteria?
Dear Steve, could you please tell us how reliable the PCR test is? I have searched through your articles on Substack with the keyword “PCR” and the only time you wrote about it was the 4th item under the “15 things everyone needs to know”: “If you aren’t sure you have COVID, you can get a PCR test, but these can be inaccurate.” I’ve also searched through your 4 slide decks without success. Someone told me: “the results of the PCR CANNOT equal actual viral infection nor is that directly linked to the amount of virus (particles).” If this is true then the PCR shouldn’t be used as the diagnostic standard for this disease, then the data we’ve been collecting is wrong. Thank you for helping all of us. We wish you all the best, from Taiwan.
Han, I was looking for the same thing. I read that the PCR test cannot distinguish between covid virus or another virus, like flu but now I can't find where I read it. Also, I believe that Dr. Robert Malone said in his Joe Rogan interview, that if the tests are run at CTs above 38 (or 45), that you will get 100% false positives because it picks up fragments of dead viruses as well and that will result in a positive test result.
Hi Bett, thanks very much for sharing! I feel that this PCR issue is quite complicated, I haven’t found one article with comprehensive analyses, what I have are bits and pieces from lots of different sources. Without a medical background I am studying this topic very slowly and cautiously. A doctor from Taiwan explained in his blog that low CTs means the PCR test has successfully replicated the virus RNA from the sample (i.e., there is live virus in the sample matching what that particular PCR machine is designed to look for), however this does not mean the person is sick, because there are numerous mechanisms that for example could turn the live virus into something that is not infectious, so it’s possible that a person has low CT but is neither ill himself nor can he harm/infect others around him. Someone else pointed me to Dr. Meryl Nass’ blog, I think she is really good so I’m trying to go through everything she wrote since Dec 2019. If you haven’t heard of Dr. Nass, please find link to her old blog below (last post was 7 Nov 2021, I find this site easier to navigate): And this one below is her new blog with everything and is the one that she is updating: Thanks once again for your note.
Awesome list, ty so much!
Check our Kirsch clips from Mercola interview on this Odysee channel!
🔥🔥🔥 Steve Kirsch - The Data is Unambiguous! - Dont let your child 👶🍼 be sacrificed 💀!
🔥🔥🔥 Steve Kirsch - 'We Are Compromising The Immune Systems of our kids for life" - Geert Vanden Bossche & "You Want to stop misinformation, then stop talking!"
🔥🔥🔥 Steve Kirsch - House of Cards!! - 💉💉 This is the biggest fraud in American History!
🔥🔥🔥 Steve Kirsch - NOTHING IS IMPROVED! - The is No Mechanism of Action That Can Possibly Justify That People are Better Off After 💉💉 vaccinations.
🔥🔥🔥 Steve Kirsch - Vaxx 💉💉 Dont Make Sense for ANY AGE GROUP!
🔥🔥🔥 Steve Kirsch - Tragedy! - CDC VAERS Expert John Su is Killing 💀 100,000's of People by not going public with Risk-Benefit Analysis - 1 in 325 boys will get Myocarditis
This is GREAT
Fantastic job, Steve! Thank you!!
Hi!!! Your work has been amazing! Thank you!!! Would you be able to prove or disprove the reports that Japan is using IVM rather than vaccines to beat Cobid? I’ve seen reports, but of course fact checkers discredit the idea. I don’t know anyone in Japan or even how to prove such a thing…
Hi Steve
Vaccine Essentials slide 32. Numbers at top left look like they should be switched.
Just a quick FYI hair split on a slide in your Matthew Crawford video at the 57 minute mark where Nurse Sarah tweets that she recently saw her first pediatric myocarditis case.
I relayed that to a close acquaintance today and they said 'Oh, I've seen that all the time!'.
Q: 'What?' 'So Sarah is just inexperienced?' A: 'Myocarditis is really common after strep throat. The bacteria literally sticks to the heart valve'.
Me feeling a bit stupider :'Oh yea, you are in the pediatric cardiac ICU, where the kids with pre-existing heart conditions have been operated on'.
So just a bit of an obvious qualifier that does nothing to de-legitimize Nurse Sarah's tweet claim.