More vaccines -> higher infant mortality
This has now been confirmed and published in a peer-reviewed medical journal. The medical community will ignore it because that's how science works: they ignore everything counter-narrative.
Executive summary
Following a critique published on pre-print server by the Bailey Lab at BYU, whistleblower Gary Goldman and Neil Miller did a re-analysis of their original 2011 paper and find that their original conclusion was correct: “A positive correlation between the number of vaccine doses and infant mortality rates (IMRs) is detectable in the most highly developed nations.”
Whoops! Perhaps it is now time to re-think all those childhood vaccines?
The original, critique, reaffirmation papers
Original 2011 paper that showed higher numbers of vaccinations are associated with higher infant mortality: Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given: Is there a biochemical or synergistic toxicity? (peer-reviewed)
Critique written by members of the Miller Lab at BYU: Infant Vaccination Does Not Predict Increased Infant Mortality Rate: Correcting Past Misinformation (NOT peer-reviewed and is now misinformation)
Reaffirmation of the original result: Reaffirming a Positive Correlation Between Number of Vaccine Doses and Infant Mortality Rates: A Response to Critics (peer-reviewed)
More evidence connecting vaccines and infant death
There is a century of evidence linking vaccines to sudden infant death (this has most clearly been shown with the DPT vaccine) and numerous activists have tried to force the federal government to investigate it for decades. It appears that the vaccines (especially TDP) cause micro strokes in the brain in the region that controls automatic respiration, so infants start having interrupted breath cycles, and unless they are at an ICU or somewhere else where they are monitored and can be resuscitated, once the breathing stops it is fatal.
A lot of vaccine activists immediately prior to the lockdowns predicted that the decline in infant vaccinations during the lockdowns would result in a decrease in SIDS and that ended up being exactly what happened.
For more on this:
About Gary Goldman
Gary Goldman was in charge of the CDCs largest vaccine monitoring program, but when he started reporting problems, they literally locked him out of his office. He was not fired, just not allowed in the building! He would come to work, sit on the bench outside, and do his work from a bench!
Because that’s how science works at the CDC. If you go against the narrative, you are punished. That’s how they keep people in line with the narrative, no matter how absurd it is.
Watch this talk about the chickenpox vaccine:
Wouldn’t it be great if issues like this were unambiguous?
The reason we have debates on vaccines and deaths is because the health officials keep the association between vaccines and mortality a secret, hidden in databases few people have access to (and rarely look for counter-narrative hypotheses).
Wouldn’t it be great if public data were actually “public” as el gato malo has suggested in this excellent Substack article:
Washington State to make it illegal to question vaccines?
It might soon be illegal to question "vaccines" in WA state.
Check out this new proposed legislation.
During the January 24, 2023 working session and public hearing on HB 1333, the ADL representative defined “extremist views” as including those that challenge whether masks and vaccines work. However, this interpretation is NOT codified in the bill which does NOT define what is covered.
PBS Newshour already aired a 6 1/2 minute segment on this bill (when it hadn’t even gone through committee in the House yet) calling it “Model Legislation for the Nation.”
So now we know: higher childhood vaccination is associated with higher infant mortality. Do you think that will cause anyone to re-think their views?
Do you think the same association might be true for the COVID vaccines? Is it possible that the more vaccines, the more deaths? That’s what the data says.
Isn’t it time we stop hiding the record-level data on mortality and vaccines for the COVID vaccines and release it publicly?
The CDC is keeping these vaccine-death records under wraps because they don’t want to create vaccine hesitancy. It makes sense; when everyone finds out that they were duped they are going to be pissed.
But sooner or later, one country is going to release the data and the cat will be out of the bag.
Any state in the US could publicly release their vax/death records. It could even be released in any county as well.
Why is every county, state, and world government HIDING this data? It’s even hidden in Florida. It’s public information. It doesn’t benefit the public when it is kept under lock and key.
Release the data! What is everyone afraid of? The truth?
Note that the “privacy” excuse is just that; an excuse. I point out that the data can be easily adjusted so that nobody can find even their own record without affecting any analysis.
I wish I had known years ago what I now know. My eyes were opened to problems with vaccines when In 1998 I went to my nephew's 1st birthday and two weeks later went to his funeral. He had the chicken pox vaxx and had a fatal brain seizure in his mother's arms later that night. Both his parents are EMT'S, but couldn't save him. They received money from the vaccine injury program, but their precious first baby was never coming back. I thought it was just bad luck because it was a new (at the time) vaccine. Then I found 1 in 1,000 children were having seizures. My best friend's son had the chicken pox vaccine in 2003 after I begged her not to give it until absolute last minute for school. Her son had 2 seizures after leaving the dr, and they headed to the ER. I decided to space all shots out for my kids and not do the CDC schedule. My first pediatrician was NOT happy about my choice. She also worked very hard to sneak in "extra" shots that were not mandated. It happened twice, and then I put in the chart that NO shot was to be given unless expressly mandated for school. Now I wish I had never given any. Several friends I know have had their formerly normal child end up with autism. Only one realizes it is from the vaccines. The others think it was just "bad luck." I have already told my kids to stay away from vaccines for their kids. I pray they listen.
There is a century of evidence linking vaccines to sudden infant death (this has most clearly been shown with the DPT vaccine) and numerous activists have tried to force the federal government to investigate it for decades. As best as I can tell from all the data that has been collected, is that the vaccines (especially TDP) cause microstrokes in the brain in the region that controls automatic respiration, so infants start having interrupted breath cycles, and unless they are at an ICU or somewhere else where they are monitored and can be resuscitated, once the breathing stops it is fatal. A lot of vaccine activists immediately prior to the lockdowns predicted that the decline in childhood vaccinations during the lockdowns would result in a decrease in SIDS and that ended up being exactly what happened.
I spent a while putting together all the evidence that substantiates this hypothesis (including the study you cited here) here and I've also extensively discussed this topic with a USA government DPT researcher who has requested to remain anonymous.
Beyond the fact all of this is very sad, I think SIDS is a critically important issue to focus on because it is much easier for individuals to recognize and attribute to vaccinations (whereas many other side effects are more ambiguous) and similarly, since severe reactions are typically the rarest response to a toxin, SIDS represents the tip of the iceberg for vaccine damage and far more other complications also exist that lie below the water (e.g., a variety of autoimmune disorders).
In essence, this is identical to what has been observed with the COVID-19 vaccines–the reason the public's attention has been drawn to this issue is because everyone can see the large number of sudden deaths they are causing even though many other side effects from the vaccines are much more common. Similarly, much in the same way sudden infant death syndrome did not exist until DPT vaccination (and the medical field has never since been able to provide a plausible explanation for what causes sudden infant death syndrome), sudden adult death syndrome was not a thing until the COVID-19 vaccines came out, and as before, we still do not have a satisfactory explanation for what is happening; instead like SIDS, SADS is just becoming normalized.