Wake up, everyone! The soul brothers of Mengele are running our Formerly Free World right now.

What happened to the honest doctor in Canada is coming to everyone's doorstep in a New York minute.

We are under siege. This is a war. And so far the other side has won almost every battle.

Billions of people have been injected with a bio-weapon, (according to Dr. Judy Mikovits,) that will sterilize, maim, or kill millions and millions. Actually billions, it would appear.

We frankly do not have the data yet, and will not know the true cost for decades down the road.

Already the carnage is at a least a million people in the U.S., and more likely two million. Perhaps even more.

But it certainly looks like it was designed for exactly what it does making the "hackable animals," (us,) shut down by 65 so that the criminals who stole our retirement, social security and Medicare funds get off, Scott free, and so that our inconvient memories of a Free World and the Rule of Law, vanish.

(The wisdom from long years of experience is something this crowd is frightened of!)

At least all the facts point to that seemingly inescapable conclusion.

Millions of people died because the WHO, Pharma, Gates, Fouci and our Federal Government all lied about Ivermectin, HCQ, Zinc, Zithromax, Budesonide, and Fluvoxamine, (safe and effective) and about Remdesivir and a Vent, (deadly.)

How many human beings will we allow these monsters to slaughter?

How many babies, children and pregnant women will we watch suffer horribly and die, while "the band plays on??"

Now the WHO, who could not get it right in TWO years, much less 2 months, (and which is heavily influenced by Bill Gates, a complete ignoramus on health and a eugenics sociopath to boot,)

will DICTATE to the entire world the "approved" treatments and responses to the next pandemic, which has certainly already been created and is in the wings and ready to be out on center stage, as soon as their legal structure is in place. More toxic shots for you!!

Rebel, rebel, rebel! The time is now!

Steve, you are our Paul Revere!

Dr. Peter McCullough, you remind me of Jefferson, always diligently searching for the truth, with compassion for his fellow man, and with tireless effort, no matter the personal cost.

Dr. Malone, you remind me of John Adams; his intelligence, strength and steadiness,

And RFKjr, the relentless telling of truth to power, your fearlessness and integrity remind me of George Washington. (At his best.)

He didn't want to lead either, but we needed him then, and we need you now.

Please gentlemen, pull together, with Ron Johnson and DeSantis, and every single honest human being you can find, and break the rule of Big Pharma, Big Tech, and their inhuman paymasters ruling our World.

Together we can WIN! Separately we, the human race, literally, may be finished.

And at the end, will it matter whether it was greed and stupidity, or evil intent, that destroyed us?

I think not. The results will be the same.

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Steve, where is 1st qtr 2022 Life Ins Co (One America) reporting on excess deaths... DO YOU KNOW? AND why not follow up on MORE embalmer stories, use your private JET and go to their Funeral Homes, VIDEO yourself the CORPSES being cut open exposing the MASSIVE CLOTS (and take a WSJ, Wash Post, or other news team like 60 Minutes with you for hands on eye witness reporting).

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There's quite the epidemic of "coincidences" going around these days, eh?

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Here it is. Read first paragraph below the podcast (worth listening to the audio too).

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I read that this turnover to WHO was already signed, sealed and delivered. Lawyer Todd Callender said this on America Out loud podcast with Dr Vliet from AZ. I'll see if I can share a link

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I have a former coworker who is Czech and lives in the Czech Republic. I asked him 1 month ago what things were like over there with the invasion of Ukraine, and he had nothing to say about it. His primary concern was this WHO treaty and implementation of vaccine passports in Europe. Laws mean nothing without some sort of enforcement mechanism. The city where I work had a mask mandate for months, but the police didn't enforce it. I empathize with people who are still living under covid tyranny, and I'm very happy to live in Alabama, the least vaxed and boosted state.

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The Yahoo article doesn't make mention outside of foot blisters

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does this mean someone is admitting that the World Health Organizations pandemic response plan (which only Sweden followed [in part]} is much better than what countries did?

Does this mean China and Russia will also be obedient to WHO policy?

Are there WHO guidelines on entry/exit protocols to biolabs around the world? Will the WHO have a representative at every high level lab? Is the WHO critical of Fauci's recommendations on pandemic response?

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I don't believe in coincidence! But I do believe these are the worst crimes against humanity in my lifetime!

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On the WHO Treaty, the motive to cede sovereignty is simple. By doing this national politicians avoid (i) the blame for unpopular measures that they outsourced to a supranational entity (i.e. their re-election chances are not impacted) and (ii) having to justify themselves before democratically elected bodies like Parliaments and so (i,e, none of that bothersome accountability stuff).

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Or... with the WHO Treaty, once there is a "pandemic," real or imagined, the WHO can spring into action and viola! We have a One World Government/ New World Order led by... the WHO. And/or whoever is pulling their strings.

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Check out the link I shared ☝

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Thank you Steve...Thank you massive. To watch what you and Malone have done since that day on The DarkHorse....is just fantastic.

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On the WHO treaty. I was freaking out about this but I read that any treaty that goes against our constitutional rights is considered null and void. No treaty can take away our rights. The first 8 amendments cannot be taken away from us with any treaty as they are God given and protected under constitution. Treaty is supreme to constitution but if such treaty infringes on our rights it’s null and void. The fonders wrote it into the constitution. Those guys thought of everything.

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The Gov is and has been ignoring the Constitution.

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Unfortunately we are arguing an unwinnable argument because NONE of these so called bureaucrats/ elected officials, (whatever they their claim to fame ), believe in God! THEY ARE THEIR OWN gODS! That's the problem. So a Constitutuion covered and protected by God is null and void simply because they don't recognize His sovereignty, nor do they understand TRUTH! That's where our whole argument falls foul. We base what we say on TRUTH and that word with its premise does not exist for them. So you see the only HOPE WE HAVE is that CHRIST OUR SAVIOR will come ! And do it quickly!👵😇

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Amen! You nailed the very crux of the entire issue.

It’s like fighting a war one side that has no rules and the other restricted by all kinds of rules, yet expecting to win.

People aren’t getting that through their head.

We must fight fire with fire if we want a chance at defeating them.

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Other than the second amendment, the Constitution is basically a dead letter. The Constitution doesn't do anything. It's a document. Your rights may be God given, but you'll have to defend them yourself. People seem to have trouble distinguishing between rights and powers. Powers trump rights, and citizens of the US don't have a whole lot of power at the moment.

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The psych med wrecked doctor... seems Canada is already in full Soviet mode. That was one of their favorite tools.

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WHO - William Henry's Omnipotence

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I’m not advocating violence But, All this talk of expecting to overcome a violent regime that occupies all positions of influence and power with non-violence is an absurdity.

Our forefathers is a prime example. Even the second coming of Our Lord is going to be met with severe wrath and violence against all enemies.

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I'm always amazed at how easily people can hold two contradictory ideas simultaneously. How do you reconcile a violent second coming with Christ's own claim that if his kingdom were of this world his servants would fight. His kingdom isn't of this world, or did you miss that glaring detail? John 18:36-37

Our so-called forefathers were in competition with the British government who were not levying onerous taxes at all. Taxes were actually going down. Compare that to the history of this country to date. You are most definitely advocating violence.

All empires rise and fall, and these modern day empires are no exception. They're already in steep decline, and will implode in on themselves if we just stand back and let them. The fact is that they know this is unsustainable so they're looking to start over with a completely new system which you're already using, i.e. technology. The technocracy already has you as one of their most devoted followers. Simply put down the technological gadgetry and walk away.

The problem is that it's so convenient and people are so spoiled, they would rather live as a slave to the technocrat's little conveniences than live free.

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Sonny boy, you don't know what you don't know... do you.... I am not a product of the tech age like many others born into it. I can certainly live my life without it if I choose to do so or if forced to do so.

Taxes were illegal (and are STILL illegal), that is what our forefathers were protesting... and your comment stems from ignorance of what the bible says. as well as history.

Don't bother me further with you ignorant nonsense.

Zephaniah 1:15 -

A day of wrath is that day,

A day of trouble and distress,

A day of destruction and desolation,

A day of darkness and gloom,

A day of clouds and thick darkness,

Zephaniah 1:18 -

Neither their silver nor their gold

Will be able to deliver them

On the day of the Lord’s wrath;

And all the earth will be devoured

In the fire of His jealousy,

For He will make a complete end,

Indeed a terrifying one,

Of all the inhabitants of the earth.

Zephaniah 2:2 - Before the decree takes effect— The day passes like the chaff—

Before the burning anger of the Lord comes upon you, Before the day of the Lord’s anger comes upon you.

Revelation 14:19 - So the angel swung his sickle to the earth and gathered the clusters from the vine of the earth, and threw them into the great wine press of the wrath of God.

Revelation 16:1 - Then I heard a loud voice from the temple, saying to the seven angels, “Go and pour out on the earth the seven bowls of the wrath of God.”

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That's all you got??? Zephaniah and Revelation say absolutely nothing about violence.

The "fire of his jealousy" is quite poetic, but it isn't literal fire dude. Pouring out a bowl is also not a literal bowl of violence. Their silver and gold is debased much like those worthless dollars you've collected over your lifetime which again only spotlights just how much you're still working within THEIR system. I can see how people might be troubled and distressed when their ATM machine stops spitting out fiat currencies, or their credit card alerts them to the fact that their transaction has been "denied". Maybe they'll smash the magnetic reader before stomping out of whatever Satanic establishment they've been patronizing their whole life. Ooh, so much violence!!!

Your ignorance of US history and the bible is profound. Evidently you see violence in God's wrath, yet nowhere do the authors say anything about violence. If so, where? These are nothing more than your own speculative projections.

As for taxes, your Constitution clearly states that anything not enumerated in the Constitution (or its amendments) is left to the states. There is nothing claiming that taxes shall remain illegal, or forbidding anyone from levying taxes. Perhaps you're thinking about "taxation without representation"? Do you have a representative or not?

No one is claiming you can't live without your technological gadgets. I'm simply pointing out that "the lady doth protest too much" about being able to walk away from Big Tech. Yeah, sure you can. ; )

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What a childish reply but I expected so.

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What a non-response, but no one is surprised by your lack of interest in pursuing a defense for your flimsy eisegesis.

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Obviously the RINOs in the Republican Party will see to it that the Democrats get their way, just like with the latest billions of dollars bungle of a budget that just passed. Tired of the same characters allowing the Democrats to get everything they want while kissing Democrat backsides. We need the RINOs out and some Republicans in with some common sense. The Republican Party cannot afford to lose against these activist Democrats who continue to erode our country.

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First: CA election are wrought with election fraud and have been for decades. That is how Democrats get selected not elected in CA. They also take the top 2 vote getters not the top Republican and top Democrat vote getters. So if 2 Democrats get the most votes then 2 Democrats run against each other in the general election. Ballot harvesting and a bunch of other election fraud maneuvers keep the Democrats in power.

Second: Treaties must be voted on by the US Senate. We cannot enter into a treaty without a vote from the Senate. The WHO expects to have the countries that sign on (and the US will surely sign on) do what is necessary in their own country to make this a legal agreement and they hope to finish this by 2024. If implemented the WHO (a communist organization) can call a pandemic if one person in the Tibetan mountains sneezes and yes it will override our Constitution. I have written about this in my own Substack for weeks now. I attended a ZOOM meeting about a month ago and there was a presentation on this Treaty by a doctor. I think it is time for us to buy an island and start all over. This country has finally made it to the dark side.

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I think many leaders around the world should be sent to an island in lockdown mode with no food or, preferably, to another planet.

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Apr 9, 2022Edited
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Apr 9, 2022Edited
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The most important thing to do is stop voting altogether. California has a referendum, then after the people have spoken, they just simply ignore them and do the exact opposite. What did the people of California do? Nothing. What did the people who saw that the Presidential election was stolen do? Nothing. Getting rid of electronic voting machines isn't going to fix anything.

Lawlessness is their currency. You need to repay them in their coin.

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Apr 11, 2022
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You assume way too much. Nowhere am I advocating violence of any kind. I'm simply pointing out that most of the laws passed in this country today are to hamstring the citizenry from thriving. Chances are there is going to be some broken glass, but I suspect the dead will be eaten by scavengers.

History is replete with vast amounts of time spent without any form of government whatsoever. Do you think Aristotle was just some idiot who didn't know what he was talking about when he pointed out that all democracies devolve into tyrannies? The one we had (yes, past tense. what we have now is a corporatocracy) has been relatively short lived by comparison to most.

If by a low bar, you're referring to the fact that we will probably not have all the "new and improved" tech gadgetry, perhaps that's not such a bad thing after all. Some people don't really need that stuff. I can live just fine without Facebook, Twitter, computer self checkouts in stores, etc. There are plenty of people who would love to go back to living like their ancestors lived 75 years ago. That was back when what was going on in Washington D.C. didn't effect them in any meaningful way.

With a free market, the customer is always right. What we have now couldn't care less what the customer wants. The customer gets what the corporation decides to produce. Check out the newest features on your smartphone or laptop. How do you like all those new gadgets on your brand-new car? Who decided? Some tech geeks from Silicon Valley or Shwing Shlong China.

The scepter will get passed directly to the elite because everyone else (all 7 billion people who died from mysterious heart problems, starvation, lead poisoning, etc.) will be dead. Whatever stragglers hang on will simply live as their ancestors did before. No one needs government to live in harmony with their neighbors. People have lived just fine without governments for thousands of years. Governments come and go, and plenty of people lived better than we do under plenty of other forms of government other than democracies or republics. The citizenry doesn't have anyone representing them in government, and probably hasn't in over 50 years.

Originally, "we the people" were sovereign over the government they created, but a citizen is subject to the government, and ultimately enslaved. Today people are enslaved to Big Tech, Big Ag, Big Pharma, i.e. the corporatocracy. They literally own just about everything of any real value, and are openly pointing this out to anyone who is paying attention. Their ad campaign is so slick that most people love the idea, and will balk at anyone who points this out to them.

As C.K. Chesterton observed, Capitalism is essentially just a game of Monopoly, and only one person wins (in this case, "the 1%") while Socialism is where you put all your eggs in one basket, and the government takes the basket. There is no free market. The whole system is rigged to leave you with nothing. They know they've won the game, and there's no point in pretending you can keep playing the game so they're going to crash the whole system and start over with whoever is left.

They've already started playing their new game which is harvesting information for profit, and getting you to work for them for free. Fill out this questionnaire, in exchange for a chance to win...etc. Here's a coupon, a discount, a "free" pass to whatever if you just fill out this survey. The slave has no other option other than to fill out each and every survey they're presented with.

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Apr 11, 2022Edited
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