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Great article. But for the sake of scientific accuracy, these bioweapon shots aren't vaccines and shouldn't be referred to as such. Instead, I would call them exactly what the are: mRNA gene therapy injections.

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MIT simply sucks. I'll avoid candidates from this school just because of how closed minded the Dean has proven to be. It all starts at the top. Education in the US has disintegrated into cushy camps for the coddled and insecure.

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Steve, MIT is in zip code 02139. There are 17,380 mail boxes in this zip code.

I use USPS for advertising in my small business. The great thing about advertising with USPS, it gets delivered and there is no censorship. Plus, when mail arrives with a pre-printed bar code, people tend to give it credibility.

The mailings I do are saturation, meaning, I'm hitting every mail box on the route. My cost to mail averages about 17 cents per post card. My cost to print the post cards has gone up a lot this year, about 14 cents per post card to print. Mine are 6" tall by 11" wide, full color, front and back. You can print them even bigger and the postage to mail is the same, regardless of size.

As a non-profit, mailing costs are about 50% off. If VSRF is a 501(c)3 you would probably qualify for the non-profit mailing rates.

I guess what I'm saying is, for just $4,000 you could thoroughly embarrass the Dean of Science at MIT along with the entire university. Start a givesendgo and you might be able to mass mail all of Boston and discredit the entirety of MIT. Anyone who reads this information in your article will be like WTF?!?!??? This mailing could single handedly result in the firing of the President of the University.

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Great idea!👍

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The Dean's position (and most others like her) is a strong indicator of expert Psychological Operations deployment against the public by some covert means. The extreme irrational and partisan approach to this topic by the pro-"official narrative" group seems unnatural.

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She has bought into, or she has been bought? Thank you for your incredible perseverance, Steve! Your efforts are beyond admirable!

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You state: "She has intellectual curiosity in all areas of science". Let's be accurate: she states that "She has intellectual curiosity in all areas of science". She has not demonstrated such curiosity in her statements about the COVID-19 "vaccine". Why would you think this is unique to the COVID-19 "vaccines"? Why not ask her about areas other than the COVID-19 "vaccines" where any disagreement with government policy would send her looking for another job? I suspect there are many scientific areas where her curiosity stops because the government and industry have flooded MIT with research funds, whose continuation is contingent on her lack of curiosity!

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It’s pretty sad when the Dean of Science at a school like MIT is so programmed (or is so political) she’s walking around with a mask…and even worse a crappy one. It’s become a cult talisman to show others what “side” you’re on and that you’re one of the “smart” ones, one of the cool kids. And yes it says it all when the mainstream side won’t even “dignify” the other with a response or discussion, even resorting to censorship and cancelling. The Pharacees and the medieval Church are smiling at this new priesthood of “truth”

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Maybe a Session with BUFO ALVARIUS could change her dull mind!

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Nergis Mavalvala does not exhibit the qualities of a true scientific mind. Rather Hers is a very common pedestrian political mind. She certainly would not have been on Galileo's side when he was persecuted for uttering scientific truths that the catholic world order did not want to hear at the time.

Seem's like mankind is taking a few steps backward in recent times.

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Worrisome intelligent people can be so stupid and blind. Steve, I have read that from the second batch released by the FDA of the Pfizer documents that both Pfizer & FDA knew the shot caused immunosuppression. The more shots you get, the greater risk of dying from Covid. Have you seen the papers?

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Just another smart dumbass masquerading as an objective scientist. I'm pretty sure that if she had lived in 1490s she would have bet good money that Christopher Columbus' boats would fall off the edge of the earth. When they "disappeared' over the horizon she would have offered that as proof the earth is indeed flat. As I said just a dumbass.

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Like an ostrich with it's head in the sand while lions prowl around it's body...amazes me to no end.

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This is an excellent article, Steve. Just reading this should send up red flags with any normie who is exposed to it.

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So glad you made this interview with Mike. This really explains how the Bangladesh Mask study failed to show that masks work.

This video should be shown in every University Statistics 101 class. Great stuff!

Thank you so much for your relentless work 🙏

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