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A deeper issue underneath this story is alarming. Does this mean that there are only a handful of doctors in this country that are compassionate and put the patient first? Only one physician in California's enormous medical system is human enough to help their healthcare workers?

Are doctors becoming doctors for reasons other than the desire to help fellow humans?

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Yes indeed. And the same counts for people in- and around governments. The so called politicans. They need to serve the people who choose them to arrange everything the people can't do themselves because they are too numerous. And to be very clear: nothing else. So giving away power to rich never choosen or even qualified people is not their job, and is a crime in almost every country called 'land betrayal' or perhaps 'country betrayal' and is a very very serious crime of course, with a very very serious punishment related to it. I really think they are so fullfilled and drunk by excitement of the total power the 'pandemic' brought them, they overlooked this, just like they forgot for whom they are supposed to work: the people, and not themselves. Same counts for doctors of course. And teachers. And... you name it...

Most people trust others, while they lack morality completely themselves.

I think that is the cause of almost all misery now also visible to the ones who still have a soul and moral: all those people trusting their governments blindly, for example governmentsadvices as lock-downs or experimental vaxxes which aren't even vaccines, do so because they lack self reflection which is necessary for taking responsability for whatever they do and they tend to think every elso must be less evil, saner and more responsable than they themselves are, which we now can see is probably not true.

Its the soulles people causing crises of whatever kind. Its the people lacking moral to act responsable who causes crises don't end immediately.

To end crisis you must deal with criminals and the only way to reach them is to 'speak' their languange, which is btw usually wordless

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A few weeks ago I was at a rheumatologist office, and I said, IтАЩm so glad I didnтАЩt get the vaccine. His response was тАЬthatтАЩs OKтАЬ first acknowledgment of a doctor on the vaccines that IтАЩve had experience with

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I think a major problem in our healthcare system Is that very few doctors work for themselves. Most work for a large corporation, a hospital and will lose their jobs and their licenses If they donтАЩt follow the protocol, however, I still think thatтАЩs terrible!

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Unfortunately the license of even independent doctors is at risk if they donтАЩt follow тАЬthe standard of careтАЭ as defined by various government entities and state boards.

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Totally correct A. The system is systemically broken...jd

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System doctors are aware of vax injuries by know especially if the injured came from that healthcare system. Since they are part of the system they donтАЩt speak up and look the other way. Some still donтАЩt believe in injuries at all and think itтАЩs political or conspiracy based when spoken out about it. IтАЩve come across both types as an injured RN myself. The system doctors are also still ordering Remdesivir in the ICU as part of the hospitals protocol treatment for covid as we speak, along with over ventilation modalities for respiratory as well. ItтАЩs a sad day and time to be part of a hospital system employee.

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The doctors are a huge problem. But in my opinion the hospital administrators are truly the people who have flown under the radar screen and have gotten away literally with murder . They are the ones who are putting all the pressure on the doctors to toe the line or lose privleges at hospitals. They are the ones who are also making enormous money off of every "covid" death. They are the ones working hand-in-glove with the federal government to make sure that the truth doesn't come out and to make sure that anyone who attempts to get the truth out is severely punished. They are lackey boot licking dogs. The Southwest corner of hell is waiting for them someday. Bastards the lot.......

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YouтАЩre so right. I have an ex friend in hospital admin. Completely ditched me bc she didnтАЩt like what I was posting the last 2-3 years at the scam. So hard to look in the mirror and realize what has happened and your partЁЯШмЁЯШмЁЯШм

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Obamacare took the humanity out of medicine. We watched it happen as one doctor office or group was eaten up by a larger group until the suits controlled it all.

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My private Dr. Office was swallowed up 2018/19 by a regional group that was taking over my county. I loved my NP but when staff started calling me to come in to check off their boxes (you need to come in and have this shot, this test, etc.) and wanting to know details of my other healthcare providers like when was my last eye exam and who was the doctor? I told her the date of my last eye exam and that it was not their business what doctor I saw and that I manage my own healthcare. That was the end for me, never went back. Even when I probably had Covid in late February 2020. I started looking for a new practice but was not successful all during early Covid timeframe and finally found an independent husband/wife practice about a year ago. Hopefully they will resist being swallowed by the monster group.

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So true. 2013 marked a giant turning point in medicine. It is heartbreaking to look at it all now.

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If this is true, there wouldn't be any doctors left who really cared for their patients.

Of course you are right Obama care appeals people with less concerns for others.

But they were already existing. The only people who are able to take humanity out of whathever thinkable, are the people who take out humanity out of whathever thinkable themselves.

Everyone not doing what he or she is supposed to do, while hurting or not saving other people, is guilty of a crime without any exceptions.

The circumstances will determine to what extend exactly, so depending on the situation the crime is worse or worst, but never will it be 'good'

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Well put. The great consolidation in any org generally results in consolidated control and groupthink or cancellation.

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Oh i didnтАЩt realize

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You are so right!

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One word .. Yes!

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