David Fisman over a decade ago stated that they fudge modelling and the cases and deaths in pandemics is flawed. He has even used Farrs Law of epidemiology in the past. Then when President Trump started with looking at vaccine dangers Fisman became the darling to refute Trump. Check this out. Ask former CDC Director Robert Redfield about Fisman. Does he know. Thus was born the man to get paid lots of money to misinform and push a narrative. Big momey does that. You have to look into Fismans past. In fact Regina Wattteel went to the Ontario Provincial Police with her report on Fismans Fraud yet they did nothing. They can read her book. Fisman was caught threatening Doug Ford the premier of Ontario regarding Fismans comflicts of interest during covid that Ford called troubling and Fisman used Doug Fords links with other people as a threat. It was on twitter and the mainstream media literally supported Fisman ignoring the threats, Who was threatening Doug Ford the premier to follow the narrative. McKinsey and Company were given to Ford to use as covid recovery but we know they pushed lockdowns chinese style of course and this was based on the cognitive warfare used by many.. This was the narrative. Remember always research what is said. One after another the media pushed Fismans study online. That showed the narrative to keep the grift going.

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Steve, a tiny quibble. Please don't refer to the establishment press or legacy press as "free" press. I wish we could come up with a new term that attaches the appropriate adjective for the level of deception they perpetuate in our society. "Establisment," "legacy," and "free," are all too "nice."

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Steve, Help needed. If you have already responded to this article/attack can you link me to the response so that I can provide that into a discussion here in the UK. Thx. Google is not being very helpful.


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If it worked as a vaccine and prevented infection, "the vaccinated" would neither be vulnerable to infection, nor able to infect "the unvaccinated".

The whole notion of "the vaccinated" being a threat to anyone, or being threatened by anyone, is absurd, because "everyone knows" that "the vaccinated" are "fully protected". Best vaccine ever, right?

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Here's an enlightening piece about Fisman from May of 2021 --

"Meet David Fisman: OST; ETFO; Gaslighting; When a Side Hustle Goes Horribly Wrong"

An excerpt:

"The Dalla Lana School of Public Health, or DLSPH, is effectively a branch of the World Health Organization. While masquerading as scientists, this UofT cabal provides political cover for Doug Ford. There are conflicts of interest everywhere.

This focuses on David Fisman. It’s not because he has anything particularly interesting or insightful to say. Instead, it’s because his side grift with ETFO accidentally exposed a huge problem."


Archived here -- https://archive.ph/RQOJ9

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I really like videos better. With thnx Phil

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A very serious court decision from India on the right to bodily autonomy which must have international ramifications https://dailysceptic.org/2022/05/04/supreme-court-rules-vaccine-mandates-unlawful-as-courts-push-back-against-pandemic-state-overreach/

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I think we should give Dr Fisman some credit. Him and Dr. Tuite have great creative writing skills! As a result we have invited them to be keynote speakers at a seminar on creative writing that we organise in Berlin 2023. (We are eagerly awaiting their ansers!) Let's face it, it is not easy to come with such good fiction and get so much press coverage. You should do the same: ashleigh.tuite@utoronto.ca, david.fisman@utoronto.ca

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Thank you!!

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The damage is done up here in Canada...was talking about it with a triple vaxxed acquaintance and you could see it in their eyes. Ironically they’re sick with some kind of congestion, and another triple vaxxed acquaintance is in the hospital with lung problems, later diagnosed as bronchitis which he never had before.

This will make each vaxxed person who comes down with illness blame all their troubles on the unvaxxed, bringing us one step closer to people being willing to send others to concentration camps. There is so much anger and hatred inside them that there is no way to correct their assumptions, no way for them to ‘realize they were wrong’, they want heads to roll - specifically unvaxxed heads.

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Yes,and we have a Prime Minister and health ministers to blame for that. They know the truth and are peddling fear porn and lies. Like Dr. Paul Alexander states-we have to lock them up so that these uneducated and imperiled subjects of medical experimentation are the only ones that die for the globalists cause. Trudeau,Freeland and those entities would especially love that the unvaxxed go down with the vaxxed.

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I'm no scientist, far from it, however what frequently gets missed in all these studies is the crucial fact that if the jabs were truly vaccines and effective at prevention then no one especially those jabbed and supposedly protected should care about vaccine hesitancy. I fear all this scientific noise is a distraction to disguise the fundamental fact that the jabs scientifically aren't vaccines as they provide no effective long term protection. We don't call aspirin a vaccine for headaches!!

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Aspirin is not used to prevent headaches. It was used to 'prevent' heart attacks... and then it was discovered to raise the risk of strokes.

In any case, the claim from the jabbed and supposedly protected is that unvaccinated people are dangerous because they are 'breeding ground' for scary new variants which will overwhelm the vaccines... and lead to more doses of the same vaccine being needed... until everyone gets injected with the same vaccine that is no longer effective... and then maybe something better will come out! So it's the variants of course.

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With covid, bogged in ever-twisting science info, your simple common fact is buried! Thanks for raising it in all its shining simplicity!

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Meanwhile, on Twitter, Fisman is using Politifact, Reuters , USA Today and AP "factcheckers," as "evidence" that Doc Bridle is spreading "misinformation." 🤡

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Thank you Steve for exposing these scumbags of society. I hope that they will be deregistered .

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Update. You will all be happy to hear a Liberal MP (former Olympian Adam van Koeverden) quoted from Fisman's 'study' in Parliament today. There are no coincidences.

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May 3, 2022
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They are not getting the same information we are - Edward Dowd discussed this in one of his interviews with Naomi Wolfe. There was a wall-street term for this, but it escapes me right now.

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Well if you have an idiotic MP saying that 'honk honk' is 'heil hitler', these people are complete and utter morons

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I've read most of this paper. It's a disgrace. Here's an example.

Under methods the authors state:

“a vaccine the is 80% efficacious would result in 80% of vaccinated people becoming immune, with the remaining 20% being susceptible to infection”.

The author’s confuse relative risk reduction with absolute risk reduction. Efficacy is calculated using relative risk reduction. That is; what is the relative proportion of those infected that are vaccinated compared to those unvaccinated. Only the fraction of participants who become infected are included in the calculations of efficacy. In doing so the efficacy percentage is necessarily orders of magnitude higher than using absolute risk reduction. For instance Moderna’s data shows an “efficacy” of 94.08% while the absolute risk reduction is only 1.237%. Pfizer’s efficacy is calculated to be 95.02% while the absolute risk reduction is only 0.84%. Since they do not understand a simple concept like this there’s little to be gained by reading the rest of this paper.

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