[Previously posted as a reply to another comment; reposting at top level.]
Those of us who are generally liberal but who don't accept the mainstream narrative on the pandemic are in a very difficult position. We're not in favor of a "red wave", certainly, but it seems like the only politicians who are anywhere close to us on this issue are pretty far right -- not even center-right. What to do?
I think we should start talking about something slightly different: the astounding amount of power the pharma companies have managed to acquire. For one thing, one reason so many dismiss the possibility that the vaccines are killing people is that they just don't believe that a conspiracy on that scale could be pulled off. This is for very good reason: it is indeed mind-boggling. But when you start to look at the consolidation of the corporate press after four decades of lax antitrust enforcement, plus the fact that the major media make something like 3/4 of their ad revenue from drug ads, it becomes clear how the major media are literally bought off. Then you consider the absolute authority that the FDA etc. have over the practice of medicine, and it becomes clear that at the very least, regulatory capture is a grave danger. And then you can start to see how the whole scam could be possible, with the media singing pharma's tune and doctors unable to speak out without sacrificing their careers. It's brilliant, in an evil way.
For another thing, it's a problem people can understand, independent of their politics -- at least, I would think so. Everybody's seen all the drug ads on TV -- seems like there are more every month! And opposing a major, antidemocratic power center is the kind of thing both sides can get behind.
And as serious a problem as the vaccines are, this is bigger, because they're going to keep doing this kind of thing to us until we stop them.
First, I would suggest that you pull the current party platforms for both Dem and Repub - for Repubs that's the MAGA platform since they are ascendant. Then go back about 10 years, about 20 years, about 30 years and do the same. Do an honest evaluation with yourself -- what do you agree with, what do you not. Most people "inherit" their party affiliation and haven't done much digging. When you do, you may surprise yourself.
Beyond that, realize that either party can go too far. But you have to clear about what "too far" is. I would argue that MAGA is NOT far right, not even close. We know, for instance, what fascism from the right looks like: rigid adherence to rules, neat lines of orderly soldiers marching and moving in rigid formation, saluting in unison, etc. "Far right" is the subjection of the individual to the greater good of the group. MAGA is all about the sovereignty of the individual, individual rights from God, self-governance to the largest extent possible, self-determination. That it is tagged as "far right" by media is just the Left giving MAGA a tag that it hopes will dirty the movement.
Fascism from the left is new to the West. What does it look like? Extreme diversity to the point where anything traditional isn't tolerated. Tolerance of intolerance. Destroy to "rebuild" something "better" (undefined). And of course, subjection of the individual to the group: mandatory vaxxes, mandatory CRT, be "inclusive" or be shut out of society.
That is, fascism from either the left or right ultimately destroys the individual. If you imagine the "moderates" of either party sitting at a single point which values the individual and then the lines curving to the left and the right...they meet again on the other side of the circle, 180 degrees from the start. And that 180 degree point is the exact same totalitarian position. The Right in the form of MAGA has moved solidly to the point where individualism is at its zenith, i.e. the "good" point. The Left has moved significantly close to that 180 degree opposite.
I've often said that to stay in the centerish position, either party should be happy to lose to the other party sometimes. However, at a point where the pendulum for either side has swung too far towards that dark 180 point, the other side must win virtually all the time or we all lose.
So while I appreciate your point about the medical system, I think the attempt to avoid the uncomfortable evaluation of the position of the Dems on that circle is a distraction. Either the Dems are pulled hard from their position close to that opposite 180 point or they pull us all to that point. There is too much weight on both ends of this not to slide one way or the other.
And if it's any comfort, voting Red a few times (if that ends up being on the table for you) doesn't make you a conservative. It just makes you someone who recognizes the value of the center position on the "good" side of that circle.
Very nice take. To clarify, individualism vs. statism -is- right vs. left. This is, if you want to define right vs. left coherently as a principle, not "Whatever Republicans vs. Democrats are doing."
The extreme right is anarchist. It maximally exalts the individual. The extreme left is totalitarian. It destroys the individual and exalts the "greater good", which means total power to the state.
"Right-wing fascism" is a contradiction in terms. The right cannot be fascist without becoming left-wing. This happened in Europe: it has no political right. Very few Europeans respect the individual. Almost all of them are statist, they just differ in their degree of insanity. The more insane are those who buy more of the globalist narratives (open immigration, social equity, etc).
Given how indescribably evil Democrats are on this issue, maybe you should be rethinking whether their position on other issues are any better.
For example, did you know that there's no such thing as a minimum wage?
The government can only prohibit people from working, they can't force an employer to hire them. "Minimum wage" is just banning the unskilled (or at least a lot of them) from working. When understood like that, such laws are the height of cruelty.
Liberal values are the "extreme right" - as in America First, as in MAGA. If one is not in favor of a "red wave", one has no idea what is liberal and what is fascist.
Leftism is a party of mental illness. The ONLY place to be is on the right. Once you are among the sane, then you can argue for people to be left alone in their bedrooms. But you cannot argue for liberal values from the insane club.
Excellent point! I think we should also be taking flank assaults at the legitimacy of medical boards. Their fiduciary responsibility to maintain the integrity of the profession has been co-opted by Rockefeller pharma and molded into a tool of corporate persecution. It was happening pre-covid but has obviously ramped up by orders of magnitude since then. Why should a Scott Jensen, a Meryl Nass, or a Paul Marik be de-licensed by a less than transparent, heavily conflicted panel of techno-bureaucrats? It's time to go on the attack instead of being at the mercy of reacting to their arbitrary decrees. Institutions are being torn down. Good things will rise in their places. Let's take advantage of the opportunity.
Steve ---- Please promote Reinette Senum even if she didn't get on the ballot. We know they cheated to get scumbag on there. She is all about Medical Freedom and has a powerful message in this video. Just like Dr Cordie Williams she would end the mandates and the emergency. Somehow I feel like you are still stuck in the old world. Please help with this. You have a large audience!!!
Excited to see him on the ballot again. Mark was my first boss when I was 14. He’s a solid leader and laser focused. In 1995 he told me he’s going to be a lawyer and move to CA, he left out the part where he’s going to try and save the state. He accomplished the first two goals and I believe he can accomplish anything he puts his mind to.
Unchecked power, lies and corruption have nothing to do with “vaccine awareness”. I don’t like bringing any politician to our so called point of view. It is not a debate or choose a side thing. Genocide by biological weapons is evil. Pure and simple. The time for risk benefit awareness is over. It is good verses evil. I am grateful to you Steve that with full awareness of what you are up against you go to battle for the good of humanity.
Steve--you are doing an outstanding job keeping on top of the pathways to change...I appreciate your tenacity and consistency! I start my morning reading your newsletter everyday. I have shared your substack with my persuadable few and hope they signed up. Mahalos again!
I'm a single-issue voter, for now. I have been a fervent supporter of liberal/democratic values and issues all of my life, right up until covid (though the cracks were beginning to show before this). Seeing the entire left demographic throw their support behind big pharma gave me great cause for concern...
and when Joe Biden told us on 9/9/21 that he was "running out of patience", I was done.
Do I like republicans? Not most of them.
Do I think Republicans are capable of instituting fascism? Heck yeah I do. But that probability dims in light of the fact that the democrats ARE ACTUALLY DOING IT. The only politicians I see going to bat for medical freedom are Conservatives - they're definitely NOT democrats.
Yes, when the rubber meets the road we are all single issue voters. Sure, we weigh the pros, cons, and personal importance of individual issues and candidates in our heads and have a mental tally going, however there is nearly always a single issue that will tip the scales for the individual.
I'm no fan of the Republican party, there is massive room for improvement. But like you, after 2020 it wasn't the republicans telling me to stay home. It wasn't the Republicans trying to hamstring the economy. It was never the republicans trying to rape us with experimental medication.
Going forward, unless there is some tectonic shift in platforms or a viable 3rd party option emerging, (Libertarians please get your shit together, and maybe with the new leadership....)
I will NEVER vote for another democrat. Ever. Especially on the state and local level.
Also a side note: as the democratic voters of 2020 wake up to the grave mistakes they have made, after all most Americans are fundamentally good people, we need to welcome them back with open arms. Look forward to fix this mess and not play the blame game.
Thank you. Conservatives, who are mainly in the Republican Party or vote that way, are frequently irritated with our elected Republicans. Conservatives are not monolithic and it's a broad spectrum of opinion. Conservatives are not fascists. Fascists, are in fact, socialists.
I once was a Democrat but Jimmy Carter cured me of that. I have not always been happy with my choices on the Republican side but I knew how deadly it could be if I voted for the Democrat.
There may come a day when Republicans, as a Party, will become as corrupt as the Democrats have become but I think that time is several elections away. There is an up and coming crop of new, never run for office before, Republican candidates at all levels of government that is very refreshing. Some will be better than others but they will be a breath of fresh air and will look at areas that need to be fixed and cleaned up. It is hopeful.
Explain precisely what constitutes "justification" for voting for a candidate.
Define "reactionary."
Otherwise your opinions will be dismissed as an attempt to bully potential voters by calling the candidate and the potential voters names that make you feel superior and that shut down dialogue.
He seems to respect the constitution on his website/twitter feed. Also is pro business. Your position wont be very popular here unless you enumerate this 'toxicity' you speak of and provide examples to support this position; as of now it sounds like typical liberal whining.
I haven't read all the comments, but as far as true medical freedom, he did not come up as the best candidate for the election, Dr Cordie Williams did. He is Not against vaccines and that is my big issue. As long as these candidates won't tackle the hard core issue, I have problems with them. Vaccines are the most dangerous threat to humanity. I also wanted Reinette Senum for governor as she is all about medical freedom. This state is in a very critical situation and we can end up loosing more freedoms. Just look at what LA county board did that they can decide if a sheriff is not fit for the job without the people's consent. Taking more of our rights away.
You probably think Covid is real and bought the LIE hook, line and sinker. Tell me, how do you know if you have Covid or not? The PCR test? IT IS A LIE!!!! The entire PLANdemic was based on positive PCR tests..........YOU HAVE BEEN FOOLED!!!
Science first told us…
The PCR Test for COVID19 is accurate. (PROVEN FALSE)
If you wear a mask, it will prevent COVID19 infection. (PROVEN FALSE)
If you social distance, it will prevent COVID19 infection. (PROVEN FALSE)
If you stop working and earning for two weeks, it will end the pandemic. (PROVEN FALSE)
If you get a “vaccine” it will protect you from COVID19. (PROVEN FALSE)
If you take a 2nd “vaccine,” that will do it. (PROVEN FALSE)
If you take a booster “vaccine,” that will really do it. (PROVEN FALSE)
The “vaccines are FDA approved.” (PROVEN FALSE)
The “vaccines are all safe.” (PROVEN FALSE)
Almost a million Americans have died of COVID19. (PROVEN FALSE)
One in ten PCR tests are taken to the lab for genetic sequencing. This way they can keep track of the development of variants and try to calibrate the PCR tests. Everybody knows it's a bad test. We don't have to make things up to exaggerate our rightness.
And what proof do you have that Covid doesn't exist? I work with people who lead every conversation about the plandemic with their claim that Covid doesn't exist. It makes us look like idiots.
Just yesterday I mentioned to a coworker that the number of young children getting sick with Covid is getting pretty extreme. He responds by saying it's because they got the jab. I say fewer than 1% of US 6 month to 5 year olds got the jab so it can't be that. He says the virus has never been proven to exist. It's just the cold and flu. I say so what is the cold and flu then? It's terrain he says. I say everybody knows that if you spend time in close contact with someone who has a cold or flu, you have a high likelyhood of developing the same illness. How is a person to develop a nutritional deficiency or toxic exposure in a couple hours. He says it's non linear. These people drive me nuts. No wonder most people listening to the anti vaxxers immediately run off to get jabbed.
And all these other claims by the mainstream experts that were wrong in the beginning and eventually widely accepted as wrong by the majority doesn't support your claim that Covid doesn't exist. Most people who've caught it will tell you it's very different from any cold or flu they've had.
And if it doesn't exist than why do these protocols like the ones at FLCCC work? They work by using specific medications to target specific effects of the virus.
I'm just a factory worker. I'm trying to follow along with this disaster. But stating the obvious in all caps isn't evidence. It doesn't reinforce your claims.
What's next? That we should all be loaded up on crypto? That's what this guy from work believes. And just like with everything, if I make a case against it (look at crypto now) he digs his heels in and makes it his mission in life to be even more obstinate.
Humanity is freaking crazy! And it's got nothing to do with Mass Formation.
BS!!!! There are only a few labs in the United States that can perform the genomic testing needed to find a variant. The PCR testing for regular Sars-Cov-2 also requires an additional genomic sequencing that most labs cannot perform and have not perform for the past two years.
On top of that most labs are highly inexperienced in PCR but forced to run it due to the massive demand for hundreds of millions of Covid tests.
The only real way to test for any variant is in a lab with a Gene Sequencing machine, there are no tests for specific variants in a clinic or hospital........NONE!!!!!!!
ALL THINGS COVID ARE A LIE.................100% of it
"Anyone can test positive for practically anything with the PCR test, if you run it long enough.....with PCR if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody....it doesn't tell you that you are sick"
Russ was right on target. All he listed is true. It appears, dear Hank, that you are in the mass formation Mattias Desmet described. No amount of facts or information will sway you.
I agree 100% with the "crime against humanity" status of the jabs. I'm sure our views align quite closely in this regard.
The Republicans espouse innumerable overtly fascist views and their ascent to power, especially nationally, would gravely threaten our democracy. The evidence for this is overwhelming and indisputable...just on the basis of what has been revealing during the hearings on the January 6 attempted coup.
If you care about the future of this nation, you will not vote for GOP candidates.
I'm not a Democrat. I'm a Marxist. Not that it matters in the context of this discussion.
"The Republicans espouse innumerable overtly fascist views and their ascent to power, especially nationally, would gravely threaten our democracy. The evidence for this is overwhelming and indisputable...just on the basis of what has been revealing during the hearings on the January 6 attempted coup."
Fascist views?!?!?!? NAME THEM! We are NOT a democracy we are a REPUBLIC!!!
Show me the overwhelming evidence
Guess what.............YOU WON'T!!!!
And for you to believe January 6th was an attempted coup WITH NO GUNS shows how brainwashed you are...........WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, I'm not a Marxist. I have lived too long and seen the horror and destruction that Marxism inflicts upon the poor people who's rulers adopt it. There has never been one single instance of Marxism imposed upon a country that did not result in the death of millions and the poverty of the masses.
Capitalism, for whatever flaws it has, is the best system the world has lucked onto. God help us if we destroy it by being forced into the new utopian dream of preventing climate change.
I would strongly recommend you read Thomas Sowell's "Basic Economics." Another excellent book for our times is Mattias Desmet's "The Psychology of Totalitarianism."
Do you know anything about Cuba? Their track record is pristine compared to this country.
You are the victim of American propaganda. I was also, decades ago. America's behavior in the global community is reprehensible. Why do you think nearly every Latin American country has replaced leaders who do America's bidding with progressive leftists?
I am beginning to understand just how much money and power the WEF has. When they can delete the PM of the UK, and bill gates rides in around the same time to ? Let the Tories know who will be the next PM. When a beautiful country like Sri Lanka implodes and the entire presidential cabinet abdicates their jobs, when Dutch farmers protest because their country wants them to stop farming, when leaders of African countries and Haiti are disappeared/assisinated when they tell big pharma, no thanks. When the retired Pm of Japan is assassinated, when kids are shot down in a school in Texas followed by a shooting on the Fourth of July in Highland Park, Illinois, when over 100 food processing pants have been set on fire in the USA the past year, when the entire oil charade is allowed, when China continues a crazy lockdown measure now in its third month, and on and on and on. Didn’t mention free speech, but that is on its way out as well.
Rumour has it China locked down hard because the US released an even more virulent and contagious variant after China refused to join the sanctions against Russia.
Remember, Covid has a Furan Cleavage Site without which it would be harmless and it was patented by Moderna 5 years ago and is owned by the US government.
And also, Russia and China have never allowed the mRNA jabs, which were developed under US military OT law, into their countries.
This is a story tip for Steve Kirsch. There was a news anchor in New York that appeared to have a possible neurological episode of some type. She was slurring, acting strangely and one side of her face seemed to be paralyzed at some points. Maybe this will turn out be a case of just being drunk on air. here is the broadcast https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=puHVPKWshXk&t=18s
My understanding of him is he is not against vaccines which I know Dr Cordie Williams is hence why he was my choice. He needs to understand safe and effective is fraud and a big fat lie. Unless people will admit that I have no regard for them. Act 1986 is The Biggest Issue and unless we have full transparency, the manufacturer can be sued just like a car manufacturer or anybody else, not a vaccine court that we paid for unknowingly, can be dealt with fast unlike today, know the FULL ingredient list, studies have been done with placebo etc. I will never trust them again!!! I did follow Mark Meuser early on in the Plandemic, but didn't see much come out of what he said he was doing.
I have those questions too. Unless he is for medical freedom and willing to expose the lies, I don't trust any of them. Hence why I wanted Reinette Senum and Dr Cordie Williams as they are all about medical freedom. End the mandates, the emergency, etc. No covid shots for kids!!!
I was referring to the mandates for school children as they are pushing for that because the liability goes away completely then..Yes I don't want it for anybody either. I want full transparency from pharmacies for parents whom are now doing this to their small babies. It makes me so.sad.
That's not true. There never was and likely never will be any liability. That's what Operation Warp Speed was for. To keep the jabs free from all laws and regulations and to keep it secret forever by using Other Transaction law (OT). Sometimes called Other Transaction Agreement (OTA). US Military requisition law for experimental products. Used to jab the majority of the western world. That's US style biowarfare brought to you by Trump and Robert Kadlec. And all the neocons etc.
Yes I share those on telegram too. I have suggested it to Steve on here. This would be money well spent. I saw the people were at the Clay Clark event last weekend so their information is getting out. I'm in California and wow we could use it on some on the big freeways. The smaller signs I hadn't seen before, but will share that too. I drive with White Rose stickers that I am leaving in places, I have vaccine bills with covid facts lthat I leave especially at post offices and at scanners in stores..I have a homemade sign in my back window :
NO Farmers,
NO Food,
NO Future.
For a long time I drove with Robert F Kennedy Jr's book in the back window of my car.
[Previously posted as a reply to another comment; reposting at top level.]
Those of us who are generally liberal but who don't accept the mainstream narrative on the pandemic are in a very difficult position. We're not in favor of a "red wave", certainly, but it seems like the only politicians who are anywhere close to us on this issue are pretty far right -- not even center-right. What to do?
I think we should start talking about something slightly different: the astounding amount of power the pharma companies have managed to acquire. For one thing, one reason so many dismiss the possibility that the vaccines are killing people is that they just don't believe that a conspiracy on that scale could be pulled off. This is for very good reason: it is indeed mind-boggling. But when you start to look at the consolidation of the corporate press after four decades of lax antitrust enforcement, plus the fact that the major media make something like 3/4 of their ad revenue from drug ads, it becomes clear how the major media are literally bought off. Then you consider the absolute authority that the FDA etc. have over the practice of medicine, and it becomes clear that at the very least, regulatory capture is a grave danger. And then you can start to see how the whole scam could be possible, with the media singing pharma's tune and doctors unable to speak out without sacrificing their careers. It's brilliant, in an evil way.
For another thing, it's a problem people can understand, independent of their politics -- at least, I would think so. Everybody's seen all the drug ads on TV -- seems like there are more every month! And opposing a major, antidemocratic power center is the kind of thing both sides can get behind.
And as serious a problem as the vaccines are, this is bigger, because they're going to keep doing this kind of thing to us until we stop them.
First, I would suggest that you pull the current party platforms for both Dem and Repub - for Repubs that's the MAGA platform since they are ascendant. Then go back about 10 years, about 20 years, about 30 years and do the same. Do an honest evaluation with yourself -- what do you agree with, what do you not. Most people "inherit" their party affiliation and haven't done much digging. When you do, you may surprise yourself.
Beyond that, realize that either party can go too far. But you have to clear about what "too far" is. I would argue that MAGA is NOT far right, not even close. We know, for instance, what fascism from the right looks like: rigid adherence to rules, neat lines of orderly soldiers marching and moving in rigid formation, saluting in unison, etc. "Far right" is the subjection of the individual to the greater good of the group. MAGA is all about the sovereignty of the individual, individual rights from God, self-governance to the largest extent possible, self-determination. That it is tagged as "far right" by media is just the Left giving MAGA a tag that it hopes will dirty the movement.
Fascism from the left is new to the West. What does it look like? Extreme diversity to the point where anything traditional isn't tolerated. Tolerance of intolerance. Destroy to "rebuild" something "better" (undefined). And of course, subjection of the individual to the group: mandatory vaxxes, mandatory CRT, be "inclusive" or be shut out of society.
That is, fascism from either the left or right ultimately destroys the individual. If you imagine the "moderates" of either party sitting at a single point which values the individual and then the lines curving to the left and the right...they meet again on the other side of the circle, 180 degrees from the start. And that 180 degree point is the exact same totalitarian position. The Right in the form of MAGA has moved solidly to the point where individualism is at its zenith, i.e. the "good" point. The Left has moved significantly close to that 180 degree opposite.
I've often said that to stay in the centerish position, either party should be happy to lose to the other party sometimes. However, at a point where the pendulum for either side has swung too far towards that dark 180 point, the other side must win virtually all the time or we all lose.
So while I appreciate your point about the medical system, I think the attempt to avoid the uncomfortable evaluation of the position of the Dems on that circle is a distraction. Either the Dems are pulled hard from their position close to that opposite 180 point or they pull us all to that point. There is too much weight on both ends of this not to slide one way or the other.
And if it's any comfort, voting Red a few times (if that ends up being on the table for you) doesn't make you a conservative. It just makes you someone who recognizes the value of the center position on the "good" side of that circle.
Very nice take. To clarify, individualism vs. statism -is- right vs. left. This is, if you want to define right vs. left coherently as a principle, not "Whatever Republicans vs. Democrats are doing."
The extreme right is anarchist. It maximally exalts the individual. The extreme left is totalitarian. It destroys the individual and exalts the "greater good", which means total power to the state.
"Right-wing fascism" is a contradiction in terms. The right cannot be fascist without becoming left-wing. This happened in Europe: it has no political right. Very few Europeans respect the individual. Almost all of them are statist, they just differ in their degree of insanity. The more insane are those who buy more of the globalist narratives (open immigration, social equity, etc).
Given how indescribably evil Democrats are on this issue, maybe you should be rethinking whether their position on other issues are any better.
For example, did you know that there's no such thing as a minimum wage?
The government can only prohibit people from working, they can't force an employer to hire them. "Minimum wage" is just banning the unskilled (or at least a lot of them) from working. When understood like that, such laws are the height of cruelty.
AND THEN I happened upon this FANTASTIC article by Ben Carson & Boyden Gray, via TrialSite News. https://stream.org/the-illegal-crusade-against-ivermectin/
There's no such thing as "liberal", there's only "fascist."
Untrue. Liberal values continue, even if the "liberal party" has been corrupted beyond recognition.
Liberal values are the "extreme right" - as in America First, as in MAGA. If one is not in favor of a "red wave", one has no idea what is liberal and what is fascist.
Leftism is a party of mental illness. The ONLY place to be is on the right. Once you are among the sane, then you can argue for people to be left alone in their bedrooms. But you cannot argue for liberal values from the insane club.
Excellent point! I think we should also be taking flank assaults at the legitimacy of medical boards. Their fiduciary responsibility to maintain the integrity of the profession has been co-opted by Rockefeller pharma and molded into a tool of corporate persecution. It was happening pre-covid but has obviously ramped up by orders of magnitude since then. Why should a Scott Jensen, a Meryl Nass, or a Paul Marik be de-licensed by a less than transparent, heavily conflicted panel of techno-bureaucrats? It's time to go on the attack instead of being at the mercy of reacting to their arbitrary decrees. Institutions are being torn down. Good things will rise in their places. Let's take advantage of the opportunity.
Steve ---- Please promote Reinette Senum even if she didn't get on the ballot. We know they cheated to get scumbag on there. She is all about Medical Freedom and has a powerful message in this video. Just like Dr Cordie Williams she would end the mandates and the emergency. Somehow I feel like you are still stuck in the old world. Please help with this. You have a large audience!!!
We need to support her. This can help other states too. https://rumble.com/v1b7g1j-bravetv-live-7522-reinette-senum-and-post-4th-of-july-updates.html
Her part starts around 15 minutes. She is being interviewed by Dr Jason Dean a chiropractor out of Florida who is equally all about medical freedom.
Good Luck Mark!
I voted for him and I agree. We need Mark in the Senate.
Excited to see him on the ballot again. Mark was my first boss when I was 14. He’s a solid leader and laser focused. In 1995 he told me he’s going to be a lawyer and move to CA, he left out the part where he’s going to try and save the state. He accomplished the first two goals and I believe he can accomplish anything he puts his mind to.
Unchecked power, lies and corruption have nothing to do with “vaccine awareness”. I don’t like bringing any politician to our so called point of view. It is not a debate or choose a side thing. Genocide by biological weapons is evil. Pure and simple. The time for risk benefit awareness is over. It is good verses evil. I am grateful to you Steve that with full awareness of what you are up against you go to battle for the good of humanity.
Steve--you are doing an outstanding job keeping on top of the pathways to change...I appreciate your tenacity and consistency! I start my morning reading your newsletter everyday. I have shared your substack with my persuadable few and hope they signed up. Mahalos again!
Politicians get elected promising to deliver what you want.
Politicians then change their minds once Pfizer donates to their re-election campaign.
Politicians then LIE and gaslight you saying that things are not as simple as it seems.
People get angry and vote in a new politician.
Cycle repeats.
Until we get rid of the fascist corporatist oligarchic state that we have, nothing will change.
AOC is a perfect example of this script.
1:38:44 Kari Lake in Arizona is also on the correct side of jab history.
In one of her ads she burned a mask!
Steve, please stop calling it a vaccine, details matter. I use the term jab.
Is OPV a vaccine?
What about aP?
Another toxic right-winger. His views on COVID-19 do not justify voting for him unless you are also a reactionary
I'm a single-issue voter, for now. I have been a fervent supporter of liberal/democratic values and issues all of my life, right up until covid (though the cracks were beginning to show before this). Seeing the entire left demographic throw their support behind big pharma gave me great cause for concern...
and when Joe Biden told us on 9/9/21 that he was "running out of patience", I was done.
Do I like republicans? Not most of them.
Do I think Republicans are capable of instituting fascism? Heck yeah I do. But that probability dims in light of the fact that the democrats ARE ACTUALLY DOING IT. The only politicians I see going to bat for medical freedom are Conservatives - they're definitely NOT democrats.
Yes, when the rubber meets the road we are all single issue voters. Sure, we weigh the pros, cons, and personal importance of individual issues and candidates in our heads and have a mental tally going, however there is nearly always a single issue that will tip the scales for the individual.
I'm no fan of the Republican party, there is massive room for improvement. But like you, after 2020 it wasn't the republicans telling me to stay home. It wasn't the Republicans trying to hamstring the economy. It was never the republicans trying to rape us with experimental medication.
Going forward, unless there is some tectonic shift in platforms or a viable 3rd party option emerging, (Libertarians please get your shit together, and maybe with the new leadership....)
I will NEVER vote for another democrat. Ever. Especially on the state and local level.
Also a side note: as the democratic voters of 2020 wake up to the grave mistakes they have made, after all most Americans are fundamentally good people, we need to welcome them back with open arms. Look forward to fix this mess and not play the blame game.
Thank you. Conservatives, who are mainly in the Republican Party or vote that way, are frequently irritated with our elected Republicans. Conservatives are not monolithic and it's a broad spectrum of opinion. Conservatives are not fascists. Fascists, are in fact, socialists.
I once was a Democrat but Jimmy Carter cured me of that. I have not always been happy with my choices on the Republican side but I knew how deadly it could be if I voted for the Democrat.
There may come a day when Republicans, as a Party, will become as corrupt as the Democrats have become but I think that time is several elections away. There is an up and coming crop of new, never run for office before, Republican candidates at all levels of government that is very refreshing. Some will be better than others but they will be a breath of fresh air and will look at areas that need to be fixed and cleaned up. It is hopeful.
Define "toxic."
Define "right-winger."
Explain precisely what constitutes "justification" for voting for a candidate.
Define "reactionary."
Otherwise your opinions will be dismissed as an attempt to bully potential voters by calling the candidate and the potential voters names that make you feel superior and that shut down dialogue.
He seems to respect the constitution on his website/twitter feed. Also is pro business. Your position wont be very popular here unless you enumerate this 'toxicity' you speak of and provide examples to support this position; as of now it sounds like typical liberal whining.
I haven't read all the comments, but as far as true medical freedom, he did not come up as the best candidate for the election, Dr Cordie Williams did. He is Not against vaccines and that is my big issue. As long as these candidates won't tackle the hard core issue, I have problems with them. Vaccines are the most dangerous threat to humanity. I also wanted Reinette Senum for governor as she is all about medical freedom. This state is in a very critical situation and we can end up loosing more freedoms. Just look at what LA county board did that they can decide if a sheriff is not fit for the job without the people's consent. Taking more of our rights away.
https://rumble.com/v1b7g1j-bravetv-live-7522-reinette-senum-and-post-4th-of-july-updates.html please promote what Reinette Senum is trying to do. Her part starts around 15 minutes. This can help other states too. She is being interviewed by Dr Jason Dean out of Florida who is very much for medical freedom as he deals with people suffering from vaccines .
Oh, good grief. What exactly is a "toxic right winger?" Let's have more Gavin Newsoms, yes?
You probably think Covid is real and bought the LIE hook, line and sinker. Tell me, how do you know if you have Covid or not? The PCR test? IT IS A LIE!!!! The entire PLANdemic was based on positive PCR tests..........YOU HAVE BEEN FOOLED!!!
Science first told us…
The PCR Test for COVID19 is accurate. (PROVEN FALSE)
If you wear a mask, it will prevent COVID19 infection. (PROVEN FALSE)
If you social distance, it will prevent COVID19 infection. (PROVEN FALSE)
If you stop working and earning for two weeks, it will end the pandemic. (PROVEN FALSE)
If you get a “vaccine” it will protect you from COVID19. (PROVEN FALSE)
If you take a 2nd “vaccine,” that will do it. (PROVEN FALSE)
If you take a booster “vaccine,” that will really do it. (PROVEN FALSE)
The “vaccines are FDA approved.” (PROVEN FALSE)
The “vaccines are all safe.” (PROVEN FALSE)
Almost a million Americans have died of COVID19. (PROVEN FALSE)
One in ten PCR tests are taken to the lab for genetic sequencing. This way they can keep track of the development of variants and try to calibrate the PCR tests. Everybody knows it's a bad test. We don't have to make things up to exaggerate our rightness.
And what proof do you have that Covid doesn't exist? I work with people who lead every conversation about the plandemic with their claim that Covid doesn't exist. It makes us look like idiots.
Just yesterday I mentioned to a coworker that the number of young children getting sick with Covid is getting pretty extreme. He responds by saying it's because they got the jab. I say fewer than 1% of US 6 month to 5 year olds got the jab so it can't be that. He says the virus has never been proven to exist. It's just the cold and flu. I say so what is the cold and flu then? It's terrain he says. I say everybody knows that if you spend time in close contact with someone who has a cold or flu, you have a high likelyhood of developing the same illness. How is a person to develop a nutritional deficiency or toxic exposure in a couple hours. He says it's non linear. These people drive me nuts. No wonder most people listening to the anti vaxxers immediately run off to get jabbed.
And all these other claims by the mainstream experts that were wrong in the beginning and eventually widely accepted as wrong by the majority doesn't support your claim that Covid doesn't exist. Most people who've caught it will tell you it's very different from any cold or flu they've had.
And if it doesn't exist than why do these protocols like the ones at FLCCC work? They work by using specific medications to target specific effects of the virus.
I'm just a factory worker. I'm trying to follow along with this disaster. But stating the obvious in all caps isn't evidence. It doesn't reinforce your claims.
What's next? That we should all be loaded up on crypto? That's what this guy from work believes. And just like with everything, if I make a case against it (look at crypto now) he digs his heels in and makes it his mission in life to be even more obstinate.
Humanity is freaking crazy! And it's got nothing to do with Mass Formation.
BS!!!! There are only a few labs in the United States that can perform the genomic testing needed to find a variant. The PCR testing for regular Sars-Cov-2 also requires an additional genomic sequencing that most labs cannot perform and have not perform for the past two years.
On top of that most labs are highly inexperienced in PCR but forced to run it due to the massive demand for hundreds of millions of Covid tests.
The only real way to test for any variant is in a lab with a Gene Sequencing machine, there are no tests for specific variants in a clinic or hospital........NONE!!!!!!!
ALL THINGS COVID ARE A LIE.................100% of it
"Anyone can test positive for practically anything with the PCR test, if you run it long enough.....with PCR if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody....it doesn't tell you that you are sick"
-Dr Kary Mullis, PHD, creator of the PCR test
What is the point of your frenetic rant Russ? I haven't been fooled by anything related to COVID-19. I am neither stupid nor a liberal.
Russ was right on target. All he listed is true. It appears, dear Hank, that you are in the mass formation Mattias Desmet described. No amount of facts or information will sway you.
I agree 100% with the "crime against humanity" status of the jabs. I'm sure our views align quite closely in this regard.
The Republicans espouse innumerable overtly fascist views and their ascent to power, especially nationally, would gravely threaten our democracy. The evidence for this is overwhelming and indisputable...just on the basis of what has been revealing during the hearings on the January 6 attempted coup.
If you care about the future of this nation, you will not vote for GOP candidates.
I'm not a Democrat. I'm a Marxist. Not that it matters in the context of this discussion.
Oh it matters. Get out of the USA. We don’t need any stinking Marxists here.
"The Republicans espouse innumerable overtly fascist views and their ascent to power, especially nationally, would gravely threaten our democracy. The evidence for this is overwhelming and indisputable...just on the basis of what has been revealing during the hearings on the January 6 attempted coup."
Fascist views?!?!?!? NAME THEM! We are NOT a democracy we are a REPUBLIC!!!
Show me the overwhelming evidence
Guess what.............YOU WON'T!!!!
And for you to believe January 6th was an attempted coup WITH NO GUNS shows how brainwashed you are...........WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are correct. Don't let Hank rile you. That is his sole purpose on these threads.
Well, I'm not a Marxist. I have lived too long and seen the horror and destruction that Marxism inflicts upon the poor people who's rulers adopt it. There has never been one single instance of Marxism imposed upon a country that did not result in the death of millions and the poverty of the masses.
Capitalism, for whatever flaws it has, is the best system the world has lucked onto. God help us if we destroy it by being forced into the new utopian dream of preventing climate change.
I would strongly recommend you read Thomas Sowell's "Basic Economics." Another excellent book for our times is Mattias Desmet's "The Psychology of Totalitarianism."
Do you know anything about Cuba? Their track record is pristine compared to this country.
You are the victim of American propaganda. I was also, decades ago. America's behavior in the global community is reprehensible. Why do you think nearly every Latin American country has replaced leaders who do America's bidding with progressive leftists?
"Another toxic right-winger"
It is the Demonrat Party that is destroying this Country............PERIOD!
I am beginning to understand just how much money and power the WEF has. When they can delete the PM of the UK, and bill gates rides in around the same time to ? Let the Tories know who will be the next PM. When a beautiful country like Sri Lanka implodes and the entire presidential cabinet abdicates their jobs, when Dutch farmers protest because their country wants them to stop farming, when leaders of African countries and Haiti are disappeared/assisinated when they tell big pharma, no thanks. When the retired Pm of Japan is assassinated, when kids are shot down in a school in Texas followed by a shooting on the Fourth of July in Highland Park, Illinois, when over 100 food processing pants have been set on fire in the USA the past year, when the entire oil charade is allowed, when China continues a crazy lockdown measure now in its third month, and on and on and on. Didn’t mention free speech, but that is on its way out as well.
Rumour has it China locked down hard because the US released an even more virulent and contagious variant after China refused to join the sanctions against Russia.
Remember, Covid has a Furan Cleavage Site without which it would be harmless and it was patented by Moderna 5 years ago and is owned by the US government.
And also, Russia and China have never allowed the mRNA jabs, which were developed under US military OT law, into their countries.
This is a story tip for Steve Kirsch. There was a news anchor in New York that appeared to have a possible neurological episode of some type. She was slurring, acting strangely and one side of her face seemed to be paralyzed at some points. Maybe this will turn out be a case of just being drunk on air. here is the broadcast https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=puHVPKWshXk&t=18s
Those are signs of the neurological damage the vaccine has done.
too iffy. she claims she was sleep deprived.
facial paralysis doesn't come and go
I think you're right Steve, thanks for taking a look. And by the way thanks for all you're doing for humanity. It's amazing. You're saving lives.
I changed the link I think it's working now. I hope Steve Kirsch sees this. I have gut feeling this is a neurological issue from the vax
My understanding of him is he is not against vaccines which I know Dr Cordie Williams is hence why he was my choice. He needs to understand safe and effective is fraud and a big fat lie. Unless people will admit that I have no regard for them. Act 1986 is The Biggest Issue and unless we have full transparency, the manufacturer can be sued just like a car manufacturer or anybody else, not a vaccine court that we paid for unknowingly, can be dealt with fast unlike today, know the FULL ingredient list, studies have been done with placebo etc. I will never trust them again!!! I did follow Mark Meuser early on in the Plandemic, but didn't see much come out of what he said he was doing.
join the call and put him on the spot.
You say he is on the right side of the vaccine issue. Is he willing to end all vaccine mandates?!! Is he
Going to push for ethics in medicine. Is he going to vote no vaccine
For children!?? This is what we need to hear!!
I have those questions too. Unless he is for medical freedom and willing to expose the lies, I don't trust any of them. Hence why I wanted Reinette Senum and Dr Cordie Williams as they are all about medical freedom. End the mandates, the emergency, etc. No covid shots for kids!!!
I was referring to the mandates for school children as they are pushing for that because the liability goes away completely then..Yes I don't want it for anybody either. I want full transparency from pharmacies for parents whom are now doing this to their small babies. It makes me so.sad.
That's not true. There never was and likely never will be any liability. That's what Operation Warp Speed was for. To keep the jabs free from all laws and regulations and to keep it secret forever by using Other Transaction law (OT). Sometimes called Other Transaction Agreement (OTA). US Military requisition law for experimental products. Used to jab the majority of the western world. That's US style biowarfare brought to you by Trump and Robert Kadlec. And all the neocons etc.
Yes I share those on telegram too. I have suggested it to Steve on here. This would be money well spent. I saw the people were at the Clay Clark event last weekend so their information is getting out. I'm in California and wow we could use it on some on the big freeways. The smaller signs I hadn't seen before, but will share that too. I drive with White Rose stickers that I am leaving in places, I have vaccine bills with covid facts lthat I leave especially at post offices and at scanners in stores..I have a homemade sign in my back window :
NO Farmers,
NO Food,
NO Future.
For a long time I drove with Robert F Kennedy Jr's book in the back window of my car.
I appreciate your pursuit of Meuser. Alas, I do not do Zoom out of a concern for privacy and Security.