Meet Dr. Ben Rein of Stanford University
Ben believes that platforms like Spotify should censor people like Robert Malone who want to express views that differ from the misinformation being spread by the CDC, FDA, and NIH.
First, read this article about an effort by a very small number of people to force Joe Rogan to never ask questions that could lead to an answer that doesn’t comport with their world view.
Guess what the academic credentials of the guy who created the petition are?
He’s a postdoc at Stanford in Psychiatry! A psychiatrist thinks Malone is spreading misinformation. I’m serious… check this out:
Since Spotify isn’t going to take down Rogan based on his letter, I’ve emailed him and invited him (and the co-authors of his letter) to debate Malone and the rest of us. That way he can achieve his goal of correcting Malone’s misinformation.
Will they respond? No chance. They never do.
One of the signers was Sabina Vohra-Miller who posts her share of misinformation and isn’t interested in correcting it when confronted. She posted this tweet:
Here’s how she reacted when I offered to debate the science. Blocking me is the preferred method for dealing with conflict. I get it.
I don’t know if y’all have seen the vast amount of attacks on Malones claim of 16,000 doctors under the Global Covid Summit banner. They are attacking it.
Steve, do we have proof Malone had 16,000? Anyone know? If so, where is the list?
I want to counter the opposition claims on both Twittr and on this attack from the 270. I want to match name for name and credentials for credentials.
I know Malone has over 100, I can read up to that many but the last time I was in his site I couldn’t access more.
I want the list of THIS site too. While this Jessica lady does have some knowledge as does the young whipper snapper, they don’t hold a candle to some of our names. Malone, McCullough, Bhakdi, Yeadon, Kory, Marik, Zelenko, etc etc etc.
How can I access the ENTIRE list?
Here is the young woman who got her BS from the University of Spoiled Children in SoCal 🌐Jessica Malaty Rivera, MS - The Rockefeller Foundation
› home › jessica malaty rivera, ms
November 9, 2021 - Jessica Malaty Rivera is an infectious disease epidemiologist and science communicator. She earned her MS in Emerging Infectious Diseases from the Georgetown School of Medicine and has dedicated the last 15 years of her career to disease surveillance research, public health policy, and vaccine ...
She seems to think that her MS is far superior to Dr. Malone's 30+ years as an MD & PhD actually working with patients & doing important research! She works for the Rockefeller Foundation which tells us a lot about who owns her. Thus, why she felt the need to start a campaign to censor Joe Rogan & Dr. Malone!
Ben Rein, PhD is just another young whipper-snapper who never learned to think critically nor to question authority but knows everything, so censoring Dr. Malone is important to the advancement of science!