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All "vaccines" are toxic, and are based on fraudulent science. Steve quoted my article about two years ago, when I called attention to the statistics that children born to women exposed both to antibiotics and the "whooping cough 'vaccine'" during pregnancy are a 100 times more likely to develop "asthma," which happens to be another invented illness to cover up poisoning:


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When did we humans endowed with immune systems to process and inactivate and eliminate viral pathogens become vectors and superspreaders ? Science editors of all MSM need to be called to task for that huge paradigm misinformation propaganda campaign.

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Our health agencies very deceptively claim measles is on the rise in 2024 by comparing rates with 2023, which was one of the lowest years on record. They also proclaim this "increase" is due to lowering MMR vaccine uptake due to "vaccine hesitancy", decreasing from 95% in 2019 to 93% in 2024. What they neglect to mention is that 2019 was the year with the highest number of measles cases since 1992.

See my Substack article below for more on this, as well as information on MMR vaccine effectiveness and short summaries of some of the many studies which debunk the CDC claims of 95%. Also, MMR vaccine is actually known to be a cause of measles. Lastly, I touch on MMR vaccine safety issues.

Crying Wolf Over Measles Outbreaks : Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

Claims they are caused by vaccine hesitancy are inconsistent with CDC's own data.


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Say no to all vaccines, since they are all fraud, and have no scientific data behind them. No safety studies with randomized double blinded placebo testing. No replication of any studies to show anything, but only lack of rigorous data. We've been mislead for decades to believe that vaccines are the biggest scientific breakthrough of the century. Email your pediatric office and request to see what are they basing their vaccine schedule, and see how many studies they can produce you. I tried it in NY and NJ and got the following response: "Thanks for your inquiry, we follow CDC guidelines and were sure you can find studies on their website". When I replied that I tried and there are no studies it ended up our correspondence.

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Steve, great article as usual. Keep diving deep on all the vaccines so people know which ones they really need. On a separate note, we should stop saying “i am not anit-vaccine” until the pharma companies can be held liable. Until then, I am 100% anti-vaccine. Finally, I was curious if you had any data on the average age of the people who died from the vaccine. I bet it is much lower than the over 80 average of those who died from Covid.

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Delegates to the 77th World Health Assembly Please help to identify the contact info for the people who are purportedly "representing" your nation at the 77th World Health Assembly. Customize the template email and send it to all of them. https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/delegates-to-the-77th-world-health Here's my list. Nuremberg 2.0 Public Trial Begins vs Top 100 Wanted for Covid Crimes Against Humanity Chief Justice presents the evidence on their Most Wanted posters for printing and distribution where legal and lawful. https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/nuremberg-20-public-trial-begins

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who do I trust

NONE of them

That train was running close to running off the rails even before they rolled out the jab in '20

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SIX DEATHS IN ONE FAMILY POST VAX. Listen at 45 min mark. This medical holocaust continues silently. The damage done by these bastards is incalculable. Listen!!


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Back in communist Czechoslovakia where I grew up we kids all got measles, just a mild virus, no doctor , stay home, drink herb tea with lemon, go in the Sun, fresh air, nobody ever died. Here in the West, Big Pharma wants you sick, load you with vaccines and mRNA technology, so everybody is ill, loose natural immunity, to make profits.

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That sounds like what my grandma told me when I got the measles! If it's not a personal question: how do you handle it in your own family now, if you have got kids I mean?

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I have 3 children, 2 sons in USA, one born there, other moved there, the third one live with me in Alberta 9 years old. How do we handle when sick? The same as back in my country, now Czech Republic. No doctor. Foods should be natural, vegetables fruits, fresh air, no medication

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So you have not let Big Pharma replace the wisdom of the ages. That is very lucky for your kids, I salute you.

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The measles and 4 other vaccine myths not ‘math’

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When I was young we all got the measles it was like a rite of passage.No one I know ever died from the measles or mumps. But I do know of a young girl that died from the polio vaccine the polio vaccine.I was about 10 years old at the time. If I had access to the information I have now I would never have had my children vaccinated. And now that I know I can not unsee it. I would not recommend any vaccine at this point to any one. unless I had independently verified proper scientific evidence that they were safe. And that would not include the medical profession as they are not independent and very few do real science or even know what that is.

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In my (tiny) town people actually asked around and got their little kids to "measles parties" to make sure the kids got the measles early enough to get over them easily. I guess my folks would have been jailed for doing so now?

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Pestilences in the news and Global Pestilences to come.. To read more, pls visit https://bibleprophecyinaction.blogspot.com/

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My younger children are unvaccinated. I call them non my GMO children.

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This is spot-on! Can I use that (with attribution) in one of the next chapters of my story? (It's on my page).

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Absolutely. You can feel free to use it.

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Thank you so much! Joy and happiness to all your children :)

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I gave the wiki link because it was a summary of the major events. But if you search for news articles of the time, you'll find the story in all its terrifying glory to frightening everyone into getting a vaccine.

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