Los Angeles Unified School district has been doing mandatory weekly COVID testing for a while
But they aren't releasing the results of their testing. I wonder why?
While speaking at the StandUp conference in Santa Barbara, I heard that the Los Angeles Unified School District has been doing mandatory weekly COVID tests for more than a year.
I asked, “OK, so what were the results?”
Answer: “They’ve never been shared with the public.”
I wonder why not?
Could it be that the vaccinated kids are more likely to get COVID than unvaccinated kids?
Nah. Only a conspiracy theorist would propose such a thing!
I’m sure there is a good reason this isn’t being disclosed.
Can someone tell me what it is?
I realize I'ma bit late. Oer 34j0 emails to peruse, and Dr. Kirsch your plethora of emails doesn't give one much time to pause. But beyond the results of the tests given to children, I would like to say that Dr. Bergman, among others, say the tests are actually poison in themselves. They contain (I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong) Ethel Oxide and one other ingredient (It's on CHD/Solutions) that causes cancer. They have most likely been injecting cancer causing poisons into the nose, then the jab. The plans of depopulation are so demonic, Look around you. Where do think all this horror is coming from?
Technocrats don't like it when test results undercut their preconceived notions. They have no reverse gear. They just keep going in the same direction no matter the facts or results.
This type of behavior is prevalent throughout Western Society especially in those under 40 years old. Our educational system has produced a surfeit of unthinking automatons.