Unless LI applies its policies uniformly to all members it is discriminating for political reasons and there may be legal recourse. I would like to see documentation that LI vets all business claims for truthful content. Any business post or account that contains misleading or inaccurate information about that business’ practices, capabilities, history, policies, employment practices, accomplishments, and financial soundness must also be as scrutinized as my posts were in order to demonstrate uniform application of their policy.

Second, if the policy has no standard for what constitutes "misleading or inaccurate information" LI cannot justify its arbitrary exercise of the policy without it being plainly discriminatory. I have seen posts where people have claimed all conservatives are white supremacist, misogynistic, xenophobic, mentally defective murderers, yet it did not occur to LI that this was "misleading or inaccurate information". I have seen posts that claimed the Biden economy is the best the country has ever had, yet that did not make the cut for "misleading or inaccurate information". My post citing the U.S. government statistics on GDI and unemployment under Trump was removed as "misleading or inaccurate information". Two of my posts of CDC scientific articles that presented negative data regarding the vaccines were taken down. Apparently that means the U.S. government statistics and the CDC are presenting "misleading or inaccurate information" (what a shocker).

My account was temporarily suspended in late May 2022, then after a week LI told me I would be allowed to come back if I promised to be a good girl. I told them - very politely - to perform a physically impossible sexual act and they could keep their membership. No regrets, either.

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Maybe stop spreading lies and act like an adult. Then you’ll be allowed on the big boy social network

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LinkedIn took down my account a couple of years ago for posting the truth about BLM and Antifa. To restore it, they wanted all sorts of personal info including my drivers license. I'm sure that once they got that, they still would keep the ban in effect and use the info to make sure I'd never be able to post again. Instead I created a new account.

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Here's my LinkedIn bitch session:

My small business, a naturopathic medical clinic, was fraudulently charged $999 by LinkedIn for 6 months. Upon discovering this charge I immediately canceled the card it was charging. I wrote them telling them it was fraud and I wanted to be reimbursed. They investigated and admitted, yes, it was fraud (I have that in writing). But, well, they can't pay me back because I canceled the card that was being charged. Long story, but I ultimately filed a claim with the Better Business Bureau. LinkedIn admitted responsibility again and said they would take care of it, but they can't do it through the BBB, I have to take it back to them directly. I did, and they refused to pay yet again. I have filed a small claims case. For over a year now, waiting for them to pay... Bastards.

On another note, I wanted to make you aware of an article I co-authored some months ago. Another, a follow up of sorts, has been submitted and will hopefully be published soon. It is more technical, and also more ominous.

Keep up the great content.



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They're owned by Microsoft. Go after THEM.

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Fluvoxamine just reversed major depression with psychosis in a man who developed it 4 days post Sinovac.

He was previously put on citalopram but it didn’t touch sides.

Your work has literally saved his life. I wouldn’t have known about Fluvoxamine if it wasn’t for you.

I hear your outrage and you are right this is an unjust time.

But just thought to tell you anyway.

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LinkedIn is for:

Posting your job history and resume

Posting your professional and personal accomplishments

Keeping in touch with former coworkers and professional contacts

Finding work


Microsoft, being the woke turd they are, bought LinkedIn (IMHO) as a ready-made social network to push the narrative and collect information because they were unhappy Facebook was getting it all. Under their stewardship, the site has degraded into a twitter-esque bag of crap, barely holding on to it's usefulness as a professional contact medium - and that by a margin so slim that you can see through it.

While I understand the author's desire and need to impart information that shows the narrative is full of s**t, pushing it on LinkedIn has only contributed to the overall uselessness of the site. I don't have any sympathy because people like this (on both sides of the argument) have ruined the place for the rest of us that found what LinkedIn used to be a useful thing.

LinkedIn isn't about free speech. It's about what Microsoft wants you to know.

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If you genuinely believe politics do not affect business, you are not paying attention.

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I'll debate you. Live. I'm not pro-vaccine but I am not anti-vaccine, either. I could thoroughly destroy multiple talking points of yours if you agree to use only real, peer reviewed, published science and not Joe-Bob's antivax blog which is where most of the antivax disinformation comes from.

It would be easier to debate someone like me because I'd concede some of the points which may help you make whatever points you are trying to make. At the same time, I could show where people like you are going horribly wrong and falling for absolutely stupid anti-science disinformation.

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If you want a debate, try me. I get vaccines approved by the FDA for a living, have for 30 years. I will cite peer-reviewed data, CDC data, and any other genuine data you want. I can demonstrate that everything about these vaccines and the pandemic have no basis in science.

What you are likely basing your opinions on is the selected propaganda you see on the MSM; my opinions do not come from there (I don't watch it, haven't for years). I get my information on C19 and the vaccines from scientific publications and FDA reports only.

Have you ever read an FDA Form 483 issued to any of the vaccine manufacturers? You would not be so supportive of vaccines, if you had. Have you ever performed a manufacturing compliance audit of a vaccine manufacturing facility? I have, several of them, and I know exactly what they are and are not supposed to do. For a little light reading, try the Code of Federal Regulations Parts 210 and 211. Or the International Conference on Harmonization guidances Q9, Q10 and Q11. There's also the Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act for a little bedtime reading. Unless you are in my industry you have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to vaccines and science.

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I don’t question the findings in any of the cited studies. The authors conclusion that Covid vaccines are unnecessary is contradicted by at least one of the studies that found vaccines lessen serious illness. That itself is sufficient cause in my mind. Interestingly noe of the studies declare the vaccines caused death or great bodily harm. But then again they don’t appear to be written by rabid anti Vaxxers with a political bias. They appear to be non partisan scientifically appropriate studies.

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Either that, or most likely, pharma-funded hit pieces.

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When I scan for bluetooth connectivity, why is my mother's presence generating an address and I'm not?

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Because she has a phone or a bluetooth headset in her pocket.

Quit this nonsense with bluetooth. We can make chips that are small enough to be injected into somebody's bloodstream (simple ones), but how would it be powered? The antenna would also be too small to radiate the necessary radiation.

You know why magnets stuck to vaccination sites? It's because they just removed their bandaid which left the adhesive residue on their skin. If the vaccination site was magnetic, you could easily remove it with a strong magnet and you can make one as strong as you like when it's an electromagnet.

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Please explain how the woman I saw was able to roll a double-A cell across her upper chest.

Really, your "explanation" of the phenomenon is so ridiculous as to be contemptible.

Also, explain how the adhesive supposedly causing this sticking reaction enables the untouched skin to rise up towards a powerful magnet.

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You're being hoaxed.

You should realize by now how this works.

1) The government lies to you

2) people point out the government lies to you

3) the intelligence agencies concocts crazy (and false) evidence to try to delegitimatize the people pointing out the government lies to you also useful idiots pile on "for fun".

I'm not going to argue with you about this, because for all I know, you fall into the people whose job is detailed in #3.

I'm not going to waste my time trying to convince you, I'm simply saying you're incorrect at best, and lying at worst. It's TRIVIAL today to do special effects. Here: check this out:


Skim through that. That was LITERALLY made as a project for fun basically in an apartment. It's easy to make convincing lies today. Trivial. That was done on a budget of something like $13,500 Euros in 2005 - 15 years ago.

You think nobody can make convincing special effects after a couple of weeks of working in animation and special effects training?

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All we need now then is for hundreds - thousands - of people to spend $13,500 on special effects, when it is well known that the average person lives paycheck to paycheck.

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No, just one person to spend a few hours, maybe a day. Maybe a graphical arts student. We have come a LONG WAY in terms of visual effects with a computer, it's amazing.

I'm an electrical engineer. We can't make radios that small yet, not small enough to fit in your veins and be pushed around in your bloodstream, nor antenna, much less a battery to power it as well. I don't think it's physically possible. That's my professional opinion ALTHOUGH it's not my specialty. I don't work on electronics like miniature radios - I work on chips.

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So tell me, what do those blue pills taste like?

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Are you boosted? Please think of others...we must flatten the... oh never mind. Say hi to granny...she's what you say?

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Your offer is already drenched in the cat urine of ad hominem condescension.

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Don’t think you’ll have much luck because all of the anti Vax arguments I’ve read come from joe bobs blogs. NONE are published in any mainstream sources, even the counter culture sources who are all too eager to make the govt look foolish, corrupt and incompetent ( which incidentally is not uncommon on a variety of fronts. You won’t find a less credible crowd than wolensky, fauci etal).

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Now there's a surprise.

"NONE are published in any mainstream sources...."

How stupid are you?

Mainstream sources are entirely compromised; you can even watch videos in which the news anchors so called all mouth exactly the same words, because they've been told to say them.

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Steve, you are on your knees licking the boots of the fascist nazi corporate scumbags who are destroying the planet and you are crying that they deleted your posts! Are you SERIOUS? This is probably the most important life lesson you will ever learn. These people are YOUR ENEMY. Why are you working with them? Why are you giving them your private information!? YOU should be the one deleting your account on LinkedIn, not LinkedIn deleting YOUR account. Dude!!! Have you been in a coma the last 5 years? Get OFF LinkedIn, get OFF Google, get OFF FaceBook. NOW!

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Followup, I just deleted my LinkedIn account of 10 years.

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We must admire the naivety of a Socrates, no matter how often the fly swatter comes down. Sometimes they'll have a place in history regardless.

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I have a good friend that's d'bl vaxed , and boosted who travels to the States weekly from B.C. . He recently paid $1100.00 for PCR tests for him & family both to go down there, & $1100 again to come home to B.C.. What's amazing to me is--he thinks he's free , and quite happy to have been jabbed. If that's what you call freedom, you can keep it !

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We lived without any of these scumbag companies...and we will do it again. This has been the 20 year plan to get everyone hooked to their phones and then social media and then they own you and your pitiful life. They will market you to death, threaten you because you are now dependent upon them, and thus control all aspects of your life using the mountains of data they have collected on you. You have surrendered your freedom by becoming dependent on technology which is now used to blackmail and control you.

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Extremely well said. Frightening, but completely accurate.

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Steve, You said, "It is stunning to me that the leader of the free world is advocating for censorship of free speech." This should not be "stunning" to anyone. This is the M.O. of the left. This is par for the course. This IS their approach. It's Orwellian double-speak: war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is peace" and so forth. Expect nothing less from them, they can't help themselves, they have no legitimate means to win based on ideas, facts, reality or policy.

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Welcome to the club. If you want a better outcome based on your definition of fair, you are going to have to build your own platform. Remember: Their house, their rules.

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RIP NPR a while ago too: Just noting how the P in NPR *definitely* stands for Pravda, not sure what the rest of it stands for. Decades ago it was good listening. Today, having encountered no good radio choices in the car, tried NPR. It had an "expert" talking about 2021, how it could have been done better, in hindsight. A sociologist who also "writes a column for the New York Times". Woman with a first name like Zened or something, maybe Israeli, I dunno.

Clearly air time is cheap on NPR, judging by how they let her talk for maybe 20 minutes. At a distance of about 20,000 feet she sounded sane; These people know how to sound like the most rational people in the room. The content was all about: We failed. Technology developed these wonderful vaccines but we could not produce them fast enough to vax the whole world, before more lives were lost due to unavailability of vax (she must mean in the Pfizer-rejected countries). She said it's a big problem that social media cast misinformed mistrust upon these wonders of medical know-how. She said in upcoming years these problems with society could be corrected; The lessons from the pandemic could be learned. I'm sure she'd be OK with shutting down substack for example, to try to improve vax willingness next time, or next variant.

There are people who actually listen to NPR as if it's "safe as milk".

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They started this behavior back in 2016. Milo, for example.

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Get on Gab. I use LinkedIn for business and nothing else. I use Facebook only to follow a couple of groups on bio-engineering life extension and nothing else. I've never been on Twitter.

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What’s your deal?

Why are you so shocked? They banned President Trump, for crying out loud.

Have you not been paying attention?

The crackdown on free speech began five years ago.

Critical thinkers have experienced ban after ban, for years now.

More interesting, is how you avoided being banned all this time.

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