Kyle Rittenhouse was recently in the news for this announcement - he will be starting actions against media for bad coverage. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOZI59tSv_4

Has it been researched if these methods are useful for getting things done.

Similar issues may be pervasive elsewhere, and approached likewise.

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The fix is simple, hurt them in the wallet! The FOIA papers just released have the answer, the FACT that Pfizer KNEW of 1291 severe side effects/ adverse reactions BEFORE the VACCINE was released is called MEDICAL FRAUD!! Please people look into this, it is the way for Pfizer to pay for the millions they HARMED and or KILLED! The drugs are STILL EUA, so there is NO LIABILITY, but with the FACT that Pfizer knew about the 1291 reactions and did not tell anyone, it is in the data released in FOIA papers (the first 6 month data), that makes it MEDICAL FRAUD and NOW YOU CAN SUE THEM ALL!! FDA, CDC and Big Pharma!!!

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Someone needs to prepare a very good case to bring to court. The core of the case is establishing that Pfizer, Moderna, J&J and FDA committed fraud or otherwise violated the law in order to attain the legal immunity that came with EUA and full approval. The court would then be able to rule that the pharmaceutical companies are stripped of legal immunity due to attaining it through fraud.

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Have you seen the Pfizer documents which they were forced to release that have 10 pages of serious side affects from the vaccines??? The documents they wanted 75 years to release but a judge forced them to release it

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How to red pill the public/or steps towards a non-violent revolution.

This outline addresses the larger issue of a successful mass paradigm shift that can usher in a new government. Let history be our guide and study the more recent revolutions that overthrew dictatorships and brought in democracy. I am referring to the fall of the Soviet Union, and the replacement of corrupt administrations in both Japan and Korea. All these democratic movements had these 7 prerequisites in place or were working on procuring them.

1-A shifting public opinion, possibly due to a horrid cultural realization (think of the 1960 sexual revolution). I think this might be in place already as the level of harm the vaccines have caused is leaking out into the MSM.

2-Famous spokesperson and whistle-blowers emerge.

3-A united populace against the establishment. This is the Achilles heel for us as not only are the masses divided, but the enemy is actively violent towards our free expression. I think this is the most serious impediment we have.

4-The YOUTH are in the forefront of activity, as they naturally are the most passionate and energetic. Another void we have as without them we will not succeed.

5-A rule-of-law military who will not crush the uprising. Did not occur in Hungary 1956, Tienanmen Square, or Canada, but I think we have a good chance here.

6-Charismatic leader emerges. Not yet.

7-Non-stop civil disobedience as per civil rights circa 1960, and the aforementioned revolutions above.

These are just the nuts and bolts of the mechanics in place, but unfortunately not the procedure. I think it is in many ways timing and a powerful "savior" emerging.

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I stood for a month on the corner of busy intersections in my town with a sign showing the vaers data and the statement “say no to covid jab mandates”. I hope it saved some lives.

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Truckers may serve as heroes for all of humanity. Truckers can do what media refuses to do, protect its loyal viewers by providing the facts.

SUGGESTION: Rent the sides of trucks in all 50 States of USA to post: "Your government is lying to you!" Please scan this code to be informed of the truth..." (Barcode to: https://www.grand-jury.net/)

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Steve Kirsch for Congress to repeal vaccine makers immunity

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I disagree. Steve Kirsch is still human even though he was vaccinated. The vaccinated have not lost their rights. In fact, they have more rights than the unvaccinated. There are places I cannot travel, eat or work because I am not had the Covid jab. Steve Kirsch does not have these limitations.

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It is Unconstitutional & against the Nuremberg Code to give an experimental medical procedure to someone without their consent. You can’t consider them under that insane law since it was done without their knowledge, saying ignorance is no excuse just doesn’t fly here. That’s a Bull 💩 law.

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Yes there is hope. Reiner FUELLMICH & his group are holding a a Grand Jury to attempt to bring to Justice the perpetrators of this Crime against Humanity.

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This is an important and helpful chronology and helps to pin point the perpetrators via their patent IDs.

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Katie Meyer cause of death suicide? Hopefully the family is demanding a more thorough investigation including pathology, not just autopsy.

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Bounty Hunters often get allowed to capture and bind and torture and kill special people who the government dislike and puts a bounty reward on "dead or alive". Like in this movie about a German guy who deals in corpses the way slave traders deal in living bodies. It's one of my favorite movies. Here's a commentary and moral critique of the movie if interested in that sort of thing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5yvhP-9mik&list=PL5IzVFR-bW4ceHjOTHLPbooI40AQQPcDC&index=268

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1) what if the virus is and always was a viral DNA upgrade by non-terrestrials that rule us, but CoronaVirus was targeted at our genetically distinct secret ruling class?

2) what if the V4X is a Bio-Enhancement for the human race needed by most humans to better survive a secret electric plasma Apocalypses? And the jab also prevents the C0V1D from secretly being carried and passed or transfered from a normal human to a genetically vulnerable ruling class of humanity?

3) what if earth catastrophe cycle is real and so are aliens and God's and much other fantasy is most likely true, then there are many explanations the C0V1D psychological and biomedical operation? #S4ECC2048. If there is a cycle of global extinction event every 12,000 years that will strike again in the near future caused by nature, then many things once thought impossible or unlikely become very reasonable and likely as part of solutions planning by any intelligent and aware survivors at the end of the cycle facing their immanent demise.

Just my thoughts on the topic. But if you still believe this is about medical health, then you haven't googled "convalescent serum" which is a safe and effective way to treat any contagious disease including C0V1D without need of a vax. "Convalescent serum" and "human AntiSerum" have been known to rich people as solutions to plague for over 100 years. IMO2AFAIK


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If you were a non-terrestrial, you would presumably know real cosmology and planetary science instead of the propaganda disinformation given to the general public in place of science since the Manhatten project in WW2. The science of earth catastrophe cycle is pretty solid compared to most science but the truth is kept secret and out of the mass media. So killing humans isn't something anyone needs to work at anymore. Whatever is happening with the biology of humans, it's goal isn't to kill them. What would be the point of killing humans when the sun will do it naturally with no effort on your part?

um, most people just have been indoctrinated to ignore warnings of global extinction threats and trust the media on the topic. I think I need to share with you proof the media is censored in large amounts. Here's a video that should prove to you not only is there a vast conspiracy as described by John F. Kennedy before he was killed. This video will show you in 15 minutes irrefutable evidence of advanced weapons capable of turning skyscrapers into dust and also show you how this knowledge was first exposed to the world and then censored and covered up by ALL major news in all nations. So think about that and then think about how much else must be kept secret by all global media and all national leaders. Them keeping this video secret from 99.997 percent of the world after showing 70% of the word this video is some sort of amazing feat of propaganda and indoctrination that should make you question much of what you know or believe to be possible or reasonable. IMO2AFAIK.


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My favorite bounty hunter is ZORO with the green hair from this video about One Piece in my playlist called "Solutions for Earth Catastrophe Cycle 2048." BUT this is just anime and no one knows who the real Zoro the bounty hunter is? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2vUDovjYf0&list=PLjyehyKUteYvm3O3x90o7ZSJtGcELtL_C&index=393

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An immigrant from Africa told me at a Bible study a couple days ago his mother died three days after she got her shot last spring, she lived in Indiana. No report was filed. A town employee suffered a stroke the night of his shot, was put on a feeding tube and in a nursing home, has shown some recovery. An older sister had a stroke in dialysis which she recovered from some days after a shot, she was covid recovered before that. None of these events were reported to VAERS.

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You could help these people report to VAERS, if you are interested in tackling the job, which I hear is not easy. You could ask a "legal nurse" (a nurse who provides services to lawyers and their clients in medical-related legal cases) who has experience in filing VAERS reports to help these people file...you might need to pay the nurse for her services. I've heard that quite a few nurses forced out of their jobs because they refused to get the COVID-19 vaccine are now working as legal nurses...

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They had no desire to file a report, plus timeliness is essential. With my older sister, no one made the connection of her stroke which made her go haywire, in retrospect I see no other cause.

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VAERS has many reports coded FR for "foreign report." I know some of the foreign reports come from U.S. pharmaceutical companies that sell vaccines in other countries.

But I think (though I'm not sure) that it's possible for people in other countries to file reports in VAERS. If you don't mind saying, where do you live?

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"The CDC should be criminally negligent for not recognizing the obvious safety signals." Try "...should be held criminally negligent..."

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The CDC is criminally complicit in mass murder...

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I struggle with speaking out to vaxxed friends, as I believe it’s too late for them. What’s the point of talking about side effects of the toxxines when those who wanted to get jabbed and even boosted, already have?

But I do speak up about masks, digital ID, etc.

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The point of talking to vaxxed friends and relatives is that there are doctors working out ways to treat at least some of the bad effects. Take a friend's hand and say something like "I have bad news and good news. The bad news is that information is coming out about unfortunate longterm effects of the COVID vaccines. The good news is that there are doctors already figuring out how to prevent and treat those bad effects, and I know where to find information about these doctors and the treatments they're using. And I'm willing to help you learn about that stuff..."

I'll give you a link to more detailed info, but first -- It looks to me like the most important things to do re: the COVID "vaccine" are to cancel (or cripple) the spike protein, to detox the graphene, and to support the immune system. If you've got a friend or relative who can't or won't "study up" or do anything complicated, something simple you could suggest would be: Get Dr. Zev Zelenko's "Z-Stack" supplement and take 2 capsules per day; and take 500-600 mg of NAC (n-acetyl-cysteine) once a day.

Here's a link that you may find helpful:


If you scroll down to the bottom of the center column on this webpage, you'll find some material that I wrote about the COVID "vaccine" adverse effects; this will give you an overview, plus links to sources of more detailed information on adverse effects and treatments for them.

I hope this is helpful to you...

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This is VERY helpful advice. Thank you thank you!

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You're welcome! Glad to be of help!

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Mar 7, 2022·edited Mar 7, 2022

Yeah, I don't say anything because I don't want to fill them with fear which is detrimental to health. I pray for them and I believe in the power of prayer.

I wonder what percentage of adverse reactions are the result of accidental intravenous injection. Dr. John Campbell covered this topic and it made me really wonder. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBaIRm4610o

Then there are the bad batches of vaccines (red states predominantly affected). I wonder how much these two factors contribute to these deaths/adverse reactions.

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I also wonder about the variability in batches and how they are injected. Why do some people seem okay while others drop dead right away?

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Please read my response to Datagal above.

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Prayer is good, but it's just about as useful as praying after swallowing cyanide... Of course, those possessed by the Holy Spirit can prevail... Sadly, I've never seen such a miracle...

And yes, Kentucky received an overwhelmingly disproportionate amount of the vials with graphene hydroxide in them...

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There are a lot of healing ministries. JGLM (Plano, TX) and Andrew Womack Ministries (CO) are a couple of the big ones. Media always focuses on the frauds but there is genuine faith healing and it's occurring more frequently now.

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I've seen the "healing" ministries in my life, and I am not buying into them; in my experience, they are based on the placebo effect and rely on people who can be hypnotized (about 30% of the population, but on good days, another 40% goes along).

Sorry, I cannot be hypnotized and I don't care for the placebo effect. However, I do believe in miracles, but as far as I'm concerned, the Creator will/did suffice...

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The Pope is Catholic and most of the healing ministries are not Catholic.

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The Pope might be a deepfake or even a double. He doesn't represent people anymore. Kinda' like politicians all over the place...

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I agree with you. It is very corrupt, disturbingly corrupt.

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I'm not advising inaction. It must be stopped. These people must be brought to justice. The more true information is repeated over and over (in the same way the mainstream media repeats lies), the more it will stick and people will see the light. The tide is turning.

But don't discount the supernatural, it can be part of the solution. There is also the possibility that treatments can reverse the effects.

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I agree with you that the "supernatural" (or spiritual as I think of it) can be part of the solution. For info on treatments to counter the effects, please read my response to Datagal above.

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I agree that it is difficult to speak about the dangers of the shot to those who have already gotten it. It’s like they don’t want to accept that they might have put something really horrible into their and/or their kids’ bodies (and I get why they might want to be in denial). It would be fine if I were able to tell them how to detox, but that’s not an option!

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Please read my response to Datagal above. Some docs are figuring out ways to counter at least some of the vaccine adverse effects...

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Detoxing is possible, if they got the injections with "only" the parasites (well, graphene oxide included, but that kills only when the monsters turn up 5G); Ivermecting, apparently is an early remedy. Not much else, as far as I know...

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It's an old story: create a crisis that you offer to solve.

"Diabetes," according to Mercola, can be fixed by abstaining from food for up to two months (that might fix just about anything) and live on a clear liquid diet. The current "treatment" actually creates dependency on the "medication." The butchers make sure you consume the amount of carbohydrates that matches their chemicals, so your body doesn't care anymore... The same is true for "high blood pressure." In 2021, the butchers lowered the limit to 130/80, which is a joke, especially for the elderly.

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Plus if I say something, they won’t want to share their health news with me in future as I will assume it’s from the vax, say “I told you so”, etc. And I might blame them for harming their kids. So I stay oddly silent on it, hoping the predictions are wrong. It’s like there’s a huge elephant in the room but only I see it.

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Not all of the injections are the same. They have a large variety of effects and one of the ingredients can activate another from a previous one. 5G can activate all of them. In order to maintain plausible deniability and avoid personal responsibility, there are even vials with saline solution in them...

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I think this can apply to the unvaccinated also. I have noticed that everybody seems to be reacting the same way when it comes to movements in the same area(move at the same time). For example I am not vaxxed but are surrounded by Vaxxed people. When I move my body, all in the room or house tend to move at the same time. This happens also at my work place. This obsevation is very strange. I wonder whether it has to do with 5-G or just radiation from the environment. It was not like that before the Vaccine roll-out

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It IS too late. There is hardly anything one can do against a military-grade bioweapon. Most of the jabbed are also hell-bent on preserving what has been left from their cognitive security and they stay in refusal, when it comes to taking responsibility for their action. Their behavior is psychotic and as such, many of them are willing to die to protect the Matrix.

Some of them might be lucky; they may have received the saline injection or a mundane parasite that can be cured with Ivermectin. The problem is that most of the vials contain graphene oxide (graphene hydroxide kills, and it does it in minutes or in less than two months) that still enable to controllers to build nanocomputers in the victims' bodies and track, monitor, and control them remotely... That sort of thing, allegedly (I have no certain info on this) wears out after about eight months, assuming there is no dental treatment, CPR "tests," or chemtrail exposure.

Moreover, there are truly fake news, bringing hope for those who got themselves poisoned... I guess, the objective is to prevent them from getting upset... The March of the Zombies will be started by 5G and they will exterminate the unjabbed and each other...

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Yes, but it’s not too late for others. I try to be tactful but truthful. It’s difficult.

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The vials contain a wide variety of things. The parasites and the graphene oxide, apparently, spread to the unjabbed through touch and exhalation, causing "covid" symptoms, infertility, and miscarriages, to say the least.

The parasites may be eliminated with Ivermectin, if treated early enough. The rest (carcinogens and exotic poisons) are unlikely to remedy.

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I would like to join your gab fest...Ray: my email is on my website: gigibelser.com ...under 'Contact' on the tool bar.

Should that take you to the website email communication system : then I will go from there to connect to you both personally outside of my website. thanks !

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ahh...I just checked . "Connect" on the tool bar. My direst email and cell is posted there.

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As another old-timer, I already feel we are friends. Can we talk?

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deletedMar 7, 2022·edited Mar 7, 2022
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The "cold" and the "flu" are also invented illnesses.

The muzzle WILL kill you, so it goes along with the eugenicists' plan; as such, it's anything but "useless." IT WORKS! It is a submission device that tortures and kills. I tried a muzzle for 10-15 seconds at the beginning of the CV theater and decided that I would prefer to die over living like a rabid dog. WTF wants to live muzzled "for the rest of their lives"?

Salt water rinse is great for bacterial poisonings...

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Italy concluded CV19 was bacterial in their autopsies. No link...last year I believe. FYI.

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Check out this sidebar answer to a question on: https://www.factcheck.org/2020/07/video-presents-flawed-test-on-masks-oxygen-levels/

which is:

"Ask SciCheck

Q: How do people who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19 pose a risk to people who have been vaccinated?

A: An unvaccinated person who is infected with COVID-19 poses a much greater risk to others who are also unvaccinated. But vaccines are not 100% effective, so there is a chance that an unvaccinated person could infect a vaccinated person — particularly the vulnerable, such as elderly and immunocompromised individuals."

People, beware of factcheckers! They have a narrative to follow too.

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At the beginning of the covid theater, I tried on a muzzle for 10-15 seconds. I decided that I would prefer to take the risk of dying even if the non-existent "virus" would kill 99 out of 100 people.

The idea of "infection" is based on Germ Theory, fradulanent from the beginning, as Pasteur himself noted in his diary that his last descendant gave away to Princeton in 2014.

Viruses and infections do not exist. Poisonings and deficiencies do. Humanity, in the last 100 years, have excelled in poisoning itself and its Lebesraum. It's only good business.

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"Science" is where the money is, even if it doesn't add up. Virology is a scam. Nobody can CV, because it doesn't exist...

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You totally misread the point of my post! I agree with you!

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I try to tell everyone and anyone who will listen about VAERS and DMED and give a list of red-pilled doctors and nurse practitioners who will prescribe IVERMECTIN to whoever needs it…

License to Kill… How did we ever get to this horrible place? Thalidomide times 100 with no end in sight… 😢😢😢🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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In my experience, "doctors'" offices have been bugged since March, 2020...

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Bugged doctors offices… Maybe I’m missing something, but can you please explain? Blessings… 🙏

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How can I be more clear? When I went to a "doctor's" office (I don't, but I was there for a different reason, helping out someone else) some time in late 2020 and spoke openly, the doc pointed to a mike sticking out of the ceiling. I had hardly ever seen someone as scared as he/she was... Other sources also seem to confirm that doctors' offices have been/are bugged.

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Wow… I have never heard of this! This is terrible! Are you in the USA? If so what state?

This sounds like some kind of bad dystopian movie! 😳😱

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You know, that "list of red-pilled docs" is really important. It is surprising and unfortunate that with all the talk on the various sub stacks and comments by doctors themselves such a list fails to appear.

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This “list of red pilled doctors” saved a wonderful friend of a friend who had 16 days of 103 fever where her previous doctors had done absolutely NOTHING for her treatment of Covid…

She had called her children to say “goodbye” to them 😱😢. Then I was able to get this list to her. Within 24 hours of speaking to a doctor who prescribed her ivermectin, she was starting to feel a lot better and her fever went down. 🙏🙏🙏

I wish all of us could make and give out a list of like-minded doctors and other health care professionals so no one else would have to suffer like she did. God put me in the right place at the right time to help… hallelujah 🙏🙏🙏

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OK, I am just confused. Your 1st post indicates the "list" is hypothetical; 2nd post indicates you "have" a list of . . . your own. ONE list published with the URL link offered on a Substack posting would do a lot of good.

STILL looking for . . . any list of this sort.

Here's an idea: Maybe folks are hesitant to "start" a public list? OK, maybe a list can be accumulated by state? List those in your state or area on your next post?!

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Sorry for the confusion. Not a writer… 😕. I attended a meeting of concerned citizens in Alabama recently. Later, I received an email from the same group with a list of doctors/nurse practitioners. I’ve been giving this list out to anyone and everyone who needs it.

I’m sure people are very hesitant to start a list because of The backlash/threats to doctor’s licenses. 😱

I believe this list got put together for our area in Alabama because of word of mouth. I hope other concerned citizen’s groups in our nation can put together local lists of doctors so more people can be treated properly.

This kind of word of mouth for other areas would be very helpful as well. I would definitely use those “red pilled” businesses first.

God bless to you and yours 🙏

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thanks, got it. Seems like that little community meeting worked well! Very kind of you and your friends to spread the word. God Bless YOU too!

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🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 May the Lord bless us all during these trying times…

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Under current international and federal law, the mass murder campaign of the hospital/nursing home protocols and Covid-19 'vaccines,' that would formerly have fallen under pre-2005 international legal definitions of crimes against humanity, is entirely legal.

It's not just legal. It's mandatory for nation-states that are implementing signatories to the 2005 International Health Regulations, including the US government.

And the World Health Organization is currently attempting to expand and strengthen the 2005 IHR framework, using the temporary rollback of Covid-19 'mitigation' measures and the shock of the Ukraine-Russia conflict as pretext and smokescreen.

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Maddening! This explains clearly why the ‘Owners’ will never allow the ‘free humans’ to exist and multiply. Every time I force myself to stare at the breath-taking depth of evil, the bottom drops out and it expands. We must exit the WHO and this corporate/legal ownership.

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civil unrest will be rampant, universal, of goliath proportions.

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Yes, I fear so.

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