It'd be good to include mental health resources as well as it's difficult for those with anti-narrative views to find a therapist who's safe to talk to.

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As I see it, we have several problems that need solving together:

1. People:

a) We need all persons in government, high level military, intelligence, medicine, police, judiciary and local government screening for psychopathology with MRI to spot defective brains.

This should be combined with overt and covert testing for things, like the Milgram Experiment, to identify deficiencies in character, morals and courage to defy threats, peer pressure, cultural norms etc..

And we need to monitor that these tests are not being faked/cheated by having serious punishments like HUGE fines, permanent bans from positions, and jail time.

b) We need to prevent greedy, selfish, and narcissistic types who would sell out the people for money, status and a bunch of free holidays etc.

Again, such people can be tested for bribery using approaches from undercover 'agents' or reporters (with video etc evidence.) Or by attractive 'honey trap' people trying to gain influence/data via flattery.

c) We need to screen for genuinely defective 'isms'.

If extremist/damaged people are to be avoided then we don't need racists, paedophiles, class-ridden snobs, sexists, those who would like to genocide certain groups, education snobs, jobs snobs (including in the sense that sneered upon groups are denied opportunities and promotions with their careers.)

Not only is this grossly unfair, but it is also a form of treason, preventing the country getting the best persons potentially available. It puts biased ideology above true progress, and wants to keep it there!

The CIA have an acronym: MICE (Money, Ideology, Coercion & Ego) These methods have been used for decades to control those whom the powerful wish to corrupt for their own advantage.

2. Media Access & Freedom.

The insanity of a few gigantic corporations (craftily controlling almost the entirety of the media), thereby deciding on the accessibility of any easily found public information, is a recipe for dictatorial propaganda.

To then corral the legal framework such that competitors/alternative voices are downgraded, sent into the wilderness and even completely banned (having all their content expunged), is the last nail in the coffin.

We have the further control by Internet Service Providers (ISPs)

Then we have big Regulatory bodies who tell US what THEY decide is permissible.

All of them can not only shut down alternative (truthful) media, but they can shut US down too making comments/reading them, and even gaining ACCESS to the internet.

The truth is what WE say it is, that's their plan.

But WHO ultimately owns and/or controls these corporations/regulatory bodies -- their shares and their board members, and who, really, picks them? And what criteria is being used if we seem to get rubber-stampers and people of low morality (in every sense) almost every time?

WHO drew up then used proxies to pass the legislation allowing all this, and with whose input and steering in the shadows and, crucially, WHY?

Given that it would be unlikely for anyone, even with the means, to locate an off-shore media site (whether in a boat or another country) to 'beam' an independent media to the public (due to the regulations, fines, communications interference and military assault), the fight must be WITHIN the country itself.

If we can't solve the media control, then we can't seriously expose the lies, the liars, the truly corrupt and the perverted prior to having them removed.

We need to make true data viral to overcome the propaganda. We need to show the real news, like the demonstrating farmers & truckers in several countries right now. Keep hammering on 'vaccines', on poverty, on hunger, on food banks, homelessness, slavery, endless wars, greed, cruelty . . . .but most of all - Stop Being Afraid.

The world is heading for absolute misery, death, pain, disease and feudalistic exploitation for the survivors. Sooner or later, we'll all be craving the end of this world rather than live like this. We're screwed either way so kick some ass.

Regards, Andy. 11 Jan 2024.

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Unwike University and 2nd Vote with John Broadbent.

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Dan Bongino and Rumble promote an already established parallel economy. RFK is a climate change believer so he’s going to bow to the grifters promoting this crap and put their insane ideas into practice. RFK junior for President? God help us all.

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Brighteon has a show called decentralize TV. Here's a link to the latest episode.


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& I'm guessing trump won’t say it which is a shame , they don’t want to go near it

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Good initiative Steve. We will need to be a 'parallel' political economy including those we might disagree with but who are right on the key 'principles' of life embedded in the US DoI and Constitution. Torba who runs Gab (labelled as fascist, anti-semitic blah blah) maintains that we will need to build a parallel 'state'. I think you are both right. As we build, we also need to tear down and attack the fascism we see all around us including pharma and endless layers of corrupt government. Defend, destroy and rebuild.

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Seriously Steve? His role ( per his words ) is to have a contested election... and guess who'll have the ' house ' power to make sure either this dead man remains in power... or Gaven ( Pelosi ) Newsom who has absloutely destroyed CA become POTUS ! I like RFK, but NOT for this race!

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I checked out their website and you have to pay $500 for their Freedom Economy Directory. PublicSquare is free.

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...build an UnCancelled America? Impossible while Marxists in the Deep State are in control.

Destroy them first, by whatever means, and ONLY THEN you can rebuild.

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Steve and all,

I agree let’s build an UnCanceled America ONLY AFTER The People finally focus on SOLUTIONS 101?

Shouldn’t we focus ALL our efforts on solutions to election accountability, stopping the vaccines with a global death toll of 17 million and counting and wide open borders?

We the People will have to be the solution…

Today, the most IMPORTANT question is…

Are you the kind of American that Lex Greene highlights in his piece who will help with the solutions to the mess these maniacal beings have left We the People in America?


If so…Join the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER of America First Constitutional conservative strategic planners!

Happy and hopeful New Year!

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Ah, I think back to the days of my misspent youth, when parallel economy meant getting my drugs from the guy on the corner, not the guy in the corner drugstore.

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This is in Revelation so anyone who reads the Bible should have known this was coming. Know the parable of the fig tree and God said this generation shall not pass until all these things are fulfilled. That generation was born in 1948 so you see these things coming to fruition. You can stand up and fight but I doubt at this point you can change or stop it. Its all leading to the same end. If you think the govt and globalists are going to keep you "safe" you are DEAD wrong.

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What about Bill Ackman?

Billionaire Zionist who thinks his opinions take priority over free speech?

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Break up the MSM. Break up every institution and send it back to the states. Abolish the NSA/CIA/FBI.

Take the DOD and smash it to smithereens. Get the government out of the Censorship business and break it up (STanford, Aspen, etc.)

Abolish NGO's from operating here, or non profits or foundations.

Give the states back it banks.

And Congress needs to take back the ability to issue currency.

And public health is left up to the states.


BURN IT ALL DOWN AND RETURN WHATEVER YOU THINK YOU NEED, Cut it into a fifth and send it back to the states. SHERIFFS only who take an oath to the people and the consitution.

You know what has to be done.


STart with WALMART.

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