Latest videos: journalist Greg Hunter, vaccine victim Jeff Diamond, public health official Troy Ross, Li-Meng Yan, James Lyons-Weiler on PCR
Videos you should know about.
Links to new videos:
Greg Hunter: I’m interviewed on USA Watchdog
Jeff Diamond: Musician who lost his fingers after the vax from amputation.
Troy Ross: He’s a rare public health official who tells the truth.
Li-Meng Yan: World famous virologist and Chinese government whistleblower says the virus was deliberately released by the Chinese government as a bio-weapon and why.
James Lyons-Weiler: The PCR test and does the virus exist nonsense.
CDC video: shows vaccine efficacy in the real world (a must watch)
Greg Hunter interview
Friendly interview of me by journalist (and fan) Greg Hunter.
He’s a big fan of my work. I never get interview requests from people who disagree with me and want to show the world I’m lying.
A few of my followers have already seen it and thought it was excellent:
Musician Jeff Diamond interview
Sorry about the sound echo in the video. My fault.
I interviewed a musician who lost his fingers due to amputation after vaccination.
He got the shot, was later found unconscious in his home, was taken to the hospital, and when he woke up discovered his fingers had been amputated. A tragic story.
Public Health official Troy Ross interview
I’m sorry about the echo here. My fault.
Troy Ross is the Public Health officer of Lander County, Nevada. He’s the only public health official who would agree to an on-camera interview. Know why? He agrees with me that the vaccines are deadly, masks don’t, work and pretty much everything else. I thought it would be important to document that there is at least one public health official in America who knows the truth. That’s a good sign. Maybe we can find a second someday.
Li-Meng Yan
In this video, Dr. Yan discusses the information she has about who funded the creation of the virus (we did), where it was done (WIV), whether it was deliberately released (it was), whether the Chinese vaccine works (it doesn't), is it a bioweapon (yes), what was it design to do (create havoc in China's enemies esp the US), and more.
James Lyons-Weiler
Want to drill down to the next level of the PCR test? Or want to know if the virus exists? This is the video for you.
Bottom line: PCR test is fine if performed right. It’s rarely done right. The CDC really screwed up on this. See around 12:00.
New CDC vax promo video (humor)
When people are vaccinated, they can feel safe that they are NOT going to get infected! Whew! What a relief.
My daughter wants to go to medical school and is currently in the process. She is a Pure Blood (not vaccinated) and all the Medical schools are requiring it! That right there tells you how insane the medical community is. I am trying to talk her into going a different direction. The medical community will never be trusted again! Pathetic!
I am a desperate mom from BC Canada. My 18 years old boy got admitted into University of Toronto and the school mandates 3rd jab for on campus living. He is brainwashed by leftism BC education and determined to get the jab in order to live on campus. I tried very hard to stop him from getting the first two shots but I lost the battle. Now the battle is coming again and I don’t know how to stop him. I desperately need your help to save my only son.
1. Does anybody know any red-pilled doctor or pharmacist or anyone in BC to help stopping my son? My email address is
2. Can someone provide convincing data to me please? He doesn’t believe any information from Rumble or Bitchute etc. He only believes what he saw. All his class got booster no body got injured and only 3 got mild covid. It’s safe and effective. I showed him VAERS reported cases but he thinks it’s very rare cases and everything has risks and he is willing to take the risk and live a normal 1st year university life on campus. He would believe academic proof though, i.e, Pfizer trial or VAERS data etc. I read a lot but didn’t save it. I need data that deemed credible and convincing to him.
3. Does anyone know Steve’s email address?
Steve, if you see this post can you contact me please?
I am a healthcare worker in a hospital on unpaid leave for refusing 2nd jab after injury from the first dose. Now I am facing job termination for non compliance. As an immigrant from China, I know what tyranny and socialism is and I experienced “No blood donation, No education “ when I went to university in China. Now in free country Canada I am experiencing “no jab, no education “ for my son and “no jab, no job” for myself.
Please help this desperate mom from BC