We invest in a portfolio of funds run by stellar investment managers all with $100M or more assets under management. Our best manager has a 50% annual return averaged over the last 7 years.
I greatly admire your work, dedication, and desire to create great solutions!
I wish I qualified financially, but if you intend to expand and are looking for marketing/strategy please shout! I worked on BoFA's market entry strategy into Private Banking (years ago) and supported the marketing, and opening of their CA offices.
It is exciting to you as an individual of integrity moving into this space and creating opportunities for others and yourself. As you see from the comments, awakened patriots are hungry to invest and work with smart individuals of integrity - especially individual's whose character they know. Be certain, if you and Ed Dowd lead, people will follow and in these very uncertain times providing a financial foundation may be a key strategy to ensure the Patriot movement keeps growing and increasing in influence.
At one time I had two stock brokers as well as money in two discount brokerages because I suspected the brokers really didn't know what they were doing. That was 15 years ago right before I got rid of those brokers. I've been invested in the markets since I was a teenager and investing really isn't complicated, but what's going on now is a gambling addict's wet dream. If there's one thing history has taught me, it's that when everyone is getting into the market, it's time to get out. Here's another good reason:
The paradigm shift is being attended to. We are enrolling members of the Great Alliance of Awakened Private People, who as pioneer members receive a share of the EdensBay company, now in development. Buy purchasing more shares the company will be member owned, and allow for the start up needed to create the level of privacy desired in our proprietary software which uses a number of structures to create a bridge to a new paradigm of mutuality. If you would like to learn more, go to EdensBay.earth, and we are holding informational zoom sessions for potential chapters. This option is for the regular people who hold wisdom and do not qualify for the Steve Kirsh's investment fund, in fact this is a method of creating mutual Allianced economic growth without loss/surrender of personal value.
During the next 10 to 15 years any portfolio which is dependent on the US dollar, or other fiat currencies, remaining sound is likely to suffer profoundly in inflation adjusted terms. There is every reason to believe (monetary and fiscal) that we are headed into a global currency paradigm shift on a scale unlike anything experienced in human history.
Key central banks pushed nominal short interest rates all the way to zero thus the multi-decade "avoid hangovers, stay drunk" game they've been playing is over. They can't distort markets further by misleading investors with ever lower rates, hence reality is going to strike. Decades of unsound choices, now ubiquitous, will be revealed systemically at which point inherently fragile highly leveraged systems will collapse ("soft landings" are fantasy). Consequences resulting from decades of fiscal recklessness, previously masked by monetary manipulation, will also run their course.
There are now just two options for wringing decades of global financial distortions from markets and economies; deflationary collapse or inflationary collapse, inflationary being the safe bet given that all currencies are utterly fiat, meaning IOU nothings supported only by confidence. Past confidence is going to fail, and for good reason.
As has been the case through history tangible assets offer refuge when currencies are debased at rapid and accelerating rates, particularly highly liquid tangibles (i.e. precious metals).
Great job Steve! This puts your best skills and discernment to work all at the same time. You explained clearly how you went about putting this fund of funds together -- and I admire you for it. I will advocate for your fund since I do not qualify for it. Getting Ed Dowd to advise you is fabulous -- I was so impressed by him when he spoke here a few times at fund raisers. I used to work as a proprietary trader in SF which is the opposite of what you are doing here, but I can certainly appreciate the diligence you have put into formulating your fund and the remarkable returns you advertise. Wow.
Blanket statements are very misleading here. PE firms as well as many other hedge fund strategies are completely opaque and you effectively surrender liquidity and control. Most investors fail to properly understand the option value of liquidity. They certainly don't posses the ability nor the wherewithal to pursue the investments strictly through managed accounts. Then of course you have to navigate all the lock ups and triggers for gates and suspensions of redemption privileges if anything does go wrong. Lastly without a lot more information re portfolio construction I will leave you with this. I haven't ever met a backtest I didn't like.
Steve, I have $26 B so if I lose half of it the loss will not affect my lifestyle at all. I could give away my $175 M yacht and not feel the pain!!! (a joke)
So Ed Dowd is an advisor. Great! I have great admiration for you both. Question, if either you or Ed could answer it: I remember an interview Ed did a couple of years ago, in which he was talking about putting together an investment fund, or something like that, to finance alternative medical endeavors, because our current system in the United States is so broken and corrupt. Has he done anything on that front? As a health insurance broker with a number of contacts in this area, I would be very interested in THAT. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you Steve for all your work and your kind financial invitation... unfortunately, I don't have enough zeros in my financial worth to be able to accept! I am grateful however for what I have! Please continue your good work!! Best, Joe
Are you able to give us an idea of what the lower net worth minimum will be and when that might happen? I expect a net worth requirement at $1 million dollars (excluding primary residence) will allow many more people to participate.
Steve, while not ready today, I am expecting to be able to participate with you in 1 yrs time or so. Are you thinking that might still be possible as time goes on?
I'm glad to hear of the success and future possibilities. I truly am naive in investing so I guess I will be protected for now. What I am wondering now is how to minimize taxes on investments. I get annoyed just plugging bank interest into my tax return.
I greatly admire your work, dedication, and desire to create great solutions!
I wish I qualified financially, but if you intend to expand and are looking for marketing/strategy please shout! I worked on BoFA's market entry strategy into Private Banking (years ago) and supported the marketing, and opening of their CA offices.
It is exciting to you as an individual of integrity moving into this space and creating opportunities for others and yourself. As you see from the comments, awakened patriots are hungry to invest and work with smart individuals of integrity - especially individual's whose character they know. Be certain, if you and Ed Dowd lead, people will follow and in these very uncertain times providing a financial foundation may be a key strategy to ensure the Patriot movement keeps growing and increasing in influence.
At one time I had two stock brokers as well as money in two discount brokerages because I suspected the brokers really didn't know what they were doing. That was 15 years ago right before I got rid of those brokers. I've been invested in the markets since I was a teenager and investing really isn't complicated, but what's going on now is a gambling addict's wet dream. If there's one thing history has taught me, it's that when everyone is getting into the market, it's time to get out. Here's another good reason:
I have about $200,000 worth of investable capital invested in gold and silver and a net worth less than $250,000.
The paradigm shift is being attended to. We are enrolling members of the Great Alliance of Awakened Private People, who as pioneer members receive a share of the EdensBay company, now in development. Buy purchasing more shares the company will be member owned, and allow for the start up needed to create the level of privacy desired in our proprietary software which uses a number of structures to create a bridge to a new paradigm of mutuality. If you would like to learn more, go to EdensBay.earth, and we are holding informational zoom sessions for potential chapters. This option is for the regular people who hold wisdom and do not qualify for the Steve Kirsh's investment fund, in fact this is a method of creating mutual Allianced economic growth without loss/surrender of personal value.
During the next 10 to 15 years any portfolio which is dependent on the US dollar, or other fiat currencies, remaining sound is likely to suffer profoundly in inflation adjusted terms. There is every reason to believe (monetary and fiscal) that we are headed into a global currency paradigm shift on a scale unlike anything experienced in human history.
Key central banks pushed nominal short interest rates all the way to zero thus the multi-decade "avoid hangovers, stay drunk" game they've been playing is over. They can't distort markets further by misleading investors with ever lower rates, hence reality is going to strike. Decades of unsound choices, now ubiquitous, will be revealed systemically at which point inherently fragile highly leveraged systems will collapse ("soft landings" are fantasy). Consequences resulting from decades of fiscal recklessness, previously masked by monetary manipulation, will also run their course.
There are now just two options for wringing decades of global financial distortions from markets and economies; deflationary collapse or inflationary collapse, inflationary being the safe bet given that all currencies are utterly fiat, meaning IOU nothings supported only by confidence. Past confidence is going to fail, and for good reason.
As has been the case through history tangible assets offer refuge when currencies are debased at rapid and accelerating rates, particularly highly liquid tangibles (i.e. precious metals).
Let's talk. You have my email, right?
Great job Steve! This puts your best skills and discernment to work all at the same time. You explained clearly how you went about putting this fund of funds together -- and I admire you for it. I will advocate for your fund since I do not qualify for it. Getting Ed Dowd to advise you is fabulous -- I was so impressed by him when he spoke here a few times at fund raisers. I used to work as a proprietary trader in SF which is the opposite of what you are doing here, but I can certainly appreciate the diligence you have put into formulating your fund and the remarkable returns you advertise. Wow.
Private equity is no longer it.
I disagree. PE is a very legit investment category. It's good to diversify.
Blanket statements are very misleading here. PE firms as well as many other hedge fund strategies are completely opaque and you effectively surrender liquidity and control. Most investors fail to properly understand the option value of liquidity. They certainly don't posses the ability nor the wherewithal to pursue the investments strictly through managed accounts. Then of course you have to navigate all the lock ups and triggers for gates and suspensions of redemption privileges if anything does go wrong. Lastly without a lot more information re portfolio construction I will leave you with this. I haven't ever met a backtest I didn't like.
Wow! What a genius idea. Let us know when $2-3mil is enough net worth to get in.
Or 1million net worth
Steve, I have $26 B so if I lose half of it the loss will not affect my lifestyle at all. I could give away my $175 M yacht and not feel the pain!!! (a joke)
Revere of our Lord lives through me Bang @Moderna
So Ed Dowd is an advisor. Great! I have great admiration for you both. Question, if either you or Ed could answer it: I remember an interview Ed did a couple of years ago, in which he was talking about putting together an investment fund, or something like that, to finance alternative medical endeavors, because our current system in the United States is so broken and corrupt. Has he done anything on that front? As a health insurance broker with a number of contacts in this area, I would be very interested in THAT. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
I haven't heard anything. I'll ask him.
Pls contact me privately by email about this.
i just emailed you.
Thank you Steve for all your work and your kind financial invitation... unfortunately, I don't have enough zeros in my financial worth to be able to accept! I am grateful however for what I have! Please continue your good work!! Best, Joe
Yeah, this post isn't for us. =)
Are you able to give us an idea of what the lower net worth minimum will be and when that might happen? I expect a net worth requirement at $1 million dollars (excluding primary residence) will allow many more people to participate.
we can take investors with net worth of $1M once we get to $25M AUM.
Steve, while not ready today, I am expecting to be able to participate with you in 1 yrs time or so. Are you thinking that might still be possible as time goes on?
I'm glad to hear of the success and future possibilities. I truly am naive in investing so I guess I will be protected for now. What I am wondering now is how to minimize taxes on investments. I get annoyed just plugging bank interest into my tax return.