Epilogue to the LAUSD decision: Yes, this case was successful. But LAUSD could still have appealed. It chose not to; in fact, LAUSD waived the right to appeal in a settlement reached with plaintiffs' counsel. So the trial court's decision against LAUSD--while successful in stopping LA's mandate--did not create binding precedent that other California attorneys could rely on in other jurisdictions.

Fortunately, however, Lee Andelin had simultaneously filed a nearly identical lawsuit against San Diego Unified for its attempted vaccination mandate on K12 students. In December 2021, Andelin won. San Diego Superior Court judge John Meyer GRANTED the injunction against the SDUSD, again on the authority grounds that the State wholly occupies the field of setting vax requirements for K12 attendance.

Stupidly--but fortuitously for plaintiffs--SDUSD appealed that ruling. This was a gift. Almost a full year later, in November 2022, the appellate court AFFIRMED the ruling, and the Court of Appeal certified the decision for publication. The case of Let Them Choose v. San Diego Unified will be enshrined in the law books to serve as binding authority for all California attorneys to cite to stop schools or districts from individually announcing vaccination requirements that differ from the State schedule.

Of course, the option existed for SDUSD to take the matter to the California Supreme Court. It did not. The time ticked by on that deadline to appeal the appellate ruling. At the eleventh hour, two non-parties came out of the woodwork and appeared before the Cal Supreme Court: former California state senator Richard Pan, and the firm of Young, Minney, and Corr, legal counsel for Granada Hills Charter and New West Charter.

You might remember that those charters schools, GHC and New West, had created their own vaccination mandates at the same time as SDUSD and LAUSD. But unlike SDUSD, whose mandate was blocked, and LAUSD, whose mandate was postponed by the school board, both GHC and New West forged ahead. They kicked kids out of school starting in January 2022. They barred them from setting foot on campus. They pulled them all sports, competitive teams, clubs, everything. They yanked them out of the coursework the students had started in the fall and shoved them into a dog's breakfast of "online learning" courses scrounged from third-party providers. This completely disrupted the two-semester courses they had signed up for. It ruined preparation for AP exams, and torpedoed some seniors' college admissions. And this was way worse than pandemic learning on Zoom--these unvaccinated students were isolated at home, with no teachers, friends, mentors, activities, spending hour upon hour in front of a screen, essentially self-teaching the topics, including Advanced Placement classes for graduating seniors. The emotional suffering and mental distress was off the charts. And in the most cruel insult to injury, both schools in June barred their unvaccinated seniors from walking in their own graduation ceremonies. (Please see my pinned thread on Twitter at @JenRevere for an hour-by-hour account of graduation day in June 2022.) https://twitter.com/JenRevere/status/1533500126701883392?s=20

These Charter Schools were, and remain, unrepentant. And their mandates STAND to this day. Why? Because unfortunately, in similar actions against them by Lee Andelin for Let Them Choose (and by Pacific Justice Institute on slightly different grounds), L.A. Superior Court Judge James Chalfant found FOR THE CHARTER SCHOOLS. His Honor bought off on the specious arguments that "independent charters" somehow float above California state education codes and, as nonprofits run by governing boards, may require vaccination that differs from State requirements as long as the board made a "business judgment" decision to do so. The entire school semester had trickled away as these cases were repeatedly delayed by the courts, and the final writ hearing didn't even occur until August, after graduation was long past. Let Them Choose opted to not file an appeal.

I digress. Fast forward to Richard Pan and GHC's having jumped into the SDUSD action as the clock ticked down for the opinion to be inked into legal history. Both Pan and GHC filed letter briefs to the California Supreme Court urging DEPUBLICATION of the victorious appellate decision.

Pan--the senator responsible for eliminating California's personal beliefs exemption to K12 vaccination with his SB277 bill in 2015--wanted to go back in time with revisionist retellings of legislative intent, and offer the Supreme Court hearsay explanations of why the California legislature really hadn't intended to create a statewide statutory scheme for all K12 vaccination requirements, but left the door open for individual schools to do whatever they wanted. Sure, Pan.

And tellingly, GHC's counsel in its letter brief urged the Supremes that if allowed to be published in the law books, the LTC v. SDUSD case might be--gasp!--used against charter schools like Granada Hills! GHC's lawyer--a young fellow named Lee Rosenberg who I'll wager has no children and even if so, no school-age children--spent 9 pages of single-spaced type to re-argue the merits and insist that the trial court had gotten it wrong. Mind you, the Supreme Court is not the place to do that. Rosenberg should have put the work into writing an amicus brief in support of SDUSD's appeal--but he didn't. (See Scott Davison's excellent Twitter thread on this at @scottyd121: https://twitter.com/scottyd121/status/1628915706095112197?s=20

In an extremely satisfying smackdown, Pan and Rosenberg LOST. Aaron Siri for plaintiffs filed a laser-focused opposition dismantling each of GHC's arguments. The Cal Supreme Court denied the requests to depublish, and affirmed that the ruling in the Let Them Choose v. SDUSD case will now stand as legal precedent in California to stop a school or district from announcing a vaccine requirement that differs from the state K12 schedule.

The only trouble is: GHC and New West aren't standing down. They think their trial court ruling protects them specifically. So the unvaccinated kids still enrolled at GHC and NWC are still sitting in their hellish homebound "independent study." And I just got word that GHC is once again refusing to sell them tickets to prom, which is held off campus, off course, in a venue with no vaccination requirement, just like the rest of the entire state of California. Will they once again deny the graduation ceremony?

This has never been about health or safety. It is about money, ego, control, and punishment. GHC and New West need to get hit with another lawsuit based on this precedent. I called Aaron Siri and spoke to a lovely paralegal to pitch this. I sure hope they call me back.

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Hi Steve, I hope this reaching you well. I noticed this article posted near LAUSD schools and people have been pulling tabs to reach your substack. I hope they reach out to you and your team soon.

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Uhh, 10 illnesses for which vaccines have been manufactured is still a lot of vaccines.

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I was about to write that too. Not good enough, even if helpful and a good start.

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So my suspicions were correct. We DO still have some "lower court" judges who are NOT fully-onboard with this EXTERMINATION agenda. Sadly, most of the higher courts have already made it perfectly clear they "interpret" the extermination of the American people to be a "Constitutional" and fully "authorized" activity for all branches of government, whether state or federal. MOST of our judicial branch is FULLY (and vehemently) onboard with the extermination of the American people, an at this point their primary objective is to give the appearance of legitimacy to all of this "activity", in hopes it will make us "peacefully' accept our extermination at the hands of our government.

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Hopefully the teacher lawsuit will go well.

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Wonderful news. Now parents have a leg to stand on when combatting poor decision making.

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My son’s high school didn’t have a mandate to vaccinate to attend, but there was definite discrimination. He could not attend overnight field trips and did not do wresting because of constant testing requirements. This discrimination needs to end.

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Thank you, Steve. My high school alma mater, Granada Hills Charter, refused to allow unvaccinated students either participate in their graduation ceremony or attend their Disneyland celebration. There are a lot of upset parents who were picketing outside the school.

Appreciate all you do!

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Hello Dr. Aranda, it's now March 4, 2023. GHC is STILL maintaining its vaccine discrimination. They are right now, again, refusing to allow the unvaxxed students to buy tickets to prom, which is held off campus in Simi Valley at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, a venue that of course has no vaccination requirement. Do you have any contacts that could help us pressure GHC or the Reagan Library? Ronald Reagan himself would never stand for this kind of segregation and unconstitutional violation of children's rights.

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Are you in touch with attorney Tracy Henderson? She’s down in Orange County but would undoubtedly know someone who could help. And you are right… Ronald and Nancy would never have put up with this government overreach.

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Never in a million years. I do hope the Reagan Library Board of Trustees will see it that way too. (I am actually getting to meet Tracy in person this weekend.) I'm an attorney too! I am determined to stop GHC.

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I'm glad you're here to help fight! I remember when they built the library, and when Reagan's funeral was held therecin Simi. The cars lined up gor this great President.

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It is critical to note that Judge Beckloff deserves credit only for FINALLY following crystal-clear state law. He has repeatedly denied relief for these children since December 2021. Please read the blog post linked here written by attorney Nicole Pearson, who filed a parallel case in the same courtroom at the same time for CHD/PERK, a case in which we thank Steve Kirsch for his expert declaration, a case in which we submitted 100s of declarations of harm from LAUSD parents, the case in which Nicole has been making the same arguments to this very judge for all these months. Combined with the instant case, which got the verdict first, it has been like double barrels of law and truth hammering this judge since December 2021. The combined effect of BOTH cases cannot be denied. And this judge waited until his last possible day--90 days after the April 6 hearing--to release this ruling. Had he released it earlier, which I contend he could have, he might have saved graduation for the children of Granada Hills Charter in the LAUSD. Google that story.

Jennifer Kennedy, Esq.

Nicole's blog post: https://fltjllp.com/2022/07/06/thank-you-i-guess/

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The Department of Health is a corporation. By what contract can it mandate anything to anyone? It has no jurisdiction or authority over anything other than corporate entities. It has no jurisdiction whatsoever over any living man or woman.

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Thanks for all you are doing. I don't know where we would be without team reality.

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My second grader was kicked out in Oct 2021 in Elkhorn Nebraska bc she has a medical condition and I would not mask her. Any Constitutional lawyers out there!??? annmouw79@gmail.com if you can help.

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Steve, how many responses did you get for the survey?

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I don't want to even vaccinate my 5-year-old for immunizations I have watched numerous videos and read journals that all vaccines for children do them no good but only weakens their immune system and Causes all kinds of of ailments and diseases. There has never been a time in history where vaccinations have done anybody any good. You know how they say follow the money, I say follow the Rockefellers if you want to know anything about vaccines. Vaccines do not protect you from diseases or viruses your god-given immune system does. My child , myself and everybody around me has been childhood vaccinated. But now my eyes are opened I have not been able to get enough resources cuz I keep digging and digging and now I'm more convinced than ever, vaccines have never been about keeping you healthy and protected. You know how they say follow the money in situations, I say follow the Rockefeller when it comes to vaccines. This truth will set you free.

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As the saying goes, “See what you see!”

You have gained much knowledge from your research and I agree wholeheartedly…Rockefeller’s seem to only want more money, power and control over peoples lives. I call it SICK!

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So does this set a precedent for all the college students required to be vaccinated to attend college?

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No, unfortunately. This ruling is limited to California K-12 students purely because of the statutory scheme for identifying required vaccinations for that age group. - Jennifer Kennedy, Esq.

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