I think Jonathan wanted to make sure all the data was in regarding the Pfizer jab before responding. He should be contacting you around February 8, 2024 since that's Pfizer's study completion date for safety data.
"Study to Describe the Safety, Tolerability, Immunogenicity, and Efficacy of RNA Vaccine Candidates Against COVID-19 in Healthy Individuals"
He uses the phrase “us scientists” as if a seasoned tester of hypotheses. I’ve yet to discover what his masters degree in science is precisely, and how much science he has actually done.
I came across this article in my search to find out if this guy isn’t legitimately a BOT. I saw his hit piece on Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, and not only did it sound like the last science class he ever took was one he failed in 8th grade, but he cited a “VOX” article for the “mounting evidence.” I don’t think he’s a real person. 😂
McGill Montreal? it would surprise me greatly that this guy would debate you. I know of a young lady a few years ago who was accepted in medecine there and she was already fed up by Big Pharma companies litterally stalking them (the students) with invitations to all sorts of events, tickets, wine and dine occasions, etc... She complained to her mom that would she accept them all she would not have time to even study. Those "kids" are already biased (not to say in conflict of interest) by the time they graduate...
Jonathan gets well funded $$$ for research as long as everything proves what he is told in advance it will. His photo on twitter shows him standing in front of books he has never read. He is clueless and corrupt. The basis of all science is inquiry and thought; aka debate. His handlers tell him what to do.
Of course he won’t agree to an interview! I’m so glad you are Red Pilled Steve…the Left never thinks they have to defend their side…and that the Red Pilled are all stupid!
;-) well - to be honest, he kind of told you his view on you "I am reminded of the old saying warning people against playing chess with pigeons. They’ll defecate all over the board and fly away, satisfied of their victory." - this is in line with how many of the agressive discussions takes place on the net. I am sure though, that he feels this elevates it to a more intelligent ridicule. Sad but true...and really really strange.
All you have to do is put together side by side pictures of McGill and JP Sears and you can clearly see that the guy who believes in detoxing and building his immune system is clearly healthier than the guy who claims to know that that stuff is all "bunk". JP Sears is one of my favs! I just wasted several minutes of my life I will never get back reading McGills garbage.
Thank you so much for your exceptional intellect and energy, and most of all, for the use to which you're putting them. What you, and so many others, are doing is probably one of the most important humanitarian efforts ever undertaken.
I believe I speak for the vast majority of us when I say, thanks.
It's just too easy to criticize and call people names in the comfort of your office without any need to verify or debate. I doubt he will grace you with an interview
UPDATE June 4: Not a PEEP from Jonathan despite multiple emails (to his mcgill and gmail accounts) and direct message twitter reach out.
Chicken shit.... little bitch...
I feel sorry for people like that. Maybe he'll do better in the next life.
If not then the one after that and the one after that and the one after that, you see where this is going.
Unless the messages were blacked out, no answer is also an answer.
I think Jonathan wanted to make sure all the data was in regarding the Pfizer jab before responding. He should be contacting you around February 8, 2024 since that's Pfizer's study completion date for safety data.
"Study to Describe the Safety, Tolerability, Immunogenicity, and Efficacy of RNA Vaccine Candidates Against COVID-19 in Healthy Individuals"
I am sure he responds only to those emails from Nigeria; those are usually easy for him I am sure LOL
He uses the phrase “us scientists” as if a seasoned tester of hypotheses. I’ve yet to discover what his masters degree in science is precisely, and how much science he has actually done.
I came across this article in my search to find out if this guy isn’t legitimately a BOT. I saw his hit piece on Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, and not only did it sound like the last science class he ever took was one he failed in 8th grade, but he cited a “VOX” article for the “mounting evidence.” I don’t think he’s a real person. 😂
The Branch Covidians are all Cheap Shot Punks. Hit and Run is all they can do. Stay and Fight? Not them. Like you point out, they know they'd lose.
Only a terrible coward would attack someone then dodge and BLOCK that person as he tries to defend himself. Extremely poor form, Jonathan.
McGill Montreal? it would surprise me greatly that this guy would debate you. I know of a young lady a few years ago who was accepted in medecine there and she was already fed up by Big Pharma companies litterally stalking them (the students) with invitations to all sorts of events, tickets, wine and dine occasions, etc... She complained to her mom that would she accept them all she would not have time to even study. Those "kids" are already biased (not to say in conflict of interest) by the time they graduate...
Recent pics of Jonathan- 🐥🐔🐤
Jonathan gets well funded $$$ for research as long as everything proves what he is told in advance it will. His photo on twitter shows him standing in front of books he has never read. He is clueless and corrupt. The basis of all science is inquiry and thought; aka debate. His handlers tell him what to do.
Of course he won’t agree to an interview! I’m so glad you are Red Pilled Steve…the Left never thinks they have to defend their side…and that the Red Pilled are all stupid!
;-) well - to be honest, he kind of told you his view on you "I am reminded of the old saying warning people against playing chess with pigeons. They’ll defecate all over the board and fly away, satisfied of their victory." - this is in line with how many of the agressive discussions takes place on the net. I am sure though, that he feels this elevates it to a more intelligent ridicule. Sad but true...and really really strange.
Great quote
All you have to do is put together side by side pictures of McGill and JP Sears and you can clearly see that the guy who believes in detoxing and building his immune system is clearly healthier than the guy who claims to know that that stuff is all "bunk". JP Sears is one of my favs! I just wasted several minutes of my life I will never get back reading McGills garbage.
Thank you so much for your exceptional intellect and energy, and most of all, for the use to which you're putting them. What you, and so many others, are doing is probably one of the most important humanitarian efforts ever undertaken.
I believe I speak for the vast majority of us when I say, thanks.
guy's a coward. Hit and run.
It's just too easy to criticize and call people names in the comfort of your office without any need to verify or debate. I doubt he will grace you with an interview
Another one bites the dust.
I loved your invitation to him. Obviously, he prefers to bully from afar and can't get in the ring with you where he would have to have the facts.