I live in Sonoma, been following Steve, CHD, The Highwire, Jessica Rose along with many other freedom/truth fighters for the past two years. I booked a place for myself a half mile away from The rally so I can walk there. I am very moved by all the people that are putting so much on the line to fight these ridiculous unconstitutional man…
I live in Sonoma, been following Steve, CHD, The Highwire, Jessica Rose along with many other freedom/truth fighters for the past two years. I booked a place for myself a half mile away from The rally so I can walk there. I am very moved by all the people that are putting so much on the line to fight these ridiculous unconstitutional mandates and all unconstitutional bills that are up for vote. I’m so excited about being with likeminded folk, but I’m on a very limited budget because of the lockdowns shutting my business down in 2020. Knowing how much money is needed to fight these battles I am now wondering would it be better for me to spend the $600 as a donation rather than attending? I could do both, but the donation wouldn’t be able to match the $600 I spent on lodging! Also, if I Should decide attending is more important than donating, I have room in my truck for three more people if you’re in the area. Just thinking out loud here. I truly hope this rally shakes the establishment to its deceptive core! There is no other option but to win this battle! So I want my $$ to go where it’s most needed.
So much love and respect to all that are on the right side of history!
Hi Cynthia! I live in Oregon City (Clackamas County). I know it's off topic a bit but have you looked at the Rep candidates for governor? I recently switched parties (Dem to Rep) and will be voting for Marc Thielman. I urge you to look him up, and to vote Rep in November. Oregon is going downhill fast and we need to stop the Dems in the midterms. Be well.
my candidate was the ONLY school superintendent to successfully fight the mask mandates for all his students which cost his district millions of dollars. He's also against the clotshots including spending a day in the state legislature to voice his opposition to the latest bill (trying to add the covid shot to school vax requirements). This guy WALKS the talk. He's genuine.
PS I was down on the waterfront a few weeks ago when Dell Bigtree was here. I have no idea how I missed the reawaken tour. I’m reading so much every day that slipped by me.
I was at the waterfront rally, too! Just came back from a casual event with Marc Thielman at the Tumwater Winery in West Linn. He's truly genuine and capable.
I live in Sonoma, been following Steve, CHD, The Highwire, Jessica Rose along with many other freedom/truth fighters for the past two years. I booked a place for myself a half mile away from The rally so I can walk there. I am very moved by all the people that are putting so much on the line to fight these ridiculous unconstitutional mandates and all unconstitutional bills that are up for vote. I’m so excited about being with likeminded folk, but I’m on a very limited budget because of the lockdowns shutting my business down in 2020. Knowing how much money is needed to fight these battles I am now wondering would it be better for me to spend the $600 as a donation rather than attending? I could do both, but the donation wouldn’t be able to match the $600 I spent on lodging! Also, if I Should decide attending is more important than donating, I have room in my truck for three more people if you’re in the area. Just thinking out loud here. I truly hope this rally shakes the establishment to its deceptive core! There is no other option but to win this battle! So I want my $$ to go where it’s most needed.
So much love and respect to all that are on the right side of history!
Wish I could go…..stuck in Portland
Hi Cynthia! I live in Oregon City (Clackamas County). I know it's off topic a bit but have you looked at the Rep candidates for governor? I recently switched parties (Dem to Rep) and will be voting for Marc Thielman. I urge you to look him up, and to vote Rep in November. Oregon is going downhill fast and we need to stop the Dems in the midterms. Be well.
Be very certain to ask every candidate the necessary question: "Are you now, or have you ever been, associated with the WEF?"
Just look at the satanic smile on WEF grad Newsom in the main post.
my candidate was the ONLY school superintendent to successfully fight the mask mandates for all his students which cost his district millions of dollars. He's also against the clotshots including spending a day in the state legislature to voice his opposition to the latest bill (trying to add the covid shot to school vax requirements). This guy WALKS the talk. He's genuine.
Absolutely, under oath. And have you censored doctors.
PS I was down on the waterfront a few weeks ago when Dell Bigtree was here. I have no idea how I missed the reawaken tour. I’m reading so much every day that slipped by me.
I was at the waterfront rally, too! Just came back from a casual event with Marc Thielman at the Tumwater Winery in West Linn. He's truly genuine and capable.
You’re talking to a native who knows full well this is no longer my Oregon. Not a chance in hell Will I Ever be a registered Demo again.