I want to buy "The real Anthony Fauci" book to support RFK Jr. I am based in Singapore, so the only options are Amazon and Barnes and Noble. I need to pay US$30 extra for shipping. Are there other options to buy the book not listed by Skyhorse publishing?

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I found that a bookstore in Singapore sells it. (Kinokuniya)

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The American Board of Internal Medicine actively goes after board certifications of contrarians. It also argues it won't debate its targets because "they know that the ABIM probably couldn’t do this even if it wanted to, because it would be arguing an individual case in public." You know, unlike revoking board certs in public.

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I think that Fauci should be protested as violently as he has attacked and decimated scientific truth.

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When the Nazis stood trial at the Nuremberg Trials, it was the ultimate form of justice, and many were hung afterwards. There were those calling out for vigilante type "justice" that fortunately did not happen. Even Hitler was not killed, but committed suicide. If you kill or maim an evil person they can become a martyr. I'm hoping that he is held to full account before the last judgment.

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More of them were immigrated into America to constitute the CIA in its rebirth from the OSS.

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So he comes out for the Feinstein funeral, makes sure to get his picture taken at the casket and figures he'll squeeze a few extra bucks in while he is at it. Pathetic....

My MIL is in SM - if I had seen this earlier, I would have taken her. She got accosted early this week in the grocery store by a forevermasker who loudly observed in line to the masked checker that "CV would end if just everyone masked." She is a very feisty Irish 80-something who turns around and says "I never masked, never got that old shot and I never got that old CV!" Shut that person up right then and there. The checker nervously says "oh, you must have stayed inside*." She answered "no I did not." She said no one said anything until she left. I told her I was proud of her. Personally, I suspect the person felt it was okay to snidely attack due to her age. That she would be meek as a result of attempted shaming. Uh, no. Plus people married to the narrative do not fundamentally get that the tide has changed directions.

(My personal response if this were to happen to me is to channel Mike Rowe and respond "it ends when you get bored of being terrorized.")

*Ironically, this the same line her doctor gave her. He gaslight her mercilessly, tried to make her feel guilty, which really angered me. She stood firm. She asked him about six months ago what he thought was the reason she never got CV. Same line. "Oh, you stayed inside and masked. " She said "no I did not." He gave a subtle eyeroll and didn't pursue the argument. I know his wife as a professional colleague. I don't want to tell her that her husband sucks as a doctor, but he does.

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Typical of that "doctor." I'm a Kaiser member in the north S.F. Bay Area. I went in for an eye exam recently and the subject of my "primary care" doctor came up. I flat out told my optometrist (who really is on the side of the patients; the main problem is with all the internal medicine docs-- should be "infernal" medicine, heh heh) that I am not happy with my assigned physician and I cannot find another one I want to work with because there's something very fundamentally wrong with the way the institutional-based ones are practicing medicine. It's like the medical schools are all run by Pfizer... Pills and shots 'n shots 'n pills 'n pills 'n shots 'n shots 'n pills-- this is NOT health!!! I believe she agrees.. anyway, she told me to talk to the department manager and ask for help in finding one that isn't so much into this style. I feel like, good luck finding any physician who doesn't agree with the status quo "standard of care" medical philosophy (translated: ANYTHING to make money for Big Pharma, the Hell with the patients and their actual welfare!!), you just aren't going to find any physician who has one iota of critical thinking skills and actual care for the real welfare of their patients any more. They all took a solemn oath to the Almighty Dollar and the Hell with your health. I have made a decision to use Chinese medicine as my go-to but you have to be very proactive and get in for treatments on a regular basis, but in the long run it'll save you money and quite possibly even your life.

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Kaiser docs have been employees for a long time. This has bled into the other groups as well - Sutter, etc. Not that there aren't good people working there, but you are correct in that there is the overall theme that it isn't being run on behalf of the patient.

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The capture of the medical profession has been one of the big goals of The Controllers. Look at how the N.A.Z.I.s mind-controlled the doctors and nurses into going along with the cleansing of the German population of "undesirables." Sasha Latypova's been doing a good job of showing how special COVID wards were set up with traveling nurses whose last names do not appear on their ID badges, killing the elderly with the billionaire-controlled Big Pharma "standard of care" COVID protocols.

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How I wish I could have joined you! I hope you had a wonderful event. I love that you’re doing this! 🙏🏼🙏🏼

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We in the UK hope your meeting goes well without disruption from those that need us proud CONSPIRACY THEORISTS to appear to be moronic imbeciles.

At long last people are coming to their senses about Bill Gates's corrupted World Health Organisation.

He's the controlling benefactor and states "The most lucrative investment I ever made is VACCINES"!

Join the dots, stop risking these deadly depopulating shots and terminate the WHO - NOW!!

Just another example of Big Pharma using their leverage to create more super-wealthy vax company directors. More DEADLY nonsense to try and justify the Pfizer's, et al, profitable Golden Geese!

The FDA has just approved a new Covid vaccine by Novavax for anyone over the age of 12. They did this based on previous safety and effectiveness data rather than a clinical trial of this vaccine. With No new clinical trials! Unbelievable or what?

It's again 'EXPERIMENTAL' Emergency Use Authorisation = But again - No new clinical trials =

The approval of the new Pfizer and Moderna 2023 injections they call vaccines were done the same way. No new clinical trials. Who needs those!? The CDC will approve this new shot as it did for Pfizer's and Moderna's previous crap. Again, it will do so under the Emergency Use Authorization and they will be distributed and paid for by the federal government. UNBELIEVABLE! Who's playing Russian Roulette first? FDA need to pretend ivermectin does not exist as a SAFE pre-existing anti-viral cure!

Meanwhile, new reporting show that the CDC lied to cover up the risk of myocarditis in children from the vaccine.


Mick from HOOE (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Is that code for we need to bring violence? As some would say something about dog whistles. LOL!

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GREAT point! It would be very wise for Steve to study recent history CONCERNING PROTESTS AGAINST THE DEEP STATE so that he will not also have his home raided and be thrown in jail as an "insurrectionist." Read these Steve and learn prior to any more organized protests:



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Wish I was close to San Mateo. I would have been there. Thank you for all you do.

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Hope all went well! Looking forward to hearing how it went!

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GO STEVE! Thankyouthankyouthankyou

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Thanks Steve you Rock. So much respect for your good work.

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Considering what this psychopathic sociopath has done....surprised he won't be hung in effigy.

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I’m living on the East Coast of Florida, thus cannot make it to the California March but like so many, I am with you in spirit.

Still, why aren’t these killers under arrest? Why are mRNA jabs still marketed to all age groups? Why aren’t these poisons removed from the shelves and given to independent scientists for analysis? May God protect you all.

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