Is there a video of the rally?

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Childrens Health Defense livestream Defeat the Mandates LA - April 10th


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Such a scam! Humans were played. The elites get rich…the vaccinated have health problems and God knows what else (body tracers?) and no one will go to jail for this massive fraud…and death spiral. Power and control is their drug of choice.

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There is no virus. Each time you imply it exists (talking about masks) it supports the control narrative.

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If no virus, then what it is it?

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Rob, the answer is not simple. The Viral Delusion is a series of 5 episodes to give you an answer. The first episode is free, $11.99 for the whole series. I am retired from the medical field, but my eyes were opened to another way of looking at illness. I have absolutely no affiliation to the series. I only want others to discover another way of looking at our medical system. I hope you will take a chance with an open mind. Thank you for the question.

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I do have an open mind which is why I have become against all vaccines. But, your side has to do better than this. I can come up with a compelling argument against vaccines with one little graphic of historical disease trends. I can use a five sentence paragraph to make a compelling argument against the cholesterol myths.

You need a 2 minute elevator speech. Telling people they never got sick with a virus isn’t going to compel anyone to dig farther. You need to say how and why they got sick and it needs to be brief. The truth is never complicated. Make a compelling case and people will look into your links.

I have looked into some of the opposing theories to virus and germs such as terrain and biomes. These arguments make good sense to me, but even under this analysis there are still pathogens, pollutants or whatever you want to call them that are making people sick. Flatly denying that viruses exist is not helpful to anyone.

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All power to you and the truckers Steve... Now you are really over the target mate...

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I agree except I would argue that no vaccines should be mandated period. No exceptions. Once you agree to vaccine mandates with certain exceptions, the health agencies and politicians will find a way to twist the data to fit the exception, just as they are doing now. This idea that you can force someone to take a medical intervention if it “benefits the public” is illogical and doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. Vaccines should be chosen by individuals based on their merit for that individual.

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I'm going to be there.

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Steve...I do not expect you yourself to answer this question, and that's fine, you are busier than a one legged dance teacher. I have read these words from you before: "That the vaccines kill more people than they save." That statement implies that the vaccines actually do save people. Say what? They save some people? In my mind that makes no sense at all. Hopefully you or one of your medically wise readers can explain that to me.

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The Moderna and Pfizer vaccine trials demonstrate absolute risk reduction of hospitalization and death from Covid by 0.71 to 1.2%. Of course they promote a relative risk reduction which was 95% because it sounds so much more impressive. But, obviously because these trials only lasted a few months they do not give you the long-term picture and all cause mortality. Some of us already know in the short run more people died of overall causes in the vaccinated group in the placebo group. So technically, they might be able to say a few people were saved from dying or being hospitalized by Covid from the vaccine in the initial six months. It’s deceptive marketing and so few people understand it.

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Surpressed not surpassed

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Glad those truckers are still out there giving them hell, too bad there is hardly any coverage on that, just shows how the media’s been bought out like the rest, thanks Steve!

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Grateful for what you are doing. People I know are getting cancer all of a sudden , is it because their natural immunity has been surpassed because they took the shot.?

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This video may answer your question: https://www.rcolemd.com/post/more-harm-than-good-steve-deace-show

Description from page:

More Harm Than Good | Steve Deace Show

Catch up with Dr. Ryan Cole as he and Blaze Host Steve Deace discuss all the latest observations and updates around the Covid shots. From spike proteins to cancer to the astounding number of samples Dr. Cole has tested, these gentlemen cover lot of ground in this recent interview. Would Dr. Cole recommend these shots to certain people, knowing what he knows? Have lives been saved with the rushed Covid vaccine rollout? Find out these answers and much more in this terrific roundup.

On a personal note: My jabbed brother-in-law’s previously under control prostate cancer has returned. My jabbed best friend died of a sudden wildfire pancreatic cancer after suffering some very weird rashes on her legs.

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Sorry to hear about your friend. These stories are so hard to hear.

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Thank you, Rob. You are truly kind. They are hard to hear. And hard to tell. One of the saddest things is that many people who have been hurt (or killed) by the shot don't make the connection.

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Our good friend had a rare lymphoma for at least 15 years and it has been in remission for some time, after the shot he got a second cancer and has no white blood cells and low red blood cells and they don’t know the cause. Why did it happen after he got the shot?

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Dr. Cole provides some scientific answers about this. I hope you’ll check out the video mentioned above (https://www.rcolemd.com/post/more-harm-than-good-steve-deace-show) as well as others at his website News page (https://www.rcolemd.com/news). As a pathologist, Dr. Cole is an expert on the topic of reactivated cancers.

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I was glad to meet truckers in LaBelle Florida on the way to Tallahassee to speak with DeSantis. Appreciate that they stopped in our tiny town.

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Thank you Steve, for all you do. I live in the Free State of Florida and I'm so grateful for that !!

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You are in the right place at the right time. God bless Florida.

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Anybody know who the other speakers besides Steve will be?

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Thank you, Steve!

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Thanx Steve! Stay safe and tell the story

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Maybe I am not tuned in enough, but for some reason I only learn about most of these, the day before they happen. Need more notice, for more people to be able to book time to be there.

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