Study finds many cooking spices in stores are laden with heavy metals!

Consumer Reports, a nonprofit organization dedicated to independent product testing and consumer advocacy, released a study testing the levels of heavy metals in 15 types of dried herbs and spices — 126 products in all — from national brands such as Walmart’s Great Value, McCormick, Morton & Bassett and Trader Joe’s.

Roughly one-third of the tested products, 40 in total, had high enough levels of arsenic, lead and cadmium to pose a health concern for children when regularly consumed in typical serving sizes. Many had high enough levels to raise concern for adult consumers as well.

Frequent exposure to even small amounts of lead, arsenic, cadmium and other heavy metals is dangerous because it is difficult for the human body to break them down or excrete them. Over time, exposure to heavy metals has been linked to increased risk of behavioral problems and lower IQ in children, as well as issues with the central nervous system, reproductive system, kidneys and immune system in adults.

“I think heavy metals are getting more attention in the media since some baby foods were found to be high in heavy metals, and some foods and spices are not really regulated or regularly tested for heavy metals,” said Beth Calder, food science specialist and associate professor at the University of Maine Cooperative Extension.

Heavy metals can enter herbs and spices if the water or soil where food is grown contains them naturally or is contaminated because of pesticides or industrial uses. They may also get into packaged spices from processing equipment or packaging.

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Oh well, tuff tacky for her. The walls are a crumbling down and she'll come down with it. "those in their ivory towers will fall farthest". The momentum is gathering on many fronts now.

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She's an MS. She has a Master's degree. In science. lol

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According to extensive research conducted by Dr Ah Kahn Syed, Moderna patented the unique sequence found in the coronavirus two years before the pandemic began, adding weight to the theory that Covid-19 is a man-made virus.

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Yes, and further…the entire patent history involving SARS-CoV 2 / Covid 19 is first recorded in 1999 as determined by Dr David Martin.


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Yes and that the whole thing was orchestrated

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Just what do you expect from a serial liar like CNN? They employ traitors and whores!

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270 health experts to Spotify: Joe Rogan’s Covid misinformation is ‘a sociological issue of devastating proportions’

What a pile of garbage that is being spread by 270 people in the health field but few if any with the expertise and scientific record of Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough or Dr. Mike Yeadon to mention just three of many renowned specialist who have researched and treated diseases caused by viruses. But this Machiavellian tactic used by the Main Stream Media around the world is not new and was perfected during the ongoing Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) debate. With a "97% consensus" among "scientists" we were told, the science of course was "settled" and anyone questioning the AGW "theory" was clearly a "crackpot" and maybe worse... a "Climate Denier". After all, Climate Deniers and Holocaust Deniers were more or less the same fascist Nazis who want to destroy the planet. Smearing and lies are very effective in shutting down most people except for the courageous few who only get stronger and more determined to fight back. A former colleague at a major university who challenged the AGW "theory" received death threats in his office; another stopped giving lectures on climate change. And by the time the truth came out from honest scientists who exposed the "97% consensus" lie promoted 24/7 by the MSM , the damage was done and the number 97% was indelibly etched into most people's minds. As a research scientist in Earth Science, it was frustrating to have scientific data and research ignored by highly educated friends and relatives- a judge, medical doctors, business owners, teachers, scientists not in the field of climate science - who would rather believe the mass media or corrupt politicians than climate scientists. After all, it is a lot easier in the comfort of the herd even if that herd is stampeding towards a canyon, i.e. Mass Formation of the crowd.

“97% Consensus” — What Consensus?

See here: https://co2coalition.org/2021/10/31/97-consensus-what-consensus/

Professor Schulte decided to update Oreskes’ work. However, he found that only 45% of several hundred papers endorsed the “consensus” position. He concluded: “There appears to be little basis in the peer-reviewed scientific literature for the degree of alarm on the issue of climate change which is being expressed in the media and by politicians, now carried over into the medical world and experienced by patients.”

"They reviewed the actual papers used by Cook and found that only 0.3% of the 11,944 abstracts and 1.6% of the smaller sample that excluded those papers expressing no opinion endorsed man-made global warming as they defined it. Remarkably, they found that Cook and his assistants had themselves marked only 64 papers—or 0.5% of the 11,944 they said they had reviewed—as explicitly stating that recent warming was mostly man-made (Figure 2). Yet they stated, both in the paper itself and subsequently, that they had found a “97% consensus” explicitly stating that recent warming was mostly man-made."

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Probably astroturf: Wanting to give the appearance of 270 experts of sound mind independently arising up because of the outrage of something like Dr. Malone being on Joe Rogan. When the actual truth is more like: The Ministry of Truth (we know it as several organizations with intelligence and even big banking ties) sent the memo to 270 of their go-fers to make some noise and try to get Joe Rogan to self-censor and never have guests like that again, or to have Spotify self-censor and never have guests like that again, or maybe never have Joe Rogan again. Or, (tactic number 2 that I'm sure they've discussed) scrape together a couple of billion from pharma profits, Big Bankster and other citizen-plunder profits and buy Spotify.

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From the esteemed Wikipedia (well OK I can literally trust it for some brief facts like this, I think...

"In 2020, Spotify received criticism from anti-misinformation groups when conspiracy theorist Alex Jones appeared on The Joe Rogan Experience podcast.[287] Spotify's own employees raised concerns about Jones' appearance on the show.[288] In 2021, Spotify removed 42 Joe Rogan podcast episodes.[289]"

So, there were some anti-Alex Jones-flavored podcast people back in 2020. I'll just be cynical here and say that maybe Alex J. was on to something, because I'm doubting that there are actually many real people having sleepless nights about what "misinformation" is doing to the world. Except, as I've said in another comment, it bothers me deeply what Govt. and Medical Mafia and Intel disinfo and psy-ops have done to the world for decades.

Anyway, someone at this point in history probably knows Spotify is tractable and *could* remove content if pressured. I hope somebody at Spotify is savvy regarding the ramp-up of anti-misinfo push from highly placed people, the past 2 years.

Spotify is founded and headquartered in Sweden...however it's on the globe so isn't immune from those who try to be globalists.

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You'll see this name and this organization a lot: Apparently a Ministry of Truth sort of British office activated around 2020:

""They are essentially profiting from the platforming of, and giving exposure to, the most outrageous and fringe views in the desperate search for ad dollars and subscription revenues," said Imran Ahmed, chief executive of the Center for Countering Digital Hate."

from https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-54733252

The BBC (we've all heard of that) was the point from which the Trusted News Initiative emanated, so we know it's going to let Mr. Ahmed say his peace....whenever he likes.

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Love wikispooks.

"In September 2021, Lindsay Moran was made the organisations new Head of Communications.[7] Her Twitter bio says that she is "former CIA operative.[8" The "organisation" is the CCDH.

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Jan 16, 2022
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There's vastly more evidence supporting deliberate-release contamination at the NATO games in Wuhan, including that all competing teams returned to their home countries sick with flu-like symptoms.

And why is there no discussion of the 'coincidence' of the joint NATO, Gates Foundation and Johns Hopkins eerily prophetic Event 201 in NYC simultaneous to the spread of just such pathogens in 'drill' format? Convenient for planners, eh?

Not much talk either about the mass of missing pathogens stolen from Ft. Detrick lab just two months prior that shut down the lab for over a year. Nothing to see there.

Or, for that matter, the mass infection of Chinese garment workers in Milan who just happened to manufacture the NATO Games ceremonial costumes for the mass of sickened athletes? Hmm, Milan, mysterious 'hot spot'.

Or, what about another 'hot spot', Tehran, where cloth bound for Milan was 'prepped'.

What better way to instantly spread infection globally for a plandemic, and sow fear for the bioweapon injectables waiting in the wings for globally targeted victims?

This is global bio-war. Not mere malfeasance. Isn't it plain? Plandemic, with purpose.

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M$M of presstitutes and their corporate pimps(cia)

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FWIW Brian O'Shea is asking for volunteers to look over the signatories to the Spotify petition and see if they may have a personal agenda for signing it:


Eg, Dr Bnar Talabani is a member of Team Halo (seriously?), "a group of scientists and healthcare professionals from around the world, working to end this pandemic by volunteering our time to address Covid-19 vaccine concerns and misinformation." https://teamhalo.org/

Team Halo is part of the United Nations Verified Initiative: https://shareverified.com/

which is all about stopping the spread of "misinformation":


The Verified Initiative has an exhausting list of Collaborators, inc. Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, TikTok and.... Spotify.


They partner with Purpose, and you can see Bill and Melinda G on their funders page: https://www.purpose.com/about/

Dr. Talabani is a "specialist in kidney and transplant medicine, and she's also doing a PhD in immunlogy." Dr. Talabani is frighteningly ignorant of the facts of about vaccines:


Eg: Do Covid vaccines cause long term side effects?

Her response: "The vaccines are injected into the body and about two to three weeks after they're injected they're broken down and removed from the body completely because they've done their job, they do not hang around.

We know that vaccines don't cause long term side effects because we've been vaccinating millions of people for many decades and vaccines have never caused long term side effects. "

She also assures her viewers the vaccines are safe for pregnant women and do not cause infertility.

It is terrifying to see the level of proud ignorance (and brainwashing?) among the current crop of young doctors.

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The degree of untruth in her statement(s) is staggering.

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Contemporary doctors are “educated” by Big Pharma not mecical schools.

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Stupid person appears not to know you cannot reassure on safety in pregnancy because ITS NOT BEEN STUDIED. They’ve not even completed reproductive toxicology.

So we genuinely cannot know.

Please stop lying before your mouth kills people.

Oh, and do note, “I was only following orders” didn’t work the first time,

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Ever wonder why is the Rockefeller Foundation following Jessica on Tweeter? 😜

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Thanks for providing information and facts to the people who have questions about these experimental vaccines. You are credible and very much appreciated.

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Would if I could but I decided some time ago that the majority of people on Twitter aren't reachable. They have block heads and they just resort to name calling and hate. Life is too short to deal with that. I walked away from Twitter and Facebook at the beginning of all the insanity. I do share my substack articles with people I care about. Sadly I fear that many of the Twitter/FB/ Tiktok sheeple will die off after multiple injections of a medication that does little to nothing for dealing with COVID and their immune systems crash and burn.

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The first step to waking up is using your own brain to think, yet most people who use social media nonstop are are not sitting around using their brains.

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Mr. Kirsch, thank you for your Class, humility and cool headedness. I humbly Adore aaaall of you out there who are fighting for Humanity.

This might seem trivial but I thought I'd lay it down anyway: I was wondering if some sort of database could be started to record aall those wins. Because that's what that creature bestowed upon you without realizing it: A WIN!! I mean it takes an arrogant coward to run out the back door because they cannot confront your legitimate, authentic and fair offer.

If such data is created. I am sure it could come in handy at some point in the future or to just direct to, those who are unfortunately still in the dark about the entire scandal, and who still believe that the cnn crowd is the righteous one. And there are so many of them.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich with an international network of other lawyers are in the process of gathering evidence to sue Fauci, CDC and others for crimes against humanity, and he said if Intent (to murder) could be proved and it can according to the evidence he and others gathered, He said Big Pharma will lose in court and will be dismantled.

Undying Gratitude to you, Sir as well as all those gorgeous beings out there.

May God Protect you all and Archangel Michael Shield each and every one of you and loved ones from harm. Amen👀💐❕

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Censorship in public debate is like cheating in athletic competition. The side that does it looses by default.

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We are lucky we have people like you and Dr Malone to support the science and light the truth. Thanks to all of you !!

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