I hope Morris is keeping up with the JABS. If he only took Pfizer, maybe he should also take Moderna to be sure he is safe. All readers of this newsletter could donate to a fund to keep him fully jabbed to make sure his Hippocampus is well saturated.

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Yes, well one can only pray to the Pharma God that "profits be raised" by the faithful "showing true faith by taking the full recommended course".

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Oct 9Liked by Steve Kirsch

This may seem impossible but I have acquaintances that have had 10. They believe whatever the pharmacists are saying. There are signs outside the pharmacies right now that say come in for your Covid shot and.....in they go.

I have friends who were severely injured by one single shot. How can anyone play Russian Roulette 10 times??

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Yes, I have about 10 friends who have died or are severely injured. One brother in law had a stroke and lost the right side of his brain. The doctor told him the jab caused it and not to take any more jabs His wife is going in for her ninth shot. It is like religion. The Priest tells you to drink wine and it turns into Christs blood and gives you everlasting life, or the Rabbi tells you that you will go to heaven if the cow is killed correctly, this mentality is part of the human situation and the Psychos running the government understand that.

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It is crazy!

I am absolutely sorry for your losses and for those suffering. It is like humanity is being bombed with no way to dodge them. If shedding is real we are in trouble. Now, we hear about the Replicon vax in Japan. It is even worse they say.

When my cousin got blood clots in her lungs 2 weeks after her shot I told her it was from the 'vax'. Her son who is a doctor said it can't be. I have not heard from her since. A young father (age about 40) got turbo cancer out of the blue and died. Another friend of mine got 3 types of cancer out of the blue after her 'vax'. With expensive alt. treatments she has survived. Her husband is going blind since the shots and his bowels are a mess. There are numerous other accounts.

'Safe and effective' . Piffle!

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I think that awareness is piling up. The biggest problem is the blood donor problem. The blood of the unvaxed will be worth its weight in gold. It might be a good idea to start a blood bank for unvexed blood.

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It is time for everyone to ask surgeons about non-blood medical management. It exists. Google it. Or query: alternative treatment to blood transfusion. There are numerous articles including those in medical journals. Go to Google Scholar then type in the queries I have suggested. You will be very busy gathering information.🙂 It turns out, as usual, that alternative therapies are often less risky.

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Oct 13·edited Oct 13

Steve - why did you delete my question. Censoring?

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Morris doing what they all do, 'Peacocking'. It's funny watching those who took the flu shot fall sick. They all cry and moan. This is how the conversation goes these days. 'You got a free shot, you got ill. Don't complain it was free, maybe you should not have taken the shot', 'It would have been worse if I did not get the shot'. ' Prove it'. 'How?', 'Don't take a flu shot next year and see if you get sick' , 'No! I might get seriously ill', 'Dunno, prove it'. 'but I could die from the flu', 'Uhuh, prove it'. If looks could kill.

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Oct 10·edited Oct 10

Pharma does show high competency in fertilizing critical sectors of the western establishment with money and careerist motivations for boosting various pharmas' products, and establishment members sometimes RISE UP to tar and feather damnable heretics....

Kudos where kudos are due!

And who would want print, tv, social media, documentaries, movies, pointing out the correlations between inoculations and things like autism, allergies, anaphylaxis, people occasionally collapsing with seizures, and even inappropriately dying before being so good as to leave the inoculation site?

I mean, it's just so damned discomfiting to your average CNN viewer who just wants to be entertained while being reassured that "all is well"...

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I am honestly gobsmacked that anyone can STILL be defending this poison. Even the most pro vaccine people I know (including my 1xAz 6xpfizer mother, who is on deaths door) now know that it is a killer. "We have had SO MANY of our friends drop dead with cancer and heart attacks in the last 2 years". These people cannot possibly be ignorant to the obvious.

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Willful denial, they can't face the truth and process it so they deny the reality to stay in their safe place.

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#1 I disagree with the premise that ‘vaccinated people are generally healthier’. Most unvaccinated people are that way for a reason and practice holistic health care and exercise.

Secondly I believe that his comment about unvaccinated dying is also false. We all know how many people who died were categorised as unvaccinated falsely.

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what record level dataset are you relying on?

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Steve, I'm pretty sure you've made similar claims, made reference to the unvacced Amish, and have not been willing to name certain medical practices you know of that don't vaccinate.

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Steve, what about the fact Vaers shows most adverse events occured within ten days after innoculation but u were considered unvaxed for 14 days after?

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In the record-level datasets from Czech Republic, New Zealand, and Connecticut, there is a greatly reduced number of deaths in the first two weeks after vaccination due to the temporal/time-varying healthy vaccinee effect: sars2.net/connecticut.html#Comparison_of_deaths_by_weeks_since_vaccination_to_other_datasets. So if people would be classified as unvaccinated until two or three weeks from the first dose, it would work in the favor of unvaccinated people because it would reduce the mortality of unvaccinated people and increase the mortality of vaccinated people: sars2.net/czech4.html#ASMR_when_people_are_classified_as_unvaccinated_until_three_weeks_from_vaccination.

Fenton and Neil speculated that the reason why the ONS dataset had a low number of deaths in the first two weeks after vaccination was because deaths were somehow systematically omitted or misclassified, but Morris said it was because of the HVE instead, and now based on the various record-level datasets that have been published since last year, it would appear that Morris was right.

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that is separate discussion. I made a statement, Blinders thought I'm mistaken, I asked, "ok, show me the data."

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If you are young and healthy STAY AWAY FROM THE JABS!

If you are old and unhealthy STAY AWAY FROM THE JABS!

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9

Here's a simple question to ask Professor Morris.

"Gun to your head, which one of these vaxes would you take - Moderna, Pfizer, or Saline?"

Speaking of which - in Pfizer's saline-placebo trial, more people died in the vax group than the saline group - and after all the updates, how close was the Pfizer/saline mortality ratio to what was seen in the Czech data? Did we have another (safer-looking) vax in the Czech data we can pretend is a placebo?

The market appears to know this already. MRNA is around 58. That's a 3-year low. But I'm sure the massive price decline is "just a coincidence."

Gun to your head: saline, Moderna, or Pfizer?

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I saw a report from Maryanne Demasi that PM’s in Australia have asked to remove the mRNA shots because of tainted dna contamination. So many reasons to stop no reasons to continue!

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Senator Gerrard Rennick has been calling for them to be removed since roll out along with a number of others. He is great fun to watch when he had big pharma in Senate Estimates and at the covid inquiry. He really gets after the lot of em.

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It seems that 'blinkered' Morris is so entrenched in the original Covid and Vax Safety/Efficacy Lies, he might be the sole survivor of this proven nonsense!

We, the people dismissed the authors of the Scamdemic Treaty as corrupt and motivated by their 'owner' (by investment = control) = Bill Gates. The unelected WHO and UN are terminated as having future influence on human health and wellbeing!

It sounds like trials on just '8 mice' is the minimum proof required that these deadly RNA injections are OK for use on humans! Can anyone confirm whether any of the Pfizer mice survived? Vaxxed = RIP?

With Zero LIABILITY being a fiercely guarded 'Get out of jail Free' opportunity, why should Big Pharma bother about making clean or effective 'vaccines' (= DEADLY INJECTIBLES)?

ZERO LIABILITY equates to ZERO Quality Control, ZERO INTEREST in SAFE medicines, Zero concern regarding contaminants. As long as the excessive profits to roll in - No problems need be addressed.

Do Big Pharma's statistics of Excess Deaths of Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed include their magic con trick of regarding all injected recipients as 'UNVAXXED' until a 14 or 21-day 'post-jab' period has elapsed? This is an important question, which could hide millions of sudden VAX RELATED deaths - POST VAX!

Nobody listens to the defunct corrupt World Health Organisation any more! They lie to create opportunities for lunatic Gates, Pfizer, Moderna, etc, to further profit from pretend health emergencies.

Sometimes, even the most ludicrous nonsensical suspicions come to be reality. I suspected the dangerous injections they 'knocked up' "at the speed of science", were at best USELESS, Now it seems they were even more dangerous than we could have imagined. Useless AND deadly!

This could have been predicted as soon as we learned that BIG PHARMA (Pfizer, Moderna, etc,) demanded that NO LIABILITY came with EVERY DEATH SHOT! Such a ridiculous condition should have alerted everyone of the potential dangers of these magically quick cures being created within just months of the release of Fauci's Coronavirus Scamdemic! Apparently, some still accepted Death Shots!

'Excess Deaths' are part of Big Pharma's mercenary business plan!

Unjabbed mick (UK) We live longer without dangerous intervention by corrupt (just for profit) medical companies.

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Brief video of Dr. Richard Fleming at an event posted by The Highwire explaining what happened to mice and monkeys that were injected with the spike protein. He is legit.


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The only article I could find on the mice is here. It is an interesting q and a.


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Hi Jethro! If I find the recent reference to another safety trial on 8 mice to prove mRNA injections are Safe & Effective, I'll send it to you. The one you found looks like an AI generated piece of conflicting bullshit, ass it can't actually emphatically confirm anything about Covid Vax Safety and Efficacy. I'm sure it was either a Pfizer or Moderna article.

So much for AI.

Cheers! Mick.

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Hi Mick. The article is legit but missing some components...like who is doing the questioning. Anyway, Global Research News is a font of information where dozens of journalists/doctors/economists/scientists who are sincere share perspectives that are generally well-researched. Type in a topic and see what happens.....


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"Dr. Paul Offit is a voting member of the FDA panel that approves vaccines. This is what he thinks of the new Covid boosters."


[Clips from NBC Philadelphia, with added commentary]

Vaccine Safety Research, October 6, 2022

Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/19216.html

* * *

And this:

August 29, 2022


Transcript of excerpt: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/7113.html

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Would love to see you, Steve and Jeffrey on either the Highwire or Joe Rogan and have an open debate about the facts. But of course, dear Jeffrey wouldn't lower himself to such a discussion, would he?

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Professor Morris believes in the "Theory of Legitimization" wherein a public discussion between him and Steve Kirsch would result in legitimization flowing from Morris to Kirsch at a high rate of speed. The professor believes it is his sacred duty to guard this mysterious energy at any cost.

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"If the-the misinformationists steal my legitimacy phlogistan, it's over for me!"

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I was about to write a blog with the same subject - namely that if a researcher produces an argument and conclusion based on evidence then it is not sufficient to say it's wrong; you must explain why, and produce evidence proving that. Refusing to debate is in my view highly suspicious. Failing to release raw data when critics request them is also suspicious; this applies to the major statin trial "proving" a significant reduction in mortality, but currently relates to the apparent failure of the UK MHRA to release a worrying report on the data received from Pfizer (see https://dailysceptic.org/2024/10/08/the-hidden-pfizer-report-that-shows-up-to-40-more-heart-conditions-in-the-vaccinated/).

My hypothesis is this; the cardiac side-effects of SARS-CoV-2 and the vaccines are due to a hyperimmune or autoimmune syndrome. Coronaviruses were known to provoke a cytokine storm (CSS) before SARS-CoV-2 appeared (see the textbook by Cron and Behrens). The other effects of CSS are all those seen in Covid-19 or post-vaccination illness; thrombotic thrombocytopenia, myocardial damage, renal impairment, intracerebral thrombosis etc. The generator for this in the case of SARS-CoV-2 is the spike protein. The original spike protein has mutated to a less immunogenic form but the vaccines appear still to contain M-RNA that generates the original. So if one introduces a substance that causes the body to produce spike protein it is reasonable to suggest that this is what causes vaccine-induced illness - and the impossibility of determining how much spike protein will be generated in an individual accounts for the variability in side-effect induction. That may relate to DNA contamination, genetic factors or something else; perhaps also that the immune system in the young is more responsive. However there is a mass of pre-Covid evidence that makes the hypothesis attractive. And I might add that there are paradigms for changes in immunogenesis, in particular cardiac disease induced by Strep-A, where the Strep antibodies (at least in the developed world, no longer act as anti-cardiolipn antibodies.

Lastly the trial at Northwick Park Hospital in London in 2006 of TGN1412 caused a cytokine storm in 6 healthy men within hours of administration resulting in exactly the sort of multi-organ failure seen in Covid-19. If we accept that CSS may be the cause of Covid vaccine damage we have to assume that the same time frame must apply, which makes a nonsense of waiting for 2 weeks before classing someone as vaccinated. They are at risk within hours.

We could prove the point by setting up a trial in which subjects are carefully monitored for markers of cytokine overload and myocardial damage in the first 2 weeks after administration of a vaccine. The subjects could be stratified by age, sex and ethnic origin. However I think any such trial would be unethical given the data we already have.

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You can bet they will be giving Statins to those people with heart complaints because lowering cholesterol prevents heart attacks. The headlines just write themselves don't they.

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How do you explain his statement that Moderna has a lower death rate than unvaccinated?

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I think of how u were not considered vaxxed for 2 weeks after ur shot, but in vaers it shows most died within 8 days

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Because they were unvaccinated ;)

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Without even going into this level of detail, if a risky intervention or process you're applying works it has to be HIGHLY EFFECTIVE. When you show me that the vaccinated group has DRAMATICALLY better outcomes, let's say (to use a number made popular by Pfizer) 95% of the unvaccinated are dead by Covid and 95% of the vaccinated waltz through the illness, then I'll consider taking it. When you're bickering about Who's on first, What's on second because there's no clear, unambiguous benefit I'll avoid the myriad of downside risks and not bother with it.

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The sound of silence is so intense that they are trying to make us think we are completely deaf. Trying to pull another one over us, imagine that.

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If as UPenn Professor Morris suggests in his key point 1. DM, “there are differences in the ‘unvaccinated vs vaccinated’ because those who opted to be vaccinated are generally healthier”.

Then how can key point 3 “it was co-morbities” explain the excess deaths of the vaccinated?

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