I am a physician. I happen to be pro-vaccine BUT I am vehemently anti-mandate . Ultimately, FREE SPEECH must prevail. Period. What the hell country do we live in. The Left had demonstrated the can no longer be trusted. They have fully abandoned founding principles.

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Is this just for MD's, or can nurses join as well?

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Steve We need your help..big time...WHY not invited Canadian health care professionalsetc to join this Freedom of Speech day??? You have a lot of canuk admirers...and we too need to hear what they want to say..I am certain that silence is not their choice...

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Thank you, Steve, for all of your posts! I really appreciate critical thinking!!! Back in the dark ages of the 60s, I tried studying to be a nurse but found it too bureaucratic. Then like many women of my generation, got married. In May of 1967, I had my first child, daughter, in Mt Zion Hospital in SF, CA. It was the full moon so they needed to slow down my process & gave me an epidural, even though both my husband & I said I didn't need it! When my daughter was finally allowed to be born, she was immediately whisked away & she wasn't allowed to nurse for 24 hours!!! When I finally got her to my breast, she wouldn't nurse. I was a healthy athletic woman who was caged in the hospital for 2 weeks. I wanted to go home to make sure my baby was healthy. That experience made me distrust bureaucratic medicine even more! I told myself I would never have a baby in the hospital again. Seven years later at 31, I had my first home birth, a boy 10 months...10 lb 2 oz. Four years later, I had a second home birth another boy 9lb. Both are thriving healthy adults today. However, my daughter developed learning disabilities. After my youngest son was born, I stopped seeing doctors & took my health into my own hands. I am 78 years old & have not gone to a "doctor" in 30yrs. I don't get flu shots & have a routine of taking 4gms of VitC daily. In the past 20yrs, I have also added Vits D, E, zinc, quercetin, & what is now the protocol for building a healthy immune system to combat CV19. What this country needs to do is promote healthy eating habits and a protocol of immune boosting vitamins, instead of promoting vaxxs. When the photos of people who had died from CV19 started to be posted in 2020, it was clear to me & many others that they were obese/fat & had underlying debilitating physical conditions that had they been encouraged by their doctors to eat a healthy diet, they might not have died!! Our country has now become so politically divided...one side has the truth & the other doesn't. If one dares to disagree with the so-called political Big Brother truth, you are verbally accosted. We are living in "1984" & have the return of McCarthyism!

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Sorry to hear about your unfortunate experiences. Bear in mind that every doctor is different. There are still good ones out there. It is important to understand that and to know that every individual sees things differently. You need a doctor who will listen but not one who is a yes man. So all I am saying find someone you trust and then trust them to do the right thing. All I ever ask is that if Itrust my doctor, that they treat me like they I was their family member.

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I can't wait!

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Fantastic, I'm optimistic!

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Steve, you have to be careful to not exaggerate or be inaccurate. You will lose credibility.

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Jan 9, 2022·edited Jan 9, 2022


Steve, are you aware that Mike Yeadon has a theory that based on hard facts that the killing is premeditated? Please watch the interview.

Thank you for your hard work. This will be an epic day!!

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I'm from NZ and there is no way that all of this has not affected us. Our Doctors have been having their license pulled all last year. They can't even ask a question. They can't say anything. They can't prescribe ivermectin or they loose their license. They can't prescribe hydrqloraquin either. We are in a police state like Australia. We are told to tell on our neighbour's. We are excluded from society if we are unjabbed. No job, no shops no cinema, no toilet .

The CDC are not just happy murdering Americans they are murdering the world! I hold them accountable! Ray

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Jan 27, 2022·edited Jan 27, 2022

I am no fan of the CDC, and still do believe the vaccine will saves lives. However, I believe every family has the autonomy to decide for themselves if it is right for them. As a physician, believe me, I have done my research and I don't subscribe to the practice of using hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin for treating COVID. I consider myself to be a right leaning libertarian and don't think this is a political issue. We're complaining about the Left making it so, but believe me, the pressure I receive from the Right is equally atrocious. We have to stop trying to control our doctors from either camp. We want our doctors to use their years of experience and knowledge to make appropriate decisions for their

patients. Just because you're doctor doesn't want to prescribe ivermectin doesn't mean that he or she is somehow part of the big pharma conspiracy orchestrated by the CDC. It just is not so. If you don't trust your doctor, find a new one. I have never been told that I can not prescribe ivermectin. If I believed it worked, I would. Simple as that.

Despite years of being told that antibiotics don't treat viruses, I probably still receive three to four requests for antibiotics for colds each week. People Google everything else by the heck can they not Google this. It's deteriorating how the public wants to practice medicine now. They're all experts on reading studies. I'm just not convinced. Part of my concern up to this point has been the Lefts constant twisting of the truth. Now I continue only get it from the Right as well. People just need to stop. Everything is not always as it seems.

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Sad and criminal. This is an international ring with the CDC at the helm, and an orchestrated series of events that's been in the works for years, if not decades.

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How is it, in a so-called “free country,” we need a “free speech day” ??

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God Bless you, Steve!

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'You are slaves and slaves you will remain. But the terrible penalty of crucifixion shall be set aside on the single condition that the you identify the living person or the body of the slave called Spartacus be identified...

'I am Spartacus! I am Spartacus! I am Spartacus! I am Spartacus...! 10,000 voices guarantees Spartacus' safety -- and FREEDOM.

Let's do this. Spartacus would have. 10,000%.

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It's a great idea Steve, makes me wish I was in health care so I could contribute. Will post it on my platforms.

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Freedom marches in Europe in full swing unfortunately not covered on mainstream media. I can’t for the life of me think why 🤔



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maybe it is good luck since Jan 23 is also my birthday :-) may freedom become strong everywhere!

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