I'm going to pay for the lawsuit to sue Springer and their corrupt editorial board at BMC Infectious Diseases for their decision to retract the Skidmore paper; the most popular paper in their history.
Don't the journals have their own discretionary power to publish or retract what they want? What law are they violating by retracting a paper that they can claim they somehow published "carelessly?"
True, but everyone here wants the truth to be published and the falsehood to be retracted, don't you? Otherwise, what is the point of science? What is the point of the scientific method if the truth is going to be blurry or hidden because it doesn't look good for the TV personalities or their sponsors... Don't the human lives mean anything to you anymore, doctor?
It would most likely be a defamation claim: "the purpose of the retraction was to personally defame Skidmore's character and integrity as an academic researcher causing the Academic to incur personal damages in the form of lost grant awards and career opportunity." Also, a second count could be fraud - but this would require discovery. The theory would be BMC fraudulently solicited academic articles with the intention to retract for the benefit of its Pharma advertisers as part of a fraudulent P/R scheme to discredit the research of Pharma critics. A third claim might be breach of contract: Skidmore and BMC entered into a publications contract and BMC breached the contract - this would depend on the contractual language concerning retractions, but there is some precedent involved in terms "privishing" books.
I like your hypothesis: "The theory would be BMC fraudulently solicited academic articles with the intention to retract for the benefit of its Pharma advertisers..." I have often wondered whether that was The Lancet's strategy with Wakefield's "infamous" article on the MMR vaccine and its connection to autism, especially in Black male infants and toddlers. After all, the number of subjects in that article was only 12, hardly a sufficient number to make a major claim on (which Wakefield didn't anyway; his conclusion was that the matter needed further research-- but you'd never know that from the smears!)
I’m sure of it! Poor Dr Wakefield was vilified and it’s probably too late for him to feel better about being exonerated. I recall working for a particularly vitriolic and perverted consultant radiologist at the time in Harley Street - not all medics were or are evil but far far too many wannabe Shipman’s slip through the BMC net
I remember in the '90s discussing on the internet about the concept that the evolution argument is science vs religion. I said, no, evolution non-believers are saying that evolution science is wrong and many hoaxes have been exposed.
One internet arguer said, no, evolution has peer-reviewed papers and evolution non-believers don't have them. We spent a long time with me providing links to peer-reviewed creation science journals and him saying that's not peer-reviewed even though the authors and peer reviewers were scientists with PhDs and science backgrounds. Finally he admitted he would only be satisfied with an essay peer-reviewed by evolution believer scientists.
That actually happened later in 2004 when an article by Stephen C. Meyer (Director of Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture) titled "The origin of biological information and the higher taxonomic categories" appeared in the peer-reviewed journal Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. The evolution-believing science world freaked out and attacked the editor Richard Sternberg who provides details about it here: https://richardsternberg.com/smithsonian/ .
Back in the '90s most people I talked to about science in general could not believe that the majority of scientists in the world would engage in science hoaxes, ignore findings that disputed the narrative and attack other scientists, just to keep their job or increase their standing in the mainstream science world. After Global Warming a lot more believed it. Now comes Vaccine Science doing the same three things to keep the consensus going: hoaxes, censorship and attacks.
There are so many facts of science that refute spontaneous origins that after a few debates in the 1990s the creation-deniers stopped debating. One result was a collection of anti-creation essays collected by one of those humiliated in those debates, Ashley Montague.
Anthropic principle, 20 independent physics constants within fine- tuning necessary for the universe's structure and stability,
the apparent orientation of space that centers near Earth,
The "privileged planet" Earth, with the optimal combination of visibility to the skies, plus conditions for life.
The fossil record having no transition between the "families",
Distance to the moon and its size being optimal for the tides that support much more life than otherwise,
It is the evolutionary theory lies as much as anything that has brought us to this sorry state. I see an anagram of 'Evolutionary theory' is 'yahoo evil torture NY'.
In the States, New York has been hit badly by vaccine deaths, perhaps it is the worst.
Who can forget the frightening and completely wrong initial C19 computer model spread/fatality projections…Hello, climate science apocalypse models anyone…
"Now comes Vaccine Science doing the same three things to keep the consensus going". It's been happening since vaccines were created, decades ago. Dissolving Illusions by Humphries is an excellent book about vaccine history. Highly recommend.
Authoritarianism in Science goes back to Galileo. The Church controlled pretty much everything in Italy back then, including the universities. Galileo was able to prove that the Earth revolved around the Sun using empirical data . The Church denounced him as a "heretic" (sounds like "anti-vaxxer") and placed him under house arrest in 1663. He had been forced to "recant" in front of a Tribunal on June 22, 1633. Galileo received an official apology from the Church in 1992. Let's hope we will not have to wait that long.
"I believe that the intention of Holy Writ was to persuade men of the truths necessary to salvation….But I do not think it necessary to believe that the same God who gave us our senses…would have us put aside the use of these, to teach us instead such things as with their help we could find out for ourselves, particularly in the case of these sciences, of which there is not the smallest mention in Scripture."
Ask these evolution believing scientists to explain where the peacock's tail comes from. Darwin himself could not explain it as a vast amount of energy is being spent on beauty -
Certainly there is fraud, aside from differing results because of different methods, parameters and conditions, in scientific research. influenced by corporate money or politics; or lack of studies because of a dearth of funding because of corporatism, politics, or orthodoxy. However, that does not justify the elevation of the magical thinking of religious believes into a so-called scientific theory, one that keeps expanding lts framework to make exceptions for what is provable.
I understand; you are not willing to examine any evidence if the scientist showing it has a religious belief. I think you're limiting yourself but that's up to you. The evidence doesn't have a religious belief.
My point was not to convince anyone of one side or the other but to show how some scientists will go to extreme lengths to shut down and censor evidence which might differ from their narrative. Of course we are all free to personally ignore anything we like.
If it is shown that the editorial board was not acting independently, but conversely, was responding to outside pressures for the purpose of hiding crimes (manslaughter) a charge of collusion may be possible? Consider the RICO Act.
They can say the same thing that news organizations or investment rating agencies, etc. say which is that they're just providing their educated opinions which they're perfectly within their right to retract. I don't see them violating any laws and I don't see any courts entertaining the claims that they violated any laws.
Yes, I agree. I think Steve needs to think this through very carefully. There are many judges who will avoid ruling on stuff like this. It is very open to excuse abuse.
I think Steve has already considered this all very strongly. He is looking forward with some small(!) sense of glee to the "discovery" phase. Discovery, I'll bet his advisors tell him, will shine the light on smoke particles yet levitating over the barrel.
There is no straight up answer to any of this. Every bit of exposure helps. I do believe we will reach a tipping point within the next 4 months. They do not have the technology to launch the next phase - 5G is a very, very short wave (too short for 15 min. cities unless there is a tower on every block) and 6G falls apart completely. Digital currency and censorship are being rejected -
Yes they have that power to decide what to publish and what not to decline, but once a work is published, that means a contract with the author is in place, in which case, depending on the contract, and depending on the circumstances, retracting a work may amount to fraud.
It is time to put people in prison for covid crimes.
Cool thing about this site is there are lawyers, doctors and religious people and people from all different backgrounds and countries just voicing their thoughts. This is how the net should work. A free flow of information.
It is surprising to me that writing comments like we do here is still allowed ..I surmise that the reason must be ,they know we can write what we want ,it changes nothing .We have zero power .Some lawyers try helping out by starting a law suit .but I never hear of any arrest or conviction of evil doers .Often I read comments of relatives family members or married couples being hostile to one another in regard to the ever present covid monster .Relatives I once had are now opposed to all I stand for and we don't communicate anymore .A friend I had let me know I can only come in her house if I wear the snot pouch .So she exchanged my friendship with the mask .I wish her luck with it .To me that does not look like we are winning .
You bring up 2 points the first is how effective the covid psychological operation has been in separating friends and family members and I have lost both. I don't hate my
vaccinated mask wearer friends and family. They made- in my call- a bad decision. All I expect is they respect my decision not to get injected or wear masks. Yet they hate me and have accused me of killing people. Your second point about the freedom of our comments. One poster said we are allowed to comment freely here as big brother is tracking our IP addresses and producing a database of those evil conspiracy theorists.
I could care less. I have been outspoken for years and will never bow to tyranny. Lock me up or kill me. I guess it runs in the family. My Dad was an open critic of the government narrative of the JFK murder. He wrote many editorials to papers and got a visit from the FBI. They tried to intimidate him but he did not back down and nothing happened to happened.
Some .writers of sites debating the good or evil of the new normal demand we give personal information if we want to comment on their writing ,.I use my real name for my commenting ,that is all they should be satisfied with and some are ,like the one I make this comment here .If a website demands all kind of info ,like what I had for breakfast in the last three month I shut it down and change to something else .
Sadly, despite highly intellectual debate and endless discussions about how to end this covid scam and other things that the media uses to instill fear and divide us. We seem unable to grasp that we are in a biblical war of good vs. evil. Humanity does not have much more time. Pray to God and resist evil.
The lack of comprehension aka establishment brainwashing is the reason evil can prosper. Satan knows his time is short. He is the father of lies and deception. We don't have to be clueless. It's all in the Bible!
The government is propped up by the elite for you to blame. When you go shopping for a new television, car, garden hose, lighting fixtures, dishwasher, refrigerator, etc. etc. etc., you're funding your own genocide. The average person has no clue how to stop buying what the elite are selling.
Even when we buy food we fund our own early death ,since I read that the demons put the venom even in our food now ,so together with shedding we have no more escape .
Most of what you see in a store is a "product". It isn't even really food. It isn't nutritious or healthy. The "stakeholders" of Big Ag are the same people who own western medicine as well; a win/win for them. One of these days, they're going to stop letting people sell non-gmo seeds. Anyone who isn't growing their own food probably isn't long for this world.
I cut the cable over 20 years ago, and just before I did, I can still remember being quite disturbed about how I was going to entertain myself without cable television. Now I wonder how I ever got anything done back then. I've got a free smartphone, but I only use it for making and receiving phone calls and the driving directions app. I was going to go back to using a flip phone, but I'm thinking I may go back to the old school rotary dial house phone instead. Life was simpler back then.
I cut the cable almost 13 years ago. Had Netflix for a number of years, but ditched that almost 2 years ago because of all the woke crap. I have a flip phone for emergencies while out. Landline still...and even a hardwired rotary phone in the basement.
Books all over the house...piles and piles of them. Tried e-books but I prefer the smell and feel of paper while reading. Something about holding a real item in your hand is rewarding. Also, e-books can be deleted if the Ministry of Truths deems it so.
I must be the only person still using a paper map...no GPS in my car.
More dead... less of us to control.....less of financial responsibility (SS) and the like to the masses........... If you can explain it that way to the average person, he (she) might get an understanding of what is really going.....(maybe not! If they haven't gotten it by now, I'm not sure when!!)
Maybe but perhaps not. This is a spiritual problem. The Bible states that those who do not see truth have been blinded by the father of lies...aka satan...(working thru modern technology and evil cabals to achieve the deception)
Some people can’t comprehend it; others don’t want to. To let go of their state security blanket means thinking for themselves. And facing the harsh reality that their “parents” are abusers.
Journals and peer review while worshiped by the media are meaningless due to financial conflicts interest. If you want to know the truth you talk with real doctors that treat patients.
IANAL, but that's the question I have too. They would seem to have no more liability than a book publisher has if they decide not to publish a writer's latest fiction.
I imagine any contract they might have lets them publish or not, for any reason, sensible or not.
The thing is that retracting a paper is different than not publishing it in the first place, having a paper retracted does far more professional damage to one’s reputation than having a paper go unpublished. Plus in the explanation given by the journal they questioned the integrity and qualifications of the peers in the peer review. This opens them up to defamation claims. Plus typically there is a very specific contractual process for retraction of a published paper. If they varied at all from this process then they are open to liability. For example in one of the journals I get criticisms or complaints of studies are published in the letters to the editor and then the authors get the opportunity to publicly respond in the letters to the editor. Also authors have the right to try and fix any issues brought up. Failure to do these things would be a breach of contract whereas simply rejecting a paper is no breach.
Thanks for such an excellent, knowledgeable response Doc. Folks who have never submitted a paper(me, for example) really appreciate the nuance you so aptly offer.
I am not a doctor but know a lot of them. A lot have lost faith in the whole concept of peer review. We are told its the gold standard, but if the journal in question is being financed by drug and vaccine companies how can we just assume there is no conflict of interest or bias.
If the advertising is paid for by the manufacturer one must consider it suspect until one has tested it oneself. One can then advise others as to the veracity of the claims.
Assuming one is not dead of course. Big pharma will then try and get the evidence cremated if they can.
This has always been true in all subjects. Peer review is solely intended to enforce the current orthodoxy. It's not about money, it's about maintaining status for the power-holders.
The money comes in the grants. If your work isn't orthodox enough to pass peer review you can't get grants, so you can't get tenure and advance in status.
Been a part of peer review. It is no such thing. Not a single 'peer' will wade through your software code, your logic, your algorithms, your data schemas. No one understands how you arrive at your conclusions. It is simply paid propaganda - the conclusion is financed if it supports the narrative and the 'peers' pass mine, I pass theirs...
Nobel laureate Kary Mullis (the inventor of the PCR method) touches on this in this 1996 interview: "There are no wise men up there [...] we're on our own".
Have you read his book? ‘Dancing Naked in the Mind Field’? It’s well worth it if you haven’t. Lots of interesting anecdotes from a fascinating and very unconventional character.
Steve Kirsch could be a target like many before him .I hope he lives a long,long time ,since we need men like him ,who are doing so much to give us hope .
He died of some type of respiratory illness. Made me wonder. Think about Alexis Navalny who was poisoned by KBG agents spraying temperature and moisture released Novichock into his underwear .👇👇
“Kudryavtsev unwittingly confessed that the Novichok agent had been applied to Navalny's underwear while he was staying at the hotel in Tomsk; but while Navalny had worn them for the flight as planned, the poison had apparently been absorbed too slowly.”
👆from Wikipedia article
If the KGB has this ability can you imagine what organizations with more advanced ‘science’ have the ability to do.
As a retired software engineer, I agree with you. But one thing that is good about a code review is that the discipline of having to explain the logic and decision-making process out loud almost always help find issues or potential issues.
Yes, I have discovered that having a Phd does not immunise a person from being a complete idiot with no independent thinking skills whatsoever. Most of the academic ivory tower appears to have been a cosy club, often populated by clothes -free emperors. True geniuses like Kary Mullis are rare.
Franc, 58, a public administration professor at Fresno until his arrest in August, was charged with shooting Nute last August, then dismembering his body and disposing of it between Fresno and Valencia.
His arrest came after a chain saw he had rented was returned with bits of flesh and blood in its inner workings.
Exactly. Without intuition, it's easy to be just another idiot, even with a high IQ. Above average IQ + Intuition + Moral Compass = Wisdom and Integrity, as demonstrated by Kary Mullis.
My dad was a physics professor, he said the same thing. But if you need to get funding for your doctorate you best have a thesis that supports not science but the current political narrative.
Absolutely. Follow the money. Same in the corporate sphere. Your project won't get funding if it transgresses the 'norms' of the Woke Corporation or even in IT, the 'narrative' being pushed by those who hold the budgets. Precious little peer review of anything.
So it can make up lies and false "sources" as it is PROVEN multiple times to do?! How have you not seen that it is a FRAUDULENT all the way up-and-down!? It MAKES. SHIT. UP.!!!
It's ONLY useful if you already KNOW the answer(s) you seek. Explain, please, how ChatGPT MADE UP ENTIRELY a report of sexual harassment -- including MAKING UP the "source" reports!
AIs are beginning to lie – Asked for examples of sexual harassment at law schools, ChatGPT named a GW prof accused of touching a student on a class trip to Alaska, citing a WashPost story. The prof is real. The rest was made up.
{READ THAT AGAIN!!!! "The prof is real. The rest was made up."}
It picked a random dude, slandered him, and claimed the WaPo wrote all about it. It is fascinating, because to get these things to spout out leftism, they have had to teach them to lie, or train them on material written by liars and psychopaths which were telling people whatever they needed to tell them to make them believe whatever they wanted them to believe. Now the AI’s seem to have made some connections we do not understand, and have begun imitating liars and psychopaths. Now they tell you whatever they need to tell you to make you believe whatever they want you to believe. We have no idea how these things make connections when they are trained purely on truth, and then we went and began training them on lies and psychopaths.
Then please look harder. AI is not the fount of all knowledge and wisdom, nor is it the answer to life, the universe and everything; but it is a tool which can be useful in the hands of the competent. Anything if used authoritatively (or in any wrong hands) could be dangerous. Automobiles were thought to be so dangerous when they were invented that The Red Flag Acts limited them to 4mph. AI is just another tool in the box. Use it accordingly. Or don't, as you prefer.
AI is not intelligent - it relies on who codes it for what reason, and what data sources are accessed - very easy to create AI which supports only one narrative
Wishing you a great victory - sorry I can’t afford to pay these days but I’m only a little person whose retirement fund has been stolen by the planned economic crisis
Telegraph reports a lawyer for widower of Lisa Shaw, BBC presenter died of wackzine in May 2021, saying that the AZ is/was a... “defective product in that it was not as safe as consumers generally were reasonably entitled to expect”
So The Telegraph reports claims that the AZ was defective & unsafe. The narrative is collapsing.
The widower of a BBC presenter who died due to complications from the Covid-19 vaccination said he’s been left with “no alternative” but to take legal action against AstraZeneca.
Lisa Shaw, who worked for BBC Radio Newcastle, died a week after her first jab in May 2021.
A coroner ruled in August 2021 that the 44-year-old had died from a “vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia”, a rare condition linked to the vaccination.
Gareth Eve, her widower, said he had been trying to “engage with the government, MPs and three prime ministers” and no one had “reached out” in return.
‘Tried to engage with government’
He told the BBC: “It’s not in my make-up to turn around and say I want to sue somebody but for almost two years we’ve tried to engage with the government and tried to engage with MPs since Lisa died and not one of them has reached out or engaged with us at all.
“Any engagement is fleeting at best so that’s the reason that we’re left with no alternative – if the government or AstraZeneca don’t want to engage with us then what else are we supposed to do?”
He said all he wanted was “some sort of acknowledgement or recognition that these deaths have occurred”.
Mr Eve added: “We’re not crackpots or conspiracy theorists, we’re husbands and wives and family members who have lost somebody – that’s all it is.
“Whatever the money, it’s not going to bring my son’s mam back.”
Nearly 75 claimants
His lawyers sent AstraZeneca pre-action protocol letters in November, on behalf of nearly 75 claimants, several of whom have had relatives die or survive with injuries related to the vaccine.
The claimants are pursuing legal action under the Consumer Protection Act 1987, and demanding payment under a government Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme.
Solicitor Peter Todd from Scott-Moncrieff and Associates, which is acting for the claimants, said damages were being pursued on the basis that the vaccine was a “defective product in that it was not as safe as consumers generally were reasonably entitled to expect”.
In August 2021, Newcastle coroner Karen Dilks said Ms Shaw had died from “vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia”, a very rare condition that induces swelling and bleeding on the brain.
Green light
The Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine was the first given a green light for use in the UK, being approved in December 2020. The government ordered 100 million doses for its inoculation programme, and rolled it out in clinics across the country, alongside the Pfizer jab.
A spokesperson for the Department for Health and Social Care said the vaccines were the most effective prevention against the disease, but acknowledged that “in extremely rare circumstances” individuals had been “severely disabled or died” due to receiving the vaccine.
They added: “More than 144 million Covid vaccines have been given in England, which has helped the country to live with Covid and saved thousands of lives.
“All vaccines being used in the UK have undergone robust clinical trials (EFFING LYING B*STARDS!) and have met the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency’s (MHRA’s) strict standards of safety, effectiveness and quality.”
‘Dirty secret’
However, Mr Eve said “too many people” were suffering from illnesses or bereavement related to the vaccine, and were being made to feel like their situation was “a dirty secret”.
“It’s established it’s been caused by AstraZeneca’s Covid vaccination – it’s not about Covid, it’s not about how many lives the Covid vaccination has saved, it’s about what this vaccination has done to Lisa and other families and not about how successful it was or whether somebody is anti-vax,” he said.
In a statement, a spokesperson for AstraZeneca said: “We are unable to comment on ongoing legal matters. Patient safety is our highest priority and regulatory authorities have clear and stringent standards to ensure the safe use of all medicines, including vaccines. Our sympathy goes out to anyone who has reported health problems.”
We don't want your effing sympathy, we want an overt, public admission of guilt, a retraction of the inoculations, & a MASSIVE effing pay-out for everyone injured, killed or even just forced to risk their lives & health after being propagandised & LIED to for years on end! Nothing less will suffice. Nothing.
It is going to be a lengthy and costly process, Steve. If you believe you can make a difference, go for it. People who believe you are not a fake and believe in something will support you. Remember, money is useless unless it is used for a good cause. The problem has always been with the "cause"; ie. is it good and according to whom?
Thank you Steve, your tireless work on behalf of us all is so very appreciated. This is the most evil scam of the century, how are these people able to live with themselves? I feel the truth is out, fully vaxxed friends are really starting to ask questions, the penny is starting to drop on what has happened. Keep up the fight my friend.
Agreed KJ! These IED's ( irritating electronic devices) have annoyed me to no end since their launch. Combined with 'net', they are contributing to the rapid dismantling of a quality human existence on earth.
THANK YOU STEVE!!! I hate to say it, but money talks, and that's why we're still IN this BS pandemic, so thank God for people like you who are helping to even out the playing field!!
Thank you so much for digging into this! I've been following your work since way before you went on Tucker & I'm pleased your work continues. Due to my own disability, I cannot afford to contribute, but in memory of my Mom, who died from COVID in May 2021 (no vaccine nor intubation), I thank you.
"In 24 percent of clinical trial agreements, the sponsor (meaning the drug company) “may include its own statistical analysis in manuscripts [i.e., journal articles].” And even more outrageously, 50 percent of clinical trial agreements allow the sponsor to “write up the results for publication and the investigators may review the manuscript and suggest revisions.” In other words, 50 percent of the contracts that academic medical centers make with drug companies allow the drug companies to ghostwrite the articles. The researchers who are the named authors of the articles have the right to suggest revisions but not to make actual corrections or edits. This is not academic freedom. Nor is it an arrangement in which medical science is going to serve the interest of the American people."
Just look at the litany of DEATH, THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS... DEAD from this jab... Yet no riots no uprisings no pushbsck no lynching no burning down no firing squad executions see how they handled nicolai ceaucescu).. It boggles my mind that Americans still sleep while they are being systematically killed and killed and killed...
It’s because statistically only a small percentage of Americans have died of the jab. Even if you assume 1 million dead Americans from the jab that means .0033 or 0.33% of Americans dead. (As in 1/3 of 1%.) That means most Americans probably don’t even know someone who has died of the jab. People aren’t going to get too worked up that their mother’s boyfriend’s cousins neighbor died of the jab. One million dead is inexcusable but it’s not enough to impact the lives of most Americans. Even if they was the annual jab mortality rate it would take 300 years to kill every currently living American. Quite frankly it’s not enough death and destruction to matter.
I think YOU Tara Slatton had better learn that human beings are not merely numbers to be ADDED OR SUBTRACTED. if the US government had lost 1000 000 soldiers in an Iraq war, it there would be an outcry all right.. .
Unfortunately you are wrong. The American public wouldn’t have cared at all if we had lost a million soldiers in Iraq because the vast majority of Americans still would not have been personally affected. I am not saying that is how things should be, I am simply saying that’s how things are. If people are not personally impacted by something they tend not to care about it, they certainly don’t care enough to protest or riot or take aggressive action. There are 300 million Americans plus illegals here, that’s a lot of people. Even before Rona medical malpractice killed anywhere from 200-400,000 people a year in the US. Yet nobody was rioting or protesting or otherwise taking aggressive action, that death toll is higher annually than most estimates of total jab deaths. The death toll and adverse reaction rate is unacceptably high but it’s not high enough to spur people to action and it’s certainly not high enough to convince most people to take to the streets or otherwise risk civil unrest. There are 300 million Americans and 8 billion people on this planet. Any given human simply cannot care for or about that many people in any meaningful way. So they tend to care about those closest to them. Factually speaking most Americans have not lost anyone close to them due to jabs. On top of that the behavior of many of the people that have bought into the jabs makes it hard for those who didn’t to want to expend much energy on their behalf. Many people on this forum have lost friends and family due to the jabs, not from death but from disassociation. Well if someone who screamed at me that I was killing Grandma and a terrible person and a selfish bastard then dies prematurely of the intervention I told them not to take it’s a little hard for me to risk arrest by protesting or rioting in the streets seeking justice on their behalf. When people that you thought cared about you said they hoped you died of the Rona because you wouldn’t take the jab it’s a little hard to get riled up and be willing to risk anything to see they get justice when said jab maims or kills them.
Don't the journals have their own discretionary power to publish or retract what they want? What law are they violating by retracting a paper that they can claim they somehow published "carelessly?"
True, but everyone here wants the truth to be published and the falsehood to be retracted, don't you? Otherwise, what is the point of science? What is the point of the scientific method if the truth is going to be blurry or hidden because it doesn't look good for the TV personalities or their sponsors... Don't the human lives mean anything to you anymore, doctor?
It would most likely be a defamation claim: "the purpose of the retraction was to personally defame Skidmore's character and integrity as an academic researcher causing the Academic to incur personal damages in the form of lost grant awards and career opportunity." Also, a second count could be fraud - but this would require discovery. The theory would be BMC fraudulently solicited academic articles with the intention to retract for the benefit of its Pharma advertisers as part of a fraudulent P/R scheme to discredit the research of Pharma critics. A third claim might be breach of contract: Skidmore and BMC entered into a publications contract and BMC breached the contract - this would depend on the contractual language concerning retractions, but there is some precedent involved in terms "privishing" books.
I like your hypothesis: "The theory would be BMC fraudulently solicited academic articles with the intention to retract for the benefit of its Pharma advertisers..." I have often wondered whether that was The Lancet's strategy with Wakefield's "infamous" article on the MMR vaccine and its connection to autism, especially in Black male infants and toddlers. After all, the number of subjects in that article was only 12, hardly a sufficient number to make a major claim on (which Wakefield didn't anyway; his conclusion was that the matter needed further research-- but you'd never know that from the smears!)
I’m sure of it! Poor Dr Wakefield was vilified and it’s probably too late for him to feel better about being exonerated. I recall working for a particularly vitriolic and perverted consultant radiologist at the time in Harley Street - not all medics were or are evil but far far too many wannabe Shipman’s slip through the BMC net
I remember in the '90s discussing on the internet about the concept that the evolution argument is science vs religion. I said, no, evolution non-believers are saying that evolution science is wrong and many hoaxes have been exposed.
One internet arguer said, no, evolution has peer-reviewed papers and evolution non-believers don't have them. We spent a long time with me providing links to peer-reviewed creation science journals and him saying that's not peer-reviewed even though the authors and peer reviewers were scientists with PhDs and science backgrounds. Finally he admitted he would only be satisfied with an essay peer-reviewed by evolution believer scientists.
That actually happened later in 2004 when an article by Stephen C. Meyer (Director of Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture) titled "The origin of biological information and the higher taxonomic categories" appeared in the peer-reviewed journal Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. The evolution-believing science world freaked out and attacked the editor Richard Sternberg who provides details about it here: https://richardsternberg.com/smithsonian/ .
Back in the '90s most people I talked to about science in general could not believe that the majority of scientists in the world would engage in science hoaxes, ignore findings that disputed the narrative and attack other scientists, just to keep their job or increase their standing in the mainstream science world. After Global Warming a lot more believed it. Now comes Vaccine Science doing the same three things to keep the consensus going: hoaxes, censorship and attacks.
There are so many facts of science that refute spontaneous origins that after a few debates in the 1990s the creation-deniers stopped debating. One result was a collection of anti-creation essays collected by one of those humiliated in those debates, Ashley Montague.
Anthropic principle, 20 independent physics constants within fine- tuning necessary for the universe's structure and stability,
the apparent orientation of space that centers near Earth,
The "privileged planet" Earth, with the optimal combination of visibility to the skies, plus conditions for life.
The fossil record having no transition between the "families",
Distance to the moon and its size being optimal for the tides that support much more life than otherwise,
Irreducible complexity,
Mokele-menbe, Bangor Wat temple carvings,
And much more.
Well said Wayne.
It is the evolutionary theory lies as much as anything that has brought us to this sorry state. I see an anagram of 'Evolutionary theory' is 'yahoo evil torture NY'.
In the States, New York has been hit badly by vaccine deaths, perhaps it is the worst.
Who can forget the frightening and completely wrong initial C19 computer model spread/fatality projections…Hello, climate science apocalypse models anyone…
Neil 'Spaghetti code' Ferguson will rot in the outer darkness.
"Now comes Vaccine Science doing the same three things to keep the consensus going". It's been happening since vaccines were created, decades ago. Dissolving Illusions by Humphries is an excellent book about vaccine history. Highly recommend.
Authoritarianism in Science goes back to Galileo. The Church controlled pretty much everything in Italy back then, including the universities. Galileo was able to prove that the Earth revolved around the Sun using empirical data . The Church denounced him as a "heretic" (sounds like "anti-vaxxer") and placed him under house arrest in 1663. He had been forced to "recant" in front of a Tribunal on June 22, 1633. Galileo received an official apology from the Church in 1992. Let's hope we will not have to wait that long.
"I believe that the intention of Holy Writ was to persuade men of the truths necessary to salvation….But I do not think it necessary to believe that the same God who gave us our senses…would have us put aside the use of these, to teach us instead such things as with their help we could find out for ourselves, particularly in the case of these sciences, of which there is not the smallest mention in Scripture."
- Galileo Galilei
Indeed except there is a lot more hidden in the scripture than many suppose. It is a book of riddles and codes to be deciphered.
Ask these evolution believing scientists to explain where the peacock's tail comes from. Darwin himself could not explain it as a vast amount of energy is being spent on beauty -
Certainly there is fraud, aside from differing results because of different methods, parameters and conditions, in scientific research. influenced by corporate money or politics; or lack of studies because of a dearth of funding because of corporatism, politics, or orthodoxy. However, that does not justify the elevation of the magical thinking of religious believes into a so-called scientific theory, one that keeps expanding lts framework to make exceptions for what is provable.
I understand; you are not willing to examine any evidence if the scientist showing it has a religious belief. I think you're limiting yourself but that's up to you. The evidence doesn't have a religious belief.
My point was not to convince anyone of one side or the other but to show how some scientists will go to extreme lengths to shut down and censor evidence which might differ from their narrative. Of course we are all free to personally ignore anything we like.
Well then, you chose a bad example, one that has evolved quite a bit from: the earth is 5000 years old.
You weren't around then to know how linear carbon dating was.
Talk about ignoring the science...
If it is shown that the editorial board was not acting independently, but conversely, was responding to outside pressures for the purpose of hiding crimes (manslaughter) a charge of collusion may be possible? Consider the RICO Act.
They can say the same thing that news organizations or investment rating agencies, etc. say which is that they're just providing their educated opinions which they're perfectly within their right to retract. I don't see them violating any laws and I don't see any courts entertaining the claims that they violated any laws.
Yes, I agree. I think Steve needs to think this through very carefully. There are many judges who will avoid ruling on stuff like this. It is very open to excuse abuse.
I think Steve has already considered this all very strongly. He is looking forward with some small(!) sense of glee to the "discovery" phase. Discovery, I'll bet his advisors tell him, will shine the light on smoke particles yet levitating over the barrel.
There is no straight up answer to any of this. Every bit of exposure helps. I do believe we will reach a tipping point within the next 4 months. They do not have the technology to launch the next phase - 5G is a very, very short wave (too short for 15 min. cities unless there is a tower on every block) and 6G falls apart completely. Digital currency and censorship are being rejected -
Yes they have that power to decide what to publish and what not to decline, but once a work is published, that means a contract with the author is in place, in which case, depending on the contract, and depending on the circumstances, retracting a work may amount to fraud.
. . . or as tricky Dick found, the "coverup".
It is time to put people in prison for covid crimes.
Cool thing about this site is there are lawyers, doctors and religious people and people from all different backgrounds and countries just voicing their thoughts. This is how the net should work. A free flow of information.
It is surprising to me that writing comments like we do here is still allowed ..I surmise that the reason must be ,they know we can write what we want ,it changes nothing .We have zero power .Some lawyers try helping out by starting a law suit .but I never hear of any arrest or conviction of evil doers .Often I read comments of relatives family members or married couples being hostile to one another in regard to the ever present covid monster .Relatives I once had are now opposed to all I stand for and we don't communicate anymore .A friend I had let me know I can only come in her house if I wear the snot pouch .So she exchanged my friendship with the mask .I wish her luck with it .To me that does not look like we are winning .
You bring up 2 points the first is how effective the covid psychological operation has been in separating friends and family members and I have lost both. I don't hate my
vaccinated mask wearer friends and family. They made- in my call- a bad decision. All I expect is they respect my decision not to get injected or wear masks. Yet they hate me and have accused me of killing people. Your second point about the freedom of our comments. One poster said we are allowed to comment freely here as big brother is tracking our IP addresses and producing a database of those evil conspiracy theorists.
I could care less. I have been outspoken for years and will never bow to tyranny. Lock me up or kill me. I guess it runs in the family. My Dad was an open critic of the government narrative of the JFK murder. He wrote many editorials to papers and got a visit from the FBI. They tried to intimidate him but he did not back down and nothing happened to happened.
YES. and somehow, in stark contrast to the rest of many internet forums, we interact with vigor yet without rancor(mostly).
Some .writers of sites debating the good or evil of the new normal demand we give personal information if we want to comment on their writing ,.I use my real name for my commenting ,that is all they should be satisfied with and some are ,like the one I make this comment here .If a website demands all kind of info ,like what I had for breakfast in the last three month I shut it down and change to something else .
Sadly, despite highly intellectual debate and endless discussions about how to end this covid scam and other things that the media uses to instill fear and divide us. We seem unable to grasp that we are in a biblical war of good vs. evil. Humanity does not have much more time. Pray to God and resist evil.
The lack of comprehension aka establishment brainwashing is the reason evil can prosper. Satan knows his time is short. He is the father of lies and deception. We don't have to be clueless. It's all in the Bible!
It is hard for the average person to comprehend that their government wants us dead.
It is truly a battle between good vs. evil.
The government is propped up by the elite for you to blame. When you go shopping for a new television, car, garden hose, lighting fixtures, dishwasher, refrigerator, etc. etc. etc., you're funding your own genocide. The average person has no clue how to stop buying what the elite are selling.
Even when we buy food we fund our own early death ,since I read that the demons put the venom even in our food now ,so together with shedding we have no more escape .
Most of what you see in a store is a "product". It isn't even really food. It isn't nutritious or healthy. The "stakeholders" of Big Ag are the same people who own western medicine as well; a win/win for them. One of these days, they're going to stop letting people sell non-gmo seeds. Anyone who isn't growing their own food probably isn't long for this world.
A good start is to destroy your TV and ditch the smartphone.
The TEE Vee is a handy machine to monitor and see what the enemy is up to ,so we are spying on the enemy who is spying on us .
Know your enemy.
A la Led Zeppelin?
I cut the cable over 20 years ago, and just before I did, I can still remember being quite disturbed about how I was going to entertain myself without cable television. Now I wonder how I ever got anything done back then. I've got a free smartphone, but I only use it for making and receiving phone calls and the driving directions app. I was going to go back to using a flip phone, but I'm thinking I may go back to the old school rotary dial house phone instead. Life was simpler back then.
Never had cable. Usually never even owned a TV.
I don't think you can get the phone companies to install one.
I cut the cable almost 13 years ago. Had Netflix for a number of years, but ditched that almost 2 years ago because of all the woke crap. I have a flip phone for emergencies while out. Landline still...and even a hardwired rotary phone in the basement.
Books all over the house...piles and piles of them. Tried e-books but I prefer the smell and feel of paper while reading. Something about holding a real item in your hand is rewarding. Also, e-books can be deleted if the Ministry of Truths deems it so.
I must be the only person still using a paper map...no GPS in my car.
You apparently have access to a computer with internet. Hard to live without it.
The corporate elite couldn't care less about national boundaries. The patriots are paying for the ammunition that's going to kill them.
More dead... less of us to control.....less of financial responsibility (SS) and the like to the masses........... If you can explain it that way to the average person, he (she) might get an understanding of what is really going.....(maybe not! If they haven't gotten it by now, I'm not sure when!!)
Maybe but perhaps not. This is a spiritual problem. The Bible states that those who do not see truth have been blinded by the father of lies...aka satan...(working thru modern technology and evil cabals to achieve the deception)
Yes, that's the problem: they truly cannot comprehend it.
Some people can’t comprehend it; others don’t want to. To let go of their state security blanket means thinking for themselves. And facing the harsh reality that their “parents” are abusers.
Perfectly stated....
Journals and peer review while worshiped by the media are meaningless due to financial conflicts interest. If you want to know the truth you talk with real doctors that treat patients.
Not at all . If they write about what is true and then try and retract it it's wrong both ethnicity and mortality.
It's wrong ethnicity or ethnicountry! :)
Ethically and morally?
But is it illegal?
IANAL, but that's the question I have too. They would seem to have no more liability than a book publisher has if they decide not to publish a writer's latest fiction.
I imagine any contract they might have lets them publish or not, for any reason, sensible or not.
The thing is that retracting a paper is different than not publishing it in the first place, having a paper retracted does far more professional damage to one’s reputation than having a paper go unpublished. Plus in the explanation given by the journal they questioned the integrity and qualifications of the peers in the peer review. This opens them up to defamation claims. Plus typically there is a very specific contractual process for retraction of a published paper. If they varied at all from this process then they are open to liability. For example in one of the journals I get criticisms or complaints of studies are published in the letters to the editor and then the authors get the opportunity to publicly respond in the letters to the editor. Also authors have the right to try and fix any issues brought up. Failure to do these things would be a breach of contract whereas simply rejecting a paper is no breach.
Thanks for such an excellent, knowledgeable response Doc. Folks who have never submitted a paper(me, for example) really appreciate the nuance you so aptly offer.
I get you but since covid the remaining smart doctors and scientists no longer trust the journals as they can no longer be trusted.
And what does that have to do with THE POLITICIANS THAT ARE LYING?
I'm guessing the lawyers will be focusing basically on fraud and the breach of fiduciary duty to readers, etc.
Nope. there are COPE principles and there is a publication contract.
What section of the contract did they break?
I am not a doctor but know a lot of them. A lot have lost faith in the whole concept of peer review. We are told its the gold standard, but if the journal in question is being financed by drug and vaccine companies how can we just assume there is no conflict of interest or bias.
If the advertising is paid for by the manufacturer one must consider it suspect until one has tested it oneself. One can then advise others as to the veracity of the claims.
Assuming one is not dead of course. Big pharma will then try and get the evidence cremated if they can.
"Nothing to see here, move along now."
This has always been true in all subjects. Peer review is solely intended to enforce the current orthodoxy. It's not about money, it's about maintaining status for the power-holders.
The money comes in the grants. If your work isn't orthodox enough to pass peer review you can't get grants, so you can't get tenure and advance in status.
Been a part of peer review. It is no such thing. Not a single 'peer' will wade through your software code, your logic, your algorithms, your data schemas. No one understands how you arrive at your conclusions. It is simply paid propaganda - the conclusion is financed if it supports the narrative and the 'peers' pass mine, I pass theirs...
Nobel laureate Kary Mullis (the inventor of the PCR method) touches on this in this 1996 interview: "There are no wise men up there [...] we're on our own".
Kary' death is far from the only suspicious (perfectly timed) one in the last few years.
I wish Kary Mullis was still with us.
Have you read his book? ‘Dancing Naked in the Mind Field’? It’s well worth it if you haven’t. Lots of interesting anecdotes from a fascinating and very unconventional character.
I suspect that his death, right before the pandemic, may not have been natural.
Pretty suspicious timing.
He stated the limitations of his PCR test and Fauci's idiocy.
The PCR test was used to drive the plandemic.
Steve Kirsch could be a target like many before him .I hope he lives a long,long time ,since we need men like him ,who are doing so much to give us hope .
He died of some type of respiratory illness. Made me wonder. Think about Alexis Navalny who was poisoned by KBG agents spraying temperature and moisture released Novichock into his underwear .👇👇
“Kudryavtsev unwittingly confessed that the Novichok agent had been applied to Navalny's underwear while he was staying at the hotel in Tomsk; but while Navalny had worn them for the flight as planned, the poison had apparently been absorbed too slowly.”
👆from Wikipedia article
If the KGB has this ability can you imagine what organizations with more advanced ‘science’ have the ability to do.
Of course...
Yes, it would have been very inconvenient for him to be alive when they fraudulently used his invention in a way he said it should never be used.
Thanks for the insight on how the mechanics of the Peer review process works.
As a retired software engineer, I agree with you. But one thing that is good about a code review is that the discipline of having to explain the logic and decision-making process out loud almost always help find issues or potential issues.
I once reviewed a paper written by 3 Phds. It had been peer reviewed!
I reviewed it for the US DOT before they made it an official DOT document. Everything in the paper was wrong!
Yes, I have discovered that having a Phd does not immunise a person from being a complete idiot with no independent thinking skills whatsoever. Most of the academic ivory tower appears to have been a cosy club, often populated by clothes -free emperors. True geniuses like Kary Mullis are rare.
Well said. People get these letters attached and think (I use the term advisedly) they have 'arrived'.
I have just checked; anagrams of Doctor of Philosophy inc.
Christ floppy hoodoo
ooh I sloppy froth doc
and most significantly;
yo of Rothschild poop!
Some are Dhp's. Dick head pusillanimous.
Carol —Like existential Philosophy professor Max Franc
Former Professor Guilty In Chain Saw Murder Case
Franc, 58, a public administration professor at Fresno until his arrest in August, was charged with shooting Nute last August, then dismembering his body and disposing of it between Fresno and Valencia.
His arrest came after a chain saw he had rented was returned with bits of flesh and blood in its inner workings.
Exactly. Without intuition, it's easy to be just another idiot, even with a high IQ. Above average IQ + Intuition + Moral Compass = Wisdom and Integrity, as demonstrated by Kary Mullis.
My dad was a physics professor, he said the same thing. But if you need to get funding for your doctorate you best have a thesis that supports not science but the current political narrative.
Was it always this way....what does the future hold when one would like to consider exploring more academic work?
What a disgrace.
Absolutely. Follow the money. Same in the corporate sphere. Your project won't get funding if it transgresses the 'norms' of the Woke Corporation or even in IT, the 'narrative' being pushed by those who hold the budgets. Precious little peer review of anything.
COPE Forum: March 2023
COPE in 2023
27 January 2023
A time to review and look forward
Have you tried inputting the facts/circumstances into Chat GPT and asking for a list of the relevant statutes, etc?
So it can make up lies and false "sources" as it is PROVEN multiple times to do?! How have you not seen that it is a FRAUDULENT all the way up-and-down!? It MAKES. SHIT. UP.!!!
Chat GTP is nothing more than a garbage AI platform. It is politically biased and while fun to play with it is garbage in garage out.
I agree - as you say, garbage in, garage out :)
But it does have its uses.
It's ONLY useful if you already KNOW the answer(s) you seek. Explain, please, how ChatGPT MADE UP ENTIRELY a report of sexual harassment -- including MAKING UP the "source" reports!
AIs are beginning to lie – Asked for examples of sexual harassment at law schools, ChatGPT named a GW prof accused of touching a student on a class trip to Alaska, citing a WashPost story. The prof is real. The rest was made up.
{READ THAT AGAIN!!!! "The prof is real. The rest was made up."}
It picked a random dude, slandered him, and claimed the WaPo wrote all about it. It is fascinating, because to get these things to spout out leftism, they have had to teach them to lie, or train them on material written by liars and psychopaths which were telling people whatever they needed to tell them to make them believe whatever they wanted them to believe. Now the AI’s seem to have made some connections we do not understand, and have begun imitating liars and psychopaths. Now they tell you whatever they need to tell you to make you believe whatever they want you to believe. We have no idea how these things make connections when they are trained purely on truth, and then we went and began training them on lies and psychopaths.
And it seems obvious the AI believes their own lie - pretty scary.
Like what? From what I see it’s useless. But if used authoritatively could be dangerous.
Then please look harder. AI is not the fount of all knowledge and wisdom, nor is it the answer to life, the universe and everything; but it is a tool which can be useful in the hands of the competent. Anything if used authoritatively (or in any wrong hands) could be dangerous. Automobiles were thought to be so dangerous when they were invented that The Red Flag Acts limited them to 4mph. AI is just another tool in the box. Use it accordingly. Or don't, as you prefer.
it vomits propaganda
AI is not intelligent - it relies on who codes it for what reason, and what data sources are accessed - very easy to create AI which supports only one narrative
Can’t let nature run wild cult.
Telegram for Steve: please don’t ever STOP
Wishing you a great victory - sorry I can’t afford to pay these days but I’m only a little person whose retirement fund has been stolen by the planned economic crisis
Telegraph reports a lawyer for widower of Lisa Shaw, BBC presenter died of wackzine in May 2021, saying that the AZ is/was a... “defective product in that it was not as safe as consumers generally were reasonably entitled to expect”
So The Telegraph reports claims that the AZ was defective & unsafe. The narrative is collapsing.
The widower of a BBC presenter who died due to complications from the Covid-19 vaccination said he’s been left with “no alternative” but to take legal action against AstraZeneca.
Lisa Shaw, who worked for BBC Radio Newcastle, died a week after her first jab in May 2021.
A coroner ruled in August 2021 that the 44-year-old had died from a “vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia”, a rare condition linked to the vaccination.
Gareth Eve, her widower, said he had been trying to “engage with the government, MPs and three prime ministers” and no one had “reached out” in return.
‘Tried to engage with government’
He told the BBC: “It’s not in my make-up to turn around and say I want to sue somebody but for almost two years we’ve tried to engage with the government and tried to engage with MPs since Lisa died and not one of them has reached out or engaged with us at all.
“Any engagement is fleeting at best so that’s the reason that we’re left with no alternative – if the government or AstraZeneca don’t want to engage with us then what else are we supposed to do?”
He said all he wanted was “some sort of acknowledgement or recognition that these deaths have occurred”.
Mr Eve added: “We’re not crackpots or conspiracy theorists, we’re husbands and wives and family members who have lost somebody – that’s all it is.
“Whatever the money, it’s not going to bring my son’s mam back.”
Nearly 75 claimants
His lawyers sent AstraZeneca pre-action protocol letters in November, on behalf of nearly 75 claimants, several of whom have had relatives die or survive with injuries related to the vaccine.
The claimants are pursuing legal action under the Consumer Protection Act 1987, and demanding payment under a government Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme.
Solicitor Peter Todd from Scott-Moncrieff and Associates, which is acting for the claimants, said damages were being pursued on the basis that the vaccine was a “defective product in that it was not as safe as consumers generally were reasonably entitled to expect”.
In August 2021, Newcastle coroner Karen Dilks said Ms Shaw had died from “vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia”, a very rare condition that induces swelling and bleeding on the brain.
Green light
The Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine was the first given a green light for use in the UK, being approved in December 2020. The government ordered 100 million doses for its inoculation programme, and rolled it out in clinics across the country, alongside the Pfizer jab.
A spokesperson for the Department for Health and Social Care said the vaccines were the most effective prevention against the disease, but acknowledged that “in extremely rare circumstances” individuals had been “severely disabled or died” due to receiving the vaccine.
They added: “More than 144 million Covid vaccines have been given in England, which has helped the country to live with Covid and saved thousands of lives.
“All vaccines being used in the UK have undergone robust clinical trials (EFFING LYING B*STARDS!) and have met the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency’s (MHRA’s) strict standards of safety, effectiveness and quality.”
‘Dirty secret’
However, Mr Eve said “too many people” were suffering from illnesses or bereavement related to the vaccine, and were being made to feel like their situation was “a dirty secret”.
“It’s established it’s been caused by AstraZeneca’s Covid vaccination – it’s not about Covid, it’s not about how many lives the Covid vaccination has saved, it’s about what this vaccination has done to Lisa and other families and not about how successful it was or whether somebody is anti-vax,” he said.
In a statement, a spokesperson for AstraZeneca said: “We are unable to comment on ongoing legal matters. Patient safety is our highest priority and regulatory authorities have clear and stringent standards to ensure the safe use of all medicines, including vaccines. Our sympathy goes out to anyone who has reported health problems.”
We don't want your effing sympathy, we want an overt, public admission of guilt, a retraction of the inoculations, & a MASSIVE effing pay-out for everyone injured, killed or even just forced to risk their lives & health after being propagandised & LIED to for years on end! Nothing less will suffice. Nothing.
It is going to be a lengthy and costly process, Steve. If you believe you can make a difference, go for it. People who believe you are not a fake and believe in something will support you. Remember, money is useless unless it is used for a good cause. The problem has always been with the "cause"; ie. is it good and according to whom?
Thank you Steve, your tireless work on behalf of us all is so very appreciated. This is the most evil scam of the century, how are these people able to live with themselves? I feel the truth is out, fully vaxxed friends are really starting to ask questions, the penny is starting to drop on what has happened. Keep up the fight my friend.
Breaking--Tiffany Dover to speak on nbc nightly news. Did anyone see this on east coast?
Agreed KJ! These IED's ( irritating electronic devices) have annoyed me to no end since their launch. Combined with 'net', they are contributing to the rapid dismantling of a quality human existence on earth.
THANK YOU STEVE!!! I hate to say it, but money talks, and that's why we're still IN this BS pandemic, so thank God for people like you who are helping to even out the playing field!!
Thank you so much for digging into this! I've been following your work since way before you went on Tucker & I'm pleased your work continues. Due to my own disability, I cannot afford to contribute, but in memory of my Mom, who died from COVID in May 2021 (no vaccine nor intubation), I thank you.
"In 24 percent of clinical trial agreements, the sponsor (meaning the drug company) “may include its own statistical analysis in manuscripts [i.e., journal articles].” And even more outrageously, 50 percent of clinical trial agreements allow the sponsor to “write up the results for publication and the investigators may review the manuscript and suggest revisions.” In other words, 50 percent of the contracts that academic medical centers make with drug companies allow the drug companies to ghostwrite the articles. The researchers who are the named authors of the articles have the right to suggest revisions but not to make actual corrections or edits. This is not academic freedom. Nor is it an arrangement in which medical science is going to serve the interest of the American people."
Just look at the litany of DEATH, THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS... DEAD from this jab... Yet no riots no uprisings no pushbsck no lynching no burning down no firing squad executions see how they handled nicolai ceaucescu).. It boggles my mind that Americans still sleep while they are being systematically killed and killed and killed...
It’s because statistically only a small percentage of Americans have died of the jab. Even if you assume 1 million dead Americans from the jab that means .0033 or 0.33% of Americans dead. (As in 1/3 of 1%.) That means most Americans probably don’t even know someone who has died of the jab. People aren’t going to get too worked up that their mother’s boyfriend’s cousins neighbor died of the jab. One million dead is inexcusable but it’s not enough to impact the lives of most Americans. Even if they was the annual jab mortality rate it would take 300 years to kill every currently living American. Quite frankly it’s not enough death and destruction to matter.
I think YOU Tara Slatton had better learn that human beings are not merely numbers to be ADDED OR SUBTRACTED. if the US government had lost 1000 000 soldiers in an Iraq war, it there would be an outcry all right.. .
Unfortunately you are wrong. The American public wouldn’t have cared at all if we had lost a million soldiers in Iraq because the vast majority of Americans still would not have been personally affected. I am not saying that is how things should be, I am simply saying that’s how things are. If people are not personally impacted by something they tend not to care about it, they certainly don’t care enough to protest or riot or take aggressive action. There are 300 million Americans plus illegals here, that’s a lot of people. Even before Rona medical malpractice killed anywhere from 200-400,000 people a year in the US. Yet nobody was rioting or protesting or otherwise taking aggressive action, that death toll is higher annually than most estimates of total jab deaths. The death toll and adverse reaction rate is unacceptably high but it’s not high enough to spur people to action and it’s certainly not high enough to convince most people to take to the streets or otherwise risk civil unrest. There are 300 million Americans and 8 billion people on this planet. Any given human simply cannot care for or about that many people in any meaningful way. So they tend to care about those closest to them. Factually speaking most Americans have not lost anyone close to them due to jabs. On top of that the behavior of many of the people that have bought into the jabs makes it hard for those who didn’t to want to expend much energy on their behalf. Many people on this forum have lost friends and family due to the jabs, not from death but from disassociation. Well if someone who screamed at me that I was killing Grandma and a terrible person and a selfish bastard then dies prematurely of the intervention I told them not to take it’s a little hard for me to risk arrest by protesting or rioting in the streets seeking justice on their behalf. When people that you thought cared about you said they hoped you died of the Rona because you wouldn’t take the jab it’s a little hard to get riled up and be willing to risk anything to see they get justice when said jab maims or kills them.
Action gets things done. That letter to the editor in chief IS action. Next up, Stephanie Lee.