Most of the "ideas" about a "U.S. Corporation" are based on the Organic Act of 1871 creating a local government for the District of Columbia. It is alleged that Act turned the entire United States into a nationwide, Totalitarian Corporation and "displaced" the original U.S. Constitution. But if you actually READ the Organic Act of 1871 (…
Most of the "ideas" about a "U.S. Corporation" are based on the Organic Act of 1871 creating a local government for the District of Columbia. It is alleged that Act turned the entire United States into a nationwide, Totalitarian Corporation and "displaced" the original U.S. Constitution. But if you actually READ the Organic Act of 1871 (I read it three times), you have to REALLY stretch your imagination to believe that interpretation, and you have to redefine what a "municipal corporation" is. (A municipal corporation is a legal entity for a community to do regular, day-to-day business, although admittedly with the socialist elements of limited liability.) And you have to ignore the fact that at three places in the Act of 1871, they specifically stated that the Act had to conform to the intent of the original U.S. Constitution. ... I am NOT the only one who has come to this conclusion. There are several Constitutional scholars who have the same opinion. ... This is along the lines of saying we are all mini-corporations controlled by the BIG corporation because our names are in ALL CAPS on our Birth Certificate, and that puts us under maritime or admiralty law. Well, MY birth certificate does NOT have my name in ALL CAPS.
Yes, but if the men/women (the people) living in a state of the union outside of the United States (Fed zone), confuse themselves with persons (legal fiction) subject to the United States (government) as U.S. citizens and follow executive orders and other Acts not meant for them, who is to blame? 99% of the people are unaware. The other 1% are in on the controlling. It is devious for sure, but I am not sure it is illegal when people provide their Consent.
Most of the "ideas" about a "U.S. Corporation" are based on the Organic Act of 1871 creating a local government for the District of Columbia. It is alleged that Act turned the entire United States into a nationwide, Totalitarian Corporation and "displaced" the original U.S. Constitution. But if you actually READ the Organic Act of 1871 (I read it three times), you have to REALLY stretch your imagination to believe that interpretation, and you have to redefine what a "municipal corporation" is. (A municipal corporation is a legal entity for a community to do regular, day-to-day business, although admittedly with the socialist elements of limited liability.) And you have to ignore the fact that at three places in the Act of 1871, they specifically stated that the Act had to conform to the intent of the original U.S. Constitution. ... I am NOT the only one who has come to this conclusion. There are several Constitutional scholars who have the same opinion. ... This is along the lines of saying we are all mini-corporations controlled by the BIG corporation because our names are in ALL CAPS on our Birth Certificate, and that puts us under maritime or admiralty law. Well, MY birth certificate does NOT have my name in ALL CAPS.
Yes, but if the men/women (the people) living in a state of the union outside of the United States (Fed zone), confuse themselves with persons (legal fiction) subject to the United States (government) as U.S. citizens and follow executive orders and other Acts not meant for them, who is to blame? 99% of the people are unaware. The other 1% are in on the controlling. It is devious for sure, but I am not sure it is illegal when people provide their Consent.