This article truly makes me sick-I m at a loss for trying to understand why the medical profession won't unite and walk off the job. That said-we could email the director who sent out the death announcements and put pressure and statistics in the emails.

Another possible nail in the vaccine coffin would be to let the world know that the ingredient, 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine which I believe to be in the Moderna but certain in Pfizer is unfit for animals and humans as per Cayman Chemicals. Go to their site and type it in. I brought this paperwork to a pharmacist at our local CVS and asked her to check it out. A couple weeks later we were in there and saw a sign that said "We are no longer using the Pfizer vaccine "


Maybe this nugget of info can reach Steve.

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Take heed this is a very important move coordinated by a health professional.

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Mr. Kirsch gets stuff done!

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Thank you Mr. Kirsch for everything you have done and continue to do to bring light to what is taking place. Today I came upon this group: www.camusav.com who are doing amazing work to help people and share information. The following video is available in english and spanish and lays out their research and protocols to use pre-jab, post-jab, shedding, etc. Hopefully, you can watch the video and then share the information as people need hope. The site has much more information on it as well. Here is the link to the English version: https://www.comusav.com/en/protocolo-ai/

Love & light!

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Do you know Ed Dowd? The group life claims data remove the confusion some folks have with noisy data. To me the correlations of ACM with vaccine doses nails it, but folks not accustomed to averaging out noise by reproducing regression values with a simple model use the indirect inference as a way to hide from the conclusions. Which folks? Like all of HHS, Congress, Medical industry, etc. They are conveniently bad in math.

The group life claims are real dead people with good jobs whose employers made them get the shots. They died. Not suicide. Not opioids. The rate “took off” as boosters commenced. A “silent Vietnam War” as Ed Dowd put it. Not sure how much of the group life space is covered by this 61,000 body count. But much larger totals will follow.

These are concrete data Congress should see. The CDC denial cannot exist juxtaposed with these data.

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This is a good idea. Thing is a lot of folks here assume politicians almost as a class are 'in on it'. Well a lot may be misled, incompetent, self-interested, corrupt in other ways, and most importantly mass-formatted a la Mattias Desmet. They are NOT fully aware of the plan in all its horror. So they CAN be woken up. I would hazard a guess that well over half of congress is not 'in on it' and is therefore susceptible to a red pill if you could only get them to choke one down. They are only narcissists or borderline sociopaths on average, not psychopaths. And might come around if they ever comprehend the horror of the plan. Hence Steve's plan is worth trying.

And we all need to carry on doing our best with nuggets of truth delivered to the formatted as we can. Steve should put a list of commandments at the top somewhere to remind people it is up to us with every little step and every little minor victory over the trance folks are in. Its not just up to Steve. We all know this. How about an ongoing open thread where people can share trying to or occasionally succeeding in red pilling folk. And keep a running summary of things to think about when engaging, approaches to use, how to talk to a rationalist PhD compared to an ex hippy flower arranger compared to a rancher. When to push when not to. We need some way to compile a 'how to' list? It is THE issue. Steve is worth cheering on and is doing more than just about anyone. But it will take many more people doing what they can. And the ideas and the truth can in fact change the world.

There's only (say) 10,000 of these pyschopathic lizards world wide who are fully in on the whole wealth transfer genocide and total control of survivors. The rest would bail if it ever comes clear, no matter a crime boss or a media figure or a mechanic down the street, or even a pork barrel election cheating spineless politician. The plan is that bad.

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You are welcome.

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One thing is for sure. You are one heck of a creative thinker and take-action kind of guy!

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Creativity and unpredictability is required.

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I have shared this on social media but I'm afraid I do not know many if any who would come forward. However I thought the share was worth a try. Good luck to you and THANK YOU most sincerely for all you are doing to bring truth and knowledge to those willing to hear it.

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Minnesota health care workers met last year a few times when their employers were mandating the jab for the job. Here is what they had to say:


Steve, if Project Veritas can get whistleblowers talking from the fields of pharma and federal medical facilities, you should be able to also. Keep fighting the good fight.

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Don Johnson held a public hearing that was completely ignored by the media and boycotted by the democrats and, of course, the corrupt federal health bureaucracy. It was also "fact-checked" and accused by the media of spreading "misinformation". How would this be different?

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This would be enormous in outing the lying politicians and so-called health bureaucrats ! Good luck Steve !

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I spoke with a HCP yesterday who relayed a devastating account of corruption in her hospital system from bribes from PHARMA to physicians, willy nilly handing out of hormones to anyone who wants them, complete reliance on biomedical explanatory approaches, care determined only by coding cash, especially at end of life. It is a mercenary monstrosity. She is quitting. EVERY ETHICAL HCP SHOULD QUIT THIS SYSTEM AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Implode the healthcare monstrosity. Patients should stop pursuing "preventive care" immediately. Use healthcare only when something is broken or damaged.

Put pressure on corporate healthcare, airlines, the military, retail, and all other crony capitalist monstrosities by not participating in them.

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I hope you gave her this page to register!

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Would you have chosen to debate with the German Nazi rulers back then? Especially if you were a Jew? Did the German medical system stand up against Hitler and his minions?

Please get real!

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Think about how and where the test takes place. Way up in the nasal cavity with a swab. What? This is the festering location of crap so why not “keep your nose clean” by doing nasal rinses daily. NeilMed sinus rinse sold everywhere would be flying off the shelves if people knew they just might prevent us from getting sick but the tell a vision people won’t tell us that because they want us to be sick and stressed out with the constant agenda of fear, worry and hopelessness. Pray for Steve, he is the man and let’s all pray for wisdom, discernment and the full armor of God!!! Amen

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Same with Swanson Vitamin's NAC! I have been telling people for a very long time. It's about

$10.00 a bottle. NO. They would rather get jabbed with Nazi-style poisons from Mengalefauci

then boostered up. It's THEIR choice to do this. It's NOT mine to be infected by their jabs!

I post publicly on MeWe. STAY WELL NATURALLY!



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OK Jayna, I'm with you on this, totally! So what's your plan?

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Doing what I have been doing since COVID began and

before. Telling folks NOT to get nose-jab tested

and shot. Also how to prevent all Coronavirus' publicly on

MeWe (after being kicked off of Facebook and Twitter for

doing so.) I give out cards now. (Bible verse on one side.

Don't get jabbed on the other.) We can all do SOMETHING!


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Well that's nice n all but I rather suspect Steve's big-budget widely-publicized efforts might be a weeny bit more useful, maybe?

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We pray so! And, hopefully, Steve, you will survive COVID!

Bigs, what have YOU been doing?

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Learning from my experience as a father's rights activist...

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Good for you!

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Dr. Rima Laibow

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