Two things:

1. Standard technique is to discredit/attack the messenger AKA 'Ad hominem', rather than deal with the message

2. If the figures are so compelling, then get several accredited statisticians to examine and present conclusions on the date. Condense the findings to a summary that everyone can easily digest. If you do that, debate on the veracity of the numbers and claims cease. If you don't do a proper analysis, then the arguments go around and around. Wasted energy.

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I knew these gene therapies were killing people, I’m a born and raised kiwi and yes our Govt’s have been and are still totally corrupt to a genocidal level now. They’re on the wrong side of history forever joining Stalin, Hitler and Mau.

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Thanks for your good work on this! Very impressive NZ update and hopefully a "game changer".

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Too sad, what a loss it is for us all. Life the most precious gift.

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This maybe of interest. CARM (Centre for Adverse Reaction Monitoring) is New Zealand’s Vaers system and they set up a special Covid-19 section. If you go to the bottom you can see the reports were weekly back April 2021. You can click on each dated link to see the summary of reactions. As you work your way up you will find the reported reactions steadily increase, but reports per month drop away to one per month then one every two months. The last report is dated 30 Nov 2022 presented in December. The Database has not been updated since. Why not? Surely it can’t be because the reported numbers were becoming an embarrassment.


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Dec 5, 2023·edited Dec 5, 2023

Exactly. Some data 'experts' have criticized the whistleblowers data and analysis not knowing that new ze@land g0v data is not always captured accurately and even less so since 2021. Focusing on whether his data is complete is causing division and obfuscation. Let's be clear, no citizens private info has been released by the whistleblower.

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I think you're being naively kind to pretend the NZ government were 'sleeping at the wheel'. The reality is that all governments have been aware of the planned and organised Cull of humanity using false evidence of Covid lethality (remember Flu disappeared overnight in 2020 - in order to create false 'excessive Covid DEATHS'.

This should not be hard to prove legally, but unfortunately, the world's judiciary is now owned by the system = Big Pharma and its massive financial influence. So no court will support the truth about Fauci's GoF-created Covid and the useless but deadly injections they pretended were 'VACCINES'.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Steve, Sasha Latypova has written about the legal status of the jabs as technically ‘countermeasures’ & as such, they are not medicines, subject to the usual FDA controls, needing RCTs , etc, etc., and she cites @ least one case where Pfizer was let off the hook because the things that were being alleged were legally not necessary for Pfizer to comply with--it is late & I am not being accurate or complete, but I have been more coherent with my concerns when I wrote to Sasha earlier today (or last night & I am also thinking about Ken Paxton’s suit & whether it is doomed as well. I have also written to Coffee&Covid, & maybe one other stack author.

Given that you have good data from NZ, I would hate to see the effort flame out because the status of the jab gets them legally free even though morally guilty.

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Check out our monograph: Solving Covid - The Covid 19 Vaccine Drug Scam Timeline at https://artofliberty.substack.com/p/solving-covid-the-covid-19-eugenics and its companion article: The Covid 19 Suspects and Their Ties to Eugenics and Population Control/Reduction at https://artofliberty.substack.com/p/the-covid-19-suspects-and-their-ties to understand who is behind "The Covid"

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Note to Smedley: I'm not talking about the Federal government. I'm talking about LOCAL and STATE governments. Now, during the "election season" the average citizen yields more power than they can imagine! Former Missouri Rep. Jim Talent once told me ( -after I met with him in his office years ago ), that the average elected official counts every ( 10 ) e-mails, letters or phone calls they receive as representing the views of at least ( 100 ) of their constituents. WHY? Because they know that the average ( busy ) constituent never bothers to call, e-mail or send a letter! Acknowledging this fact, their staffs routinely calculate every ( 10 ) constituent phone calls, letters or e-mails ( -on any given topic of concern ) as actually representing the views of at least ( 100 ) of their constituents. He left me with this -and he was emphatic on this point: "Believe it when I say that when our office receives more than ( 10 ) constituent calls, e-mails or letters on a given topic WE PAY ATTENTION! If that number climbs to 25, 50 or 100 constituent calls, letters or e-mails it becomes a TOP PRIORITY ( -because we know that those kind of numbers can easily swing a close election! ). So, leveraging the "election season" clout voters now have - voters who want this Covid-19 "vaccine madness" to STOP should be utilizing the "SAFETY THROUGH STRENGTH" INITIATIVE ( https://adf-news.jimdosite.com/conetnt/ ) -especially GOALS #7 and 8, as their "litmus test" to vet incumbents and candidates ( -separating the "wheat from the chaff" if you will ). You should be asking both incumbents and candidates whether they support the "STS" ( -and it's GOALS #7 and 8 ). If they haven't heard of the "STS" yet - give them the link ( -above ) and tell them you'll contact their office in a few days to get their response ( -once they've had a chance to read it ). Then call them. Over and over again if they try to dodge the question. Impress upon them that this is a "make or break" issue for you and your family. Encourage your likeminded friends, neighbors and relatives to do the same! When these local and state officials hear OTHER voters besides you asking them this same "Do you support the "Safety Through Strength" Initiative? question over-and-over again - they'll know this is an issue they CAN'T ignore. They know that in a close election they'll need every vote they can get. When they hear five or six people at different campaign stops ( -or when their office receives multiple phone, e-mail or letter inquiries asking them "where they stand" on the "STS" ), they'll start doing the math ( -just as Jim Talent's staff and the staffs of other elected officials do ). That's precisely WHY the "STS" emphasizes LOCAL and STATE governments. NOT Federal government that IS the problem. People have far more power over their local and state officials than they will ever have over distant Federal bureaucrats Washington. As General Michael Flynn says: "Work LOCAL to effect NATIONAL change". That's what the "Safety Through Strength" Initiative does!

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Hope there are plenty of back ups of this info because I'm worried NZMH might make an "Update"

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It's not criminal negligence, it's a criminal conspiracy. Ever wonder how the word conspiracy became a perjorative? Read the Bible or Shakespeare or or. ALL human societies are based on what Harari calls "stories". That's a nice word for ruling classes conspiracies. COVID 1984 is a particularly egrigous example but the glue that holds society together and allows a small parasitic financial elite to control it has been going on since the dawn of agriculture. The COVID 1984 one is hiding in plain sight if you look. Your substack is one of the best sites to see it on especially if you like the proof date brings. Thanks man ♂️!

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Excellent analysis. Thank you for sharing your perspective.

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25% or 1 in 4 of COVID vaccinated people in New Zealand have already died from their Frankenshots, government data scientist disclosed yesterday. Today his house was covered in police officers.


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STEVE: What do you make of this analysis by Igor Chudov? You would seem to be the ideal man to look this over with a discerning mind and a critical eye:


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Igor has an update after talking to Steve Kirsch: https://www.igor-chudov.com/p/update-nz-whistleblower

Also Covid and Coffee: https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/lost-in-new-zealand-sunday-december

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Thanks Wayne, read it and shared it :)

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This question has been asked and here's a quote from Norman Fenton with a quote from Steve Kirsch talking about it.


There's an easy way to find out if a question has already been asked in comments on Substack without having to read all the comments. Hit your "end" key to go to the bottom of the comment page. Click "Load More." Repeat until all the comments are open. Use Control F to bring up a page search. Put in a keyword as in this case "Igor" and press F3 to repeat to the next instance.

(Yes, I have requested Substack engineers to make a "Load All" button.)

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Forwarded to the foolish doctors' group in Kerikeri, New Zealand who pushed the experimental Pfizer death jab onto its patients. How many of their own patients did they kill?

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Ontario Public Health in Canada stopped publishing the data when their deaths from Covid by vax status when the jabbed and boosted death rate was more than the rate for double jabbed and un jabbed combined. And you were classified as un jabbed if you died upto and including within 14 days of your jab 2

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