Jarry: "Feelings don't care about facts." So fear (a feeling) means he can state a lie then run off and hide?

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Well done Steve. You are a real leader.

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Youve got sone major balls, Steve! Love it!

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The rubber chicks standing behind him have spoken. And they have come home to roost.

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Question...how much is this guy getting paid to promote the injections?

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Im not sure it's how much they are paying, but possibly more like a THREAT if he DOES

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Bwuckkkk bwucck bwwuuuuuckkkkk......here chicken, chicken, chicken.......lol

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nice chicken imitation! :)

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Thanks. I grew up on a farm.....

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The epidemic that wasn’t: In 2006, doctors used PCR testing to cause mass hysteria over a “whooping cough” outbreak that didn’t even exist

"It flew under most people’s radar at the time, but 15 years ago there was an alleged whooping cough epidemic that the medical industry warned was a major threat. The only problem is that it did not actually exist, having been the product of false PCR testing.

The same fraudulent tests being used today to identify the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) were also used in 2006 to pinpoint a fake whooping cough epidemic that scared a whole lot of health care workers into panicking, taking pharmaceutical drugs and getting injected with vaccines (sound familiar?).

The New York Times reported that nearly 1,000 health care workers at a hospital in Lebanon, N.H., tested “positive” using the PCR tests, resulting in them being furloughed from work. They were administered antibiotics and injected with chemicals, only to have the whole thing be blown open as a hoax eight months later.

“… health care workers were dumbfounded to receive an e-mail message from the hospital administration informing them that the whole thing was a false alarm,” the Times reported in 2007 about the embarrassing incident.

“Not a single case of whooping cough was confirmed with the definitive test, growing the bacterium, Bordetella pertussis, in the laboratory. Instead, it appears the health care workers probably were afflicted with ordinary respiratory diseases like the common cold.

PCR test inventor said it should never be used to try to identify disease

How could it be that people were mistakenly diagnosed with whooping cough when all they really had was the common cold? The answer is simple: PCR tests are not accurate and their results can easily be manipulated to push a narrative.

The only thing PCR tests do is magnify DNA particles in a sample until they become visible. Depending on how they are calibrated, they can pick up almost anything – even things that do not exist." Read More


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Very good. I’ve read & related this tale many times.

One point worth making again is that “100% of the positives in the PCR tests were false positives”.

I’m routinely told that “the % of FP is really, really low, why are you protesting that the testers don’t measure the FP rate?

Well, this is why. The FPR depends on all the factors that apply & it must be measured each time.

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we don't really need to insult the poor innocent tortured chickens, though, do we? they have good reason to be scared!!!! a human afraid to debate is very different from a forced into existence and tortured creature running away from certain death and the oven treatment is a different story altogether. why aren't we fighting for the rights of animals to also live free, by the way?

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apologies to the chickens.

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Same with the holocaust, you can never debate it and it needs a law to protect it.

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That guy already looks like he wants to sell you a really neat car for a super price

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The ONLY challenge I would like Steve to accept is the claim that "covid" itself does not exist...

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That would be silly. It's outside my field of expertise. They should challenge authorities in that area. See https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/does-anyone-want-to-debate-does-the?s=w

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So, joking aside, it would be fun to challenge some "experts" and make them prove that "viruses," as defined by the current "medical" paradigm, do exist. (Which is impossible to prove, all the more so, because they do not, only dead cells, discarded by the body, carrying fragmented DNA. :) )

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That's okay, it was a joke. Trying to prove that something doesn't exist is a logical fallacy.

However, the burden of proof lies on those who claim that viruses do exist! :)

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Cockroaches scatter when the lights go on...

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yes, that's the answer to "What do fact checkers and Cockroaches have in common?"

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Is anyone maintaining a list of these scumbags?

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see my Elephant in the room presentation

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I commented on McGill's FB page, saying basically they should debate you-like real scientists do. I knew it wouldnt happen!

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Jonathan needs to be locked up with the rest of 'em. I hope one day in the future this will happen, but my faith in humanity to sort this shit shower out is floating somewhere in the mid Atlantic, because I flushed it down the pan a couple of years ago. Things aren't going to change unless we eat the elites and they're held accountable for all their crimes again humanity. That's not going to happen until all the robots who suffer from Mass Pyschogenic Illness and Cognitive-dissonance snap out of it.

Keep up the excellent work and keep on fighting for the truth Steve. I really do respect and love everything you are doing. You're a true freedom fighter.

Says it all: https://www.ons.gov.uk/aboutus/transparencyandgovernance/freedomofinformationfoi/covid19deathsandautopsiesfeb2020todec2021 We were told in the U. K the deaths from Covid were 96.000+ 🙄

Much love from the U. K.

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Agree with everything you say except the part about waiting for thr hypnotized to snap out of it before we can do anything. Those folks can’t snap out of it. We don’t need them. WE need to stand up and take these folks down. The wobblers woukd probably follow us if we started the take down process. The hypnotized will just run for cover or actively fight us. They aren’t salable and they won’t recover.

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