Is your medical practice willing to participate in IRB-approved medical research?
If you work at a medical practice and you'd like to help us do medical research, it's important you read this post.
This is important.
Please fill out this survey if you work at a medical practice and would consider being involved in IRB-approved medical research designed to improve patient outcomes.
This is especially important if you work at a pediatric medical practice or you treat kids with special needs (ASD, ADHD, etc).
By filling out the form, there is NO OBLIGATION to participate in any study. We are just collecting possible sites at this point.
Yes, it will be IRB reviewed and approved.
That means yes, HIPAA compliance will be met.
No, we are not seeking only physicians willing to consider that vaccines might add substantially to chronic health.
Yes, we will publish our DAP (data analysis plan) prior to securing data point 1.
Yes, we have an epidemiologist on our team.
No, you do not have to be a co-author.
No, you will not have to put time into data pulling. We'll have a HIPAA-trained team of honest brokers do that.
Worth reading:
"The bigger philosophical issue is that trying to destroy people and undo basic civil liberties protections over a respiratory virus was a titanic mistake - and would have been even if Covid had been significantly more dangerous than it was.
But let’s put that fact aside and just focus on nuts and bolts three years in.
At this point - how do I put this politely? - we can all agree that maybe the mRNAs were not the panacea that we were told.
And that maybe the hysteria around Covid was a little overdone. But here’s the part that stuns me, the truly jaw-dropping aspect of where we are now: A lot of those people who got on their high horses two or three years ago, they won’t get off.
Escribo desde Argentina. Uno de los paises con mayor % de muertes asignadas al supuesto Sindrome Covid en rela ción a su población.. Argentina hoy es una colonia, no puede tomar decisiones per se. Su gobierno tiene un alto acatamiento a la Agenda 2030. Para los médicos y científicos locales nos fue muy duro llevar adelante tratamientos y opiniones por fuera de los Protocolos de la OMS. La coacción fue muy grande. En este momento un grupo de médicos estamos litigando contra el Ministerio de Salud.. " La Agencia de Acceso a la Información Pública entregó la constancia de recepción de nuestro reclamo por el vencimiento de la prórroga otorgada al Ministerio de Salud para que contestara nuestra solicitud de suspensión inmediata en todo el país de la "vacunación Covid 19" o, en su defecto, informara el motivo para sostenerla, pese al aumento oficial de muertes registradas como Covid 19 a partir de la inoculación. Se adjunta dicha constancia y la nota a la Agencia con la nómina de firmantes. A partir de la recepción corren 40 días donde el Ministerio debería ser intimado a contestar y expuesto públicamente en la web de la Agencia por "incumplimiento". Si no suspende la campaña, ni responde o lo hace inadecuadamente, se habilita la vía judicial, e…
Tengo la suerte de tener más de la mitad de mi población pediátrica de consultorio sin inocular..pude avisarles y exlicarles con tiempo.
Necesitamos que los tribunales actuen...sin, demandas, sin juicios volverán con una nueva historia..La medicina alopática camina hacia su exterminio. Atte Gabriel