​Worth reading:

​"The bigger philosophical issue is that trying to destroy people and undo basic civil liberties protections over a respiratory virus was a titanic mistake - and would have been even if Covid had been significantly more dangerous than it was.

But let’s put that fact aside and just focus on nuts and bolts three years in.

At this point - how do I put this politely? - we can all agree that maybe the mRNAs were not the panacea that we were told.

And that maybe the hysteria around Covid was a little overdone. But here’s the part that stuns me, the truly jaw-dropping aspect of where we are now: A lot of those people who got on their high horses two or three years ago, they won’t get off.


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Deeply disturbing link. The friendships I have lost for not taking the covid shots have emotionally decimated me. These people still consider me to be subhuman for not masking or injecting myself. If you bring up the term "natural immunity" they completely go crazy. These cult covidians are mentally ill and may be not be able to be helped.

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The same ones who recited "herd immunity" in comments sections for years before the fake pandemic.

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Escribo desde Argentina. Uno de los paises con mayor % de muertes asignadas al supuesto Sindrome Covid en rela ción a su población.. Argentina hoy es una colonia, no puede tomar decisiones per se. Su gobierno tiene un alto acatamiento a la Agenda 2030. Para los médicos y científicos locales nos fue muy duro llevar adelante tratamientos y opiniones por fuera de los Protocolos de la OMS. La coacción fue muy grande. En este momento un grupo de médicos estamos litigando contra el Ministerio de Salud.. " La Agencia de Acceso a la Información Pública entregó la constancia de recepción de nuestro reclamo por el vencimiento de la prórroga otorgada al Ministerio de Salud para que contestara nuestra solicitud de suspensión inmediata en todo el país de la "vacunación Covid 19" o, en su defecto, informara el motivo para sostenerla, pese al aumento oficial de muertes registradas como Covid 19 a partir de la inoculación. Se adjunta dicha constancia y la nota a la Agencia con la nómina de firmantes. A partir de la recepción corren 40 días donde el Ministerio debería ser intimado a contestar y expuesto públicamente en la web de la Agencia por "incumplimiento". Si no suspende la campaña, ni responde o lo hace inadecuadamente, se habilita la vía judicial, e…

Tengo la suerte de tener más de la mitad de mi población pediátrica de consultorio sin inocular..pude avisarles y exlicarles con tiempo.

Necesitamos que los tribunales actuen...sin, demandas, sin juicios volverán con una nueva historia..La medicina alopática camina hacia su exterminio. Atte Gabriel

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Baby boy who was born prematurely after fatal blood clot killed his mother tragically died just two months later in his sleep

I guess we don't need to speculate whether she was vaccinated or not.


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Don't forget, Tucker Carlson's new show, Tucker on Twitter, went live yesterday.



Who knows, he may even have a few words on the vaccines someday, now that he can speak with less input from advertiser-dependent Fox.

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This image is EXTREMELY MISLEADING. Walden University did NOT approve this study and would never would approve a faulty design like this. The author of this blog apparently pulled the image from this university website: https://waldenwritingcenter.blogspot.com/2015/03/planning-your-proposal-why-now-is-time.html

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I'm glad that worked out for you. In order to benefit others, I had to make a more difficult decision. I don't expect anyone to understand that. The consequences to taking it for me have included nearly constant and often-times unbearable tinnitus. But there was good that came out of it. Not just good for me, but for everyone. I was able to stay employed long enough to discover a mechanism that drives viruses into another lifecycle which can cause disease... a scientific mechanism that is compelling and not based on pseudoscience. If I can get that out to enough people, then maybe my consequences will have been worth it. Afterall, my outcome could have been much worse. I'm hoping to make sure that doesn't happen for a lot more people. But until there is convincing evidence to make the decision you did, a lot of innocent and naïve people will make the wrong decision because someone who claims to be an expert convinced them to take the jab and made some grave omissions while convincing them.

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My question is how would one get out of an IRB clinical research study that they never signed up for?

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I respect Steves focus on the physical harm of covid mrna shots. Yet the unscientific covid fear response, masking, job layoffs, lockdowns, social isolation. The Irrational closing of churches and gyms and schools caused massive phycological trauma. Suicides, and drug overdoses are still off scale. The people behind this need to be in prison for life.

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Over and over, we hear the term "elephant in the room" As a clinical Psychologist I have worked closely with physicians. We have had disagreements about what I consider overuse of psychiatric medicines and vaccines. I like Steve, but he is expecting pediatricians and other doctors to tell the truth and deviate from their brainwashing and programmed mind set. In private sessions doctors tell me they are depressed, and some are abusing alcohol. They know something is not right about the covid narrative and covid vaccines but are too scared to speak out. This has been going on for 2 years at my private practice. It's taken its toll on me. I can't see able to help them.

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Do you/they have hope? Is there a bigger picture outside of self? Please don't take this as me responding glibly and naively... I am a scientist yet can empathize. Have we forgotten that God is so much bigger than our problems and has a plan. We each have to do our part, but justice may not appear in our lifespan. Hitler's Germany, Maoist China, Stalinist Russia. I say this as one who has been recently censored from academic science for discovering a mechanism of how viruses (including vaccines) cause disease. We are not far from this sad regression, yet to lose hope would be catastrophic. We need to work together to overcome. Our society & media have made us independent of one another, despite the misnomer "social media". We are social beings and need to connect with one another during the good, the bad and the ugly. That requires vulnerability & more contact than an electric grid. Like a plumber can't fix a broken bone, or a doctor can't do master plumbing, so having hope misplaced cannot bring you through the agonies & injustices of life. We need to know the One, "with the right credentials," who has our best interest in mind and loves us regardless. In that stability we find the strength to move forward. Hope that helps and is not inciteful. Willing to talk more on that subject.

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I like comments from philosophers and just regular people that share experiences that come here from time to time to comment. Unlike a lot of my fellow doctors, I do not think I am a God or a scientist. The thing that is hard is the thousands of personal accounts from people that have lost friends and relatives to covid shots. There are also the accounts of friendships and marriages destroyed over disagreements over masking and covid shots. My only conclusion is that a lot of humans are insane.

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I filled the study out but, in the end, there is a tendency for people to make things more complicated than necessary. Despite what your doctor tells you "The science" behind vaccine safety and efficacy is so deeply flawed and subject to conflict of interest that is it is a joke. Yet for years most people just consented to be injected. There is so much $$$ and politics involved in this. I do not want people harmed by vaccines but believe in free choice and informed consent. This whole matter is deeply frustrating. I think a rational solution is make all vaccines optional. Basic logic would say if you believed vaccines work and protect you- the unvaccinated pose no risk to you. Conversely there are hundreds of studies that demonstrate that the unvaccinated have more robust immunity and are heathier and live longer.

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CALL TO ALL AMERICANS - Contact Your Congressman to "Exit The WHO" - All info. and contact numbers are on the James Roguski Substack site - https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/exit-the-who?utm_source=substack&utm

A core group of 18 House Reps from both major Parties recently gave a Press Conference. They are calling themselves “The Sovereignty Coalition” and they are supporting Bill HR 79 – The Exit The Who Bill. They have given short speeches and these can be viewed on James Roguski’s Substack – https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/sovereignty-coalition-press-conference?utm_source=substack&utm_

The Main Page for The Sovereignty Coalition is here – https://sovereigntycoalition.org/ There is an option for Foreign Supporters to sign their Declaration to Get Out of The WHO, at the bottom of their Main Page. There is lots of WHO info. on the James Roguski Substack Archives.

Oppose the WHO's Digital Global Health Certificate - https://alignact.com/go/oppose-the-whos-digital-global-health-certificate

You can also scroll down the current James Roguski Page for the above info -


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The there are many unelected authoritarian and downright tyrannical organizations that have massive influence over the US and other governments. How this came about I do not know but bribery or threats on government officials is the key to their power. These organizations were key to the covid psychological operation. The key players are the WHO, WEF, United Nations and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

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Congress also allowed the corruption in. There are many questionable laws and shoddy legislation that should never have been "passed".

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Understanding INFORMED consent is when you walk into a pharmacy and ask the pharmacist to see the Covid Jab insert. When he shows you a paper that says “Intentionally Left Blank” you then run out of there as if the place is on fire. UNINFORMED consent is when you take the jab without even bothering to ask. IGNORANCE is when someone tries to convince you that the CDC had NO IDEA Covid inserts were “Intentionally Left Blank.” At that point you are dealing with someone who has the reasoning of a very small child. You should warn them to STAY AWAY from ALL sharp objects!!

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The last vaccine had was in the military 30 years ago. Will never take another one. During covid just about anyone was authorized to give shots and they had no idea what they were doing. In Arizona there were tents outside of pharmacies and some of the "injectors" had no medical qualifications but were paid 30$ per hour. I saw several cases where poorly trained covid injectors damaged the axillary nerve. This can cause permanent shoulder paralysis.

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You are so right!! A friend went to a local pharmacy in Oregon but the pharmacy had to close for the day. A 15 year old girl lay dead in the pharmacy 15 MINUTES after the Covid Jab. The pharmacist and his assistant walked out. Said they were through. Apparently it was NOT news worthy because it did not fit the false narrative the media needed to promote the mass poisoning of the population!

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Tragic but it happened a lot. You need a doctor or nurse with proper training and supplies to urgently treat an acute vaccine reaction. In Oregon various counties had massive drive up covid shot centers. In many there were no doctors or nurses on site. The person in charge at the site I questioned was a medical assistant. She knew cpr and how to call 911. I said what happens if someone has a shot and has anaphylaxis? Do you know how to treat it? Sure, you can call 911 but the patient will be dead before the paramedics arrive.

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The article you cited has some elements of truth without referenced substantiation and can easily be interpreted as pseudoscience. Pseudoscience is not necessarily credible evidence. Vitamin D certainly plays a vital role in the production of ATP and offsets glycolysis, which likely plays a vital role in reversing the production of virus-like particles (VLPs). And yes, these "toxins" are called adjuvants, typically oily substances. They cause the production of free radicals in the body which drive a set of enzymatic reactions in response to stress. One doesn't have to make it complicated- it is complicated by nature. There are multiple variables involved and multiple biological pathways. I don't expect a bus driver to build me house, nor do I expect an artist to interpret science. Let's be realistic. Credibility is what people put stock in- one's expertise. In science, there are many different disciplines. I began bridging into an area (virology) that I swore in college I'd never pursue. But in order to find answers for the dilemmas I was observing in transplant immunology, I had to educate myself with detailed facts that I could argue the patterns I observed and then provide experimental data for; akin to arguing a court case. Anyone can say something is toxic, but to contradict something that has a track record of "success" requires investigation of fine details and mechanisms. You have to find holes in the data to disprove a prominent conclusion. Otherwise, it appears we're just blowing smoke. There is a study showing that since the government implemented the childhood vac cin ation (V) program in 1968, infectious diseases bottomed out. That would appear to be a measure of success, yes? So they may have a benefit. The problem is, the same study notes an almost geometric progression of chronic diseases which continue to spike today. So how does one correlate the association of V's with disease? Statistical determination does not show causality, mechanism defines causality. Look up what a 3rd cause fallacy is. This is why scientists and government don't yield to pseudoscience. But there are also 3rd cause fallacies in scientific publications. One must carefully review the details of a study to discover this. It took me 5 years to find 12 major mistakes over the course of 50 years' worth of publications. That is akin to finding a needle in a haystack. And not just anyone can do that. You must have the expertise to know what you are looking for to "weed" through the hay. A laymen can see patterns, but an expert puts those patterns together and determines how they work. It is worthwhile that laymen call the patterns to attention (seeing that repetitive patterns of disease appear following the "V" or infection. But there are more variables involved. You can't just stop one and some people won't want to. Promiscuous sex? Our culture propagates this. More sex= more exposure to viruses. You've seen with COVID how many people can carry disease without showing symptoms. Do you think that is not the case with sexually transmitted disease? During pregnancy and birth, VLPs and other defective virus particles can be transferred from mother to fetus. We know this as "congenital disease." No causality because no one has ever studied the effects of multiple variables simultaneously: co-infection + stress + diet. PhDs were trained to tease apart variables and deal with one at a time. Only in the past 20-30 years have multivariate investigations been initiated. And they are complex. It is difficult to week out bias. Some of the main problems I have encountered is 1) language barriers between disciplines, 2) bias and conflicts of interest due to the competitive environment in academia, 3) reluctance to challenge historical narratives because of the amount of time/data it would take to review past studies and find those proverbial needles; they too often appear to make sense. I am rambling, I hope I have shared enough valuable insights as to why we are where we are. This situation is complex and requires everyone who has been afflicted to cry out for answers- or be willing to suffer the consequences of inaction.

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“or be willing to suffer the consequences of inaction.”

I didn’t take the Covid injection, even when pushed, and have been perfectly willing to take the consequences.

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What IRB had approved this study?

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