First we need everyone’s name who was affected or injured by the mandates.
Second, those who were given the “V” without their or their parent’s knowledge nor consent.
Last, those that voluntarily took it -because they thought that it was the right thing to do, or they wanted to travel, perhaps a little more freedom was enticing. Smh -Whatever the reason, they sought it out for themselves.
We need to flood the hospitals, the media, the schools, congress, the President if he can still understand the words coming out of our mouths! We are the laughing stalk of the entire world right now! The shit that is going on in the US is absolutely unbelievable and unacceptable. So why are we accepting this treatment. We need to act like our lives depend on us uniting and putting a stop to this ridiculousness but mostly this genocide of healthy people. We got the power and we better use it NOW! We can start with letter’s on behalf of ______________ vax injured. If we can’t save ourselves at this point, then we can save the other’s, especially the children.
They threatened job security and placement of unpaid leave. I was on unpaid leave. Because, I was against it from the start. I should have listened to my inner voice of reason.
Unbelievable amount stress still having to provide for our families. Some of us buckled and gave in, like myself. That decision is my biggest regret in life!
Post jab, most people were fine, but some of us got real sick, some people passed away as well -RIP to the ones that passed on. Don’t let them die in vain. We were and are being gaslit by our employers and our own medical professionals. Tbh, pretty much everyone, including a few so called friends/family.
It’s almost four years later and still nothing is being done to help us.
For God’s sake, I worked at a hospital on the front line and
I am sick with some sh** 🫵🏼🫵 injected me with. I am not the only one going through this hell. I never got Covid working on the front line nor working the Covid testing site. Thirty days after the jab, low and behold, I got Covid.
I got Covid while sitting at home in my room because I was too sick, sore and depressed——>which I now know is “Brain Fog” to go anywhere. Then I worked from home and got Covid again.
A year and a half I worked in the ER, on the Covid floor, and at the testing site and never had a cold, cough, stuffy nose, fever, chills, nothing! I was in great health. I covered other people’s shift all the time. I came in on my days off. Stayed after my shift often. I worked a variable shift. Days, pm’s, and noch, and that’s the thanks I get. They reached out to me in 2020 and said we need you back. I came back full throttle. Now, I am sitting here
put-putting and Smh 🤦🏽♀️.
I just wanted to give you a visual of my life since being poisoned. I didn’t even mention the side effects scare the sh** out of you. Electrical jolts, worst joint pain in life, CFS, hypo/hyper tension, erratic pulse, SOB, bladder problems, bowel changes - big time, kidney problems, it brought me outta menopause- with a vengeance! horrible period and I was 2 years post menopausal. Esophageal problems, when I swallowed anything at all, I felt it slowly going down my back and it hurt and was a slow hurting pain. I had a pain in my left rib that lasted 2weeks. Felt like a clot. I was woosey(dizzy) all the time. Couldn’t think nor comprehend like before. To the point that Dr’s that I was interviewing for gave me a cognitive test after I was transparent by telling them that I was vax injured. And I would fail the tests! Only when I had brain fog. I NEVER FAIL TESTS (sorry) but I don’t! I got a 98% on my MA test and Director’s Honor Roll in school.
It is 4:49 am and I am writing to y’all out there pleading for cooperation. Perhaps the anxiety of not knowing where this is going to go or it’s the soreness from having Rheumatoid Arthritis and sciatica that won’t allow me to sleep. I did my lab work three days post vax all abnormal. RA test 6 x’s higher than normal. EKG showed scarring as well. Now I have a lump on my chest, hope turbo CA isn’t lurking around the corner. I🙏🏽for the best, but I’ve accepted my fate, but for everyone out there- this is my story. I was on every platform trying to let people know and they censored me and people thought that I was crazy and told me to just take the damned thing, and said everyone else is fine. The media lied to us and would not allow us to become informed on the outcomes of the experimental vax.
Well this time, I’m going to be heard.
It’s 5:41 and my butt is hurting from typing this and trying to focus on how to unite us in this.
United we stand, or divided we’ll fall! Good night.
There is power in numbers.
First we need everyone’s name who was affected or injured by the mandates.
Second, those who were given the “V” without their or their parent’s knowledge nor consent.
Last, those that voluntarily took it -because they thought that it was the right thing to do, or they wanted to travel, perhaps a little more freedom was enticing. Smh -Whatever the reason, they sought it out for themselves.
We need to flood the hospitals, the media, the schools, congress, the President if he can still understand the words coming out of our mouths! We are the laughing stalk of the entire world right now! The shit that is going on in the US is absolutely unbelievable and unacceptable. So why are we accepting this treatment. We need to act like our lives depend on us uniting and putting a stop to this ridiculousness but mostly this genocide of healthy people. We got the power and we better use it NOW! We can start with letter’s on behalf of ______________ vax injured. If we can’t save ourselves at this point, then we can save the other’s, especially the children.
They threatened job security and placement of unpaid leave. I was on unpaid leave. Because, I was against it from the start. I should have listened to my inner voice of reason.
Unbelievable amount stress still having to provide for our families. Some of us buckled and gave in, like myself. That decision is my biggest regret in life!
Post jab, most people were fine, but some of us got real sick, some people passed away as well -RIP to the ones that passed on. Don’t let them die in vain. We were and are being gaslit by our employers and our own medical professionals. Tbh, pretty much everyone, including a few so called friends/family.
It’s almost four years later and still nothing is being done to help us.
For God’s sake, I worked at a hospital on the front line and
I am sick with some sh** 🫵🏼🫵 injected me with. I am not the only one going through this hell. I never got Covid working on the front line nor working the Covid testing site. Thirty days after the jab, low and behold, I got Covid.
I got Covid while sitting at home in my room because I was too sick, sore and depressed——>which I now know is “Brain Fog” to go anywhere. Then I worked from home and got Covid again.
A year and a half I worked in the ER, on the Covid floor, and at the testing site and never had a cold, cough, stuffy nose, fever, chills, nothing! I was in great health. I covered other people’s shift all the time. I came in on my days off. Stayed after my shift often. I worked a variable shift. Days, pm’s, and noch, and that’s the thanks I get. They reached out to me in 2020 and said we need you back. I came back full throttle. Now, I am sitting here
put-putting and Smh 🤦🏽♀️.
I just wanted to give you a visual of my life since being poisoned. I didn’t even mention the side effects scare the sh** out of you. Electrical jolts, worst joint pain in life, CFS, hypo/hyper tension, erratic pulse, SOB, bladder problems, bowel changes - big time, kidney problems, it brought me outta menopause- with a vengeance! horrible period and I was 2 years post menopausal. Esophageal problems, when I swallowed anything at all, I felt it slowly going down my back and it hurt and was a slow hurting pain. I had a pain in my left rib that lasted 2weeks. Felt like a clot. I was woosey(dizzy) all the time. Couldn’t think nor comprehend like before. To the point that Dr’s that I was interviewing for gave me a cognitive test after I was transparent by telling them that I was vax injured. And I would fail the tests! Only when I had brain fog. I NEVER FAIL TESTS (sorry) but I don’t! I got a 98% on my MA test and Director’s Honor Roll in school.
It is 4:49 am and I am writing to y’all out there pleading for cooperation. Perhaps the anxiety of not knowing where this is going to go or it’s the soreness from having Rheumatoid Arthritis and sciatica that won’t allow me to sleep. I did my lab work three days post vax all abnormal. RA test 6 x’s higher than normal. EKG showed scarring as well. Now I have a lump on my chest, hope turbo CA isn’t lurking around the corner. I🙏🏽for the best, but I’ve accepted my fate, but for everyone out there- this is my story. I was on every platform trying to let people know and they censored me and people thought that I was crazy and told me to just take the damned thing, and said everyone else is fine. The media lied to us and would not allow us to become informed on the outcomes of the experimental vax.
Well this time, I’m going to be heard.
It’s 5:41 and my butt is hurting from typing this and trying to focus on how to unite us in this.
United we stand, or divided we’ll fall! Good night.