Hard to believe how very effective it is as a general policy. A student once stole my pencils in sight of the whole class. We all him do it too. He was caught red handed. The pencils were hidden in his desk. But he still denied it. After a while, half the class believed him and I let the matter go before they all did. Seems that most believe the truth is what their boss says it is.
Hard to believe how very effective it is as a general policy. A student once stole my pencils in sight of the whole class. We all him do it too. He was caught red handed. The pencils were hidden in his desk. But he still denied it. After a while, half the class believed him and I let the matter go before they all did. Seems that most believe the truth is what their boss says it is.
Hard to believe how very effective it is as a general policy. A student once stole my pencils in sight of the whole class. We all him do it too. He was caught red handed. The pencils were hidden in his desk. But he still denied it. After a while, half the class believed him and I let the matter go before they all did. Seems that most believe the truth is what their boss says it is.