Here’s the story of Katy Perry’s eye.
Here’s the video… 16.4M views.
First off, let’s eliminate the obvious.
Katy Perry has a “wonk” eye, but it is her left eye. She admits this in this video from 2011. Now how can we be sure the video wasn’t mirrored and it’s really her right eye? We can ascertain this because the candy bar she shows at 00:35 into the video is correctly displayed so we can read the writing. So the video isn’t mirrored. It’s her left eye.
The other suggested possibility is that the glue stuck on her eyelash. However, we can eliminate that option because you don’t unstick an eyelash by pressing on your forehead. It doesn’t work that way.
It isn’t botox either. If it was botox, she wouldn’t be able to open the eye.
So there is something very wrong here.
My vaccine injured friends would bet the farm that it’s a vaccine injury.
If it was the vaccine, she wouldn’t be able to admit it.
The fact that she has said nothing about this on her Twitter feed is also very suspicious. Everyone is talking about this. So it means there isn’t an explanation for this incident that she is allowed to share with the public that the public will believe (that is consistent with what we all observed).
So I’m guessing a COVID vaccine side effect.
Newsweek fact check disagrees.
What is your guess?
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It’s the Eye of the Pfizer!
Great line of reasoning. My comments are not meant in any way to assail it. However, I have a much easier method of determining which are and are not vax injuries. I simply apply the same criteria for assigning death to Covid. As anyone who died with Covid was counted as a covid death, anyone who experiences any unusual health episode is a vax injury if they have been vaxxed. They can not have it both ways, we must compel them to use the same scale for both.