Please write more about this so I can respond better to pro-vaccine pet owners. El-Gato Malo is pro-vaccine last I checked- Disappointingly so

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I'm a bit late to this but have had a recent experience others may find reassuring. Adopted a dog from another vaccine free family. Dog probably had puppy shots with breeders before coming to this family, but unsure. Possibly she could be entirely vaccine free. She is 7. I started volunteering with her as a therapy dog. Therapy organisation says she must be vaccinated or have adequate titres. I opted for titre test obviously. X2 vets insisted she won't have adequate titres "because unvaccinated dogs can't have antibodies" (they actually said this).

And "but rather than pay for an anitobidy test, why don't I just vaccinate get now so we can tick the form?" I assured them it's not about money, please do the test.

Lo and behold her titre results were OFF THE CHARTS. Super strong immunity. Has not being vaccinated in minimum 5-6 years, possibly never. 😊

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Can anybody recommend a holistic vet in the South Jersey/Philadelphia area? Everybody is so vaccination crazy around here. It's very disappointing. We need to move!!

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We raised labrador retrievers owned not by us but by service dog agencies; two died of cancer, one at age 7 and at 13 years. Each had a large tumor on its hind quarters. Two different vets in states 800 miles apart observed the hamburger sized tumor and commented, 'that's the spot where we usually give the vaccinations'.

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Last summer, my 13 year old dachshund died 24 hours after a bortadella booster. I asked the vet if he thought there was a correlation and he said no without giving it any thought. I am sure it was the vaccine and I have lost all respect for veterinarians and Doctors who refuse to take their patient’s concerns seriously. Not only are our pets over vaccinated (just like our kids), but they are also subject to the very harsh flea and tick preventatives, as well.

I grew up on several acres and had all kinds of pets. The only shot any of them got was a rabies vaccine and they all lived long lives and were healthy. Never heard of leptospirosis until a few years ago and I’m asking myself where that virus was back in the 70’s and 80’s? Why is it a thing all of a sudden? I have no trust in big pharma at all…

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And then there’s the law and the risk of euthanasia if it is discovered your cat is not vaccinated. The whole scheme parallels the CDC and human vaccines.

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I am so sorry that happened. We really need to change these state regulations.

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Our precious beloved beautiful cat died within 30 mins of his yearly vaccine shots last march. His lungs filled with water, he could not breathe and suffocated before the vet even realized what was going on (they were emergency-treating him for allergic reaction). He was only 4 years old. He was beautiful, healthy and happy cat.

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Quick update for those who live in states that require a rabies shot and don’t want to risk having their pet euthanized. There is some discussion around the possibility that PureVax for cats is safer in the annual/1 -year shot than in the 3-year shot. In my case, I found a holistic vet that offers it and works with my current vet so I don’t have to completely switch. A few states are beginning to act on information from 2016 that should your cat be overdue for a booster and is bitten by a bat, etc., giving a booster then is effective. This info can be used to push for changes in state laws. https://news.vin.com/default.aspx?pid=210&Id=6833910&useobjecttypeid=10&fromVINNEWSASPX=1

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I’m married to a vet and let’s just say after 20 some dogs in 40 years I don’t vaccinate . The injuries like people vaccines are huge!!

Initial core vaccines for animals in social settings such as daycare, hunting dogs kenneled dogs , sure. Vaccinations every year for diseases they will never get! Leptospirosis, Lyme… these vaccines have a huge reaction probability. Rabies in areas like Africa and India where wild dogs roam the streets, definitely! A rabies vaccine typically lasts a lifetime and still they want to inject your dog every 1-3 years. Look up adverse reactions to rabies!! Do your homework.

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My puppy is 17 weeks old. His first core vaccines we gave him were just Distemper and Parvo. I'm nervous to give him the third round with the Flu and Hepatitis. I know he doesn't need the Flu in there. He is a little Havanese. My breeder offered to give us the final round with just the two.. but also said it would be good to have a rapport with a local vet. Does your husband have an opinion on this one? I'm glad to hear you say sure to the core vaccines. I plan on testing him with the titers moving forward.. and not being boosted annually. Thank you!!

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Find a good holistic / homeopathic veterinarian. Follow Dr Judy Morgan on Facebook and look at her vaccination protocol. My opinion, not my husbands would be to pass on the flu and hepatitis. Again, that is my opinion.

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Thanks for your opinion! This is the conclusion I came to, too.. so this makes me feel even better about my decision. I'm wondering if he even needs this third round.. but we'll do it and be done with the "core" round. I have gone back and forth on the hepatitis but really.. he doesn't go to a doggie day care or dog park or anything like that. Thanks again!

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I’m so torn! I have an eight week old golden retriever puppy that I’m scared to vaccinate and two multipoos who are three years behind in their vaccinations. Do puppies need vaccines?

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I am in the same boat with my 17 week old Havanese. Our breeder gave him just the Parvo and Distemper for his first round. I made the mistake of asking her about Hepatitis and she responded with we could go to a local vet.. and should, etc. I want to go back to her for that third round and then be done. It makes me so nervous, too!!!

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Hate the idea of vaxing our new pup. Had a majestic male Dobie and was recommended to put tick treatment the full length of his spine before heading to a cabin in the woods. He died 2 weeks later. Trouble is we can’t use doggie day care if they aren’t all shot up. 😡

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Horrible. :( So sad.

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My friend just lost her dog a few weeks ago, about a week after he was vaccinated. He began to swell and could barely walk...he was fine prior, even as a 10yo dog. Doctor dx him with Cushings. Out of no where. Two weeks later...he had only gotten worse. She could stand to see him suffer while his organs were shutting down. They had to put him down.

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I've read many of the comments on this post, and largely agree with many of the sentiments, but after the harrowing week we've had I NEED to say this....

IF YOU HAVE CATS, PLEASE AT THE VERY LEAST GET THE RABIES PUREVAX FOR THEM. We just experienced one of the scariest few days after I found a bat in the house. Although I scooped up my 4 month old kittens as soon as I found it and was 95% sure they had not interacted with the bat, we couldn't be 100% certain. My precious baby cats were as of yet unvaxxed for rabies and if exposed it could've been devastating for them and even for us. You cannot protect them after the fact; rabies is basically a death sentence. Please let that sink in, and don't think it can't happen to indoor pets!

We had never before had a bat in the house and don't know how it got in, but we captured it and sent it to the State for testing. Four days later, we learned it was negative, thankfully, and the while the majority of bats ARE negative, this is not the kind of stress I would ever wish on someone.

My kitty babes are now protected. The Purevax is a newer recombinant vax that is non-adjuvanted and now comes in 1 and 3-year options. To avoid overvaxxing, as many have mentioned, titer testing could be an option afterwards. Here is a very good article I found:


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Less expensive titer testing, see article.

Should You Vaccinate Your Pet Every Year?

Analysis by Dr. Karen Shaw Becker

June 26, 2022

Excerpt: Often times, pet owners who want to find out if their dog or cat has been adequately immunized prior to automatically re-vaccinating get pushback from veterinarians, including being told titers will cost up to 10 times as much as a vaccine. Thankfully, UW-Madison and The Healthy Dog Workshop are two of many institutions offering affordable titer testing these days.


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Quite a few commenters have mentioned getting antibody titers checked to see if a booster is needed.

I would like someone knowledgeable to comment on this. It's been admitted by the CDC that antibody levels do not indicate resistance to infection or transmission of Covid.

There are so many good people writing on substack these days, it seems probable that someone has covered the subject of antibody levels as a useful indicator of anything. Please reply with links if you've seen something helpful.

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My problem with the CDC mentioning antibody levels are no indication to infection resistance is what motive do they have to make such an assertion? Is that reliable? And what is their vested interests in the vaccines? I’ve had healthier pets over all since I stopped pumping them full of the yearly group vaccines.

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