FDA 1984 - "any possible doubts, whether or not well founded, about the safety of the vaccine cannot be allowed to exist" Federal Register / Vol. 49, No. 107 / Friday, June 1, 1984 / Rules and Regulations (page 255) so it begins

I read up a bit about the polio vaccines as I was one of those who got the first shots and oral vaccines. I read pages 252-255 in the Federal Register

"FDA has concluded that it is in the best interest of the public health to amend § 630.11 to eliminate the unnecessary requirement that the vaccine used in clinical trials show satisfactory Results in all tests applicable to lots used in clinical trials, and thus avert any possible loss of confidence in the polio immunization program."

Shown from page 252 -255 is the fda intent to control Information release to the public. Rules must be eliminated, No rules = no lawsuits when rules are broken. In 1984 the FDA set about that process, beginning with polio vaccines, to remove requirements in the rules, for certain "safety and effectiveness" standards over which they had been sued in 1962 with the eye to, moving forward, eliminate as much as possible lawsuits over future vaccines and drug approvals when these products are shown to have failed such standards involving safety and effectiveness as well as lowering standards for initial approvals of new drugs and vaccines based on foreign trials. No rules = no lawsuits when rules are broken = no information release to the public. 1984

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It’s clear that the vaccine industry has been a moneymaker scam from the beginning!!

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Off topic but I just read that the French government in November 2019 recommended that Hydroxychloroquine, which had been available over the counter ( no prescription required) for 50 years, be restricted to prescrition only and this was passed into law in January 2020. Wonderful if we could find other countries which suddenly change policy on HCQ at or near the Event 201 date.

For those interested NIH Virology Journal, August 2005 names HCQ as " a potent inhibitor of Corona viruses". You can still see the research at Virology journal ( a Fauci publlication)

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I no longer believe anything my governemnt tells me

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Polly-O, the disease and the cheeze--manmade auto-immune "disorder" (mess o' symptoms) with a side of DDT or GMOs (for the cheeze). The polio vaxx in all its incarnations is just injectable harm (to give you the manmade auto-immune disorder if your chemically altered environment doesn't).... is far more dangerous than the lousy cheese...but neither are what they say they are... PLUS there is monkey virus cancer (cherry on top). I'll say it 'til they forcibly remove my tin foil hat (they wanna fer sure)

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Steve, Im always impressed with your determined ability to questions EVERYTHING. Including that other vaccines were "safe and effective" I assume youve read about the Cutter Incident as well as the truth about Polio and the vaccines "curing" it. KEEP ON questioning. THankyou from a parent of vaccine injured kids. I found out in a letter my mother wrote in 1965, that. I had a SIGNIFICANT reaction to the smallpox shot! I got SEVERE exczema, Had SEVERE behavioral problems, was sEVERELY consitpated and had GI damage ALL my life, and I didnt speak until age 4. IQ of 150 , so thankfully I wasnt completely destroyed. Thijs is clear vaccine damage and NOBODY knew.

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"This is clear vaccine damage and NOBODY knew."

And many people, including the vaccine 'experts'/scientists, STILL don't know i.e. don't <don't want to?> realize the massive damage, besides 'dropped dead 3 days after the "Covid" sh*tshot', done to the human CNS with ALL vaccines. They either don't know or they know but are afraid to speak up now b/c they pushed ALL vaccines, since forever?

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"...maybe only lies are censored?"

If I'm reading your comment correctly, you are suggesting that only "lies" are censured, but that criticism is allowed. Is that what you are saying?

Thanks for sharing the Blaylock article, I've not had a chance yet to read the whole thing but after a quick scan, I think I understand he is criticizing the "Covid" response including false narrative, suppression, and the censorship.

Are you sharing the link to prove that "only lies are censored?" I would say that both truths and lies have been both censored and also sponsored by "government." I'd also say that if Blaylock continues his criticism of the mrna gene therapy he will soon find himself characterized "antivaxer" and "conspiracy theorist" on all government censored media outlets.

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I daresay others have commented but I note 1984. George Orwell mentioned this date somewhere...

And they really wrote this in the register?? Unbelievable! Many thanks for the reference anyway.

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Oops, i meant to tick 'yes its just a matter of time'

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Unless some miracle happens, our government is rapidly becoming integrated into a global tyranny that aims to enslave all of us.

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Homeland Security already declared that anyone questioning vaccine safety is a domestic terrorist through their self-created "department of misinformation" and so they are using the police state to censor. Even if they back-tracked just before the election they are going to go back to where they were and worse now.

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Antedote for thought, america outloud podcaster nurse Michele said yesterday, that a busload of college age kids all got kovid, prevxsin in 2020. Only two of these kids on the bus did not get kovid, they were both not vexsinated. This observation suggests that all of our immunsystems have been compromised by our childhood in jextions and bodies have been down graded by our handlers for a long time. I think the risk of unvx is now worthy of trying if allowed to.

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no vaccines are "safe" or effective. the public has been conned by big pharma for too long. its impossible to make a one size fits all vaccine.

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Very true. But theoretically possible to make a one size fecks all I believe if poisonous enough.

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Interesting date -> 1984.

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Very useful thanks.

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Jan 8, 2023
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Oh, I don't know. Maybe because there is still some remnant of free speech and independent thought that hasn't yet been expunged from every cranny. But I'm sure your ideal will soon be realized.

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This is already the case in California.

State senator Scott Wiener and other pseudo-vaccine enforcers "beyond-wisdom", have had a bill enacted. This law exposes doctors who would raise issue about the safety of these experimental products to a disciplinary hearing. This is another way to silence doctors and patients alike. The like is being done in France, with Medical boards acting as "vaccine inquisition" against French doctors.

In this warfare of misinformation led by Big Pharma and its political/media henchmen, we need to keep informing the public, so dogma, greed and fanaticism will not prevail.

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"Nobody expects the vaccine inquisition, our weapons are fear, surprise, a ruthless efficiency and a total devotion to the pope!"

'vaccination' is an anagram of 'Icon Vatican'. All roads lead to Rome.


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Jan 8, 2023
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Many thanks for the link. I wonder if anyone else has actually checked it. It is very good although there are a few things which I note which are debatable.

For example the variants are all made up which is why they have been getting more and more ridiculous.

And certainly all vaccines ever were and are completely pointless at best so natural immunity is not just far superior but the only way.

However, that is somewhat misleading as it should read immunity is the only way, i.e. building up each individuals immune system as we are not a herd.


Thank you again.

P.S. As the narrative is being controlled things are released or become more evident which answers "Why does the GOVERNMENT allow criticism on its own websites?" Who really controls the government is another matter.

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Why do you only have one brain cell as you can only cut and paste?

Wow. I've seen your screeching post so many times already.

The government is allowed to do things that the average citizen would be in jail for, but because they control the DOJ they aren't prosecuted for it.

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